Oil for the Lamp and the Bread of Christ for Continuous Worship (Leviticus 24:1-9)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Oil for the Lamp and the Bread of Christ for Continuous Worship (Leviticus 24:1-9)

Today we will share the Word of God from Leviticus 24 regarding the lampstands and the bread.  Leviticus tells us about worship.  Leviticus contains the two meanings of going before God and us going out before the world.  After the Exodus, the people who have salvation must, without a doubt, be able to continuously enjoy worship before God.  The reason why God continues to tell us about the feasts and the sabbath is because of worship.  

If we haven’t yet organized the meaning of worship, we are still living a life of Egypt. Egypt, simply put, is a place where we do not need to worship, because Egypt was a place where you can survive simply by the efforts of mankind.  Egypt was a place where you could live according to your own plans and will.  Egypt was a place that lived with the very renowned efforts of mankind. They served idols there, but they do not even know what they are serving. The people of God were completely enslaved in that region for 420 years, so the people of God who lost hold of worship are enslaved to the world.

Not knowing worship  means that we live exactly in the state of Egypt.  Those Isralites who have the imprint, root, nature of Egypt, how do you think they lived in the wilderness after the Exodus?  Even after receiving salvation, they lived in their old imprint, root, nature before the Exodus.  That was the reason why their lives failed, so God told them about the tabernacle and worship so that they wouldn’t go down that path again.  He told us about the five sacrifices and three feasts, and all of that is worship.  The only way for us to overcome our imprint, root, nature of Sin, Satan, and hell, is to go before God continually in worship.

Therefore, if you fail in worship, you fail in life.  No matter how well you do in the world, that’s just you by yourself, so your life will end in failure.  Because, our lives are moved by God, especially if you’re a saved child of God.  Our future is in God’s hands, then if you fail in worship, then of course, you’ll fail in the future.  That is why we go to worship by staking our lives.  If you do not stake your life on worship, you will suffer, excreting blood like in Egypt.  That is why you must stake your life on worship.

You stake your life on God, then you can overcome and change the world. But you fail in the world as well, we fail in the business field, we are failing in our family fields, and we fail when we are by ourselves. God tells us not to do that; that’s worship. 

In Leviticus 24:1, “The LORD said to Moses, ‘Command the Israelites to bring clear oil of pressed olives for the lights, so that the lamps may be kept burning continually.’” He is talking about olive oil.  Back then, you needed oil to light lamps, and olive oil was the best.  Even among that, it’s not just oil, but it is clear olive oil.  Even among oils, some oils will emit smoke when lit.  We have to refine oil many times before we use it, and it’s the same with olive oil.  “Bring the clear oil of press olive so the lamps may be continually lit.” This is talking about the Holy Place within the tabernacle.  

In the Holy Place within the tabernacle, there is the lampstand, bread, and incense before God.  Today, we are talking specifically about the lampstand that has seven lights on it, three on the left, three on the right, and one in the middle that must always be kept burning. In order for that to continuously burn, we must continuously fill it with oil.  If the lampstand doesn’t have oil, it cannot be kept burning.  

Leviticus 24:3 says, “Outside the curtain that shields the ark of the covenant law in the tent of meeting, Aaron is to tend the lamps before the LORD from evening till morning, continually. This is to be a lasting ordinance for the generations to come.” This is from evening until morning, in other words, in the dark hours.  The light must remain lit 24 hours, always.  If the light turns off, then Aaron dies.  The lampstand must be continuously lit, especially during the nighttime hours. Inside the tabernacle, it is dark, so the lampstand serves the purpose of giving light in the tabernacle, but He is saying to keep it eternally, even today.  Today, we don’t have lampstands, so that means there is a spiritual meaning. In order for the lampstand to be lit, there must be olive oil, those two things.

In the Bible, oil refers to the Holy Spirit, just as David was anointed with oil.  Anyone who had the roles of the priest, prophet, and king, were anointed by God.  They realistically poured oil on the person’s head, signifying the Holy Spirit coming upon that person. It is through the Holy Spirit that we brighten the darkness within the Holy Place.  So we talk about the spiritual meaning that has carried on through today. It means to shine the spiritual light into the spiritual world of darkness.  

In John 1:9, it says that the True Light has come into the world, and that is Jesus Christ.  Therefore, the Tabernacle is talking about Jesus Christ.  You can’t just finish by understanding this with your knowledge.  That kind of Bible study will fail.  You only try to establish your knowledge base, you think, “I learned something I didn’t know before,” but that has nothing to do with overcoming the world. 

