The Priority of World Evangelization and Missions as the Children of God (Numbers 4:1-6)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Priority of World Evangelization and Missions as the Children of God (Numbers 4:1-6)

Today I will give the Word from Numbers 4.  To repeat, the central point of Numbers is the census.  The point of the census is to see who will fight for the battle ahead in the battle for Canaan, and that was God’s will.  When these people lived in Egypt, they lived however they wanted, and so, they did not value God; they just lived according to their own center, and they lived according to the center of the world and that is how they became slaves, but slaves definitely suffer under disasters, and ultimately, they will suffer under the hands of Satan they cannot see.  They will receive mental and physical suffering.

Let’s say that we’re in the midst of suffering right now, if it is not because of the gospel we are enslaved, and God is telling you to come out of this quickly.  That is why during the Exodus, when they applied the blood of the Lamb, they were able to come out of it. This was a promise between God and the Israelites.  In Genesis 3, God gave a promise to mankind, but as soon as they sinned, sin and fear came to mankind.

When you leave God, the first things that will find you are shame and fear, and that is why they covered their bodies with fig leaves. That’s what we call religion.  Religion is what you do when you’re trying to cover your own weaknesses.  When the leaves dry up, you must cover up with something else you make.  You cannot find an answer through religion.  

Starting from the Garden of Eden, God already gave the word of forgiveness through the lamb and that is God’s promise.  There’s no other solution that will work before God.  The mystery of being with God is to grab a lamb, and my sins are transferred upon the lamb.  As evidence of this, God clothed them in animal skin.  That’s how they become whole, and that was the first promise that God gave, but that was the gospel, because our diligence is irrelevant to God.  

So, no matter how much we try with religious diligence, problems will continue to come, because it’s not commuting I can solve with my own diligence; I have to hold onto the blood covenant quickly.  Only when I hold onto this covenant will all the disasters, curses and fear disappear.  So, in Genesis 3:15, God gave a specific promise, that the offspring of the woman would crush the head of the serpent.

This flow of the gospel continued to flow up through Numbers.  It flowed through Abraham and God made him go to Canaan.  Through Joseph God makes them go to Egypt go to Egypt, and after many years, God fulfilled the promise and the Exodus happened.  But because they lost the covenant of the lamb, they had to recover this by putting the blood of the lamb on the doors, and that’s how they were able to escape.  It’s repetitive, they receive the covenant but they lose it again. Through Moses God gave them the 10 commandments.  What’s the first thing God gave them? “I am the LORD Who brought you out of Egypt.” How did he call them? There was a promise between them, the blood covenant. There’s nothing else because God only works through the blood covenant.

Then He says, “Do not make an idol for yourselves,” what does that mean? God will take responsibility for your life.  God takes responsibility over the people who have received salvation, so all we have to do is hold onto his covenant and his Word.  But if you are one to make an idol for yourself, then you are one who hates me and the curses will fail onto the third and fourth generation. This is not a promise God gave to unbelievers, but it is a promise God gave to the Israelites.

There’s a reason why spiritual problems still haven’t deparated, even though they do their walk of faith it’s because there is an idol in the family, there is greed in the family. You have to completely believe in God, but instead of believing completely, you  hold onto idols then what is God going to do? He’s going to let Satan move and that is why spiritual problems continue from generation to generation.  

That’s why God had them make the Tabernacle and inside the Ark of the covenant, the 10 commandments were inside. From what I see, Aaron’s budded staff and the manna weren’t that important, but the most important part is the 10 commandments because later on, God tells them to put the staff and manna in there, saying, “Look at the manna and don’t have unbelief. Look at the staff and don’t fight against Aaron,’ because God gave them manna when they had unbelief and they kept wavering because they didn’t have food.  When they were fighting over who would be the leader, God had them hold onto a staff for each person, and the sign God gave was Aaron’s budded staff.  So, every time they had unbelief, God raised a sign, and those went into the Ark.

