Aligning ourselves and enjoy the blessing of the covenant (Genesis 12:1-3)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Aligning ourselves and enjoy the blessing of the covenant (Genesis 12:1-3)

Genesis 12:1-3. The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. “I will make you into a great nation,  and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
We will share with you the Word of God regarding Abraham today.  Abraham was not someone who just appeared out of the blue, but in this Bible, there is a flow or journey.  How did Abraham’s ancestors fail in life in Genesis 3, Adam and Eve?  The failure of their lives began with nothing other than the sin of being separated from God, in other words, it was disobedience. It turns out they were deceived by the temptations of Satan, so they became completely children of Satan.  So, Adam and Eve began in a state of complete spiritual death.

Immediately after that, God promised to give them salvation through Him who would save all of mankind, that was the promise of Genesis 3:15 that the offspring of the woman would crush the head of Satan. Why must it be the offspring of the woman? Because no offspring of man can save.  Because, all of mankind is lost under sin, it must be the offspring of the woman.  Matthew 1:23 says that the virgin will be with child, and this is the Word of God being with us. If we’re not able to receive the blessing of that salvation, we fall into disasters.  

In Genesis 3, the believers of God who have become weak in the Covenant began to make decisions based on whatever they wanted. I think the reaction of many people who grew up in America would say, “What’s so wrong about that?” If you’ve lived in America for a long time, it means you’ve been educated in the ways of Satan, but you’ve actually been indoctrinated with the most subtle way with the word best of course, and rightfully, we need to receive blessing of marrying the one God prepared for us which is the greatest but we are rejecting that.  Even as they come to church, they make a rejection, “This is my life and my choice; who will tell me otherwise?”

It’s not just the kids, but even as they become adults, people respond, “I do what I want, why are you saying anything, pastor?”  I have the same reaction, actually, I say, “God, why don’t You let me give the message I want to give? Why are You giving me this Word?”  That’s the way we’re rooted, in “me” and whatever I like.

It’s what I want to do and it’s not even illegal, why does the church interfere?  This is how we meet disaster.  The people of God who did not have the spiritual state that could overcome the age of the Nephilim fell into disaster, so we must be careful. If it’s not the Word of God, you need to fold yourself whatever is convenient or comfortable, whatever I desire.  Where do your emotions come from?  The emotions you have come from being self-centered in Genesis 3, but it’s not talking about your emotions. It’s talking to the emotions that come from the standard of God’s Word.

In Genesis 3, it was a society that was full of people like this, “Let’s exalt our name, our strength” so they do have some advancements. And so, they came together to build the Tower of Babel and they had these scientific advancements, but their goal was completely neglecting God; they said, “Let us gather our power and exalt our name,” it is us that rejects God, and the commonality is that it’s all self-centered.  What happens when this becomes a family? That’s why the family is destroyed.  When the family is like this, they come together and make society, that’s why the society is diseased, invisible to our eyes.  

It began in Genesis 3, with Adam and Eve. Within this flow of the Bible, God called Abraham out of Ur of the Chaldeans, but do people leave just because God calls them? No. Even now, God is calling us out of the background of sin, Satan, and hell, but we’re not leaving. That is why Abraham who was chosen by God received the grace to leave from that, and it is God’s absolute grace. We are never able to leave on our own, we can never understand Genesis 3:15 on our own. Even if you hear it, you can’t understand it.  God has chosen us and given us His grace.

Where is Ur of the Chaldeans?  It’s in the same land geographically as Babylon so it was a great place to live in, and that’s why people gathered in that region. It was the place of greatest strength, and the fact that God called Abrahm out of that region is that He called him out of sin, Satan, and hell.  He understood Jesus Christ who is the content of Genesis 3:15.  You can never come out of that background unless you understand the words of Genesis 3:15.  Why was it that the people of God fell into disasters in Genesis 6?  They may have received God’s grace but it did not become their “only,” so they lived a walk of faith, centered on themselves.  You cannot overcome disasters, you cannot overcome the working of Satan in the age of the Nephilim, so you’re distracted by how Satan works, and that’s Genesis 6 as it is today.  

The people of God in Genesis 6 and today’s churches are the same, even though we face a disaster now, we’re not able to realize.  We keep trying to go towards Genesis 11 until the end.  That’s why God called Abraham out.  If we had received salvation and left Ur of the Chaldeans, there is a direction we must go.

