Egypt – World (The Devil John 8:44)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Egypt – World (The Devil John 8:44)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

We live in the world, but there were ten plagues in Egypt. If you’re not careful, you’ll hear lies from the world that say, “You won’t face disasters if you don’t do anything wrong.”  Satan moves the world with his authority and his lies, John 8:44. 

10 gods – idols for yourselves

Why were there disasters in Egypt? They had 10 different idols or gods, but what were those idols? In Exodus 20:4-5, God tells us to not make idols for ourselves or to bow down for them. An idol isn’t talking about a form or image, but it’s about being for myself.  God is for me, but I say that I do not want to believe in God; I’ll look out for myself, and actually, I am my own god.

(Me) – god (Genesis 3:5) Sin

Satan lies in Genesis 3:5 to say that you will be like God.  Why do disasters come?  Disasters come when I believe I am God, and God calls that “sin.” God doesn’t judge for no reason. If you go to a courthouse, why would they punish you without sin?  You only get punished because of sin, and God placed judgment on the ten gods of Egypt.

God – Covenant Genesis 3:15 Offspring of the Woman

How did the Israelites escape from disasters?  God is invisible but He made a promise with us through His Word, that the way to escape from the authority of the world is through Genesis 3:15, the offspring of the woman.  This is the promise of God.  Without knowing this, you know nothing, because the Bible is a promise.  Without this promise, you can’t believe in anything. If you believe in something without a promise, that is a blind faith.  Believing in something that isn’t there is foolish.  Only the offspring of the woman can save us from the authority of the world, the authority of death.  He had to die on the cross to erase the disasters that come from our sin. 

Jesus Christ, Passover Lamb – Blood

This covenant talks about Jesus Christ, but Jesus had not come in the Old Testament yet, so that is why God tells us to receive atonement for our sins and to escape disasters through the blood of the Lamb. Joseph held onto this covenant as he went into Egypt, so the ones who have this covenant will change the world.  Why? Because God works through His covenant. It’s not what I do, but God does His work according to His promise. 

Slaves – Passover

400 years later, these people were all enslaved by idols, that means they had lost hold of the covenant.  What happens if you lose hold of the covenant while believing in Jesus? You’ll start analyzing yourself and the darkness attacks you so that you fall into disasters and you become irrelevant to God’s blessings.  This continues to happen even now, but what does the Passover mean?

In Egypt, there were disasters, and everyone sinned against God through idolatry, so the disasters had no choice but to come.  But God promised that if you apply the blood of the Lamb on the doorpost, the disasters would pass over them.  There’s no other way other than the blood of the Lamb, and the Lamb had to be flawless.  Just like Jesus Christ who had no sin had to die for my sins.  The disaster came because of our sin, but the blood of the Lamb absolves all curses and disasters.

The last of the ten plagues was the plague of the firstborn.  It doesn’t matter if it’s an animal or person, but God would kill all the firstborn.  They would die because of their sin, and curses and disasters would come, and we cannot escape from the authority of Satan or the Pharaoh. You can’t escape no matter how many weapons you prepare.  No matter how smart or intelligent you are, you cannot escape from the devil.  Only when you apply the blood of the Lamb will the disasters pass over you as you escape from Egypt.


Liberation from curses, disasters, and slavery. If you don’t understand this, you’ll continue to have curses and disasters, so even though you live so diligently, you’ll keep having curses and disasters and wonder, “What is this?” You live so diligently but you have mental problems, why is that?  It’s because you’re so deeply rooted in yourself, deep in your heart.  What does it mean to be centered on yourself?

Thoughts, Heart

It means you think your own thoughts, so you’re centered on your thoughts that benefit you, so they’re thoughts for yourself.  The Word of God is not in your thoughts.  Everything in your heart are for your own things, so you’re diseased, and even medication cannot heal your heart.  You can’t wash out your thoughts with water; they keep coming into your brain, so you have a problem with your brain. Your brains make a decision based on your thoughts and your heart.  If you decide, “I have to go fishing today,” your heart makes you move in that direction, but your decisions do not have the heart of God, so these mental illnesses are related to your brain, so you have mental problems.

Brain, Mental Illness

You cannot heal this with medication.  You should take medication, but if you say, “I’m not a mental illness,” that’s to your loss.  If the doctor tells you to take some medication, you should take it, but that won’t restore you. Until your thoughts and heart are changed, you can’t do anything because your hearts and thoughts are seized by the devil. By what?