What’s truly important is that you’re realistically shining the light by the Holy Spirit.  Therefore, if your Bible studies and worship aren’t standing spiritually before God, it’s all being imprinted in you as knowledge.  Now you have more knowledge, you become arrogant and begin to challenge the pastor’s messages.  Because there are many angles of knowledge, there’s no choice but for you to challenge the sermon, and there isn’t a single person who won’t fail by doing that.

Why?  By the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the message of the sermon should be an answer to you, but because you’re only understanding things as knowledge, there are so many interpretations that the pastors have, but you only understand it as knowledge.  The Bible was written by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, so if you do not understand the Holy Spirit, it’s impossible for you to understand the intent of God.

We are the ones to shine the light of Jesus Christ to the world, 24 hours a day by the inspiration and filling of the Holy Spirit.  This begins from the church, it is the present-day Tabernacle. It begins with the priest because this is what God told the priests today.  In today’s terms, we are living in a land that no longer has priests, but now, anyone who receives the filling of the Holy Spirit becomes a temple themselves.  Therefore, if we’re not able to shine the light of Jesus Christ to the world 24 hours by the filling of the Holy Spirit, then we collapse.  When you receive the word of God, the grace of God, and Jesus Christ from the church, you take that light and shine it 24 hours, eternally, within your family and field, by the filling of the Holy Spirit, with the olive oil, and this is why we pray, 

And the incense is talking about another type of prayer but today we are learning that by the filling of the Holy Spirit, we shine the light of Christ to the world.  Just as how at night, the Isralites were led by God in a pillar of fire and during the day they were led by the pillar of cloud, what does this mean? It means that without these things, you cannot live in the world.  In today’s words, if you do not have the light of Jesus Christ, the fire of the Holy Spirit then you cannot overcome or change the world.

Then in Leviticus 24:4, the priest must continually replenish the clean and pure oil so the light may be lit continually. This is very important.  This is the church and these are the chosen children of God, and in today’s terms, it’s the temple.  If you are not able to have prayer, you cannot receive guidance in the world because the world is in spiritual darkness.  How can you overcome the spiritual darkness of the world with the knowledge of the world ? You can only receive guidance and save the world if you receive the spiritual light.  

The people who have jobs or worries, do not worry. If the light is shining, there’s no reason to worry. You have no choice but to worry because the light is turned off, if you receive the grace of God during worship, God will allow you to save the world and receive guidance in your family and field by the light of the Holy Spirit. This is what it means that, if you do Bible study with knowledge, you will fail. 

You need no other perspective; we’re talking about Jesus, the True LIght.  This is why we pray, for the guidance, filling, and working of the Holy Spirit.  Why do we say 24 hours? Because we must shine this 24 hours, to receive God’s guidance 24 hours, then the world will come to life as we shine the light into the darkness.  That’s why in the New Testament, we’re told that if the Holy Spirit comes upon us, we will become witnesses until the ends of the earth.

He said this on the mount of olives.  God didn’t call them to a random mountain, it is related to the Holy Spirit. God didn’t call them to any other mountain among many, He called them to this mountain to talk about the Holy Spirit because the mount of olives means there are a lot of olive trees there, and everyone knew the Old Testament so they knew this.  For 40 days, they held onto that word as the covenant and went into their fields and homes and prayed that the Holy Spirit would work upon them and to shine the light of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is with us, and by the filling and the power of the Holy Spirit, we shine this light. Shine this light in your family.  Shine the light in your business, don’t keep trying to work but shine the light. If you fail in worship, you’ve automatically failed in life and in the world.  Some remnants think if you don’t give worship, you can still get good grades. By that logic, what about unbelievers who get good grades without believing in God? It means that person will die and crumble regardless of their good grades.  These kids get confused listening to the message because they listen to everything from a physical standard, “Even if I don’t give worship, it’s not bad,” but ultimately they cannot overcome the darkness.  They are seized by the darkness, the liar and the murderer and their lives are destroyedSatan gives you something and destroys you.

Satan temped Jesus and tried to destroy Him. We must not be3 deceived by Satan’s lies, but because we’re so deeply imprinted, rooted, and natured in Egypt, we are easily deceived. That is why Leviticus tells us about the tabernacle so we can worship.  We must be imprinted, rooted, and natured in worship so we can be victorious in the land of Canaan.  What is the proper way for you to survive and exist in America? The Word gives you the answer today. What is the church? The Word gives you the answer, and if you don’t do this, the church should close its doors and the members of the church will be destroyed. If this facility closes its door so that people cannot worship, that means every member of the church is being destroyed.  

