237 answer- answer in advance, answer when you go, answers afterward (Genesis 45:1-5)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

237 answer- answer in advance, answer when you go, answers afterward (Genesis 45:1-5)


There may be various things in front of you, and yet, that didn’t matter for the seven remnants.  It was because they were with God, and little by little, if you enjoy this blessing, one day you’ll see the answer of 24 hours.  Remnants were not seeking answers. Their level was different.  They were able to restore everything within the fact that God was with them, and remnants didn’t have physical confrontations.  It was because they went out as the summit from the onset.  

Then all that’s left ahead of you is the answer of the 237 nations. For us to do something about the 237 nations is impossible, but if you begin to hold to the answer of the 237 nations, the answers come in different ways.  There are many cases where the answers come in advance, isn’t that so? Only then can you do world evangelization.  The answers came from the beginning to the people like David and Daniel, and if you’re enjoying these answers, you’ll not only enjoy them in advance, but you’ll receive them as you go and you’ll receive them afterwards.  Ultimately , he stood before the 237 field in Genesis 45:1-5. 


So remnants, there are things you must know and be cautious of.  In heading to the 237 nations, the way is very important. 

1. Path (lifelong)

Now you need to look out for your lifelong path and prepare for that.  There was one elder who gave his testimony, “ever since my son was very young, I would write my son’s name and write ‘president’ underneath that,” and he wondered if his son would become president, so he saw how his son went through the different stages of preparation to become president, and ultimately, he testified about how his son became president, and that was president kim il sung? And his father was an elder as well.  Elder, Kim jung ho? And there was that paper on his table in his home, so honestly, it all ends with this.  Remnants, there is nothing more you need to do.  Now, you need to confirm your lifelong path.

1) 7 Remnants 

All seven remnants were like that.  We don’t know for sure whether these remnants knew these paths before or ahead of time, but they sooner or later knew them, so this needs to be the year where you confirm that path.  So, look at the path that Joseph took when he went to Egypt. More accurately, God is accurately leading you, so those who know the mystery of prayer can easily see this. You just slightly have this summit time and you begin to see this.  That’s the difference between people like the Apostle Peter and the Apostle Paul. Peter didn’t know the path to the 237 nations but Paul knew the way to the 237 nations and that’s why he was used by Paul.

2) Powerful nations, Each nation

Powerful and each nation. You must go to the powerful nations to reach each nation, and we’ve got one more important path ahead of us.

3) 5000 people groups

When we go on the internet, we see the map of all the nations, but that’s not all that important.  Being able to see this path in Korea, when you meet with multiethnic people of different nations, so, why did we set up the Remnant University in America We see that the people from these 5000 people groups are in America, and the fact that this person from that ethnic group is in america means that they are an outstanding individual. The mistake we make is trying to pick over whether someone is a good individual or not, but that’s not it.  It’s the way.  If they find the way, it doesn’t matter if they’re a good person or bad person whatsoever.  All you’re looking for is the way.  

I remember saying this before, I too passed through my assistant pastor years, and those years were difficult, so people had a lot of complaints, but for me, my life as an assistant pastor was a tremendous path.  I had the background to be able to go into the field and do world evangelization, and when I set up an evangelism plan and told the church I would do it, there wasn’t a single time they told me not to do it.  Wherever you are, you have to see the path.  The 5000 people groups, many religious organizations can go to the powerful nations, because you can just get on a plane and go there, but remnants and 5000 people groups aren’t happening.  They aren’t able to raise remnants like you who understand the gospel, and they’re nota able to reach the 5000 people groups, so if you set your heart on it, you can even see these paths in Korea.  That’s when the internet and resources become materials for you, but you’re not just looking for them in that way. THis is everything.  

2. Light

It’s at this time that God would shine the light, isn’t that so? He’ll shine the light so you can go down that path, so you can shine the light. What kind of light?

1) Throne 

The light of the Throne, it’s a sure thing.  It lies in the simple things.  Even for evangelism, there is a way to do it.  So, we have to work hard in faith but you have to see the right path.  For example when I went to Busan, I didn’t have much money, but I saw the way.  What way?  The grandmothers, and 30 people sitting in the congregation, I saw the way through them. “I’ll come to your house at this time on this day, so gather your friends and neighbors.” I designated 30 places, so that was the path.  When I did the Word Movement in 30 places, it was like having 30 churches, and by proclaiming the Gospel, it was explosive.  God will shine the light of the throne.  Remnants, wherever you go, God will shine the light of the throne from heaven, it’s a sure thing. You’re confused and on a different path, but this is not just any light.