But the most important thing is the 10 commandments because on top of this promise, “I will remain there.” So that is why, on top of the Ark of the covenant, there is a plate where blood is sprinkled.  The cherubim are supporting the plate.  This is the place where God gives the blessing, it is the Holy of Holies.  This is the place where, once a year, the Chief Priest goes and atones for the sins of the whole Israelite community, because this is the place where God exists. How does he exist? With his word he’s going to exist. 

So, what’s in the Holy of Holies?  There is the plate for the bread, then there’s the lampstand, and then there’s the burning incense.  These 3 things are in the Holy place, and so the priest can only go into the Holy of Holies.  This is talking about the Word of God, prayers, and evangelism.  These are the works that the priests themselves would do.  

What was outside? There was a water basin. When looking at history before penicillin existed almost everybody died because of illnesses  but the Jews remained because they always washed their hands.  Because when they were going through the wilderness, God already knew about this and told them to wash their hands.  Because they lived in the desert, everyone had a basin where they would wash their feet, and they even had slaves to wash their feet for them.  And of course spiritually it means if you sinned before God, and outside of that is the altar, for a complete burning for your sin.

All these things were anointed with oil.  Everything has a meaning, it’s talking about the Triune God.  Because it’s the Old testament and Jesus Christ hadn’t come yet, God made them see it directly, and the way God was directly with them was the Tabernacle, and that’s why only the priests were able to take care of this.

As they were crossing through the wilderness, God tells them to have a census, saying, “Count all the men above 20 who can fight.” Is Christianity about fighting? It’s about love and peace.  But you have to know that there’s always an enemy.  You have to know that there’s an entity that has always fought with God and mankind, the same entity from Genesis 3, because through idols, religion, and the Nephilim, they have completely overtaken this age.

If we want to live, we have to knock down the idols and Satan’s kingdom so that God’s Kingdom comes upon us.  You have to always remember that we have an enemy. It is the enemy, the devil, who tries to knock us down from the beginning, and even now, he’s trying to knock you down.  It is not that people are evil, but it is the sin within them that makes them evil.  It’s what’s inside of them, and the inside of them which makes them get seized by Satan is what makes them bad. 

But just fighting against people won’t make the war end.  History tells us that you have to fight the darkness to win, and for this reason, God has them conduct a census of each family.  To receive salvation and to live for God means that in order for the Spiritual battle having this family, and that’s why God creates the Church, because otherwise, we could have an individual walk of faith, but there’s something God must do, and that’s why we’re separated into groups.

God says, “Prepare the men aged 20 years and older from the 12 tribes,” and among them, the men of the Levite tribe were to take care of the things of the Tabernacle.  Then, of the Levite tribe, the people of Aaron’s line were to tend to the Tabernacle.  The rest of the three other brothers would help Aaron’s tribe.

Moses and Aaron were from one line, and there were three other brothers.  So, the Kohathites who were part of the same line as Moses and Aaron what does God have them do? God says that the Levites are mine Typically, the firstborn of each family of the 12 tribes would gather and do the work at the Tabernacle, but God instead has the Levite tribe do it.  So, the Levite tribe had 273 fewer men then what would be the first born from all of the tribe so God had the rest of them pay money.  That’s the content we covered last week.

So today, when it’s time for them to move, how will they move?  Now, these three brothers and their alliances were supposed to move the Tabernacle as the community moved.  However, the Kohathites in particular were supposed to do the moving.  Why did it have to be men from 30-50?  Jesus started his ministry when he was 30 years old . In the Israel community it seems to do anything, you have to be 30 years old. Why is it 30 years old? It’s just how God had it.  And when you look at it it probably means that there are things that work out better when you’re 30 years old and so the Levite tribe they counted men from 30 to 50 years old.  In verse 4 it says “The work of the Koathites in the tent of meeting the most holy thing.” 

So what did the Kohathites have to do? They had to move and pack the things within the Most Holy Place.  In Numbers 4:5, “When the campus is moved Aaron and his sons are to go and take down the shielding curtain and cover it with the Ark of the Testimony with it.”  The things in the most Holy Place cannot be touched by the Kohathites, but it must be Aaron and his sons to actually touch the things.  So, what did the Kohathites do? When it’s all packed up, they only do the work of moving, because it said, “If you touch it, you will die.”

