When Christ Becomes the Master (1 Corinthians 2:10-3:9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

When Christ Becomes the Master (1 Corinthians 2:10-3:9)

Today, the Healing School Evangelism message is titled, “When Christ Becomes the Master”

1.Non-Christians – Imprint, Root, Nature in Humanism, Me, Physical Things, Success

When we meet people in the field, it’s possible that an unbeliever receives Jesus Christ, and then we nurture them.  Especially depending on the person’s age, they may have deep imprint, root, and nature within them.  What has been rooted deeply within them?  It is humanism that lacks God, and that is a person whose nature is so deeply “myself,” and they accept Jesus Christ when they are so deeply rooted in and centered on physical things and success. You have to nurture those people, but you have to know this to do that.

Believer – Legalism, Prosperity-based Faith, Mysticism

If you meet a believer who goes to church or someone who used to go to church, they are deeply rooted in legalism, because until they’ve heard the gospel, everything they’ve heard in church is legalism, and these people are caught up so much in their legalism that they stop going to church.

We also realize that if someone goes to church without knowing the gospel, they become deeply rooted into prosperity-based faith. You must know these things to be able to help them.  There are also people who have an extreme nature in mysticism.  Even if they say they’re Christian, you can’t just hear that and take it at face value. You have to see their legalism and prosperity centered faith, and mysticism to help them. If you don’t see that, then you’re just going to take their words at face value, they say, “The Word is so good, I received grace,” but the old things remain as their imprint, root, and nature.  The hardest thing is unhealthy mysticism because they’re under a very strong misconception on their own. 

Religion – Humans – Actions, Prayer, Good Deeds, Diligence

Some people come from another religion. Religion emphasizes human effort and behavior because it is the man’s effort to approach God. They emphasize prayer a lot, and they have the nature in many teachings involving how to do good works and actions. This individual may talk about prayer a lot, but you must know what prayer they’re talking about. All their actions and behaviors are better than a long-time Christian behavior, and they are very diligent. That’s because their actions result in blessings. You have to know these things very well to change them into the gospel.

I think most people in the field will fall into one of these categories. How will you meet these people and change them? You have to make it so that Christ becomes their Master.  Once Christ becomes our Master, no problem is a problem; no failure is a failure to us.  As we continue to follow this Master, we will continue to bear fruit, so you must make it so that they are constantly imprinted, rooted, and have the nature of the gospel.  Make it so that they receive the strength of the prayer that has been promised to them. When you look at the people of the field, they say they receive grace, but they have all these things within them. It’s great that they receive grace, but you should not misunderstand.  It’s one thing to receive grace, but the things that are their imprint, root, and nature within them will go for a very long time. Let’s say they were living as a non believer for 50 years. Of course, they will receive grace, but that person is in a state where they are imprint rotted and natured in something else that’s not the gospel for so long.  Then, at the very pivotal moment, they will not be rooted in the gospel but the other imprints they have.

It’s the same for believers, they cannot understand “only the gospel.”  they understand the term, “The Gospel,” but they don’t understand the meaning of the gospel in relation to themselves, so even if they listen to God’s Word, it’s all centered on legalism, it’s all centered on physical blessings and they listen to the word of God expecting physical blessings, and it’s about experiencing this.  You have to see this for a very long time.

So, you have to see this in believers as well. It doesn’t matter when they’ve heard the gospel; when does the gospel go into them? It doesn’t matter if they hear the gospel there’s a difference between that and the gospel going into them. Until then, they will move according to this, and most people who goes to church are centered on these things.  Every time they heard these things until they received the gospel, they focused on these three things.  Religion, it’s all about diligence, look at their prayers they are so diligent about it, look at all the heretical religions, they’re so diligent in their prayers, and they do many good things.  It’s easy to misunderstand this because they’re doing so many great things with their diligence and hard work.

1. Non-Christians

So along these three categories there are non Christians. what about these people?

1) Works of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 2:14)

They have no relationship with the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, they cannot accept or receive the work of the Holy Spirit.  It’s all the same, actually, it’s in 1 Corinthians 2:14.