2) Status

3) Authority

The light fits your status and authority; it’s amazing ,isn’t it? But it goes beyond that, it’s a light that’s connected to the universe


5) World Evangelism 

It’s so you can do world evangelization, that the glory of the Lord shines upon you and you’re declared to share this marvelous light, then what happens  your urgent beginning starts.

3. Beginning 

As we start, what has God prepared for you?  It’s what anyone can do, but not everyone can see it well. 

1)Discarded places (Empty)

It’s the start, but it’s these discarded and empty places you’re seeing.  

(1)Superpower nations

Don’t just look at them, but because the 237 nations are in the powerful nations, look at the empty places in the powerful nations. Look at how Paul saw the empty places of the powerful nations, he went in everywhere and did healing.

(2)Slave, Colonized, Captives

Absolutely, in those powerful nations, there were those who were enslaved, captives and colonized.  This is the start.  In this way, if you just slightly pray about this, you can easily see.  As I said before, this year, we must see the paths to the 237 nations to save the 5000 people groups through the pastors of our reformed denomination. We need remnant pastors who can go into the 5000 people groups of the 237  nations, and also the healing ministers to plow into the 56000 people groups. That is the way.  If you can just see the way, then God will shine the light on tha twya.  What else?

2)Thing nobody knows

There’s something that nobody knows.  These are all the empty places, what do we mean? 

(1)Kingdom of the World

Whatever nation it may be, there is a background to that nation, but in just viewing that, it’s all incorrect.

(2)Kingdom of Satan

Keeping that in mind, you look at the worldly kingdom and you see the kingdom of satan

(3)Kingdom of God (That work)

What else? For us it is the kingdom of God and we’re planting the works of the kingdom of God, then that’s it.  Remnants, just do one thing.  Unconditionally find your conclusion starting now. Joseph did not think that going as a slave was a problem; going to prison was not a problem; becoming governor was not an answer. Joseph’s goal was world evangelization, then that’s it. So means you must hold to this.  If we go into the fire, the Lord will rescue us, but even if he does not. This is the faith of the remnant, so all the excuses you’ve had until now are unnecessary; you cannot become the summit that way, and you cannot save the 237 nations.  

You’ve got so many problems? It doesn’t matter whatsoever.  They had so many problems, but this is what he said, “Because the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” that’s the Remnant, do you understand? Even though he knew the king had signed the decree, even though Daniel knew he would be put to death, he prayed as he had done previously.  What that means is that the blessings I spoke about in the first lecture were always within him, and he broke the forces of darkness.  It’s unstoppable.  Remnants, wherever you go, the light shines. Starting now, practice ths. Whenever a problem comes, just see. 

No matter how powerful you are ,if you’re deceived ,then that’s it. Satan’s strategy is to deceive you. A little thing happens between you and someone else, then you fall into unbelief. That has nothing to do with you. God is our absolute sovereign who controls our lives, and no matter what anyone says, God’s sovereignty allowed you to be born here in this age, and your death is within God’s sovereignty as well, so there’s nothing to fear.  Remnants make a mistake and crumble once again, it’s okay; just get up again.  Being able to see this.  They can’t even see this properly, the people of the world, because they don’t even know about God’s kingdom or Satan’s kingdom. Then where is your start?

3)Spiritual network

With this one prayer,  you make a spiritual network but you don’t find this believable, but I surely believe this. 


With one prayer, what is the work that you do? The work of the watchman


With your one prayer, you carry out the role of healer.  


And with your one prayer, you are the ambassador for the king, priest, and prophet. This is your start.  One day, you see this path but you see incorrectly it doesn’t matter.  Even though you see incorrectly, you must see it for God to correct it.  Starting now, you’re going to live this past life and follow the path God has given you. What do we call this?  God prepared this and will give you answers, then what do we call this path?

Main – Covenant Journey

We call this the covenant journey.  How amazing is this?  So remnants, this is your way to the 237 nations, and absolutely there is a journey to the covenant.  Then, how can you do this? Just confirm because this is the answer that will come to you.

