The Spiritual Training to Overcome All Things to Save the World (Philippians 4:13)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Spiritual Training to Overcome All Things to Save the World (Philippians 4:13)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

But Paul says, “I have learned the ability to overcome all these things in power.” What do you think that is? It is within the Word of Christ.

We will share the word of God from Philippians 4, the confession Paul made while in Prison.  Paul was imprisoned while proclaiming the gospel. Is that possible? Yes, it’s possible, the thought of, “Can something like this possibly happen?” may be too optimistic.  Are there any of you who think, “Can God really be like this? Don’t you think he’s not answering me for  too long? God, can You really take it this far?” Then it’s not God Who must change; you must change yourself, and if you change yourself, you will see God’s plan.  As long as you don’t change yourself, no matter how much you pray, you cannot see God’s plan.

Today, Paul says, “I rejoice greatly in the Lord.” For what does Paul have to rejoice about? He’s in prison, but there is something for him to rejoice about.  God put Paul in prison during the greatest time schedule of God, because there was something God had to do within this time.  “I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last, you renewed your concern for me.  Indeed you were concerned but you had no opportunity to show it.” Paul proclaimed the gospel in Philippi and raised up this church, and he heard about the conflicts taking place within the church.  As Paul went around on missions trips, the church of Philippi actually supported him greatly.

But Paul says, “I’m not saying this because I’m in need, but I have learned to be content in any circumstances,” this is something he learned while living his walk of faith through Christ.  After receiving the gospel up to this point, he learned how to be content in all circumstances through the Lord.  Even in the military, there are special forces.

These people are trained so that they will fulfill their mission  no matter what circumstance In the sea, in the sky, and on earth, they are able to fulfill their mission no matter what circumstances they are in so they are quite special.  

Paul says, “No matter what the circumstances, I have learned to be content,” he’s saying there’s nothing to complain or grumble about.  What does it mean to be content?  It means that I have learned plentifully until now how God is with me and what God is doing wherever I am, and this is a believer with strength and mature faith, and if you do not have that, you become a believer who complains, have disbelief and excuses, why is that? Because they have not learned this in Christ yet. Even if we go to a church for a long time if we do not learn this we can turn out like that. 

No matter what circumstances, no matter what incident comes your way, no matter who says what you will learn to be content in all things. They do not teach you this in the world, what does the world tell you? “You have to gain strength” that’s what the world teaches you. What is all of these things like Transcendental mediation? They are telling you to gain strength. You have to gain the strength to overcome your scars. And no matter how much you try, it will not take place. Because whatever you are doing from yourself, it comes from Genesis 3. However, the words are controlling America, and even as people go to church, they are seduced by those words and they leave. There is no answer, you have to quickly receive the answer to life. You have to receive quickly that there is no answer within yourself. You have to reach the conclusion quickly that no matter what you try and what you know there is no answer from yourself. But the world seduces with words like, “Work diligently” “Become successful” people that do not have the answer will be sucked into that. 

There is no answer within yourself. What does it mean by, “within yourself? Within my motives and my goals, we live our walk of faith as we try to succeed, but all of that does not have any answers. Then instead of being content in all circumstances, you have no choice but to be resentful in all circumstances. “Look at everything I’ve done” “Look at how I lived my life” “Look at how much I studied” “Look at how much money I saved” you’re going to be stuck in resentment and grumbling and you’re going to drink alcohol and die. Why alcohol? Because that’s what people do as they have nothing else to do in their lives. They can’t even kill people, they can’t do anything about the world, so they have no choice but to self-medicate. That’s how they spend their lives. 

Why is that? It’s because they live within themselves. Genesis 3 says that, “Within yourself you can become like God.” Paul was the complete opposite of that. In verse 12 it says, “I’ve continued to learn, I know what it is to be in need, I know what it is to have plenty, I know what it is to learn the secret of being content in all circumstances, whether wealth, or at hunger, whether being plenty or unwanted.” 

Are you stuck in these circumstances? I hope you will learn how to be content within Chris. Are people saying things about you? May you learn how to be content within Christ. They cannot teach you that in the world. You have to learn this anew within Christ. You must have to have that knowledge of how to be content. That person is okay no matter where they go. They are the spiritual special forces.