What is there to kill over?  I was actually meditating on this for a week, and this came upon my heart.  It means that, if they touch it and they die, it means God is realistically with them.  They think that, just if they cover it up and move it, it’ll be just a joke, so if anyone but the priest touches it, they will die immediately, meaning God is realistically with them. That’s what we’re talking about.  It is not something to be feared, but we know that even as we move, God is with us, and that’s what we’re talking about.  

So, the shielding curtain is taken and they cover the Ark of the Covenant with it.  They cover all the things that are in the holy place and only the priests are allowed to touch the physical objects.  So, the objects in the Holy of Holies and the Holy Place, the priest themselves will wrap them up and the Koathites only do the act of moving them, so how careful must they be? Why? Because God is really with them, right now. 

This means that it’s not only during the Sabbath when we come to worship that God is with us, but when we move into the field, God is with us there as well.  As Jesus Christ died on the cross, the shielding curtain tore in two, meaning that a path directly to God has opened up for everybody.  Now, because of Jesus Christ, we don’t have to die, but we can always be with God to our heart’s content, and that’s what it means to worship in spirit and in truth.  You come worship with God’s and the filling of the holy spirit, and with that, you go into the field, and this is evidence that God is with you as you move.  

Numbers 4 is about the journey they are taking to Canaan, and “even then, I will be with you.”  They’re moving the Ark of the covenant and when anyone touches it they die, that means God is realistically with them and moving with them. Until this point, there were no enemies. Before they entered Canaan, the Moabites attacked them, and before they entered Canaan, God gave them a taste of war.  But right now, what is their war against? It is against the desert environment because right now, they had no external enemies, but it was a war against eating because they cannot see what they’re eating, and the environment is so hot, it’s uncomfortable.

What does this mean? It means, “I am with you.”  He is saying, “Do not continue with the standards and conditions that you’ve had from Egypt, because when you lived in idol worship, that was how you lived, but right now, “I am with you,” and he is saying “Do not worry because I have prepared everything for you already”.  God is preparing them ahead of the spiritual battle that is to come. And then when these people are more imprinted  in this message, that’s when God really sends them into war, because going through the wilderness isn’t the end. It doesn’t end just with wondering whether you’re going to eat or not but that’s just the introduction; there is a separate, main part.

If you’re going to argue what you’re going to eat or not, it’s better for you to be an unbeliever.  If you believe in God but you’re only worried about whether you will eat or not, it is better to change your status to an unbeliever because even unbelievers do this. God is with them, but He is training them through this. It’s a training that will completely overturn the imprints they had in Egypt. If the Lord is with you, he is going to take responsibility for everything so you have to completely come out of that.  That is why, every time they moved, God showed them the Ark of the covenant and they were fearful saying, “God is really with us right now.”  

In Numbers 4, we read about what the Kohathites were supposed to do, and after that were the Gerhsonites.  The Gershonites are a bit removed from the Holy place, but they are packing up and moving the altar for the burnt offerings.  The Memories are to move the things that are furthest away which are the coals and ropes that hold everything together.  When they go into Canaan, who is the owner?  God is the owner, He is the Master, and this is what we’re talking about.  When you fight a spiritual battle, you are not fighting, but God is fighting it. 

We have this misconception that when we go out into the world, we’re the ones fighting, but do not be mistaken: that’s the level of an unbeliever.  We are not living just to eat and survive, but within this Gospel that God has completed, there is a plan.  In the works of changing Satan’s Kingdom to God’s Kingdom, God promises to be with us, but we’re so powerless so that is why God is saying He will give us power through the Holy Spirit.

Temple construction is hard, so that is why God promises to be with us in power.  How can we do world evangelization?  That is why God is saying He will give us power.  You have to understand what’s prayer is, someone who is religious do not understand this because they are going forward with their own diligence.  But for the ones with the gospel, everything like this is a chance.  “237” is something we must do, but we can’t do it, but that is why God is saying He will do it, and He says He will give us His strength.