In Genesis 12:1, God says, “The land I will show you.” Land isn’t important, but God’s word is important. God says, “I will give you My Word, so follow it.” How did you live in the past? In the past, Abraham lived in the Ur of the Chalderans, centered on himself, money, and success but the people of God who received salvation do not live like that. Now, God is their Master; they need to live following the Word of the gospel that God gives to them. Only at that point will you receive healing and restoration of your joints, marrow, body, soul, spirit and thoughts like in Hebrews 4:12.  Abraham didn’t know this at first, he left because God told him to but after a while, he had nothing to eat. Because he was more deeply rooted in his present reality as opposed to God’s Word, that’s the first thing he saw.

He went down to Egypt and got caught up in a lie, and ultimately went back to the land of Canaan.  Despite the fact that he had received salvation, because he wasn’t rooted in the covenant, he saw his present circumstances as bigger than God’s Word.  Even though he left Ur of the Chaldeans with his possessions, we see in Genesis 15 that there was a conflict between him and Lot, and when they face a problem, the people of the covenant made a decision. He gives his nephew Lot the first choice to make the decision, but he himself held onto the promise of God’s Word. 

From that point on, Abraham begins to go into the blessings of the covenant. Before that point, when the circumstances physically seem stronger to you than the word of God and covenant then the works of Genesis 6 will keep repeating. You have to keep repeating the circumstances, going to Egypt because you have nothing to eat, and you’ll have to lie; you have no choice but to lie. These are the lies you have to keep on repeating.  God gives a conflict in your family and you should come to your realization then, but instead, you’re making calculations.  

Good relationships humanistically aren’t good, you’ll always be in conflict until you hold to the covenant that God has given to you. As soon as he held to the covenant, God told Abraham to look to the north, south, east, and west.  “I will give you and your descendants all the land you set your feet on,” Therefore, we the saved people of God are the people of the covenant who follow the covenant and God’s Word.  People who do not follow God’s Word are relentlessly centred on themselves living a repetitive life.  

Christ has already finished all problems, so all we have to do is follow God’s Word. “Go to the land I will show you,” He doesn’t even say where, so Abraham constantly has to build an altar, have summit time and summit worship in order to follow the word God’s giving him. 

In Genesis 12:2, God said, “I will make you into a great nation,” even though Abraham was already 75 years old. If Abraham looked based on his own past experiences, this doesn’t make sense. Isn’t that right. Yet, God has promised this with His Word.  Then until Abrahm changed to believe in God’s Word, he was always suffering. “I will bless you, make your name great, and you will be a blessing.” Because he was holding onto the covenant of Genesis 3:15, he would be the source of blessings to bless all nations.  He played the role of the originator who started the role of the covenant in all of his family line.  

You have to hold to the covenant as the first person in your family line to receive the gospel. Or just like Abraham, you have to be the start of the gospel in your school. In your jobs, many are religious but few know about complete Gospel or only the gospel, so you must be the originator just like Abraham who breaks the repetitive life of Genesis 6.

You have to make your decision based on God’s Word, otherwise you’ll make your decisions based on “me,” “my benefit,” and “my desire,” and just like Lot, you’ll suffer later on.  If you suffer for the gospel, that would result in rewards in heaven, but if you suffer unnecessarily, you’ll suffer like Lot.  Lot wasn’t an unbeliever; the New Testaments records that Lot was a person of God, however, all his decisions and his entire walk of faith was based on “me,” “my success,” and “whatever I want.” Your walk of faith is always about breaking yourself down.

Think about this very carefully, in your everyday life, think about how much more you raise yourself up over the Word of God. You stop things that you don’t like, and we do that so many times, and we get mad if something doesn’t happen according to the timing we want. We’re so rooted in our self-centeredness, and if things don’t happen the way I want, and all these things happen in my life, even after receiving salvation and the gospel, I’m still centered on myself and that’s why suffering continues to find my life. You’re impatient and hasty because you want to match everything to your time schedule and you oppress other people even though that person has their own time schedule, so hasty people are always so mad, and when they’re continuously being mad, they’ll be seized and find themselves with cancer, but before you get cancer, you’ll get mental problems first.

Why? It’s not that you don’t believe in Jesus, but you are relentlessly centered on yourself, living your life following your emotions instead of God’s Word. So, this is Satan’s favorite person to mess with, because all he has to do is to give you certain emotions and you’ll follow that. That’s a self-centered life.  