I heard that in America the strongest forces are the navy seals. They have the green barrettes, and a lot of different things. But the reason that they are so renowned is because they are trained how to survive and fulfill their mission in any circumstances. We don’t know what’s going to happen. We might lose all communication with others, and we might lose supplies, we might even be captured by the enemy. But Paul learned to be content no matter what circumstances. “I have learned to be content in all circumstances to fulfill my mission no matter where I am.” Do you think he learned that by staying still? God taught him this by giving him a lot of different circumstances and incidents. 

The harder they train you in the military is because they have a harder mission to give you. When I first joined the military, they made me walk and wake up early in the morning. And there’s always one person who dies in each class. And I looked at other people but people don’t die but my class, somebody dies. There was a person above me who died and there was a person in my class that died. So typically, every other year somebody died, but in my class nobody was supposed to die but somebody in my class died. 

We were walking through the wilderness and I had this thing in my foot, and it was so swollen that it disappeared by itself. There was a splinter or something that was stuck in my foot and it would hurt every time I walked. And it hurt so much for me to walk. But it was so swollen that it fell out on its own. And we had to look at the map and find our destination. If we can’t find the place then we have to keep looking for it or you won’t be able to sleep. Then if you are able to find your destination you set up a little tent and you’re able to sleep a little bit. And the place is so cold so whenever it rains a little bit everything is frozen, and we’re walking in the mountains and there’s fog and mist in the mornings. And all of the skin on the back of my feet were starting to peel off because we would always get wet, and then dry, and then wet, and then dry. 

That includes the physical training but also our mental training because it allows us to overcome our limitations. Then no matter what circumstance you face you are able to overcome everything. But is that the only training we received? We were continuously receiving training. Paul is the same, even the people who are good at studying must learn to overcome any problems they face. And people who are athletic, they are able to endure no matter what competition they face. It’s the same in business and no matter what area you’re in. It’s the same with the things of the world too.

But the things of the spiritual world are more. No matter what circumstance you face it doesn’t matter. It’s not that it doesn’t really matter, but you learn about how to make it not matter. Then, imagine how much of a severe situation God put Paul in.  But there are very weak people who complain, “Why did God put me in this situation?” then God won’t be able to use those people in a strong way. Just as Rev. Ryu said, they will be used in the administrative offices in the army. Unfortunately, that’s their limitation.  

However, God allowed Paul to remain within this extremely difficult situation so he will learn something, and while he was proclaiming the gospel, God sent him into prison.  Paul is saying, “I have learned the ability to be content no matter the situation. This doesn’t come from mental strength, but it comes from within Christ.

Philippians 4:13, “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” This is what he learned. What does it mean to be within the One who gives you strength? It is not within yourself, your goal, or your motives; you are within the goal and motive of Christ. “Within this, I have endured and learned all things.”  Being within prison was not a problem, but because he was within the will and plan of Christ, he was able to see what God was doing even in the prison.

“I can do all things.” If you look from a military perspective, Paul is at the highest level of the special forces.  This is how God has trained him.  It’s the same thing.  The bigger your vessel, the greater your mission, and God will thoroughly train you. If God will use you haphazardly, there’s no reason to train you like this.  For people who are just going to be in the administrative offices and work at their businesses, they don’t need military training; they are just tapping away at their computers.

God doesn’t give them this kind of training, but because Paul had to go into the area where nobody else was and had to raise the churches there and to do the gospel movement to save the world, God allowed him to experience all different extremes so that he could be raised up as a person who is content no matter what circumstance he faces.  That is how the regional evangelization and the church is going to be raised.

Imagine how much Satan attacks, then! But Paul says, “I have learned the ability to overcome all these things in power.” What do you think that is? It is within the Word of Christ.  What does the Word of God say?  No matter what situation you’re in, the Word of God will come upon you.  It is not something you know with your brain, but you realistically confirm it in all areas of your life and walk this path. That’s what’s important.

Who cares if you’ve read the Bible a hundred times? If you’re thrown into a situation, you become disoriented.  Who cares how many times you’ve transcribed the Bible? You won’t be able to orient yourself when thrown into battle.  Paul received the training to be able to realistically adapt.  Then, you can dismiss most things.  Even if you’ve received thorough military training, you can endure most things. There are a lot of things that happen, but because you’ve endured such intense training, you’re able to overcome and dismiss most things.

