Align Your Life with God’s Word and Plan to Save the 237 Nations (Genesis 16:1-14)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Align Your Life with God’s Word and Plan to Save the 237 Nations (Genesis 16:1-14)

We will share the word of God today using Genesis 6. First and foremost human beings must be aligned with God. Even if we are not aligned with people we cannot go aligned with them. And for our family the spouses must be aligned. If they are not aligned they will be separated. And every single member on earth 7.5 billion people on earth must be aligned with God. But the words of people say that no matter how misaligned we are with God, if we try hard enough we can do it. And the words in the beginning of time that says mankind has been separated from God has been continuing even today.

God gave us the covenant so that we can be aligned with God, because God is invisible, God is spirit so he gives us his word. So I must be aligned with God’s word. I must not be aligned with people’s word, I must be aligned with God. If I am aligned with God I will have the blessing of people, and these other people will be blessed through me. However we keep on trying to do our best in the situation where we are not aligned, if you are not aligned with God and you’re trying to accomplish something, so you end up serving idols. It means that you are thinking of yourself similar to God, and we have no choice but to choose religion, we live our lives believing in our ideology, it means that we are not aligned with God. Then instead of receiving the blessings of God, the curses and disasters come into our spirit, minds, lives, family, and society. 

No matter how correct your thoughts are if it’s not aligned with God’s word it is a curse. Why do educated people speak about their own thoughts so firmly to others? The educated people speak word of strength because people idolize education. But we are in a different stream then they are. Is it aligned with God’s word? It doesn’t matter what kind of person this is, are they aligned with God’s word? This is what we must always have. 

If we don’t have this then even if I think I am correct, I am always being dragged around the darkness, death, and Satan. Even the scars you are afflicted by from the past is because you are not aligned with God, then if you are not aligned now and you are allowing it to remain that way, then you’re always going to be afflicted. If you want to be aligned with God, you have to find God’s word within your scars. 

My future must be aligned with God’s word. No matter how much you try to enforce your will, if it’s not aligned with God’s word, then that is a curse. If you want to be aligned with God’s word it is important that you understand God’s word which is that God would give us the Christ. Because human beings cannot meet God personally, God sent us Christ, that means that I have to be aligned with Christ who has come to earth. When the work that Jesus Christ did to solve all problems, and my work becomes aligned then that is when I am aligned with Christ. Is it true that I was someone who was in original sin? Is it true that because of original sin I received all of those curses and disasters? Is it true that because of original sin me and my family was enslaved by Satan? Is it true that I am living in a background of Sin, Hell, and Suffering? The word of God, and the word I have lived by must be aligned. 

Then, is it true that Christ really solved all these problems? In other words, is He truly the one who solved all problems? That’s the reason God sent Jesus to this earth, but I am not aligned with that word, then you are enslaved by Satan, then you’ll be dragged into curses and disasters yet again. The Jewish thought what they knew, but they’re dragged in by this way, why? Because I am not aligned with God, what God considers a problem and what I consider as a problem are not aligned. That’s why Jesus Christ came to this earth but he is not the complete Christ to me, that is the first thing that must be aligned. 

If this is not aligned Satan will constantly attack and deceive you. You cannot overcome Satan with your IQ. Because Satan is spiritual you cannot know him. And that is why you are constantly having these repeatable problems, curses, and disasters. If you don’t know you should pray to God. Is it true that Jesus Christ truly finished all my problems? That’s what you need to have in order to be aligned with God, that is how you can proclaim the accurate Gospel. That is the first thing we must be aligned with if we are not already. Because if you’re not aligned with that, then you’ll have the answers of not being aligned with that. The answers of your life will continue to be enslaved by Satan, dragging you toward it being centered on Me, Physical things, and success, but you think you are living a good life. 

In Genesis 6 the people of God were not aligned with God. They chose to marry whoever they decided and liked. Even the verses before this, Abraham’s nephew Lot, chose the land that looked good to him. Even if so many people come and agree with you, if it is not aligned with God, then it is a disaster. And then God said that the people had become mortal so my spirit will not be content with them. That means even though they received salvation and go to church and worship they’re making decisions that are not aligned with God. And in this age it was the age where the forces of Satan and demons went into people and attacked with curses and disasters through the Nephilim. 

Because the people of God were not aligned with God and God’s Word, they were only aligned with the physical things so they only made decisions based on themselves and physical things. And more specifically in Genesis 6:5, God said their thoughts and hearts had become evil all the time. Therefore, internally, all of their hearts, thoughts, inclination were against God’s word. If you don’t have God’s word, then you become entirely physical and you just do whatever you want. Having pride or self-confidence might seem like a good thing but in some ways, without God’s word, it is a channel for Satan.