How?  God is saying He will give us the five powers, He will give us spiritual power.  Because our Brian’s don’t go around he is giving us knowledge and because we can’t do it physically, He will give us physical power.  And he is sending us the economic power, and then He is going to send us manpower. Then that’s it. God is saying He will give it to you.  We cannot do it.  

Before we receive salvation, we live with foolish dreams, thinking we can do it with some kind of hope, but I’m sorry to say this, after receiving salvation, we can’t be like this. You must know this correctly, because if you misunderstand, everything you do will be a misunderstanding. For you to be a child of God means the Lord is God you are not God anymore, so you are not someone who will do whatever they want, that’s what it means to be a child of God.  Your identity has changed to do everything that God desires for you to do. On the flip side, it means you don’t have to take responsibility over things because God will take responsibility over you. That’s what it means to be a child of God, a person of God’s kingdom.

It means that there’s no such thing as my plans because it means God’s plan has become my plan. I hope you throw away all your own plans because it’s something only religious people do; God’s plan is to go into Canaan and do world evangelization.  But instead of holding onto this, you keep holding onto your business succeeding, or succeeding at school.  So, you have to go into Canaan, and ultimately you’re dragged to Canaan, but your heart is always in Egypt, and that’s why Satan messes with you. You’re supposed to go towards God, who is your center, but you’re centered on Egypt, so you and God aren’t aligned. That’s what we call a mental problem because your thoughts and your mind aren’t aligned with God. That’s an illness, then Satan will seize you.

If you’re with God, you have to change your spirit to align with what God wants.  This is the meaning of Numbers 4.  He’s telling you to match your heart and thoughts to this.  What does it mean for God to be with you? It’s not so that you can do whatever you want, but it’s in order to do his work and God will be with you.  Your plan is only a plan that will get you seized by Satan, a plan that will have you sold into slavery.  If you’ve come out of that, you have to quickly turn into God’s plan and word. 

But there are very stubborn people, and they hold onto their own things.  Why? Because they have a mental illness, they cannot understand the Word. Because Satan has the hold of them they think it’s correct and they keep following it, but it’s incorrect. You have to correctly go towards Canaan, with God, together with the Word God has given you.  Because only then will we go into Canaan, where we can live in houses we didn’t even build, why is that?  If they go into Canaan and do their own farming, when would they go into battle?  That’s what unbelievers would do, and that’s why unbelievers have been entrusted to us by God, because what we must do is establish God’s Kingdom , and in order to do that, God has already prepared all the houses and farms for us.  

This is what the Bible is talking about right now, but many pastors think of life as the wilderness, so they tell kids, “Oh man this is just a road of suffering and you have to wash at you are going to eat” and they think the wilderness is a path to heaven. Does this mean Moses never reached heaven?  But because they keep giving sermons like this, Christians think that life is supposed to be full of suffering and hardship, but once they go to heaven, that will be paradise.  But that’s why all their prayers revolve around receiving manna, then what about Moses and all the Israelites over 90 years old? Did they go to hell?

Because pastors are teaching strange things to believers, they are holding onto really strange beliefs.  They are teaching Canaan as the place of rest, they are thinking that you can only get that in heaven.  So actually, there was an RU lecture where the pastor had conveyed something strange, and you could tell because the question that the students were asking,  and I took the opportunity to give them another lecture. At that time, I was very upset because I was thinking that through that lecture, all the students were ruined, and I saw them, they had combative eyes, and I realized this.  I gave a lecture and before a month passed, they asked a question, and the student didn’t come up with the question on his own, but because of the instruction, they asked, “If they didn’t reach Canaan, would they go to hell?” That’s why they keep evangelizing because they don’t want to go to hell.

That’s when I was able to quickly realize, if we don’t go out into the evangelism field ourselves and we just kind of read the Bible, we’re just going to turn towards what people say. For one month, I completely gave them this lecture, and they couldn’t stand it and so they went to Hawaii because they wanted to change the thoughts of the RU students because they were being taught that if they didn’t enter Canaan, they wouldn’t receive salvation.