2) Self (Rom. 6:6 Sin) (Gal. 5:16-17 Flesh and Greed)

Then, what kind of ego or “self” do they have?  Romans 6:6 says our old self is stuck in sin. Sin is simply not believing in God.   Being centered on and relying on yourself is sin, and that’s why you worship idols. You serve a religion for yourself; you go to church for yourself. In Galatians 5:16-19, it says that such people will desire and follow after the flesh, they can never follow the spirit, and even their greed is not for spiritual things, but it is greed for physical things, and Colossians 3:5 says that greed is idolatry.  These are people who are seized by Satan and have no choice but to live this way.

3) The characteristics of a non-Christian (Eph. 2:1-3 Death, Ruler of kingdom of air, Ways of the world) – Slave

There’s a characteristic of these nonchristians, and in Ephesians 2:1-3, it says they are dead in their sins and transgressions. They may seem to be alive outwardly, but inwardly, they are dead before God, their spirit is dead because of their sin, and they follow the ruler of the kingdom of the air. They are seized by Satan and follow Satan around, and this is manifest as they follow the ways of the world. They do whatever their physical mind and heart desire, because they are their own master, so they do whatever they want to do, and in the end, they are bound up by themselves. That’s an unbeliever.  Because they are bound up by themselves, they have no freedom; they are slaves.

Even as you live your walk of faith, you think that doing whatever you want to do is freedom.  “Why do I have to worship? Why can’t I run around outside?” But if you get caught in those thoughts, you can’t do whatever you want to do.  True freedom is only possible when you belong to God, but you act according to your greed and physical desires.  So, if something is offensive to you, you’ll give up on it.  If you don’t like the weather that day, you’ll try to change it. You’re bound by your own thoughts, and eventually, you’re bound by Satan, and at that point, you cannot escape. At that point, you might come to church, and indeed, you should. But these are the characteristics of unbelievers . What is the state of their hearts?

4) Heart (Jeremiah 17:5) – Corrupted

These people’s hearts are corrupted.  Jeremiah 17:5 tells us that these people rely on other humans. Instead of putting their trust in God, they put their trust in other people.  They trust or rely on human strength, whether it’s physical or financial strength, either way, they live by their own power.  They turn their hearts away from the Lord, and therefore, they are cursed.  This is a state where their hearts are corrupted.

Instead of relying on God, you rely on people, physically speaking, you trust in your own strength; in other words, you never believe in God and you’re embarrassed to trust in God.  “Why are you humiliated by relying on God? Why don’t you just rely on your own strength?” They are cursed, because they are in a state where they are completely separated from God. 

5)The sin within their minds (Mark 7:20-23)

In Mark 7:20-23 it says these people have wickedness in their hearts.  It says that the only things that come from their hearts are wicked thoughts.  These come from a person’s heart.  We call these external actions “dirty,” but actually, the things within our hearts are even more dirty.  These evil thoughts pour out of a person’s heart, including sexual immorality, theift, murder, adulatory, greed, wickedness, envy, slander, pride, and foolishness, and this defiles us.  On the outside, we try to clean ourselves up, and even men put on makeup to look good, but it doesn’t matter if you’re male or female. You can look clean on the outside, and it’s possible to look kind of dirty on the outside as well, but the thing that really destroys someone is all the corruption within that person.  They have these evil thoughts, and those influence the entire family.  This also influences your friends because friends will gather with people who are similar to themselves.

If someone’s at the bottom of the class, they will hang out with other students who aren’t good at studying.  There is no law about can’t doing that. People will get along with other people who have similar hearts.

6)Their relationship with God (John 3:46)

As for their relationship with God, it says in John 3:46 that God’s wrath will be upon these people.  Non-Christians don’t even know to fear God, what are they afraid of instead? They are afraid of demons.  People who believe in Jesus Christ are not afraid of demons; they fear God. People who fear God are not afraid of their environment, they are not afraid of people either and they’re not afraid of problems.  We should be afraid of the things that are truly fearful, but you’re afraid of foolish things.  And Genesis 3, Adam and Eve should be fearing God but they had none of that, so they looked down on the Word of God.  Later on, all their fear and shame came to them.  That’s what happens if you don’t fear God.  

God is alive and there, but you have no fear of God.  People like this will have panic attacks, they will be afraid of their future and they can’t let go of their past because they don’t fear God nor work before God.  These are the non-Christians; you must know this well and change this in them.

2. People who have received salvation but are associated with the flesh 

The second category pertains to people who have received salvation but they are still associated with the flesh. These are the believers I spoke about in the introduction, they’re focused on legalism, prosperity-based faith, and mysticism. These legalistic people will judge people based  on their  physical actions, or they will judge their standard of whether they received answers or not based on their physical experience of the mystical things.  All of these things are physical things, they never understand the spiritual things. The gospel is about spiritual things but they never understand it.

