I Have Overcome the World (John 16:25-33)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

I Have Overcome the World (John 16:25-33)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

 When the Lord says, “I have overcome this world,” you must know what this world is.  If you don’t know the world, then how do you know what has been overcome?

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God.  I hope that God’s absolute spiritual blessing and grace will be upon all the families worshiping in their homes, in the church, and especially out of state.  The title of today’s message is, “I Have Overcome the World.”  I think most people live their entire lives, not just once or twice, but their whole life saying, “My life is hard, it’s difficult, I don’t understand it.”  There are many people who say, “Even though I believe in Jesus Christ, I don’t know what to do with my business, my future, and my studies.” 

I’m sure there are also many people who live their lives, and they have a problem in their family that cannot be solved by money, and they don’t know why these problems come.  I think most people still haven’t found the answer, they still ask questions like, “This person has a mental illness in my family and it makes everyone suffer, and I don’t know what to do and why. Why is my life not turning out the way that I want? Why is nothing working out even though I believe in Jesus Christ?”

Some people endure with their grit, others press forward in prayer.  Some people have scars in their heart so no matter where they go, it’s difficult for them.  If there’s a child who received scars from their father, they will have a great disinclination towards men. Either they don’t want to get married or when they look at another man, they think very strangely of them.  Even though they should just see a man as a man, they needlessly have these reinforced thoughts.  On the other hand, if a mother passed away early or got divorced while someone was young, the person may feel strangely towards women.  Some men don’t want to marry women.  It’s not that this comes naturally, but there is something within this person.

1. Jesus Christ

These are the things that are happening in the world we live in, but today, Jesus Christ tells us simply that He has overcome the world, and believing in Jesus Christ means that I can overcome the world as well. If I believe in Jesus Christ and am not able to overcome, today, through worship, how can we receive the blessing of lessening that gap?  Simply put, if you pray, you receive answers.  No matter what kind of scars or problems we have had in the past, they all turn into peace and a platform.  You’re able to see your future, the past is no longer a problem.  You see how you need to live today.  That’s what it means to overcome the world.

Unless that takes place, you will always be afraid.  You try to live with self-confidence, but one day, you realize that that’s not the case.  Why? Because Jesus Christ is the only One Who has overcome the world.  Then, don’t you think that our walk of faith is becoming like Christ so that we can overcome the world as well?

1) Jesus Who Came from God

In the main passage we read, this is what Jesus said after saying, “In a little while, I will leave, and then I will come back,” and the disciples didn’t understand what He was saying.  Jesus said, “Later on, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you will receive answers,” and the disciples were confused because Jesus Christ was right in front of them; why would they have to ask in the name of Jesus Christ, and where is He going?  The next day, Jesus Christ would die on the cross, so this is the content that Jesus tells the disciples for the very last time. 

2) Jesus Who is Going Back to God

Now, He is no longer speaking figuratively, but He will speak to them directly. What does He say?  He says, “I have come from the Father, I have entered the world, and I am leaving the world to go back to the Father.” Up until this point, He was saying He would leave and come back and then leave, and the disciples couldn’t understand, but now He is saying that God sent Him to this earth, and once He finishes His job on earth, He must return to heaven. Only at that point did the disciples understand clearly and said they believed. 

3) Name of Jesus Christ – Believe

Then, once you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of the throne of God will answer you. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ , who is that Jesus Christ?  He is not someone who came out of nowhere.  He came according to the covenant of God, and you must understand this well.  The things that happen on earth do not happen coincidentally out of nowhere; they happen according to God’s plan, and your future ahead of you will happen according to God’s Word.  

The mistake we make is that we try to make plans for our lives from our own will.  Things do not get fulfilled according to your will, they get fulfilled according to God’s Word.  Why did God send Jesus Christ to this earth? When human beings were separated from God, enslaved by Satan and living under curses and disasters in Genesis 3:15, God promised to send the offspring of the woman.  That offspring of the woman would crush the head of Satan.  In other words, Jesus Christ would break the authority of Satan, only then could we escape from that.

According to those words of prophecy, God sent Jesus Christ to be born to the virgin Mary in Matthew 1:21-23, it is Immanuel, “God with us.” In Mark 10:45, it says that, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve and to give His life as a ransom for many.” That is the reason why God sent Jesus Christ to this earth.  Why did He send Him?  For the three problems we cannot solve on our own. All the curses and disasters that come because of sin cannot be solved by your money, your success, your ethics, or your morals. You will never be able to escape from the authority of Satan.