The spiritual things are the same, within Christ, within the God-given Word; not my thoughts, but His Word. What is God saying about this? What is God’s Word saying about this circumstance? Because the Triune God is working with the Word even now.  Even when you’re alone, God is giving you His Word. Even when unfair things happen, God is giving you His Word.  “I have learned to be content in all things like this,” then you will be used greatly; that’s how the remnants will be used greatly.

The prayer that doesn’t hold onto my thoughts and plans, but the Word and plans of God.  This is what Paul learned, the prayer that seeks God’s will in all circumstances.  It’s easy to say that, but when you realistically face such a situation, those prayers don’t come out because you’re not trained that way. Immediately, you start calculating, what will be to your benefit or loss, and what will be the best way to move. You don’t realistically pray to find God’s will, but this is what Paul learned.

In all things, through the Word of God, and prayer.  “Oh, but I do have the Word of God and pray,” but not that word and not that prayer; it’s the word God gives you, the Word God gives to your field, the Word God gives you on Sunday. Who cares if you receive it? You have to apply it, but because you don’t apply the Word of God, you’re not able to be content in all circumstances.

“It’s hard to apply the Word from Sunday,” then pray in the field, “God, give me Your Word here, what is Your plan here?” Then in all kinds of circumstances and instances, you must be able to survive with the Word of God and prayer.  Then, you’ll do the missions and evangelism to save people there.  Why? Because God is giving you the mission and God allows the circumstance to happen to fulfill that mission.  This is how Paul was trained.

In the past, before Paul met the Lord, he did things with his own strength, but after he met the Lord, this is how he was trained.  God has allowed your circumstances, you may think it’s unfair, but that’s your own thoughts.  God is controlling all the time schedule and His plans.  The believers who acknowledge that are the believers the world cannot handle, because Satan who controls the authority of the earth will attack a person like in Matthew 4.  

First, he will attack you with things you eat, with money, but the Lord overcame that with the Word.  Then he will attack your pride and glory, “Do you know who I am?” He will attack you, but the Lord overcame with the Word of God.  Then, he gives you all these dreams full of hot air, “If you bow down to me, I will give you all the world, success,” and he steals your worship. “I’m so busy with work, let me do a little bit more,” but as you live like that, you’re destroyed.  Only worship God.

Without a doubt, Satan will attack you in the field with these three points.  Even if you know this with your brain, if you haven’t learned to be content in all circumstances, you cannot overcome when you realistically go into the field.  That’s why you must practice this and have assurance.  The reason why we repeat the same things over again is so you may have this training with assurance.  

I’m talking a lot about the army today. If you go into the army, there’s a practice of putting bayonets on the guns, because if we run out of bullets, we have to be able to fight against the opponents, so they keep making us practice that; we run the same drills over and over again. When they feel really malevolent, they make you fight with pens.  “Hold this pen and fight with it,” and there’s a silly dance-like movement. Why do they repeat these things?  They train you until you’re able to move with muscle memory in the moment you’ve lost all your bullets, fighting hand-to-hand combat with the enemy. This is why we continuously train with this word until it becomes your nature, until it pops out as your instinct in the field, until the point where Satan digs a trap for you but you don’t fall into it.

Everyone has snares in the field. If you get trapped in a snare, you cannot escape, and your leg will be caught and you will struggle. That’s a mental problem; you’re seized by it.  It’s the way to be content in all circumstances and to overcome. Even in hand-to-hand combat, you have to escape if you’re seized. Is it enough to listen to the messages and saying, “Okay”? “When this happens, I’ll do this; when that happens, I’ll do that”?

You’ve received a lot of training and you’re receiving training now.  Remnants, you are in the middle of training. Whatever you want to do, don’t do it, because God will fulfill it according to His time schedule.  Even if God doesn’t do it, what is there to be so disappointed about?  The Bible promises you that it will be fulfilled; learn to be content in all circumstances.  These are the believers America needs.