Lies, Greed

Lies and your greed, “You can be like God, you are the center of your life.” Mental illness means that you think the universe revolves around you, “This person said strange things to me,” and you think everyone is crazy except yourself.  That’s the characteristic of a mental person, thinking the universe revolves around them. 

Problem – Answer

Depending on how much you become God-centered instead of being centered on yourself is the degree of your restoration. If you face a problem, your mind and heart will say it’s a problem.  We’re all mental patients with diseased thoughts, but when you turn your thoughts to the Word of God, the problem isn’t a problem as the Word becomes an answer. This doesn’t happen for many people.

Crisis – Word – Opportunity

If there is a great crisis, people fall into drinking or browse the internet.  You have to escape your crisis by taking drugs.  That’s a failure who cannot succeed because they run away, falling into addiction and obsessed with unnecessary things.  They become divided.  The more we do things centered on ourselves, the more it is a problem.  You need to pull this into being centered on God’s Word, and that’s the Word of God, then a crisis is not a crisis because there is no crisis to God.  For me, it is a crisis, but for God, it is not a crisis; the crisis becomes an opportunity.

Everyone runs away in the face of a crisis, but you’re alone, receiving answers.  If this doesn’t take place, how can you be successful?  Do you think problems and crises won’t come when you’re successful? They become bigger, then what do you do? You cannot overcome.  You need to have a mystery to change the crisis into an opportunity for blessing.  If this doesn’t take place, what would you do?  You need something that makes the problem into something that isn’t a problem at all.

If you continue to have problems and crises, you will have a heart attack.  You guys are so young so you might not know this, but you face all these problems and crises and those cause heart attacks.  Your heart beats violently in your chest even though there are no problems, so you have to take medications and anti-anxiety drugs. You have no choice, you have to take pills.  You can’t do anything unless you escape from your self-centeredness, applying the blood of the lamb to your heart.  Do not apply it to your door, but apply it onto your heart and spirit, otherwise the disasters will keep coming into your life.

You think you’re good at thinking, but if that is true, why are you like this? The Bible doesn’t tell you to have good thoughts, but the Bible tells you that whether you rise or lie down, to think upon the Word.  The world teaches to think high class, renowned thoughts, but there is nothing renowned.  What is renowned?  Nothing is renowned without God, but the world pours lies into your heart, and you live thinking this is true, but it is not.  That is why you need to apply the blood of the Passover Lamb, of Jesus Christ, into your thoughts and heart, then you will be liberated from the “me-centeredness” that causes curses and disasters and go into Jesus Christ.

The works will continue to arise to block curses and disasters and to liberate you from the darkness.  You’re liberated, but you have to exact same thoughts the devil has given you, so that’s why everyone failed in the wilderness. Your thoughts don’t change just because you go to church diligently.  You only receive the liberation and Canaan conquest when you acknowledge who you truly are, acknowledging Jesus Christ as your standard. Even now, at this time, the Holy Spirit puts the Word of God into your heart.

Other than doing this, what would you do for an hour at home? Think about it, what would you focus on? It’s not the Word of God.  You keep going into other things.  You like other things because they’re aligned with the thoughts the devil has given to you, but if you face a problem or crisis, nothing will matter, but you keep going into those things because you think you will like them.  During this time of worship, you focus on the Word of God with your thoughts and heart, so without you even realizing it, you escape out of slavery.  That’s why it’s only Jesus, only Christ.  It’s not only Jesus Christ when you accept, it is always Jesus Christ; otherwise, something else will come into your heart instead.


“Are you telling me not to think?” No, think based on Jesus Christ, facing Canaan and dreaming of world evangelization. You can study well, but you’re just studying so you have mental problems, being seized by weird things and dragged around. You need to concentrate in the direction of world evangelization so that your heart and thoughts won’t be enslaved by Satan, otherwise you will be enslaved by Satan and success, and that’s how your life ends.  Then you don’t need a pastor because the devil isn’t afraid of pastor. It doesn’t matter if your family has believed for three or four generations.  The devil isn’t even afraid of high priests or if you memorize the Bible.  Even if you memorize the entire Bible, if the center of Jesus Christ is not in your thoughts, you will worship idols.