So, if people don’t agree with your thoughts, you get mad, don’t you? And you try to do whatever you want to do, and you try to exalt your own name, and if somebody tries to go against that, you get attacked. “Why do you have so much to say about what I’m doing?”  People are stopping you because you’re not supposed to do whatever you want; you need to do what God wants. If you keep doing whatever you want, you’ll fail just like you’re failing now, so God is giving you signs around you, but you keep making decisions towards failure. You have to quickly hear God’s word, voice.

We lose hold of this in our everyday life, and we say, “Be centered on God.” As you go into prayer, you’ll be able to discover yourself. People live life centered on me and they only date people who will listen to their words. If someone doesn’t listen to your words, then cuts them out, that’s not believing in God, then only you are the one who is struggling, then is that person going to be able to go into all nations?  You talk about missions and evangelism, but if someone disagrees with you and you don’t like them, you’ll cut them out, so we live our lives completely irrelevant to the Word of God and the covenant.  

This is just the style of our lives that have been rooted in us, that have nothing to do with the Word of God. There are many different ways, so if God’s Word is proclaimed, you have to hold onto that Word and meditate. If you don’t meditate, then you’re going to have a lot of knowledge stacking up but they’re theoretical and you will not realistically change.  If you’re not changing, it means you’re not centered on God’s Word; you’re centered on yourself and you don’t have any peace. We need to keep receiving answers through God’s Word, but instead of receiving guidance and answers, we keep hearing God’s Word as knowledge, so this is the life we constantly apply, this is what we call a religious life, and that is why religious life is doomed to failure.

The Bible talks about something called, “The former ‘me,’” and that’s the “former me” that was seized by Satan and sin. However, you became a new creation holding onto the Triune God and the work He is doing inside of you but you’re holding onto your old self so it doesn’t align. All you have to do is follow God’s Covenant meaning you have to keep breaking yourself down, you have to keep letting go of your temper and stubbornness. You have to keep letting go of your pride, because as long as you keep holding onto that, Satan will attack you and make you suffer. 

Why do you worry about your future? You worry because you can’t see your future, what does that mean? It means the Word of God hasn’t gone into you yet. So, because you’re trying to look into your future holding onto your thoughts, you’re still  self-centered, and because you’re afraid of the future, you have to use different methods. People who are very intelligent may make methods that seem like God’s Word, but those who are not intelligent will be deceived by that but people more intelligent than you can see through it.  You’re constantly just like this.

That is why you have to be centered upon the Word of God, upon the covenant, because the Triune God is your Master, even know God is working just like He was working upon Abraham with the Word, so even if you receive God’s Word, you don’t have it? That’s why when Abraham left the Ur of the Chaldeans, but he was still holding onto his own ego, it didn’t align.

Genesis 12:3 says, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you, I will curse.” This is an irresistible blessing, and He is saying, “You don’t have to worry about people.”  When you go out with this, holding onto the covenant, when people bother you, don’t worry about it. Because you’re not holding onto the covenant, if they disturb you, you try to fight them. If someone is a little stronger than you, or more powerful you, then you try to gather more people with power behind the scenes and try to overthrow this person, why? Because you don’t have God’s Word. Therefore this person who is a saved child of God, who believes in God, means that you are holding onto God’s word, God’s covenant.   

As you concentrate, pray, and meditate upon God’s Word and covenant, the incorrect things you’ve been rooted in before will be healed as you’re more deeply rooted in God’s Word, then when you realistically go into your life, you will look at everything with the standard of God’s Word, so the people in your life will not be a problem anymore.  So what happens when you go into the field without being rooted in God’s word then you will only know it as knowledge, so when you see people, you will either seek revenge or take them down.  It’s not that you don’t know the Word; it means the word of God hasn’t been rooted in you yet. Simply put, you haven’t received healing yet.  

Because you’re meeting people in a state where you’re still diseased, these images come out. What do you think diseased people do? They’re saying they’re in pain, and “that person is blocking my path,” even though the Word of God says that God will take care of those who are blocking your path, still rooted in Genesis 3 so you’re still suffering.  “Whoever blesses you, I will bless.”  God has given you this level of blessing within the covenant, but if you don’t have this, it’s rightful that you become enslaved to Egypt.

No matter how much Joseph had faith, if he didn’t raise up remnants underneath him, they would be enslaved, because everyone is born in the state of original sin, centered on themselves. Then if you don’t root them down into God’s Word and covenant, then generation after generation, you’re making them into slaves.

Then God promised that all peoples on earth will be blessed through you. Imagine what “all peoples on earth” meant to Abraham, who had just left Ur of Chaldeans. How many nations do you think he could even imagine? Not very many.  But God is promising these words that don’t even make sense, and we look at that and say, “That’s unbelievable,” why? It’s unbelievable because you’re trying to understand based on your experiences, so if you do things based on your experiences, none of this will take place.  