Depending on how you look at the Bible, everything changes.  So, they started attacking Darakbang, “These people don’t know what salvation is,” but ultimately they just left. I thought to myself, “Good thing,” because they were doing everything haphazardly, including evangelism and theology, it was very awkward, but if you look at it, this is not just something that comes from out of nowhere; it existed from long ago.  

If you went to churches from a long time ago, you’ve probably heard about how life is the wilderness, it’s supposed to be suffering and hardship, so everyone goes around thinking that suffering is natural, so life just about bearing it and getting through life with suffering until you can achieve final peace in heaven, but this is something people say without knowing the flow of the gospel, because only when they enter into Canaan through the temple will they be able to recreate this gospel to the rest of the world. 

Do you just go into Canaan?  No, you have to fight for it.  Already, on this earth, Satan has controlled everything through Genesis 3 and the Nephilm, and we go into the world to do this first.  We’re not going to make money, we’re going to establish God’s kingdom.  First, seek God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. We must pray about this and prioritize this first.  But instead, we hold onto the things of Egypt, “How are we going to eat and survive? How will we make money, how can we receive healing?”

If you die, you die; you just have to hold onto God’s promise and challenge towards it.  Did you get cancer? If you’re going to die, you’re going to die, but if you’re not going to die then dedicate yourself towards doing God’s work. There’s only two options.  That is only found in the flow of the covenant that is why you have to organize this within the covenant because in fact, there are a lot of other things, and it’s deeply rooted in the worldly things and the older you get, the more worldly things get imprinted in you, and you have to know that.  Why?  Because, how long has it been since you received the gospel? Well, what happened before that? You held onto worldly things, so  you go the worldly way, so that’s why when you go to church, everyone is rooted in legalism.

Everyone has their imprint, root, and nature in their guilt and putting down other people, so they look critically at others and you don’t like them why? Because in the churches, they already are imprinted and rooted and natured in these things, and the prosperity-based things, saying to follow after blessings.  If you’re God’s child, God will take responsibility for everything, so what must you ask for?  Instead of holding onto the accurate covenant, people are being taught legalism, so they hold onto the incorrect things and pray.  That’s why missions and evangelism don’t exist in their lives.

So how can God give you strength to do that? That is why people don’t have strength because, what’s the reason why God would give us strength? It is because we cannot overcome Canaan and fight with our own strength.  Otherwise, our level will only remain at asking for manna, asking for food, and eating meat once in awhile, because everyone is imprinted with that. “Canaan is irrelevant to me” “Canaan is a mission for only the special people,” that’s what they think. Not all people will go into Canaan and will go to all nations to do this work, “I will be with you,” and being with you means God will be with you in power.

How can we reach the 5,000 unreached nations and do missions to the 237 nations?  God is saying He will give you power so you can do it and He says, “Receive the filling of the holy spirit.”  But because you don’t hold onto this, you live a life in the wilderness, just asking for things and you barely get to heaven.  We have been called as a royal priesthood, everything has already been set aside for us, and if we go into that, it’s been prepared.  

In order to save the land of America, God will give you power, but we always say, “God, if you give me this, I’ll give you that.  But what are you saying? Are you putting conditions on God?  If it’s right with God, God will do it.  Are we only going to do 237 if someone has already done 237?  No, we do it because God tells us to do it. Do you think Pastor Ryu did the work of 237?  He did it, holding onto the covenant and praying, and that’s why we’re in the land of LA.

How can we meet multiethnic people? Because it is God’s oven at we are gathering in one heart and praying holding onto it, and what’s the church?  Church is the place to hold onto the covenant with one heart in prayer.  But because the covenant doesn’t enter into you, you keep praying about giving me this, give me that and this is a prayer you don’t have to do, you won’t pray about the saving of souls even once.  What do you pray for? It will be the food you eat and you will pray only for it because it’s you and your child, you’ll pour all your prayers into your child, but that’s not right with God.  That’s actually just praying holding onto your own center, and that’s not right with God.