If you’re worried or sensitive to what other people think, then that is a channel for Satan as well, because you are not sensitive to what God thinks. You have to stand in front of God but instead, you’re standing in front of people. And because you’re always aligning and adjusting yourself to people, you are not aligned with God. During the age of the Nephilim there was a fashion and a style and trend and you have to align yourself with that, but you’re not aligning yourself with God, because their thoughts and their hearts were completely not relevant to God’s Word, and that is why that their hearts and mind were controlled by Satan. The state of their thoughts and their heart had no choice but to be seized by Satan.  

So in verse 6, “The LORD regretted that He had created human beings, and His heart was greatly troubled.” Because of that, it was an age that had no choice but to have disasters. Today, we are living in the 21st century where all the people on this earth are suffering from the coronavirus pandemic and we are suffering through an economic recession. In this situation, what should we do? Do we need to be sensitive about what others think? I’m not telling you to not wear your mask. I’m not telling you to not be careful. I’m not telling you not to think about the economy. But you lose hold of what’s important because you are doing what everyone else does. If you only hold onto the covenant, then God will move everything else. He will move your heart and thoughts. When we hold onto the covenant, then God is controlling our hearts, thought and spirit. We are not robots. God will guide us through all of our studies, jobs, everything we do. 

But just like the praise we sang, because our faith is not deep enough, we are not able to go to the deep oceans of God. Why are you reluctant? What are you relying on yourself about? You don’t even have anything. There may be some people who are listening to this message and thinking “Oh I do have something,” but you don’t know when it will be taken away because that is God’s. When you say “my child, my child,” you don’t know when it will be taken away from you. When you say “my life my life” you don’t know when God is going to take it away from you. It’s not yours. God has sent you on this earth. Even now,you’re only able to survive because he is following his time schedule and giving you sunlight and air. What if he stops giving you the sunshine and air now? Do you think you’ll be able to survive? Because God gave the disaster of the flood, everybody died. 

Today is the same. He can wipe out every single person on this earth through the pandemic. That is what he did in Noah’s age. We say “no way we’ll stop it” but we have no way to do that. That is God’s sovereignty. However Noah received the grace of God. Noah was aligned with God. David’s heart was connected with God. How did that happen? It means that you have to be aligned with Christ. After human beings sinned against God, there’s no way we can ever meet God. Because we’re sinners, if we meet God, we die. That’s why we are enslaved by Satan and in suffering and sin. 

That’s why God didn’t come directly but sent us Christ. You have to know Christ in order to know God. The situation where Jesus finished everything on the cross has to be my covenant and my words. But because that is not taking place, I’m not holding onto the word of God; I’m holding onto my proclamations. So you’re actually being deceived by yourself. I gave this example a little while ago. While playing Chinese checkers, you think you’re winning because you’re eating everything in front of you. You use your strategies, methods, humanisms to get all your benefits and you save your money. But later on, one day you are completely seized by Satan. That is the life we are living. 

This world is completely controlled by the kingdom of God and kingdom of Satan. The only way to be aligned with God is Christ. The problems of your family line are the suffering, curses, and disasters of your original sin and Satan. The problem of American is not the president because every single person is the same under original sin. Nothing can be solved without Christ. It doesn’t matter if Biden is allowing homosexuality and homosexual marriage. It doesn’t matter what policies he signs. What is the problem of America? We have a problem in which Christ must come. That is not something the president solves. But people cannot acknowledge that so we rely on the president, but there’s nothing we can rely on for humans. 

The problem of America is spiritual. The three problems. America can never solve these problems unless Christ comes. People only talk about the left and right because they belong to a certain side. Because they’re on this side, they want to choose a candidate that is aligned with them. It’s me-centeredness. Why do I hate this presidential candidate? This person doesn’t align with me so I don’t like them. We need to love everybody. God told us to love everybody. We were never told to make enemies. Our only enemy is Satan. In this frame, we have no choice but to be in conflicts and division and dragged by the nature of Satan. What’s important is that you hold onto the covenant of saving the 237 and aligning yourself with God like Noah did. Is the president going to save your family?

Is the president going to give you knowledge when you take your college entrance exam?  Is the president going to pay off all your debt? If you get cancer, will the president take care of that for you? You’re wasting your energy on unnecessary things. God raises that up. The only thing we focus on is holding to the covenant and doing the gospel movement in the 237 nations.  Because you’re not able to do that, you waste your life on useless things you want, so Satan has no choice but to work upon you.  For us, it is Christ. That’s what is aligned with God. Many people in the world say this or that, but you shouldn’t listen to them. Many people speak their own words because it is not connected to them, but if you don’t have the covenant, you’ll be dragged into that.