1) John 3:1-3

The representative of a physical believer is Nicodemus in John 3.  He is someone who believes in God, he’s a leader of the Jews.  He hears Jesus’ sermons and finds Jesus and goes to Jesus and says, “I see the miraculous sings that you do as evidence that God is with you.  How could you do these things?” Jesus says, “You must be reborn,” but Nicodemus cannot understand what that means because he’s lived a physical-centered faith his entire life, so he couldn’t understand the spiritual words.  He responds with physical words, “How could a man be reborn? By going into your mother’s womb?” You must change these people into the word of God.

2) Spiritual inheritance

They don’t understand spiritual inheritance and that their spiritual problems goes down to their next generation. They think, “Isn’t it good enough just to get good physical things foolish talk.  

And they ink “If I don’t have any physical things then that’s misery and foolishness as well.” 

3) Disbelief, Disobedient, No Love

The characteristic of these people is that they do not believe in God, so they are in unbelief.  If they face a tiny problem, they won’t believe in God, but if something good happens, they are happy again. They base everything on the things they see with their eyes, and it’s impossible for them to be obedient to God.  

They have no love.  Because they haven’t experienced the love of God, they cannot love mankind in the form of missions and evangelism. Because they are centered on physical things, they prioritize themselves, and even when they try to help other people, they only help physically.  

4) Rom. 8:7

You have to be able to help people like this, but Romans 8:7 says they are dragged around by their sinful nature, and it says that their sinful, physical nature is an enemy to God. You cannot be obedient to God’s Word, and most people are like that.

Then, how can you live a proper walk of faith?  The work of the church and the work you and I must do, that is, healing, it turns a physical person into a spiritual person.

5) Faith

They have faith regarding the gospel, then what do we believe in? Do we just believe in God blindly? What God do we believe in? It is a God they made for themselves. They’ve determined the god they’ve illustrated in their own minds, but that’s actually not God; it’s an idol, a channel for demons. They get upset when something doesn’t fit with the God that. They created “I imagined God would do this for me, but He isn’t doing it,” They are trying to control God, and they will never be able to be obedient to God’s word.

What kind of faith do we have?  The faith that we have has finished all problems in our past present and future as soon as we receive the gospel, but they don’t understand these words, and they cannot understand these words, so that’s why their life repeatedly has problems, and they pray do diligently trying to figure out their own problems because they belong to the physical world, they cannot understand God’s word so that is why we talk about the proper faith with them.

The Bible tells us there is no way to please God unless you have faith. Jesus Christ finished all problems on the cross but you don’t believe in that then how can you please God?  The characteristic of those who are based on their physical flesh, if you tell them that all problems are finished, they might not be able to disagree with you because they are embarrassed but on the inside, they reject that. They are so physical and see the problems in their lives, “How has Jesus Christ finished these?” They will never be able to understand the physical message. It’s not something we can do, but God must work. They won’t be able to understand unless their spiritual state is changed.  

The Lord has finished everything, and you believe you will go to heaven, but if you believe that you have to suffer and go to heaven that’s not right. You’ve been completely changed into a child of God.  If you’ve become a child of God, it means your life is determined by God’s will.  If you’re now a child of God, then you are no longer living your life however you desired but you are changed into living according to God’s will.  Then, the Word of God becomes the guidepost I must follow with my life.  God’s plan is now my life’s plan.  That’s the identity where a child of God has been changed by salvation.  God is telling us God will give us the power to fulfill His plan through us, so even when we pray, we pray for this.

You pray for your problems? That’s not prayer but God is guiding you through that problem. You look for God’s plan in the problem through God’s word. You pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit for the sake of world evangelization but you lose hold of all of those blessings.

Romans 14:23 says that anything you do that doesn’t come from faith is sin.  So, if you don’t believe in the gospel, everything you do comes from sin. Even if you don’t believe in the gospel, we do everything, and that’s doing it in disbelief.  Satan knows this and takes over that person’s thoughts, heart, emotions, and everything. He controls their physical body as well, why? Because they’re not acting based on faith, but they move everything based on unbelief.  