Did you come to church today with the prayer topics of the world? God has no interest in that.  God’s interest is according to His Word, shining the light of the lampstand. You need to hold onto the prayer topics that God desires.  Honestly, whatever you’re praying for is better than not praying at all, because if you have an incorrect prayer topic, God can correct that, but God is telling you to pray for the prayer topic that has no choice but to receive answers, it is an eternal and fundamental prayer topic. 

That’s what God told Moses to do in the Holy Place. What is it that the church does? The church prays to shine the light into the world.  If this doesn’t take place, the church loses its power.  If the church is able to do this, God will follow that church around with works on their businesses, and academics, to save the 237 nations.  This is what it means for God to bring the five powers and the direction to save the world.  

Because we’re so rooted in physical things, we keep having motives, but even so, continue to do this.  The reason we have no choice but to develop ulterior motives is because we’ve been rooted in the  physical things first.  One day, when the Word of God is more deeply rooted in us, this will change, and this is normal. Even so, keep doing this.  “Why am I like this?” It’s normal.  When we were in Egypt, it’s not like nothing happened to us, but we were continuously rooting deeper in something else, and that’s why when we go back to worship, we think, “That’s right,” and that’s why God tells us to do this.

When we go back to worship, we realize, “I lived my life like this,” and we root deeper in the word, sometimes we receive grace by feeling bad, and sometimes we receive grace by feeling good. Sometimes the Word of God pokes us so deeply we feel so bad, but sometimes we receive grace as we are humiliated by ourselves. This is normal, and this is why God told us to build the tabernacle so we can continuously do this.  The olive oil isn’t you; it’s talking about the Triune God.  Jesus Christ Who is within you, shining as the Holy Spirit, and there’s one more thing.  

In Leviticus 24:5, “You shall take fine flour and bake twelve loaves from it; two tenths of an ephah shall be in each loaf arrange them in two stacks six in each stacks on the table of pure gold before the LORD.”  When you go into the Holy Place, there is a golden table with bread on it, and there needs to be two stacks of six loaves of bread, referring to the 12 tribes of Israel, meaning that each tribe must eat this bread. Outside of the Tabernacle, you might eat beef or other foods, but you must always eat this spiritual bread.

In Leviticus 24:8, “This bread is to be set out before the LORD regularly sabbath after sabbath on behalf of the Israelites as a lasting covenant.”  Every Lord’s day during worship, we need to get new bread, and this is why we have Sunday worship at church. God gives you the spiritual bread of His Word. Some people can’t eat this, why? It’s because they’re diseased.  They are so sick, they cannot eat it.  Because they’re so entrenched in physical things and other things, they have no sensitivity to the Word of God.

“If I have the bread, then I can just leave the bread here the same, why do I have to get new bread every Sunday?” God told us that this is a lasting covenant, meaning we have to do this today as well.  Every Sunday, God tells you that He is giving you the Word of Life.  John 6:23 says, “Jesus Christ is the Bread of Life.” It’s not talking about physical bread that you eat, but in John 5, Jesus Christ gave the miracle of the five loaves of bread and the two fish, and later he called His disciples aside and said, “This is not the bread we’re talking about, but you need the bread of Jesus Christ.” Every single week we must eat the bread of God’s word, the voice that He speaks to you. 

It’s not the pastor’s sermon, but how does the devil deceive us?  If you are arrogant, you cannot eat this bread.  For people who think, “This pastor’s level is much lower than Rev. Ryu; do I have to listen to his message?”  That person will never eat. Of course, I’m much lower than Rev. Ryu, however, the Word that God gives you every week on Sunday, God gives it to you through me.  But people who have a lot of knowledge may feel that way, realistically speaking, they do not understand Rev. Ryu’s message at all.  They just input that into their brains as knowledge and logic.  If they really understood his messages, they would understand the messages on Sunday.

Must I give you some logic about this? It is the same God and we are in the same denomination going in the same direction. If this is incorrect, you have to go into another denomination . Therefore, if you’re too focused on knowledge and have spiritual problems, you cannot eat the bread of life, this is Biblical.  God raises the church and every week through the Holy Spirit, God gives us the bread of life every single sabbath through the priest.