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There are days when I call the family together and say, “These are the things that happened today, and I see that I had this problem in my past but I was liberated because of God’s Word, but you still have the problem so I’m still sad for you. Here are the answers I wish you would hold onto,” and she says, “Okay,” because that’s an honest forum. If you just hit them with the word, they won’t be able to apply it. That’s what it means to make your family into a mission home, but if you don’t have this and you hit them with the Word, the kids won’t be able to apply it on their own.

I asked my wife to do this with my kid, but she’s not able to understand my daughter’s problems because her problems are actually my problems; I actually see it very well, and that’s why I’m so frustrated, and I have to call my kid over to talk about it.  The problems of the kids are actually the problems of the parents. You have to know the parents in order to save the kids. If you really want to save your kids, then God will give you grace. 

The church officers must truly receive God’s grace in order to save the remnants realistically, and if that doesn’t take place, the remnants will just die. Then even if you want to do the blessing of the 237, you can’t. So you say, “I’ll just do it,” but if you want to hold onto the Word of God, you have to have a time of meditation where you take the Word of God and look deeply at yourself, and apply it to yourself.  If you don’t apply the Word to yourself, it depends on whether you receive grace from the Word or not, then it’s going to be difficult to be rooted in the Word that way.  

If you want to be rooted in the Word of God, you need to take the Word of God that God gives you, and apply it.  What does God want to say to me in my life and my circumstances? The spiritual battle is that Satan will disturb you so that you can’t do it, because exactly when you say, “This is what I will do,” that’s when Satan makes something happen in your family. You have to know this in advance. 

That is why you must have a quiet time by yourself. When you’re exercising to meditate on the Word of God, it’s not just nice to have; it’s a must.  The Bible says so, you have a lot of time; God has given you all this time as an opportunity to do this. God doesn’t give you all this time so you can lay in bed and sleep, because your time schedule has to be aligned with God.  

If you say, “I don’t even have to work; the government is paying for everything,” then that person is dead because they’re not aligned with God. Why do you think God has given us this time? The physical things are going away very quickly and we’re speeding into the 4th and 5th industrial revolutions. If it weren’t for the coronavirus pandemic, we wouldn’t have had this online age so quickly.

When would we have had this online age?  Right now, we’re going online so everyone is working from home, and they’re able to work from home, and God wanted this thing to happen faster, and because it was going so slowly, He gave us the pandemic, because God is always moving in the direction of proclaiming this gospel.  In Europe, there was the age of printing and translating the gospel, and it was all related with the gospel.  

Your time schedule has to be aligned with what God is desiring.  I’m emphasizing this content especially for the remnants.  This is actually a very spiritually beneficial time for you.  So, you really need to have a spiritual summit time because once you go back to school, you’ll have that time stolen away.  All the kids are taking classes online, even doing physical education in their rooms, and the schools have given each student an iPad.  Even for afterschool activities, my kid enrolled in a music class and they gave her a guitar and a small speaker as well.  They say, “You can keep it for free, if you don’t want it, you can give it to a music store.” It means everything can take place online, so I told her, “Learn guitar so you can lead praise at church.” Before this point, it seemed that kids wouldn’t be able to learn online, but they’re able to.  

Now the age is completely changing; there’s no need for foreign international students because they can learn everything online.  Even with your job, you don’t have to use just Americans because you can pick the smartest people from every country online.  You don’t have to go anywhere to grocery shop; you can order online and it’s delivered to your door.  If the product or merchandise is dysfunctional, you can leave it outside your door, and they’ll pick it up and handle the returns.  

That means we’re approaching an age where people can live their lives without interacting with other human beings, then what do you think will happen?  Of course, the spiritual and mental problems will become bigger.  People can only be mentally normal if they interact with other people.  Somebody abnormal is just anti-social in their rooms, because it’s difficult for them to meet with people, but this is the future.

This is why, this is the time where you have to prepare the spiritual things of the spiritual summit.  If you don’t do this, then it doesn’t matter what you have, because the robots are taking everything that human beings can do, and they do it better.  All the workforce will be taken over by artificial intelligence because that doesn’t ask for a paycheck, you just plug it in.  However, robots cannot do spiritual things. In the future, the problem won’t be with robots; the problem will be with people.  So, in the future, everything will take place better because of robots, but spiritually and mentally, things will become more difficult.

Then, what do you think will happen? Of course, drugs will be more prevalent.  Because people have more mental problems, they have to rely more on drugs. People have no choice but to drink at home. What do you think they will do at home?  It is very important for you to have a spiritual life where you are aligned with God’s covenant for this church to save America and the 237 nations.  That is why you have to be aligned with the Christ that God’s Word talks about, and you must be aligned with the word of God. 