You must use this time of worship very well to concentrate on God’s Word. You must sincerely and earnestly pray before God, and that is the beginning of healing. Otherwise, you will focus on other things and be obsessed with that.  Even if you keep worshiping, one day, you will be healed. I’ve seen this a lot.  “Pastor, I wasn’t doing much, but one day while worshiping, it disappeared.” Why? Because the word of God is in your thoughts. If your thoughts are incorrect, they will cause disease and it doesn’t matter how much you go to church or how much you study the original language.  It doesn’t matter if you go into 40 day prayer or 365 day fasting prayer, because your thoughts still come from yourself.  You only have the works of the devil to please the devil.  As you do this, your thoughts will change.  You must let go of your own thoughts; holding onto them, you will fall.

You cannot block disasters with your life; otherwise, all the renowned individuals would do so.  Napoleon should have died a happy death but he was actually exiled.  While brandishing his sword, he was successful, but he was exiled to Elba.  We only think about Napoleon at the height of his conquest, but that is not how his life ended.  Think about the end, a life that has no God has no choice.  The thoughts, heart, and brain determine the Spirit. 


What state is your spirit in?  The spirit is invisible, but if you look at one’s thoughts, you can see their spirit.  If they constantly have thoughts that do not believe in the Word of God, what will happen to their spiritual state?  The devil follows them around, and everywhere they go, they keep making problems.  But inside of them, if the word of God’s gospel is there, then they solve problems. They go in as a slave, but they solve the problems. They go and give the answer to the King of Egypt.  This is the answer the Bible talks about.

You keep coming to church asking for blessings, but what blessing are you talking about?  Jesus Christ is with you and everything is finished because Jesus Christ is God Himself. Making that confession, the darkness breaks down.  Everywhere you go, works will arise where a problem is not a problem and a crisis is not a crisis.  You cannot control your thoughts, but you’re being dragged around by them, “I can’t control my life.” You must quickly escape from that, otherwise it is a headache. Replace it with the Word of God such that God leads your life.  There is no problem or crisis for God, what problem does God have? What enemy does God have? They cannot, they would just be destroyed.  If you know this, you wouldn’t curse anyone because you’re judging God.  It doesn’t matter how wicked or evil a person may be, but if they have the gospel, God is moving them.

Raising up the next generation like this is the way to save the world and to please God.  People work so diligently but they’re not able to change their thoughts, then what will happen to their life?  Diligence is actually a problem.  If you didn’t work so diligently and were corrupted, you might come back, but you think you’re good by yourself.  God calls you evil, but you think, “I’m nicer than others, I live more diligently than others, I lie less than others.”  The Bible says that all have sinned, and that Word must come into my thoughts and heart, then what will happen?  Only Jesus Christ can solve this aspect.

That Word must control my thoughts and heart.  That’s the reason God gave them the Tabernacle in the Old Testament, so they could worship and be with God.  Even if you’re supposed to live 100 years, you live it week by week, and God walks with you.  He gives His Word and walks with us through the Word. That is worship.  If you’re not able to receive the Word during worship, you don’t have to give worship because either way, you walk according to the thoughts that Satan gives you, and that’s the problem.


Your diligence isn’t a problem; being lazy isn’t a problem either.  How do you give worship?  Do you have to give it very earnestly?  Do you have to be very clean and well-bathed?  It’s good to be like that if your heart faces towards God. 

In Spirit and in Truth

You worship in Spirit and in Truth.  What does that mean?  It means we no longer give worship by sacrificing animals, because Jesus Christ died on the cross as a final sacrifice to solve all of mankind’s sins.  That’s the truth with which we worship, and with the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit allows me to understand the Word of God within me.  You don’t get this with your mentality, right? You don’t give worship with your earnestness or zeal, but it is with spirit and truth, so your heart and thoughts must concentrate entirely on the God Who is with you.  Through worship, God delivers the Word He wants to give, and the Holy Spirit moves within you.

The Bible, which is the Word of God, was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so you can only understand when the Holy Spirit moves.  If you could understand by studying a lot, then all the smart people would have great faith. But the Bible says in 1 Corinthians that the foolishness of God is greater than the intellectuals of the world, so you receive the Word and understand by the inspiration and movement of the Holy Spirit.  But without understanding this, you learn Hebrew.  If that person receives the filling of the Holy Spirit, that’s great, but if you dig in, relying on your  mental strength, you’ll just become more confused. 

The Holy Spirit has to reveal the scriptures for you to understand, so we must worship in spirit and in truth.  Only when there is a working and movement of God will the Word of God be established within me.  Among you, is there anyone who said, “God gave me these words today.”  Not just what you understand with your brain, you could do that with your brain.  But there is a Word God reveals to your spirit, that’s the covenant.  Throughout the rest of the week, you need the Word, but without it, what will you do?  You know the Word but your thoughts are your own. That’s a religious life, a Pharisee, so you fail. The longer you go to church, the longer you fail.