3. People of the Spirit

1) Fruits

We must now change these people to be people of the Holy Spirit. The people of the Holy Spirit will bear the fruits of the spirit. The nine fruits will be borne in their lives. You can know how you lived your walk of faith by looking at the fruits in your life.  Just like when you plant a field, you can tell how well you tended your crops based on the harvest. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, and peace, and these are the points regarding God.  God’s love, the peace and joy from God.  

You have patience, kindness, and goodness regarding other people. You can patiently endure other people.  Gentleness and self-control pertain to yourself.  Therefore, you have no choice but to bear the fruit regarding God, other people, and yourself. If someone has the fruits of the Holy Spirit, they have self-control, but you’re not able to control yourself, are you?  You can’t control yourself, you can’t control your tongue or the money you spend.  You just do whatever your heart desires; there’s no such thing as self-control for you; it means that you have no inner strength and this means the Holy Spirit must control us.  You abstain from what you want to do because the Holy Spirit gives you strength. Lacking self-control, you’re just like an animal.

Gentleness pertains to following God’s Word. You’re not following after the ways of people, but you follow after God’s word, so you’ll become very soft because you’re exhibiting the natures of God.  Wherever God’s word goes, you go.  There are some people who challenge the Word of God. whenever they hear the Word of God, they get heated inside.  These people are resentful against the Word of God actually challenges God, and that’s the reason they fail, because in a very pivotal moment, Satan knows this and will destroy you because of it. You must be very gentle in the word of God.  

There are some times when you’re not able to be gentle with the Word of God, so you judge people, “Look at the pastor’s tie and haircut.”  So, you have a natural state of your old self crawling up in front of you, and you can’t even bear to look at the pastor. Because the Word of God is not going into you, your reaction is your old self and when you come to church, you hate looking at the people around you. These are things you had a long time ago, and they crawl back up.  When you go back home, you just let it all burst but at church, you have to at least restrain yourself, but you reveal everything inside you when you go home and into the world.  This is why it’s very important for you to be trained in God’s Word, otherwise your Genesis 3 will crawl back out of you and cause you to fall.

There are some people who really want to go to church, but they think, “Do I really have to live a walk of faith like this?” On the other hand, if someone ask them to go on a vacation with them they’ll pack their lunch to go, but if they don’t serve lunch at church, they get so offended, but they love going outside to get lunch with friends.  These are the selfish prides of you that will come out you don’t think it’s a waste to spend money on yourself, but you argue so much when it comes to the church, “Why does the church not provide lunch? Why is the church so dirty?” But when you go out with your friends, you spend money so much and strangely enough, you become so weird when you come to church, and that’s this person’s spiritual state.

If there are 100 people in the church, there are 100 different spiritual states, and all these different people will gather in the church. It’s one thing to receive grace, but if people don’t receive grace, they are boiling from the inside, and they can’t skip church; they have to go, but the Word of God isn’t going into them, so they’re boiling inside of them and they are waiting to pick a fight. And if something sticks out 5o them they start fighting,that’s what they act normally at home and they endure and endure and then they blow up, then they’re always fighting with their friends.

People like this need to change to follow God’s Word no matter what it says, and this is the meaning of gentleness. Someone who’s quiet isn’t gentle.  They might be quiet on the outside, but they wreak a lot of havoc behind the scenes.  You call someone gentle that is following God’s Word, then people won’t be able to go astray because they must go according to God’s Word.

Self-control, regarding money and your words, but you say whatever you want because you have no self-control.  There are many examples about this, but it’s mostly about how you spend your money and the words you say.  The characteristic of a chronically sick person is that when they feel sick, they reach for medicine quickly. Instead of exercising more, they reach for the medicine, meaning they lack self-control. And if the things inside of you don’t heal, then the external problems keep coming. Some people lack self-control regarding food, they just eat whatever they want.  Eating itself is not a sin, if you’re eating for the Lord, for example, that is not a sin, but you must have self-control.

The characteristic of a mental or spiritual problem is you have no self-control, so you don’t exercise much either. These people don’t like leaving their homes, they just stay locked up in their rooms, and we don’t know what they do. This is all because we lack internal power.

2) Galations 2:20

Galatians 2:20, I have been crucified with Christ and Christ lives within me. The “me” that died on the cross is the “me” that lived for physical desires.  Now, I’m a new creation where the Lord is the master of my life, and I’m living within that faith.  If the Lord is to be my Master, it means the Word must be my standard, and the words of the gospel must be my standard. You have to have a walk of faith where every week you follow the Word God gave you.