You think you can live your life if you have a little bit of skill, but you don’t know. The authority of darkness seizes your family and you cannot escape, and the suffering of living a hellish life on earth before you go to hell will never disappear.  These are the reasons God sent Jesus Christ to solve these very problems.  Once He finishes that work, He will go back to heaven, why? In John 17:22, Jesus Christ prays to God, “make them one as We are One.”  If you don’t understand what it means to be “one,” you cannot receive answers.  

Some religions say there is one God and Jesus Christ is a little lower than that God and the Holy Spirit is some kind of energy or qi. There is also God the Mother.  That can never, ever solve the problems of sin, Satan, and hell.  Jesus Christ is One with God.  That is why He goes to the throne of heaven.

When Jesus Christ was on earth, He didn’t just speak whatever He wanted to say; He gave us the word of God exactly, so they are one.  He doesn’t just give us words haphazardly.  Once He died on the cross and resurrected, because He finished His work, He went back to heaven.  He asked, “Do you believe this?”  The disciples said, “Now we believe,” and then the works began. 

If you don’t believe that, then you believe something else, you believe in yourself and your plans, or you believe in the power of the people close to you, or you believe in the background you created.  These can never overcome the curses, disasters, and Satan.  Once you believe, then you can pray in the name of Jesus Christ and He will answer you. Now your status has changed to a child of God, so you can pray as much as you want.

You must learn about prayer correctly.  A Christian prayer is not the same prayer as other religions.  People keep trying to pray to earn or gain something, that’s a misunderstanding of prayer.  Prayer is the way to maintain your spiritual state so that you receive the answers that have no choice but to come.  Even as I give the sermon, I’m praying.  “Pastor, how can you pray while giving the sermon? While giving the sermon, you have to speak, how could you pray?” You must understand this in order to understand prayer.

If you don’t understand this, you’re praying a religious or physical prayer.  “How can I pray while running my business?” You understand prayer once you understand this.  “I have to concentrate and work diligently at my job; how am I going to pray? I have to concentrate on studying; how do I pray?” You must understand this in order to understand prayer.  Prayer isn’t about trying to gain something. Prayer is spiritual communication with the Triune God who is invisible to our eyes.  Because He is omniscient and omnipotent, He works according to His needs, time schedule, and will.  

In John 15:7, He promises that when you pray in His name, He will give you whatever you wish.  If you pray for God with whatever you desire instead of holding onto His Word, He may give you physical bread once or twice, He may give you trivial physical blessings because if you didn’t, you would get upset and leave, but those people are still self-centered. They say they believe in Jesus but they actually believe in themselves, so they pray according to their will.  Although it doesn’t please God at all, He gives you one or two physical blessings in case you will be upset. That’s why you don’t understand prayer.

God gives us His promise and works according to His promise.  Jesus Christ came to this earth and resurrected according to His promise. According to His promise, He gave us the Holy Spirit. Your life has already been determined. When God gave you salvation, He already had a plan for you. You might not believe in this, you might be offended that your life is determined by God. Your life should be in your hands, why should it be in God’s hands? You might feel very offended, then such people need much healing. That person will always collide with others because their standards are so strong. 

They will either be very impatient or hasty or lazy.  The reason they are lazy is because they’re centered on themselves, “I don’t want to do this.” If they are very hasty, it is also because they’re centered on themselves, so they have no choice but to continue to collide with people. Being lazy, you cannot fulfill things. You need to be aligned with God’s time schedule, then what do you think will happen?  There’s nothing to be hasty about. When you align with God, you align with God’s time schedule.

No matter how great your intention may be, if you’re not aligned with God’s time schedule, it’s unnecessary, and that’s what prayer is.  When you pray, the blessings of the Triune God from heaven, the Throne of God, will come upon you.  God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are connected as One spiritually, and in my physical body on earth, the Holy Spirit resides. Because of that, the Lord within me is fulfilling His will for world evangelization through me.  I hope your job and studies will be used for God’s will.

God desires to save people on this earth. God doesn’t want you to be successful at your job. Your studiousness doesn’t help God.  You might want to succeed but that is not God’s heart. God fulfills His work according to His will.  The reason Jesus Christ died on the cross and resurrected was to save mankind, and that was God’s promise.  When my business and studies become one, aligned with that will, God will answer me even if I don’t ask.  The offering you give is not a donation. Just because you give offering doesn’t mean He will give it back, that’s what religious people do.  When you put your covenant in the form of a material offering, God gives you the covenant back in material form. 