Do you understand?  Worship is everything. If Christ is everything, then worship and evangelism are everything.  Is that not true?  Because the content of evangelism is Christ; the core of worship is Christ, and everything is contained within that.  The reason you study in the world is for Christ, so the Kingdom of God is established.  But you hold onto your thoughts centered on yourself, and you go to make money and be successful, so you crumble. You get scarred beginning with your emotions, making enemies and avoiding people in the world, why?  Because you haven’t studied what the world is.

You’ve only studied in the world to get a job in the world without studying the nature of the world. You know how to calculate the money in the world without learning about the world itself.  You learned sociology and how societies move, but you haven’t learned what moves within the people. You learned about the laws that govern the world without knowing God’s Word, then what happens? You shake in the direction of the world.  This isn’t complicated.

Hold onto one thing from the pulpit message constantly throughout the week.  Keep thinking about the Word in your thoughts until the Lord goes into your thoughts.  With nothing else, hold onto the title, “The Passover Lamb, Jesus Christ,” so that when a problem comes, that’s the answer.  When a problem comes, you fall right into the problem.  I’m not saying that Jesus Christ is only used to solve our problems, but you think it’s fine without the problem. The problem is that we do have problems and crises, and that’s life.  You must have the promise as your compass.

You need a compass to know where to go, which direction is north.  It’s not the law, but the gospel that gives the direction.  The correct way is the word of Christ, because Jesus explained everything that was said in the Old Testament.  But people like the Apostle Paul only looked in the Old Testament, but the gospel is the Word that saves.  My life must be saved and be used to save others.  Only the Word of the gospel can save.   If you hold onto the Word of the law, you’re going to be oppressed by guilt and die, you can’t escape. You can’t kill others, but already with the word, you knock them down, “This isn’t a person,” so people crumble as their hearts and thoughts crumble. 

You need the words of the gospel to be revived no matter what disaster you’re in. No matter what circumstance you’re in, if you have Jesus Christ, you will be revived.  Experience this.  If you cannot experience this personally, you’ll hold onto your thoughts.  You have too many motives.  You’re so interested in success, money, and material things, or the depression can’t be healed quickly enough, so you give up.  You have to recognize that these are long-standing problems, then it will take a little time.

That’s why Jesus gave us the Word to give worship, because the Church and worship will be maintained until Jesus’ second coming.  Even if churches exist, Satan blocks your ability to worship and makes your hearts and thoughts go somewhere else, misaligned with God.  Then what will happen?  The wolves come and devour the sheep. You have to go in the direction of the shepherd, but going off in your own direction, the devil will grab you by the throat. You may not die because you’re a child of God, but you’ll be so torn up.  You’re seized by depression and panic disorders and schizophrenia that you cannot do anything.  You’ll be seized by money, success, and scars because you’re not following the Word of God.  

That’s why it’s okay even if you just look at the Word before you.  At least in the beginning, look at the notes you took on Sunday and read the scripture passage, think about it a little.  “Why did God give me these words?”  It comes into you, you keep it in your heart, just a little bit.  If God works just one minute, that can be a greater thing than our lives’ 100 years’ effort.  No matter how much you try, it won’t be solved, but when the Word of God controls your thoughts and heart, you will change.

Holy Meditation

It’s great for the remnants to do Holy Meditation while studying. Before studying, hold onto the Word of God and it’s so great, you study with that and think about the Word of God regularly. That’s what it means to hold onto the covenant and study, then it becomes a weapon for righteousness.  Without this, your thoughts and heart are diseased.  The studies are not what make your life diseased, but the lack of the Word of God makes your heart diseased. It’s the same with people who have jobs.  Look at the Word of God in the morning as you meditate, and as you work, think about the Word of God again.  Then there is the next level where you can work and meditate on God’s Word without even looking at the notes. 

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 says to imprint the word of God on your thoughts, heart, mind, soul, and strength, and depending on what you put in your mind, your thoughts will change.  “Why is my family like this?” It’s because of what was imprinted.  The Pharisees never repented or held to the gospel, “I am not in the wrong; I’ve kept the Word perfectly,” but I am a problem.  Nothing is the problem; I am the problem. But if I hold to Christ, nothing would be a problem. When I’m with God, nothing can be a problem, but because we’re not able to do that, we blame each other and have conflicts. That’s the characteristic of someone without the gospel.