We don’t need believers who do a lot of Bible studies and flap their mouths a lot.  We don’t need believers who know every part of the Bible.  We need to know the Christ Who allows us to enjoy contentment in Christ in all circumstances, through the Word, unshaken.  It is not about memorizing the Word; it is the Word God is giving you in the field. You are learning the Word God is giving to you every week and fulfilling in the field.

I asked my daughter, “What was the message the pastor gave you last week?” A lot of things happened to her, so I asked, “What was the Word God gave to you on Sunday? You have to solve this with that Word.” What else could I give her?  “The Word God gave you, hold onto it and think about what you’ve endured until it takes place.” You train her in this.  It’s not some incredible training; it’s the Word God has already given you. It is the training to allow her to survive anywhere, even if I’m not there, with the Word of God, prayer, and evangelism. Then, just like Joseph, things will change wherever she goes.

Joseph didn’t have strength; David didn’t have any power. What strength could they have? “You have to prepare and gain strength for yourself”? That’s something else.  But within the covenant of Christ, in Genesis 41:38 it says, “Whom can we find who is filled with the spirit of God like this?” Because in all circumstances, the Word of the Lord came upon him and the power of prayer to the Lord came upon him; it didn’t matter if he was a slave or in prison.

You know this when you listen to the message, but when you actually face a circumstance, you’re grumbling and complaining, “Oh, it’s because of this person.  If this didn’t happen in my life, my life wouldn’t be like this.” The Bible doesn’t have words like that; these are things you say because you don’t know God.  God has allowed these circumstances, God has allowed you to meet these people. Why would you say things like, “If only this hadn’t happened!” Do you think God is dead or made a mistake?

You may say that because you wish it didn’t happen, but God allowed it, so you have to have the faith that believes in this, you need to have the faith that acknowledges God’s absolute sovereignty, because the one who is able to accept God’s absolute sovereignty is the one with a great vessel.  The one who is able to survive all circumstances with the Word of God, that is why Jesus Christ is the solution to all problems, because He has finished everything and He will continue to finish everything.

What does it mean that it is finished?  If you are within Christ, then you will continuously be victorious with the Word of God and prayer. It doesn’t mean He has finished everything so do whatever you want, but the absolute sovereignty and ultimate condition of everything being finished is that you’re within Christ, so everything is finished.

Some people will misunderstand and say, “You say it’s finished, so why do I still have problems?” It is finished but you are not finished yet.  The Lord has already finished it, but you don’t know that it’s finished because you’re trying to live the life you want; there’s a life you want to live, you keep saying things are a problem because God isn’t giving you something, and the devil delights in that. You keep running to the Lord with your own image of your life within your heart. Letting go of that is what it means to not be within yourself but within Christ.

For people like that, they will be okay in all circumstances because there is nothing that belongs to me, there’s no loss I can incur.  Why do you fight with money?  We have to have it, we have to fight with our competitor because we can’t be at a loss. It means we have our own plans, so we live according to our own skill, so imagine how good it is for such a person to be deceived by Satan? These people don’t like listening to words about Satan because their own identity is being revealed.  

Because Paul is in prison, Paul is able to give his innermost confession. When all of these works were taking place, God gave Paul the message to go to Rome. When the person is in greatest difficulty, God’s message truly comes out. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. I have learned to be content in all circumstances. Then nobody can stop them. No matter what the devil puts in their way, they will overcome. The spiritual special forces. We call that the Remnant, the disciples, the sojourners, the scattered ones, the ones who remain no matter where they are thrown. That is the blessing God has given you in Christ. This must be restored. 

Look at Simon Peter. Even as he was following Jesus Christ, he was vying for his position; he was in competition with John. That’s why even until the very end, he says, “What about John? If I die this way, what’s going to happen to him?” Jesus Christ says, “What is that to you? You just follow your mission.” That is what he’s saying right now. What do the things that other people do matter? It has nothing to do with your life, because your life is about following me and the mission I am giving you. The Holy Spirit came upon Him, which means that after he has let go of himself and filled with the spirit of Christ.

Wake up in the early morning. For the people who are far away from church, do it from your homes. For those who are close by, come to church and have a time of prayer with God. Because God is with us very personally. Do everything as you’re conversing with God. Don’t just talk at him in one direction, but give and take and have conversation with him as if you’re conversing. Try it. See what happens. 