The Bible doesn’t tell us this.  The reason why God gave us the gospel is so that we can do the work of world evangelization.  Do you know how Satan deceives us? He totally makes us focus on the wrong things so we turn our eyes away and deceives us.  Satan makes us completely die in the wilderness, but God is telling us to break free from that, and our past frames will break, then God’s new things will come to you.  That’s why, in order to fulfill the covenant, God gives us a word every week.  For the people who have really concluded in the covenant , they look forward to it every week, but people who have not concluded in the covenant and sometimes they are very weak, and once in awhile, they will receive grace, but if this covenant is really within you, the word will be organized for you.

When someone gets up and prays, you can tell whether they’re praying in the wilderness or if they’ve organized the Word. Organizing the Word means you’re not just praying with your head, but you know it as your covenant.  The characteristic of someone like this is that they will go all in.  Remnants held onto the covenant of temple construction and sold their car.  I’m not saying to sell your car, but because God’s Word entered into the remnants, their action showed it. So, why did they sell the car?  It’s because the maintenance fees were taking away from temple construction, so it was better for them to sell the car.

As a church officer, instead of tithing, give a third of your finances, and God will work upon the covenant.  In order to save the 237 nations, finances have already been set aside for you, so how far will your faith go? “I will do it that way,” then that is your faith, it is not that the pastor did it, but it is God who gave the Word. So, if you’re able to organize the Word, then you’re going to be able to go all in.

The Remnant is the hope of the church, right?  I mean, it’s great if the church leaders are able to do this, but if the remnants are able to do this then that’s hope for the church. Typically, they should be saving for their marriage because that’s normal, because, I think if they had a car, then after all these fees, they would have zero income.  In my experience, that’s better because if you’re sick, God has to take responsibility for it. If there’s an accident, then God knows you don’t have money and will block it for you.  Because they’ve already staked their lives on the covenant, it’s not God’s protection, and the person will not survive. God will take responsibility.

Without this grace, it can’t work for you, I’m not talking about offering; I’m talking about your faith. If temple construction is God’s will, then how has God prepared everything? You get to look forward to it. Through whom will God work? You don’t know that, but what’s important is whether it’s God’s will, and you have to hold onto it and continue praying.  To the church, God gave us the Word of Temple Construction, but we have to hold onto this and always ask “Is this Your will?” Why is temple construction God’s will? 

How many churches do temple construction?  So many churches do it and crumble, meaning it’s not right with God.  Is it aligned with the covenant, is this construction necessary to fulfill God’s covenant?  But if you’re trying to do this so that you can have some kind of honor, God will make that crumble down.

If you think, “If we have a grand structure and people will come and give things,” that’s not God’s covenant; that’s your greed. God will make that crumble down.  If you give money because you’re saying, “If you give to temple construction, then God will bless you” and there are even people who say this is completely irrelevant to them.  They say, “How is that relevant to me?” but according to the time schedule, everyone is different.  Then there are people thinking, “They’re going to support the Kenyan missionary, do we really have to do this?” There are people thinking, “Who does the pastor think he is, that he will do this on his own?” But what are we going to do then? If we don’t stake our lives on missions and evangelism what are we going to do? 

If you’re someone who thinks like this, then what are you going to do? That’s why God is saying, “Hold onto the covenant.”  God knew we wouldn’t be able to do 237 on our own, so God prepared the five powers for us, and according to that time schedule, God will give us the finances.  But in faith, we have to go towards God first, and that’s why He says, “Step into the Jordan,” because if they didn’t step foot in the Jordan but they just laid there, it wouldn’t work.

Then, we do this before God, then according to the covenant, the Jordan would split.  But in front of the flood God says “Just stay there and watch what I will do.”  There wasn’t a lot of time left, but in Jordan because they. Are so close to going to Canaan God says, “Step forward with your faith,” then it’s going to split.  If they just sat there then they won’t be able to cross the Jordan River, they held onto the covenant and went forward.  

Just go forward into the field of evangelism, just walk around Jericho because God is moving.  Move centered on the Ark of the covenant. God has prepared the people, God has prepared everything, and everything is included in, “It is finished,” but if you don’t know and realize this gospel, everything is hard, and that’s why you end up running away because you’re burdened by Temple Construction. You don’t even realize it’s a blessing.