That’s why Satan burrows into the church, causing division and conflict, “I have the gospel,” and I blame others.  If the church says, “Why is the world like this?” That’s wrong, because the church is the problem and must restore the gospel.  The Mizpah movement was about quickly discarding the idols in your hearts and returning to the gospel.  Why is the world in shambles? It is because you’re wrong. If you had the gospel, nothing would be a problem, but the church is the problem, not the world. That person is not the problem; my family is not the problem; I am the problem.


Pharisees always blamed others.  They will never be able to save others.  There is no potential for saving.  If I were centered on the gospel and the covenant, I would be able to save myself, others, and my superiors.  But instead, you make your own problems and excuses about the other people.  Adam said, “This woman You created,” that’s the characteristic of a sinner.  If he had said, “Father God, I am a sinner and I sinned,” he would have had immediate salvation, but he blamed the woman and the woman blamed the snake.  God then said, “You have no remorse, so even the earth will be cursed because of you.”

“Is it better to live here, in Korea, or Europe?”  That’s someone who is less well off than the people in the world.  The standard is that God is with you. If God sends you to a bad place, God sends you to change the place.  If your company is difficult, God sends you there to change it.  “I will change it through you” as your covenant. “That is why I sent you.” Without this taking place, what happens? You keep making excuses, “I met the wrong person, I shouldn’t have gone to this school.” The school isn’t the problem, but I’m the problem.  The problem is that I’ve lost hold of the covenant that can change the school into a blessing.

Look at Joseph, he never said, “Oh, my life is over.” Egypt was swarming with idols, but that’s not what I mean.  You don’t have the gospel. Even if you know about demons, you don’t know about the gospel.  Joseph never said, “This is an idol worshiping nation,” but he realized why he had to save that place.  He never said, “This is such a headache,” but that’s a Pharisee or legalistic person.  If you see a problem and recognize God’s blessings, you will recognize God has sent you into that place. This time of worship is the time of greatest blessing, but you have an impatient personality.  You’re testing God because He is not giving you what you want, when you want it. 

But if you have one heart, whole heart, and continuation, everything will change.  He even changed me. You don’t know me well. First of all, I was an unbeliever, and no one in my family believed. I’m the first in my family line, so I was completely filled with demons.  I’m not saying I was demon-possessed, but my thoughts and heart were possessed by demons, then what do you think will happen?  I have seen how God changes even someone like myself.  Then, we don’t even have to say anything about you guys.  Then mental problems wouldn’t be a problem. What is the real problem? I don’t know what the medicine is.

The real problem is that you don’t have the solution. If the Triune God is with me, what could possibly be a problem?  The fact that you think there is a problem means that your thoughts and heart are diseased. That’s why, every day for at least one minute, have a time where you concentrate on the Word of God.

Just do one pushup per day, then what will happen after a year?  Some girls say, “It’s so heavy, I don’t have upper body strength,” but do one pushup a day and meditate for one minute a day, then your muscles in your thoughts and heart will overcome when enemies attack. But instead of saying that, you live however you want and have no strength to overcome your problems so you fall over. If possible, breathe in very deeply and slowly.  Breathing calms our bodies.  Oxygen moves through our blood. If you work all night, you have to rest your brain.  Without resting, you keep going and don’t recharge your energy which is oxygen. 

Oxygen isn’t getting to your brain, it’s being blocked by your breathing, so you have issues in your brain. Breathe deeply and slowly, but that’s why transcendental meditation is so big in America.  If you just take a moment to do that, you receive healing, but your thoughts and heart aren’t changed.  But your thoughts and heart will never change unless it is by the Word of God.  Even if you just hold onto the Word of God, take long breaths, and it will change the mental problems in your  brain.

You use your brain too much.  ADHD might mean you’re hyperfocused and go deeper into some things and you may be excellent in certain aspects, but you cannot function in others.  Breathing deeply to allow ample oxygen to reach your brain will cause these to be fixed.  Just do it as you walk around, breathe deeply and think about the Word of God.  But you’ll continue to be deceived by something else. If you listen to music, the music will seize you. Your thoughts may be controlled by the video so the entire field is mental problems. You must do he opposite of what they’re doing. You keep emphasizing the direction the world is going, but the younger you start, this is better.  What is imprinted as a child becomes deeply rooted in you, but when you grow up, its’ rooted so deeply but you reactions go in this different.  Even that is not a problem, because it’s only the gospel. 


Father God, we thank You. Please work upon the time of meditation where we’re able to imprint the Word of God in our thoughts, heart, mind, and spirit.  In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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