The One who has overcome the world is with me in all things, so of course you have to learn to be content. All you have to do is shatter everything you’re expecting. You just have to shatter all of your thoughts. You’re drawing these unnecessary, useless images because you hold onto these things. And Paul is saying it doesn’t matter if I fail or succeed, I learned to be content in all circumstances. You guys are holding onto something else because you’re trying not to fail. But even God is the one who allows you to fail. And God allows you to succeed. Because it is through that God wants to fulfill the mission He has given you.

You’ve seen a lot of movies, right? Sometimes, the Special Forces are secluded without any weapons. They purposely don’t send them weapons. The Headquarter doesn’t send the Special Forces any weapons because they just want them to die there. It’s possible that this might happen, but then later on, the Special Forces survive and come back. And they say, who’s the one who made this plan? But there’s never a time God said this. We as soldiers are going according to the mission and Word we have been given. It is not a personal self. If anything, we’re sorry. That is the power we’ve been talking about. There is no such thing as through this, I’m going to. That was like Paul. No matter what, fulfilling the mission of the Lord is the goal of my life. And that is all the Lord has done. That is why even today, we are reading about the letters of Paul and learning from him.

Let go of everything you have and your heavy burdens. Those things cannot be fulfilled within the Lord. There’s something greater awaiting you. World Evangelization. The 5000 unreached people groups. The Lord who is able to fulfill that is with us. And the reason God gave us the blessing of the economy is for temple reconstruction. We had no economic blessings before, but now God has no choice but to give them to us because he gave us the covenant of world evangelization and we can do it through him who gives us the strength. He tells us to save the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups so there is the strength to do that. 

There are so many prayer topics. God, give me the economy of light that allows me to do temple reconstruction. God, give me the blessing to do the missions for the 237 nations. In other words, you’re asking God to give you power. I can do all things through Him who gives me strength. Within the one who gives the Word of God. And it’s such a great blessing it’s gone all the way to the 5000 unreached people groups. These are places planes don’t even go. Wow, I have the blessing and the strength to save these places. You pray for that. How will God work? We have to wait and see. This is content in all circumstances. 

The incredible blessings are coming upon us but we don’t even recognize them. We keep on asking, God why don’t you give me money, and we use terms like God, why aren’t you giving me the economy of light? Does God not know whether he should give it to you or not? Everything belongs to God; why do you think God is holding out? God works according to God’s time schedule. Even if he does not, it doesn’t matter. That is the faith we need to have. Then we have complete freedom from that. 

It’s the same for the remnants. That is how you’ll do American evangelization. That is how America will learn what the church really is. The church has become not a church. It’s become centered on prosperity, unhealthy mysticism, legalism if they hold firmly onto the word. That’s why they are unable to overcome the spiritual influences of the world. Members of the church are not able to conquer their fields. They’re always sick and complain and whine at the church, and go back to their fields again. I’m not saying that is bad, but the blessing to overcome the field is in the field. But we don’t know that strength and blessing, so we’re deceived and come back crawling to the church. 

Instead, when we come back to the church, we should come back with answers. Going out to the field is like homework for us. Of course there are some people who get beaten up in the world so they come to church to receive restoration, but that shouldn’t continue. If you keep getting beaten up by the world, you’re going to die one day. It may be like that, but it isn’t the standard. We need to fight a classy fight in the field, receive the answers, and establish the word of God, and then come back. Otherwise it’s a battle. What kind of soldiers worry about money? About personal affairs?

There’s a lot of remnants who went into the army. They went to the US army, I don’t know why they went in. Maybe it’s because the army provides fundamental needs like clothes, housing, schooling, citizenship. Why? Because they are fighting for the nation so of course they have to provide those things. So if you’re fighting for the Lord, God provides you everything that you will need, but why are we worrying about unnecessary things? What is there to be unfair about? You have all of these blessings but you’re losing hold of them by yourself.