“Why do you keep talking about evangelism and missions? It stresses me out.”  Then what are you going to do? You’ll go around eating and drinking and playing, but God has prepared everything.  We have to go do world evangelization and missions; otherwise, we’ll go to living for eating and drinking and that’s going back to the slavery of Egypt, and that’s the nature that lead to the demise of Egypt. We just have to change this just a little bit.  God knows our nature, so if we just hold onto the covenant a little and pray, God will send angels and it doesn’t matter what your age is.

You don’t give offering with money, but if you have faith, God will give you money.  “Oh, I can’t do offering because I don’t have money,” it means you don’t have faith. If you have a reason to give offering, God will work. Evangelism doesn’t work out for you? If you’re really holding onto the covenant God is going to work but because I”m not holding onto the covenant, God isn’t working on me. That’s why it’s so important to have our imprint, root, nature in the covenant because God answers us according to the spiritual state.  

This is what they prepared for in Numbers 4.  Every week, we go page by page, and I don’t know how God will give us the Word, if we hold onto evangelism, Canaan conquest and hold onto this as our covenant then God is going to give us the answer.  There is nothing else to worry about.  I was completely broke before, but because of the covenant, God had completely guided me and did everything for me.  It is okay if your business completely fails. If you hold to the covenant and completely challenge towards this, God will move in that situation. 

So, I want you to throw away everything else. “Oh, but this person is doing this next to me,” it doesn’t matter.  Just hold to the covenant that God has given you through the message in the church; hold onto the covenant of saving LA and challenge towards that.  Hold to the covenant of temple construction and challenge towards it. Don’t fight with people but hold to the covenant and fight the spiritual battle.  

Let us pray together with the Word God has given us today.  “Lord, with the covenant you gave me to save the LA region and to save the 237 nations let me really hold onto this covenant and do the work of saving.” Let us pray for the region.  You must find the blessing in the region where you live.  The reason why God sent you to your field, your workplace, and your school is so that you can establish God’s Kingdom, and God sends you the five powers for this reason.  So, hold to the covenant and pray so that in every region and in all the golden fishing ponds in our region, that in all 50 states there will be disciples to the 237 nations.  Let us pray.

On Tuesday, we had the first Darakbang with a teacher we met through the Spirituality Camp, and according to her, she comes from the countryside, 50 miles outside of Seattle.  So, I heard from her, and it seems that her child suffers from ADHD, and her husband passed away.  But prior to passing away, the husband participated in occult activities, but these problems went down to the family line, even though they went to church they were not imprinted in the gospel and Satan has overturned their family, so I will meet with them every Tuesday. Maybe it’s because she’s caucasian and has pride, but she said, “I’ll contact you next week,” she’ll let us know.

Why am I saying this?  If I’m praying about this, God will open the doors according to the time schedule, so our prayers must be here.  It’s not irrelevant to you, it’s absolutely related to you. On May 3, there will be the Pastor’s and Pastor’s wives and Missionaries training.  There are three mission fields we are supporting financially, and that’s central/south America, Ethiopia, and Kenya.  If this was your heart, you would want to support many mission fields.  I want to do this continuously.  I don’t want you to think, “Pastor, you’re asking for so much.”  

There’s a difference between your faith and my faith, because God will move me first, then he’s going to move me so I can move all of you, so I don’t want you to balk at evangelism and missions. I’m not doing it for missions, but God is giving me the heart. I’m doing it because God is giving me the heart, it has nothing to do with me, absolutely mission, until when? Until 237 nations.  We must hold onto this; what else would we hold onto? We cannot do it ourselves so let’s support this. That’s what I think, and God keeps giving me this heart.

So this is the Word we’ve been given, but we only support three nations, I kind of feel bad about that.  We should be supporting more people, the future generations should see us supporting so many nations pouring our possessions into that because God is going to take responsibility for it. I saw this directly ever since I was a new believer, and I believe God will do this for our future, so let us pray for May 3 and our missions.  

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