What does that mean?  It’s the same with your business and studies.  When the word of God goes into your studies and job, GOd will answer your studies and job according to His Word, why? Because God is One who works according to His Word.

2. Peace Inside Jesus Christ

The second point today is so that you may enjoy peace. In John 16:33, He says, “I have told you these things so that in Me, you may have peace.” It is difficult to live in this world, there are mental illnesses that constantly come into my family. It means there’s no peace and the Lord is giving you an answer today.  You can only enjoy peace within Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be within Him, within Christ? 

1) Triune God – With

You can only meet God through Christ.  Just by looking for God, you can’t find God. No matter how much you shout out, “God, God,” He cannot meet you, and it is for this reason that God sent you the Christ.  Only when you are within Christ is the Triune God with you.  Confirm this, even today.  

I have been liberated from sin, Satan, and hell through Jesus Christ, and now the Triune God is with me.  At the Throne of Heaven is seated God the Father and God the Son, and the Holy Spirit is living within me. How is He working right now? How is He working? God the Father is giving us His Word even now, and that’s evidence that God is working. At this time through worship, God is giving you His Word and the Holy Spirit is giving you power and strength, so that’s why you need to have spiritual strength.  If you have spiritual strength, then that person goes into the world already having conquered.

A real master in a sport will go into a tournament already having won. If you’re going into a tournament trying to fight it out to see who the winner is, that person has no skill.  That’s what boxers say. “As soon as I make eye contact with the person, I already know, ‘I lost this one.’”  You need to go in, already having secured the strength and already having overcome. That is the working of the filling of the Holy Spirit.  

Even now, Christ is working within me in the direction of world evangelization and missions, and breaking down the three curses of sin, Satan, and hell, and making people into the children of God. That Triune God is with me right now.  You have to enjoy this blessing for the peace of God to come upon you.

This morning, I woke up around 4 or 5am, and what do I do when I wake up that early?  I just enjoy Christ.  What does it mean to enjoy Christ?  Through Jesus Christ, I have been liberated from the curses and disasters that come from sin, and the authority of Satan, and hell.  Now, the Triune God is my background and is with me. You enjoy this spiritually.  Then what do I do on this earth? The better question is, what is God doing to me on this earth?  God is giving me His Word, filling me with the Holy Spirit, and using me for world evangelization to save the 237 nations and to save the 5000 unreached people groups.  “For this work, give me Your Word today.”

“May the Holy Spirit of God completely control all of my thoughts, my heart, my spirit, and my body for this work.” But you never believe this. You know it theoretically but you don’t believe it spiritually.  “May all the forces of darkness of Satan that attacks my family, my church, and my field be completely broken down and cast out in the name of jesus christ but you don’t believe this, you only believe what you see with your eyes, then the forces of darkness you can’t see are working upon your family.  Satan works upon every family differently.

2) Healing

But when you’re truly able to enjoy this blessing, because of the peace, you receive healing.  Hebrews 4:12 says the Word of God, that is, the Word of Jesus Christ, is living and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, penetrating and even dividing the soul and spirit, joints and marrow, which means that it heals.  Beyond the Word of God, you will never receive healing because all your thoughts are geared towards stealing. If you see money, you lose your mind, thinking, “How can I  make that mine?” 

When you see alcohol, you lose your mind; when you see drugs, you lose your mind; when you see a lady, you lose your mind. Why?  It’s because you have something hooked inside of you that has no choice but to make you lose your mind, and if you live your life with this for a long time, it becomes hooked in you even longer, and that’s the destiny of your life. Without you even realizing it, your life goes into that direction.

How can you heal that? It is when you concentrate on the words of Jesus Christ.  The Word of God is Truth. You can only become a normal, healthy person when you concentrate on the correct things. The reason why you become diseased or ill is because you concentrate on incorrect things. When you concentrate on money, you call that obsession.  Success isn’t the truth, so if you concentrate on it, you become obsessed and you go crazy, and the things going on within you aren’t being fixed.

Only the truth of God’s Word can heal you, but you keep being obsessed with incorrect things. You become the dog or slave of people because you have to attach people to succeed, and you become obsessed with being a slave.  It’s great to graduate from a good school, but if you keep holding onto that, it becomes an incorrect thing. Making that into your background, that person will continue to go in the wrong direction.  Inner things will not be fixed.