Just like Apostle Paul said, you have to be in the One who gives you strength. We are weak and we have no choice but to be so. Then again you go to God. We just put our face down and we go back to God, and we say “We did it again” nobody can judge me, I blow up everyday, it’s okay I go back to the Lord. I cannot let go of my stubborn motives, it’s okay I go back to the Lord because I can’t do it with my own strength. The one who has continuation is the one who wins, the one who does well cannot win. The Bible never tells us to do well, the Bible tells us to continue. Just like the branch remains attached to the vine. Is the almighty word being proclaimed out into your field? Untimely that individual, and the family, and the family line will be succeed. Why? Because it is not about your ability. It is the One who gives you strength. Then ultimately the remnants will be victorious. All you have to do is not be hasty, let go of your calculation, let go of your motives and replace the, with the motives of the Lord. Because if you hold onto all of those things, you cannot live your walk of faith. 

God has given this word to Apostle Paul so it will be proclaimed to everybody. We have been called as people like this. If it doesn’t take place again, we go before God again. Converse with Him, “I can’t do this God” and God says, “I know you can’t do this that’s why I’m with you” “I received the Sunday message but I don’t even know what my prayer topic is” then tell God you don’t know what it is. If the word the pastor is saying upfront, then tell God you don’t know what he is saying. Because God is giving the words upfront, you may not know what it means but ask the Lord what he was trying to tell you. That’s why you realize the word of God within the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is not with my brain. Just like the Wednesday message it has to be the lamp stand that shines the light of Christ. Without the revelation of the Holy Spirit we cannot understand the word. Without the Holy Spirit the Gospel can never be proclaimed in our fields. It must be the working of the Holy Spirit. Have that every day. Then that person will be victorious to the very end. It’s not about doing well; it’s about continuing. Even if you fall over, you continue again. That’s what we need. Because God is the Alpha and Omega. If you are remaining within that, then you will overcome by a landslide.  


May you be the witnesses of the Word of God that you can do all things within Him Who gives you strength.  Let us pray at this time together with the Word of God.  “Within the One Who gives you strength” means within the Word of God.  Let us pray for temple construction. Because God has proclaimed the Word to us, pray that we may receive the power to do it.  May the power and strength to save the 237 nations, 5000 unreached people groups, and the next generation be upon the individuals in the church.

We need to pray for those who are frail in their body. I had a conversation with Missionary Kang, and she’s suffering from diabetes; she can’t eat properly and wants to come back to church but she remembers her daughter, so she’s under despair, “Why do I have to keep living?” She wonders, “What will happen to my second child if I die so soon?”  So I told her, “Don’t you think we are still living because God has a mission for us? We need to find a reason, not within your daughter, but within God, because we do not live for our families; we live for Christ and continue to live on this earth because there’s a mission God has given us.”

She had a prayer topic from a long time ago to raise up a church among the Karen tribe, and a young adult went to the seminary there, and from there, our church began to pray in that direction. That is how the doors to the Karen tribe will open in America.  There is a young adult from the Karen tribe who is enrolled in RU, and he is training to become a pastor to train the people. He has to come here to receive training in a mission home, so it’s sad that she had to send her daughter off early, but there is another son and daughter God prepared for her.

You can only receive strength if you receive within the Lord for the Lord’s name.  But if you’re outside of the Lord and remain within your own reason and “my daughter,” then there’s no reason for God to give you strength.  That is the reason we must pray to fulfill the mission of Christ within the power of the Holy Spirit.

I gave this prayer topic to all the people who come to Early Morning prayer, let us pray for Christine Oh. She has lung cancer so she can’t even speak, but I speak to her every day.  She came to our church as an unbeliever, and she accepted Jesus Christ. She only came once or twice, but if she has a mission for world evangelization, God will heal her; if not, she will be able to rest in peace in heaven. 

I’m sure there are others who are sick or frail in their body; it’s the same for everybody. You shouldn’t keep saying, “Me, me” because of your age.  “The Lord has allowed me to live, and the Lord has a mission for me. Even if I cannot take another step, I can do it through prayer, and God has a mission for all of us to fulfill,” because this is what the Lord fulfills as the Lord gives us strength, so this is why we must pray.  