You know there are some people who haven’t had much money in their entire life, so let’s say this person comes to church and has been given a lot. If they don’t have faith, do you think they’ll be able to do much with that? They will do everything according to their own standard, will tremble holding onto their own money, and that’s why if you don’t have faith, you can’t do anything.  God is constantly giving you the Word that we will save the 237 nations, and you have to have a forum that is fitting with that.

Instead, you hold onto your experiences and standards, saying it doesn’t align with you. You may seem like you’re very modest or humble, a person who has a high sense of conscience, but actually God is saying he will beat you because you’re rejecting God’s Word, and that’s why these people get beaten, and that’s why you drag them into Babylon, so can do world evangelization by force without being beaten.  When God called us, He called us in the name of Jesus Christ, already having prepared world evangelization, so there’s a goal and a mission and a plan we must go through and that mission is following God’s Word. The direction is world evangelization of the 237 nations, and when we do this, God promises to make our name great. 

“I will make you into a great nation.”  Don’t be over excited by other great things, God promises us the same thing He promised to Abraham, that He has prepared disciples, and He says He will give us these blessings, therefore within Jesus Christ and world evangelization, all these blessings are already contained.  

“I will make your name great,” There’s no reason for you to struggle to succeed, we weren’t born for that. That’s how we had to live while living in the Ur of the Chaldenas, but now we are called with the status of children of God to do world evangelization, therefore you are a blessing.  You are the beginning of blessings. When I say this, people receive this in a physical way. Religious people, legalistic people, and people focused on prosperity will receive this physically. Because they’ve been rooted so long in their world of disbelief, even when they hear the Word of God, they receive it physically.

Honestly, people don’t change after hearing the Word of God a lot, they only change when they understand Christ. The three roles of Christ is the only way to change the state of your enslavement to sin, Satan, and hell, and even after you receive Jesus Christ, you think about physical blessings and go back. Of course, God will work accordingly, but we have the covenant within Jesus Christ of world evangelization, of saving 237 nations. Now you become the beginning of blessings.

Christ is the blessing. Within Christ is money and success; how can money be a blessing?  How can success be a blessing? How can success be a blessing without Christ?  You’re in curses and disasters, how can success be a blessing? God is saying that he will begin blessings within Jesus Christ, within the covenantal blessings.  

Now, we are in the time schedule of the 237 nations which represent world evangelization, and after Jesus Christ came into this earth, this world evangelization went full force, so this covenant, according to the time schedule, is coming closer. Because, during Abrahams’ age, they didn’t even see all the nations, but God had already made that determination and was leading Abraham in that direction.  In Abraham’s time schedule, his journey of world evangelization was going to the land of Canaan and giving birth to Isaac, and God planted the complete covenant with Isaac. Through Isaac, he gives the covenant to Jacob, and then Jacob gives the covenant twelve tribes of Israel where that covenant is being relayed.  

Then they go into Egypt where they become a great nation, exactly as God promised, and from there, it is proclaimed to all nations once. Then through Moses, God leads them through the wilderness, and proclaims God’s greatness in the land of Canaan yet again. Then they created the land and nation and temple of David, and then Jesus Christ came to the earth, died on the cross, resurrected, and told us to make disciples of all nations.  

Now, 2000 years later, we’ve become aligned with the time schedule of the 237 nations. If you’re not aligned with the time schedule of the 237 nations, your life will be difficult. If you’re trying to be stubborn with the Word of God, your life won’t work out well. Remnants have to prepare talent fitting with 237. You can’t listen to other people’s lies, they’re trying to give you advice, but they don’t even know what’s up. Why are they giving you advice? Your talent needs to be obtained within the covenant of 237, world evangelization, and especially pastors no matter what you do, you have to have a talent that allows you to connect with all nations.

“That’s not in my experience,” then fine, you live according to your thoughts that’s why you’re always living like that because you have to be aligned with God’s Word. Therefore, your talent needs to be utilized in raising disciples of all nations and saving them. Otherwise, if you’re not aligned with God’s Word,  it’s a loss to you because even now, God is fulfilling His Word. God doesn’t fulfill your thoughts; God fulfills His Word because the Word doesn’t change. Your thoughts are just your thoughts. If you think too deeply, it becomes a mental illness as you go deeper without spiritual strength. There are those who don’t meditate but think so deeply. They may make physically correct decisions, but spiritually it will be difficult.  The more a person is like this, the more they are mentally confused, and it means they worry deeply.