Only when you concentrate upon the Word of Jesus Christ will you receive healing through God’s Word.  Concentrating on God’s Word also means to let your own things go. The reason you’re so conflicted is that your thoughts are so strong. When you’re alone, lay those down.  When you lay that down, it becomes transcendental meditation, but that’s not good.  If you just close your eyes, turn on some music, and lay down, that’s great but it’s not enough. You will not receive the deep healing of the Spirit.

Only when you concentrate upon God’s Word will your fate change. According to the Word of God, your spirit, mind, and body will change.  When you concentrate on the word of God, it even judges your thoughts and the attitudes of your heart, correcting them. If that doesn’t take place, you’ll always make incorrect judgments, why? Because you’re obsessed with incorrect things, and when this becomes severe, it turns into addiction.  From that point on, your entire life is being dragged around, why? Because you started from the wrong point.  

Money cannot raise you up. Success cannot take you in the right direction, and with those things, you cannot receive healing and your destiny will not change.  Only the Words of Jesus Christ can heal me with true peace.

3) Life – Prayer

There are many things we must do in our lives, then how can we receive answers to prayer?  Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, present your requests to God.” Not being anxious about anything means to lay it down. You’re only anxious because you’re holding onto the problems yourself, so let it go, and simply put, let yourself go. You cannot help your life at all, but Satan constantly lies to you, making you hold onto it.  Let it go, lay down your pride. You cannot overcome disasters with your pride.  

Some people cannot endure when someone touches their pride, but the devil knows that so well. At the most opportune time, he will hurt your pride, and that moment is the failure of your life. You have to let it go.  But in everything, take it to God in prayer. How? In thanksgiving.  Be thankful because when you pray holding onto the Word of God, God will work according to His Word.  Pray that your business may be used to save the lives of the 237 nations, then God will answer you accordingly.  When you pray for your studies to be used for world evangelization, because that is God’s covenant, God will answer you.  

But nothing is happening because you keep praying in a religious way without holding onto God’s covenant.  You have no idea how many things God has given you so that you can receive answers.  But then, the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.  If a person like this goes to prison like Paul did, the prison isn’t scary or a problem; instead, they see God’s plan and have peace in it.  

First and foremost, if we receive the peace of God within ourselves, then the answers will naturally follow.  David never prayed with sincerity to ask to become king, but all David did was focus on God with the covenant and God made him king to fulfill the Word, because God needed him to save the nation and to do temple construction.

3. Christ Has Overcome the World

Today, Jesus Christ says, “I have overcome the world.”  

1) World

Earlier in that verse, He says, “In this world, you will have trouble.”  What is trouble? Paul went into prison and even was accused of heresy for believing in Jesus.  He was lashed 40 times minus one, three times, and because of Jesus Christ, he was persecuted by his best friends.  These were the troubles that didn’t go away, they were there, but what did Jesus say before this?  “Take heart, I have overcome the world.”  

We look at things like that and call it a problem, but if jesus christ has overcome the world and becomes the center and foundation of my heart and my life, then nothing is a problem.  There may even be times where mental illnesses are in my family background. You see that all throughout your family line, and some people from generation to generation receive demon possession.  It’s not up to them.  However, you can overcome that when Jesus Christ Who has overcome the world becomes the center of your life.

If this doesn’t take place, you’ll be just like the Israelites, enslaved by Egypt which was the superpower of that age, just as it is America today.  They went to schools, they had jobs, they had houses and got married, but strangely enough, they were always enslaved. Why?  The people of God need to receive spiritual strength and peace through worship and the Word of God, but neglecting that, people focus on their physical greed and become enslaved.

You guys live in the world that is being controlled by two invisible worlds.  Because you focus so much on the world you see with your eyes, you don’t know how the invisible worlds are working, and the world you see with your eyes moves according to the invisible worlds.  Some people say, “If God moves, then everything is finished; why are you talking about two worlds?” Those people know things theoretically.  There are two worlds, one that controls the believers of God with the Word of God, and the world where Satan controls his believers.

How do such people live in the world?  In Genesis 3:4-5, Satan tells them, “Do not believe in God.” He doesn’t just say, “Don’t believe in God,” but, “Don’t believe in what God said.  You are God.”  This is how Satan works, unseen to our eyes. It’s the same today. There are many good things in America, but “just don’t believe in Christ.”  During Obama’s presidency, they changed “merry Christmas,” into “happy holidays.”  Satan knows that whenever you say the name of Jesus christ, the curses of hell, sin, and Satan are broken down, so he makes it so that nobody uses the name of Christ.