The characteristic of someone who has the evangelist’s lifestyle and have the evangelism movement, is that they are riding the stream of the pulpit message and the  headquarters message, because that is the flow where God is moving and that goes all the way into their fields, that is why God is moving in their field. But if they hold onto the headquarter message while cutting off the pulpit message, this flow will not enter into the field. This is the principle of the Bible and the world. I’m explaining to you about the pulpit message using the spiritual words of the Bread of Life.  If you really stand before God and desire to receive the Bread of Life, God will give it to you.

However, if any of you look at me and think, “I can just listen to the messages online, it’s easier, I can just keep Pastor Park’s messages as a reference,” I’m sorry to tell this but your life will fail and I’m sure you’ve already failed, why? Because you’re not aligned with God. It’s not that you’re not aligned with me; you’re not aligned with God, you’re creating your own world as your own God.  This is the Biblical Word; you will never be able to overcome the field. If you’re not able to overcome the field, you cannot overcome your family or your job.  You’re always going to ask, “Why is this happening?” you’ll have question marks but no answer because you’re not aligned with God. “But I’m aligned with God,” but you look down on the church.  The church isn’t about looking at me, but it’s the church God raises up.  

God has called you, you need to pray for God to give you His Word. anyone who cannot do this, 100/100 times, they will fail. Bring up anyone to me who says, “I can look down on the church and survive.” There isn’t one. After doing the evangelism movement for 25 years, I haven’t seen a single okne. The characteristic is that this person will have spiritual problems and fail. Even pastors have done this and failed. I am a witness of this after doing the evangelism movement for 25 years.  Even up until now, you don’t know what has happened to people, evangelists rising up and their families being destroyed. 

I’ve looked at people for 10 years.  Even yesterday, I heard of a family who collapsed.  Instead of being with their wife, they went with another woman.  Even though it was a person who was with me for many years, why is that? It’s not because they left the church, but they weren’t able to see how God was moving.  Because they’re not able to see how God is moving, they put their own thoughts into it, but your thoughts aren’t aligned with God.  

 As we are talking about the landstand and the bread we need to stake our lives on worship and God.  If you have other thoughts, then you’re extremely arrogant. I’ve tried all of that already, I was super arrogant, so I know when I look at you.  Don’t do that, please.  You really need to stand before God for you yourselves to change.  I’m not saying you guys are like this, but because this is the Word of God, I’m explaining the normal pattern of Christians.  

In Leviticus 24:9, “It belongs to  Aaron and his sons who are to eat it at the Holy place because it is part of their regular share.”  Every Sunday, as we receive the Word of God, the priests are to eat the Word of God in the most holy place, and to give this to their children.  If you receive the Word, you must share this Word.  What happens to the Word of God you don’t share? You’ll stack it up more and more.  You need to receive the new Word of God every week, in order to share it, but if you’re not sharing it it will feel like everything is the same. This is why in the Early Church, they broke bread and formed with one another, it’s all the same. 

If you receive the word, then at the minimum, you must share this Word with your family, and you must share the Word of God with the people in the field.  Don’t share your own words.  At your job, you may have to talk professionally, but you must share the Word God has given to you, and share the Word of Life with others.  That is the eternal covenant.

Why do you think God gave us the Word in Leviticus 24 about the lampstand and the bread? He is talking about the Tabernacle, about worship.  You must give proper worship. Because you fail in worship, you’re not aligned with God, then it’s rightful that the world is difficult.  If the people of God go into the world all alone, even then, God guides them, and that’s worship.  During worship, you receive God’s grace and your mission, and you need to maintain that in your family and field as well.  

Into the fields of the world! Then you come back on Sunday and receive the Word again, you take this back to your family and worship, why? Because we’re the temple, and it is eternal.  We are the temple of God because Christ lives within us. The Words of Christ, the Light of Christ, the Holy Spirit, 24 hours.  Then we’ll see the power of 25 hours, and that is the way to overcome the world.  This is eternity, saving souls, for the eternal prize.  This is the Word God is giving us through Leviticus.

Don’t think about anything else.  Anything else you think about may be correct but your buttons are misaligned.  You’re wearing your clothes inside out, so you’re complaining that your clothes are itchy. You’re correct but something is wrong, you must wear your inner clothes first. You must first eat the bread God gives you, then eat physical food.  But because you’re not eating physical bread and you only worry about physical food that you eat and how much you eat or make, you’re not receiving the spiritual bread, that person is aligned with the world, and that’s why you’re enslaved by the world. You live in America and you’re enslaved by  America, ultimately, you’re enslaved by Satan.  