People who live their walk of faith well they follow God’s word, people who do not have a good walk of faith, they don’t do that they do whatever they want, and that’s why they’re not able to be gentle and have self-control. They only do the things they like.  If they don’t like the things God gave them, they cut it out.  God has given you the Word for the week, but if you don’t like it, you forget it and you go holding onto the things you like. That’s someone who is their own master; God is not their Master.  

These people live very unbalanced lives.  They become a picky eater just like my daughter, I get so frustrated with her.  When I think about her future health, I even want to hit her sometimes, because she is such a picky eater, but I believe God will heal her, because if she gets so used to being a picky eater, it’s going to be so hard for her in the future> If you want to do world evangelization, you must be able to eat the foods of other nations, for example, but if you’re picky there, too, you can’t proclaim the gospel 

There are hundreds of nations with all their different foods, and you must be able to eat all that, and I’m sure God will change her to be that way, because if someone is picky and unbalanced, God will change that person. If this is God’s Word, it doesn’t matter what it says, you must follow.

I hope you will test yourself.  Am I really living my life throughout the week, following the word of God or am I following after the things that I want then you will know how far you’ve been healed.  Why do you not follow the Sunday message? First of all, it doesn’t come to you very deeply, and it’s also not the Word you desire.  Then, the people who are internally strong, they might say, “It doesn’t fair with me God, why did you give me this word” that is a someone who stands before God even if they don’t understand, they will ask, “God, why did You give me this Word?” And they ask that question holding onto the word God gave them because God doesn’t make mistakes.  If this is a part of your life you’ve never thought of before, and  God is giving you this precious word, and your not thinking about it then you’re cutting out all the blessings of healing and restoration that God has prepared for you.

What is the characteristic of such people? After a long time passes, then they will ask God, “This is what God has been telling you all along, but you’re just hearing this now?  Why do you think this is the first time hearing this. You’re only hearing this for the first time because on the past you ignored it because it didn’t fit with you,” and if you continue ignoring God and keep on doing what you want, you’re going to fall.  When God gives you His Word, you really have to hold onto that word and go forward with God; otherwise, you’ll go forward without it and fall. These are the things you must change within these people.

3) Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13, we have a new strength. These people didn’t believe in the gospel in the past, but they still think they live with their own strength. These people think that church is some place you just go to and come back from, but they live with your own strength.  They think that prayer is what you do when things don’t go according to your plan.  Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do everything through Him Who gives me strength.” It doesn’t mean you can do everything, but it means God’s plan is absolutely impossible for us, so God must give us the strength to do it, but if you’re not holding onto God’s plan as you hold onto your plan, that’s not prayer; that is not being within God, because even after receiving salvation, you live your own life with your own plans, then ultimately, you are going to fall.

If you’re a child of God, you cannot live according to your will.  “I can’t live like that!” You don’t have a choice, you can’t change your salvation, because the Holy Spirit has been guaranteed to live with you forever, so you can’t fail but you also can’t do whatever you want anymore, you have to choose one or the other. You can either continue to assert yourself, and just live your life suffering and die, or you can quickly hold onto the things of God and completely give up on yourself.  Every time you worship, stand before God and live the rest of your week, letting go of yourself and holding onto God’s Word.  And if you can’t do it God gives us the strength. 

How can we do world evangelization?  What strength do we have to do Temple Construction here?  We need millions of dollars; how could that come through our strength? From our circumstances, it’s impossible, in other words, we’re doing something impossible.  These are the quick calculations of someone who focuses on the physical things, then, is that in line with God’s plan? 

If something is aligned with God’s plan, God will give you the power and work upon that you live with that faith.  People do Temple Construction but their entire church falls apart.  Because they didn’t stake Temple Construction on the covenant, but instead they are using prosperity based faith, or they think it’s a big win, Satan begins to work on that church.  Let’s say for example the church brings a revivalist speaker here, then everyone gets so fired up because their next generation are promised to be blessed for this instead of receiving God’ s grace,  prosperity-basd faith, and that’s honestly a faster way to get offering, so that’s why they do that.

So you’re conned when you go out into the world, because instead of trying to work hard, you’re trying to make money quickly, so you get conned. Later on, they build the facility but the blessings don’t come. From that point on, they get irritated.  Then, they give offering to the church but there’s a problem with the financial department, and Satan visits everyone.  They’re doing the same Temple Construction, but the spiritual person will do it for the covenant and the physical person will do it for themselves.  