But you’re not aligned with the Word. You have to follow the Word. No matter how big your problems are, the answer is in God’s word. But because you don’t have the word, you’re only either trying to solve the problem or giving up. If you’re giving up, you think something’s going to work out and you don’t do anything about it. The answer is absolutely in God’s word. That is why even now God is giving us the answer through His word invisibly. That is why you need to be aligned with God’s words. We’re not just giving worship. We need to receive the word of God that aligns with God. 

If I’m living in LA, then I need to be aligned with the word of God, and the plan of God is allowing me to live in LA. And if God is giving us the covenant to save the 237 nations, my job, my school, my life has to be aligned with that word. If that is not aligned, then just like Genesis 6, you’re going to make different selections and walk a different direction. If you’re not saving the 237, what are you going to do? You’re just living according to your thoughts. That’s why you need to be aligned with God’s words. God knows that we don’t have the strength to do this so he promises us the filling of the Holy Spirit. You keep on trying to live with your will power, grit, and the power of gathering people but that’s not going to work. 

I tell my daughter that, “You need to do this with the strength of God.” If you try with your own power, you’ll be able to do something. But if you can do it with yourself, then why did God promise you the filling of the Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ? If you want to do the work of God, then you need to have the strength that God gives you. That is how you can do the work of God. It’s the same when you come to church. If you’re doing any work without it being related to God and without raising people, you need to quickly stop. There are some people who are by nature diligent. There are believers and nonbelievers. They are diligent before they believe and after they believe. The reason God gave us talent and the reason God wants us to work in the church is to save people, raise people up, and heal people. 

That means everything we do in this world, all of our lives and studies need to be related to saving 237 nations. Your offering and finances that saves 237. The salvation of souls to save the 237. That needs to be aligned with God in order for God to work upon that. For the remnants, your studies must be connected to 237, to saving them. It doesn’t matter what you do, what you study. People just say things like it’s good to be a doctor, a lawyer, a president. But even if you go as a slave, people might say that you failed. But if you’re aligned with God, God is saying that is right. You need to be aligned with God, no matter your location and position, then you are correct in God’s eyes. 

You need to think the opposite of how you’re thinking currently. If you’re sensitive to what other people think, you’re going to be dragged into the culture and die with them. I will save the church. This means that you’ll speak words to save all the members of the church; you will never speak of your own experiences. Because your experiences are from Genesis 3 that kills people. I will pray the prayer to save the church. That’s why we have intercessory prayer. That’s what is aligned with God.

“I will receive the Word that God desires during worship.”  It’s not about what I want to hear, it’s about what God wants to hear, and that’s what is aligned with God, that’s why you have to have the prayer that is aligned with God, just as Jesus told us on Sunday.

Let us conclude the Word today.  Am I aligned with God? Then it must be aligned with Christ. Is the problem that God talks about, the same problem that I have?  That’s what it means to understand and believe in the correct Jesus.  Is every aspect of my life connected with God’s Word? That’s when healing and restoration will take place, that is when Satan is broken down and God’s Kingdom is established. Is the Word of God that gives me the filling of the Holy Spirit to save the 237 aligned with me? Are my studies and job realistically connected with saving the 237 nations? If you align yourself with that, then even now, God is working with His answers. May these blessings be upon you.

Let us pray to God holding onto the Word God has given us today. If you want to be aligned with the Throne of God, you must be aligned with God’s Word.  Let us pray together.

Prayer connects us with the Throne of Heaven. When you hold onto the Word and pray, the blessing of the Throne of Heaven are established where you are on this earth, and that’s connected with the direction of 237, and God fulfills His Word using the heavenly angels that transcend time and space.  This doesn’t mean you should do anything, but you should work and study within this blessing.  

Prayer is not about using your force; it is about enjoying, and that is why prayer should be happy.  If prayer is still not joyful for you, but it is difficult, it means you’re still trying to accomplish something. Spiritual things are not to be accomplished, but you enjoy what is there. I hope you will enjoy this blessed hour every day, and without a doubt, I believe God will give you the blessing to save the 237 nations within the spiritual summit.

Let us pray for the Sunday message. You have to pray because the message doesn’t come from the ability of the pastor. Because the Word that God desires must come out, we need to pray for God to work.  You must also prepare your spiritual state to receive the Word that God desires instead of the physical word that you desire.  Pray so that the Sunday message is the Word that will save me, my family, and the 237 nations.  

I hope that you will definitely pray, especially for the remnants, there is the prayer school, youth evangelism institute, the youth evangelism school this Saturday, as well as the young adult evangelism school.  So let us pray quietly to ourselves with the church prayer topics, but have a time of quiet meditation for yourself and your prayer topics.

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