Then, instead of evangelizing to America, you’re overwhelmed with spiritual problems from Korea, the land you live in, and from America.  That’s why God told all the Isralites who had no money of their own to collect their jewelry and rings so they could build the Tabernacle.  People who are rooted in money and physical things cannot understand this at all, “Why is God continually taking from me?”  They say, “God is always telling me to give offerings, remnant offering, thanksgiving offering, regular offering, You’re taking everything that I have!” Do you know why?  Because you’re too deeply rooted in money.  

It’s not that you as a person are wrong, but you’ve been too deeply rooted ever since you were young on the physical things and money, so when God tells you to build the Tabernacle, you don’t understand. You have to build the Tabernacle first so you can live in the world. That is why for 40 years in the wilderness, all the people who were rooted in money and success from Egypt all died in the wilderness. How did they die?  In complaints and grumbling, “Moses is like this, Moses is always telling us to kill sheep and taking our stuff away,” they can’t say this outside with their mouths, but inside, they ask, “Why is God always telling me to sacrifice my hard-earned sheep? What about the poor people?” That’s how much the Israliets suffered in the wilderness and died there.

Why do you think God is giving us this Word? God is telling us to keep their troubles in mind so we don’t live the same way. There’s no other method, come to the Tabernacle every single day and do this. There is no other method.  This Tabernacle turns into the Temple, and in Matthew, it splits up the ages from Abraham, but do you know where it stops? It goes from Abraham to David. What did David do? He built the Temple.

Then they went into Babylonian captivity, and when they came back, they built the Temple of Zerubbabel, and then Jesus Christ came and Jesus Himself is the Temple. He split up the ages based on the standard of the temple, so if you don’t understand worship, you don’t understand the Bible at all. God is telling us through the word how we must live, and the Christ of God must continually be shining before us so that the darkness may be broken down continually, so that we may be always eating the Word of Chris, then you can save the world. That’s what he’s saying.  You’re wondering things like, “Then when do I make money?” because you’re so deeply rooted in money. “When do we get financial blessings?” That’s normal, because you’re more deeply rooted in physical things and money than the Gospel, these are natural reactions.

Even the disciples asked, “When will you restore Israel from Rome? When will You restore the Kingdom of Israel?” This is normal, but you can’t receive answers, but when you restore this, “But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you,” then you will become witnesses until the ends of the earth, meaning you will take the roles of representing Jesus Christ as the true priest, prophet, and king to the ends of the earth.

So, take notes on the message you’ve received every week from headquarters and the pulpit, and through worship, write things down and see how God is guiding you with the Word. For people who are doing business, you have to listen to the business and industry message as well and confirm for yourself how the Word is being confirmed in the field.  Try it, because we’re so weak, we can’t exist without this, so when you go home, I hope you will restore worship there as well, and when you go into your business field, may you restore worship.  Only that way can you save the world, and you yourself will receive God’s guidance.  

Anything you’re odnig with impatience is because you think it’s a problem, that’s why I say it’s not a problem because there’s a real problem. Not being able to worship is a real problem. When you’re able to restore that, the problems you see won’t be problems at all.  Do not live a religious life, wandering with fake problems, but when you restore the real things, you can have real guidance.  

I said some pretty aggressive things today while talking about the importance of the pulpit message, but all of those are true. The core of that is that it’s someone who doesn’t believe in God. How do you believe in God in the field, then? That’s how you fail in the field. May you and I be the ones who believe in God.


Let us hold onto the Word God has given to you and me today, and pray for ourselves and especially for the world through intercessory prayer. May the Triune God within me give me the filling of the Holy Spirit to save the region and the 237 nations. May worship be restored in the families, may the living worship take place in our fields as well.  Let us pray together. 

Father God, we thank You. Thank You for giving us the eternal covenant. May we enjoy the prayer of being with God 24 hours a  day. We pray that You will give us the evidence so we may be the witnesses of Christ to shine the lights and hold onto the Word 24 hours.  God, give su Your grace so that not a single person in our church will be in the blind spot.  May the covenant of God be planted in the empty places.  May the covenant of God be planted in all the empty places in the field. No way the grace of our Lord Jesus christ, the unlimited love of God, the indwelling, filling, working, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God who desire to hold onto the covenant of Christ and world evangelization, upon their academics and businesses and all the work they are doing, be with us from now forevermore, amen.

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