During Biden’s inauguration, I watched it and saw the pastors up there, they even had a benediction, but they never said “Christ” once. He’s so foolish, after it was all finished, he said “amen,” and “awoman.”  Because he wants to acknowledge the equality of men and women, he said, “amen and awomen.”  I’m sure those people had doctorate degrees, but when you say, “amen,” that is submissive.  You can’t use the word “a” separately.  But they say, “amen and awomen.” They’re seized by something, thinking that men and women are equal, but they don’t see Jesus.

You cannot overcome disasters, you cannot overcome the darkness that is invisible to your eyes, and you’ll know when time passes.  “Why is it like this even though I succeed?”  The politicians can do their politics, but if the churches themselves can restore the true meaning of Christ, it would all be solved.  But Satan takes everyone in the direction of the New Age so that they’re focused on people.  All the schools teach, “You’re important, your opinions are important, and you must live your life according to your plans and desires. Don’t be pushed by other people’s desires, but you must live centered on yourself.”

The education today is the same as Genesis 3, the words of Satan.  The way they meet people is centered on themselves and physical benefit.  Then you’re not going to meet people who are physically disadvantageous.  Instead of that, if you’re not meeting people centered on Christ with the blessing of meeting, you’ll lose hold of the blessing of meeting, and that’s why in Genesis 6, they had the disaster of the flood.  You’ll do business with people who are advantageous for you, and when you do business, you’ll have material gain, but that’s not the blessing of meeting that God has prepared.  Because you’re not centered on the gospel of God, but you’re centered on yourself, of course you have no choice but to make physical connections based on your success, what’s advantageous to you.

Then of course, when you cause a disadvantage to your partner, they will turn their back on you. Of course, you’re looking for your advantage, and they look for their advantage.  Young adults, it’s the same for your marriage. Centered on yourself, physical things, and your advantage, you’ll try to meet people who are like that as well.  Even if you try not to meet someone like that, automatically, that’s the kind of meeting you’ll have.  Then one day, if that person no longer physically satisfies you or is no longer advantageous to you, that’s when you become separated. That’s the problem of America today.

I’m not trying to say whether divorce is good or bad.  As you live your life, working at your job, you’ll meet with people, but why are they not blessed? Because you’re centered on yourself.  So, a bunch of self-centered people gather together and try to do some kind of great, big thing, and that’s the Tower of Babel.  They have no choice but to live like this, trying to gather their own strength to exalt their own name, building a tower to the heavens to be like God. They’re centered on their work, their goal, and their success.

The content in Genesis is the same as it is in America, but the Bible tells us there is a disaster of the Tower of Babel, and that’s why even after success, there is a disaster, but you don’t know why there is a disaster.  You study as hard as you can, you make a good life for yourself, but you don’t know why your life is collapsing, why?  

It is because there is a ruler of this world that is Satan who is invisible. How does he work?  Satan tells you to live according to your thoughts, neglecting the Word of God and the gospel. That is the way Satan works. When I talk about Satan, people ask, “Where is Satan?” If God is invisible, where is God? You don’t see Him, but God is working through His Word and Satan also works through his word, the words of unbelief. Getting caught in that, you’re dragged into disaster.

2) World

You need to know this world well. When the Lord says, “I have overcome this world,” you must know what this world is.  If you don’t know the world, then how do you know what you’ve overcome? You must know the enemy and know yourself to overcome. If you live in America, you must know the world of America. Whatever you’ve experienced in America is just physical experience. What is God telling you about America through the Bible?  Where is America mentioned through the Bible? Whenever God created a superpower nation, what was their spiritual state?  It was Rome, Babylon, and it’s the same as America today.  

In Ephesians 2, it says the ruler of the kingdom of the air who is Satan controls the culture of the world, which is being centered on yourself, physical things, and success. How could you overcome that culture? You can’t escape, and as soon as kids go to college and school, they’re in that culture and don’t have the strength to overcome because they don’t have the words of Christ, and even if they have the words of Christ, they’re not centered on it.

That’s why in Ephesians 2, it says people are bound to evil spirits. It’s impossible to believe. If you want to believe, there are Hispanic fortune tellers around our church.  On 11th and 12th street, there are fortune tellers. Go there and communicate with them. I went there once, do you know what this woman said to me?  I was sitting there with my legs crossed and a deaconess was there to translate for me, and she was telling me how she became demon possessed. Do you know what she said to me?