There are some kids who think, “I heard that if I do Prayer Journal every day, then God will bless me, but I got rejected from my dream college.  I did everything I was supposed to do; why didn’t I get into my dream college?” That’s a physical person they were not imprinted with the covenant, but they were imprinted with religion and physical things. “From now on, I’m not going to do the Prayer Journal anymore because I should’ve got into my dream college because I did this much work and I didn’t, so I’m stopping,” and later on, they stop going to church entirely because God isn’t doing what they want.

Even if you have hundreds of thousands of believers like that, they will never be able to do Temple Construction. They may say “Hallelujah” and do everything, but with this kind of goal, they cannot continue.  If you meet a new person in the field, put this correctly into them. That’s why we don’t entrust people to just anyone. You work so diligently but you plant other things into them, you give them religion and diligence, and that person will not have disciples because disciples reject that. Disciples move only when it’s only the gospel and the covenant; unless you find disciples in the field, the evangelism movement won’t take place.

Unless there are disciples in the church that have the complete gospel, the future generations have no hope because other things are continuously being relayed to them.  That’s why Satan comes into the churches and goes around doing vistations to destroy the churches, there is no need for that, God has already finished everything, the Lord has prepared world evangelization and Temple Construction. You know this and challenge towards it, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

It doesn’t mean you do whatever you want.  “If this is God’s will and I cannot do it by myself, the Lord promises to give me this strength.” you must have spiritual strength, otherwise you’ll fall over into disbelief. It doesn’t matter how much you know as knowledge; without faith, you will fall. You also need intellect. I’m not talking about the intellect required for studying well. That might help a little bit, but unless, you receive the wisdom from God, it isn’t enough 

You also need physical strength. If you’re always getting sick, you’re so weak, then you can’t even go anywhere. If you’re spiritually and mentally diseased all the time, and you have to go do world evangelization but you can’t budge. You must have physical power as well.  Some people may have physical diseases that doesn’t get taken away like Paul but that is a thorn that is placed in Paul side so the gospel will be proclaimed. 

You must also have financial power as well. If you say, “I don’t need money,” just go to heaven more quickly.  Don’t lie, you are always afflicted by money but you don’t need money? you’re always tested because of finances but you say you don’t need money?  Not needing money is the same as saying you don’t need a physical body.  You have to buy clothes or spells you would be naked. Are you going to sleep on the streets? You need a house.  There are things we need for world evangelization.  We need to have financial power.

You can’t do this by yourself, you have to have a gathering of people.  If someone is a conman, they’ll get along with other conmen.  Physical people will gather around other physical people to fulfill their own motives, but there is a manpower that God gives you for the sake of world evangelization. You must receive this power from God for the covenant to be fulfilled through you.  If you just simply turn around during the times of crisis to see this, it quickly becomes an opportunity for blessings.

How could we evangelize to multiethnic people? God told us to go to all nations but we can’t do that, so God promises to give us people so we can do this. It’s not something you should fall into despair about, but this is an opportunity for answered prayers.  Other religions are building grand temples and conquer the regions spiritually, but if Christians are so poor that they travel from building to building that’s not God’s plan.

I went to get my second vaccine dose, and there’s a big building the Jews are building in preparation for the end times, when there is going to be all the wars, and it goes deep into the basement, and all the Jewish people are investing in this building, and David Abrams told me for the last 2 years, simply put, it means that even people who don’t know God are gathering their power, and they are building this facility to protect their own possessions and inheritance.  The facility itself is not important, but if you want to gather, you need a building.

The physical thing isn’t most important, but you need the physical body for the Spirit.  This means that there is a big gap between me and God’s Word. We don’t have ability, and God given us his word. That’s why we pray for this, that I can do all things through Christ Who gives me strength.  The one who prays for this will receive these answers.  People who don’t believe at all won’t pray because they don’t believe in it, but God blesses you according to the church’s time schedule.  Not your time schedules but God gives you answers according to the  church’s time schedule.  The people who know this well will receive good guidance according to the message and the announcements, too.

This is how we need to change the people to the  people of the spirit and starting from ourselves, we must change.  I hope you and I will become people of the Spirit first and change many people to be like this.  


God we thank you, may our lives change where Christ is our Master. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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