You should pray instead, you have to be aligned with God. But instead you worry so deeply.  You shouldn’t study like that, either.  You think if you study and worry a lot, then you’re good, you’re being very studious, but that’s nonsense because if you study without the Word of God, then the studies you do very deeply doesn’t align with God. It has to be aligned with 237, therefore hold to the covenant and He will make you into a blessing. 

“I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse, and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” Do you think this Word has disappeared? God says His Word never changes, not even 0.1 degree. We are within this great big flow, and therefore, all nations. 

Paul was used in moving all nations. Some people say Paul was greatly used because he was educated, but that’s nonsense. Paul wasn’t even the most learned among the Israelites, there were Pharisees, who took the 3 roles of being the decider of legals, politics, and education and they controlled everything, even finances, so if people say that you’re only going to be used if you’re educated, that’s nonsense. God has to call you, and then you will be used. 

The thing Paul did well was he went to all nations, and that’s why it says Paul’s ministry was the mainstream, because he was someone who moved in the direction of all nations, and it’s the same thing. God’s greatest interest is always fixed on the ones who are focused on all nations.  They’re here in America now, you don’t even have to go; they are here.  If your work and life aren’t aligned with that, you’re not aligned with God. You’ll just have to live according to your standards and then you’ll go to heaven, but how frustrating is that? Why? Because you’re ignorant, so strong in yourself, so you hold onto yourself and make yourself fall. They’re there in your schools and jobs.

Is that the motivation for you to stay in your job? Is the reason why you’re motivated to study in your schools is because you want to save the 237 nations?  You have to be able to hold onto God’s Word. America is the land that is bound to fail unless God works. People who lived in America for a long time have this ideology of the Babel Tower, but God makes it fall.  Even though physically they appear great, on the inside, they have already fallen. The family is called a family unit, but is that the correct family unit?  They may be a nation, but are the people within it correct?  People may be wealthy but are the people inside of the nation healthy and normal?  Even though we have so many disasters and shootings, people are not coming to their senses, even though American churches are closing at record speeds, people aren’t coming to their churches. They still have this Tower of Babel ideology of America. 

We’ve already fallen. Your school, studies and your jobs must save that is where God is putting His spotlight, and that is the person aligned with God’s Word, and God will answer according to God’s word, but if that isn’t what is taking place, you’ll just believe in the ideology of this Babel Tower then and you personally and your family will collapse and fail. Saving the 237 nations means saving the 237 peoples who are in America. Saving the people groups who are in America. The 5000 unreached people groups. Those who haven’t received the gospel yet. There are people groups who haven’t heard the gospel, but whether they’re refugees, God has sent them to this country somehow, and there are disciples among them, and God will attach people who have the covenant, and that’s why God will put blessing on studies and business because it’s through that one disciple the entire group will be saved, and God is working through the Holy Spirit to fulfill that word even now, and I hope you will believe that this is the time that is taking place.

God’s Word has a time within it, and that’s why it’s possible here.  When you hold onto the covenant and pray, God works transcending time and space, gives meeting and that meeting will take place in your studies and business. Your business and studies are not separate from this; evangelism and missions aren’t separate from your studies and job.  That is a person who has unbiblical thoughts, thinking that missions are only when you send someone to Africa.

When God created the superpower nations, He had a plan, and when He sends 100s of nations to America, then He has a plan for evangelism here, then if you’re living in America without seeing God’s plan, then you’re living according to your own thoughts.  If you’re holding onto this and praying, God will give you the blessings of meeting, not the meetings that will curse you. No matter how much you wander around, trying to meet these people, see if you can.  God will allow you to meet these people when you’re within the covenant, but if someone is centered on themselves, physical things, or success, God will never allow you to meet these people.  God will only allow you to meet with people who are similar to you, and what’s the result?  You will use each other.

Why? Because everyone has their own thoughts, and if you’re meeting people with your own benefit, that person will sell you down the river.  Then if you get married, you will get divorced.  Scars. That’s all that remains within the families, why? Because they don’t have the covenant.  You need to hold onto God’s covenant to give you the meeting with another person of the covenant, then even if you don’t go anywhere else, God will give you the meeting with the 237 nations and the 5000 unreached people groups; that is what only God can do.  It is only possible by the working of God, 25 hours.  It is only possible by the blessing of uniqueness. If that blessing comes upon me, it means I’m on the covenant journey. May you be the church members to receive this blessing.

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