I crossed my legs while conversing with her.  She said, “At this minute, I can put a curse on your feet to make me into my person.” Do you understand? When you study and run your business, what kind of society talks about this?  That’s the spiritual world but you live without knowing this.  People run their businesses like this too, there is a world where business people gain spiritual power and steal their opponent’s things. But because you’re so focused on physical things, you don’t understand. 

Therefore, how are you going to understand and believe that when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the blessings of the Throne of Heaven work?  That’s why you lose. Even though it’s a battle that has already been won, you’re losing.  Is this the first time you’re hearing this?  It is the spiritual world.  The Bible doesn’t talk about physical things, it talks about spiritual things, then you have to know the spiritual world very well.

Right now, when you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the blessing of the Throne of Heaven that transcends time and space works upon every aspect of your life.  But because you don’t believe in the spiritual world, you think you have to go directly to work and meet people. That’s why you can’t overcome the world, and immediately you can’t overcome the fortune tellers and those who are demon possessed.

I was thinking about that woman, “Oh, you ignorant fool, because I can bind your forces of darkness with the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.  No matter how much you try to curse me, I can bind it in the name of Jesus Christ,” but if you didn’t know that, you’d run away scared.  There are kids like that at your schools. There are people like this in your jobs. They keep cursing people with the names of devils.  But Christ says He has overcome the world.  Jesus Christ has given you authority to cast out demons and to heal illnesses, but you don’t know this at all. You only think about your goal and greed and try to get things through Jesus Christ and prayer, and that’s why even though the world is overcome, you cannot win.

3) Sufferings of the World

This is the reason nonbelievers suffer. Why do things like mental illnesses come?  When you go to the hospital, they give you medicine, but by taking it, you can’t get better. The Bible tells us that you need to gain peace. What happens when you gain peace?  If you have panic disorders, you don’t have peace, but if you have peace, it all goes away. The Bible tells us thousands of years ago about the diseases today. Even if you go to church, you can’t find the answer.  If you can’t find the answer, you have no choice but to be afflicted. I’m just talking about the general, characteristic diseases, but there are diseases that are invisible, a lot of invisible mental diseases.

Why? Because they don’t have peace. If you had spiritual peace, the mental things would align themselves naturally.  When I was young, we would play with spinning tops.  There was a nail stuck to the bottom of a cup so when you spun it, it would be centered on the nail, and even hitting it with a stick, it would keep spinning faster.  That nail is at the very center of the top, so it can spin, but if it was even a little bit off center, it would not spin.  No matter how well you make the top otherwise, if that nail isn’t at the center of the top, it wouldn’t spin; it would topple over.

How do you think God created humans? Christ must be the very central nail of our heart, then our normal healthy state of mind will come into action.  Then, all the things you’ve been wanting and looking forward to, even physical things, will come to you.  But if Christ is not your center, but you are your center, these are the answers you’ll get. What answers? You’ll receive the answers of this order breaking apart. Even if you try not to get mental illness, they will find you.  Even if you try to avoid the suffering of the world, they will come find you, why? Because the center of our soul isn’t centered directly on Christ.  Then, it doesn’t matter if you go to church or not; you’ll receive other answers.  


1. Christ Has Come According to God’s Promise

2. Ascended into Heaven After Solving the Problems of the World

3. Answers, Healing, and Saving the World Through Only the name of Christ

I hope that whether you listen to this message, that you will relay this to the unbelievers in the field.  God pours everything to people through Christ.  When the words of life of Jesus Christ become the center of my life, all the order of the rest of my life will come into place.  


May you have the blessing of constantly confirming Jesus Christ who has overcome the world and the peace of God being at the center of your heart. Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us.

God, we thank You.  Thank You for sending Christ into this earth to solve the three curses we couldn’t solve on our own.  We thank You for the Triune God becoming our background and the Holy Spirit coming upon us to give us the Word to guide us and to give us the power to do 237 and the world evangelization movement. Thank You for bringing us to this church to guide us in the direction of Your desire and will and world evangelization.  We pray that all our businesses and studies may be used in the direction of world evangelization.  Now may the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and unlimited love of God, the indwelling, filling, guidance, and communion of the Holy Spirit, be upon the heads of all the people of God who desire to be centered on Christ and to testify the words of Jesus Christ, upon all their businesses, their studies, and their families, be with us now until forevermore always, amen.


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