It’s the same with our Assistant Pastor, she had another surgery.  There’s no such thing as, “I’m only going to do the Lord’s work until I’m 65.” There’s no way we can plan our life like that.  “I’m going to quit when I reach a certain age,” there’s no such thing as that; you go according to God’s plan.  These are not the words of the Assistant Pastor, but what I’m saying is, when people get old, they stick themselves into their own frames, so they cannot receive strength because you’re stuck in your own thoughts; you have to open up that cage. “I will proclaim the gospel until the very end and go.”  

Simply, the Word must come upon you first.  Let us pray together for all the frail, vulnerable, and elderly people you know.  The older we get, the more we need God’s strength, so let us pray this intercessory prayer.

Let us pray for the Sunday pulpit message.  We finished the book of John, so let us pray for God to give us the Word that He requires for our church.  Let us also pray for the missions field that we have.  In order for missions to continue to spread out, we need power and strength, but before we receive that strength, we must first be within the mission.  If you’re within the covenant, the strength will follow naturally.  So let us pray for the Sunday message and the missions fields.

I haven’t told the entire church this, but there are a few members of our church in Yakima, Washington.  Please continue to pray for them that the evangelism movement may take place where they are.  There’s one senior deaconess up there, and I talked to her today, and the evangelism movement is taking place in various areas there.  She gave me a testimony immediately when I got on the phone with her, the first message she listened to from our church was about Mary and Martha, so she gave this message to her mother who passed away the next morning, so every single week, the message proclaimed from the pulpit is relayed to her field and fulfilled.  

It’s amazing, isn’t it?  How can she do that?  There’s some people who can do that, and some who cannot.  But she is the one who has the mission to save Yakima, so God gave that to her, and God is continuing to send the message that will be fulfilled through her.  That’s the difference. It doesn’t matter whether she’s far away or not; God is giving her the message that will be fulfilled.  Every single week, it is fulfilled. She didn’t study theology, but it’s fulfilled from the Sunday message. Before that point, she said she didn’t know the blessing of the church.  The only difference is that she held onto her mission quickly.  So please keep that in mind and please pray for them.

In the future, we have to have churches arise in all 50 states of America, especially the ones that don’t have churches right now, so that the life movement can take place, because it is the will of God that the Word of God goes into the places that are empty.  God continuously gave us the message about the empty places, so He gives us the Word that will be answered, and if you hold onto the Word, you will receive answers. That’s what it means to ride the stream of the Word. Let us pray for not only Seattle, but all 50 states.  

I asked Tim if he was still doing Darakbang with the student from MIT, and he says he holds onto the Word so well.  He was an unbeliever just a few months ago, but he received the gospel and accepted Jesus Christ, then he started doing Darakbang and received the Word.  So either way, when the Word of God is proclaimed to the empty places and lives come to life, that delights God.  

You know Krystie Kim, right? She’s the one who used to work at Universal Studios, but now she’s working from home in North Carolina, and I received a call from her mother, “My daughter is receiving so much healing and now she’s going to Harvard and working at the same time.”  She keeps wearing her Harvard t-shirt. From the parents’ perspective, imagine how great it is to see, because her daughter keeps receiving healing and getting better.  The things I told her was, “Your mission is to save Universal Studios and Disneyland” because those are the places she used to work, and she is always connected to the Caucasian people in her field. If these people receive healing and have a mission, then their field will come to life, so we pray for her in the background. 

This is how things are flowing.  You don’t realize this, but the Word is being spread to all these multiethnic people. I don’t really talk about these things a lot because I’m not a boastful person, but these are the things happening in the field, and there are new believers coming in as well.  So either way, if you are just within the covenant and praying, it will be fulfilled. Do not be shaken.  Within the Lord and the Word that God has given you, change everything to prayer.  If you look at the announcements, it’s all related to world evangelization so change that into your prayer, and without a doubt, the answers will come according to God’s time schedule. These are the blessings we have, so let us pray for the remnants and the multiethnic people.

God, we thank You. Allow the confession, “I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me,” to become our confession.  Allow us to learn to be content in all circumstances, and may we be the ones who fulfill the mission given to us. Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the unlimited love of God, the indwelling, working, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people who desire to receive and fulfill the mission from Christ, be upon the multiethnic people and the remnants, be upon the individuals and family members of all those who are suffering physically and mentally, be with us from now until forevermore always, amen.


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