1. Headquarters

HQ means headquarters, for example, in the military.  Those who travel the Covenant journey must be connected with the headquarters.  People always say, “That’s …” but they don’t know what prayer is, and they always have their own thoughts, so they always go down the wrong path.  

You’re connecting with the headquarters, and that is the throne, then that’s it, but where is this? The very place you’ve been commissioned to, isn’t that so?  Remnants, you’re at an age where things aren’t completed yet, so you might get confused, but don’t be confused. What does it mean to do well in your studies?  Being able to find what God has truly given to you is true study.  Things will advance even further in our age. In places like developed nations, it doesn’t ‘matter if you’re good at many things. If you’re good at one thing, the top universities wil scout you, so our nations education is  lagging behind, and don’t waste your time on useless things.  Really enjoying the summit and enjoying blessings of the throne of heaven the result will be different.  You just studied but all that is used for God’s amazing journey.  

1)Genesis 37:1-11

The sun and moon and stars bowed down to him, then that’s it. This is what God gave from above. 

2)Gen 39:1-6

That’s why there was no reason to be shaken.  He didn’t go as a slave to Potiphar’s house, but it became a journey to learn tremendous things. I think that Joseph knew this.

3)Gen 40:1-23

He went to prison, but that became the journey to meet politicians. He would never be able to meet them unless he went to prison

4)Gen 41:1-38

Ultimately he meets the king, and it happened this way. So this is the covenant journey

5)Gen 45:1-5

Ultimately he meets his family, and he’s selling grain, doing missions all over the world.  Because without Joseph’s permission, you couldn’t sell it.  Smaller nations would send their kings or envoys sent by the king, and they all have to meet Joseph. Joseph will undoubtedly explain the covenant to them and strengthen them. In the midst of that, his brothers came to buy grain, and because Joseph was standing there as such a great figure, they couldn’t even look at him in the face, they couldn’t imagine him as their younger brother. The blessing of God’s throne. Those who aren’t careful and don’t know about spiritual things don’t know that this is the answer.

2. One who receives the message of heaven

It’s those who always receive the message of heaven. That’s why we pray.  



This is what we call the antenna, we call this the guidesigns, so that’s what we see.  Always receiving God’s Word, those who really experience this are going to be different. I’ve been doing this for the past 20-30 years, so I can clearly see the path we’re bound to go. This is the 237 age, and it is the age of the 5000 people groups that the 237 nations cannot reach.  Listen well to the message because you must do this.  There was one person who happened to be an attorney and I went to his home and he told me several things. “If you just give $5000, you can actually make a soccer team.”  What is being globalized all throughout the world the most is soccer.  In food, it would be coca cola. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t know about coca cola or soccer.  How poor are some of these nations?  If you just invest $5000, you can make a soccer club and feed the athletes and train them for an entire year. That’s the nature of the 5000 people groups, and unbelievers are the first to reach them. They  make soccer clubs.  

Last time, they asked me to send a missionary to one of the nations in Africa, so the world is packed with places like this.  If you truly hold to what God wants, God will shine the light of the throne.  God will shine the light upon their status and authority to save the entire world.  So, not enjoying the power of prayer, you don’t have strength, you’re not happy, and you don’t have the right start. Remnants, I don’t worry about anything, but i’m not here to comfort you. There’s no reason to comfort you. Whom should be comforted? The ones who have no hop should be comforted, but you’re not eligible to be comforted.  You have a great problem because you’re a great individual, and God is training you. “I have no problems whatsoever,” then you’re a petty individual.  As long as you don’t get lost in the problems, it becomes a tremendous springboard.  Take a look at this. Let’s see what kind of antenna this is. As I said yesterday.

1.Disaster—> Gospel—> Prosperity—-> Something else

  Gauge the Gospel

Strangely, disasters crash in, and that’s the first ending. Be able to see that, when disasters come.  It’s when the gospel disappears.  Restoring the gospel, they have prosperity, and when they have prosperity, they do something else, and again disasters come. Disasters continue to cycle, so we have to have a gauge for the gospel.  Listen very well to the guidesigns. You have to be able to gauge the gospel and see where we are in the cycle.  Depending on how far we’ve come, if you’ve got the message, it’s a sure thing.  Japan only has 0.2% or 0.3% of the world population, and you have to be able to gauge that. You come to Korea and try to land a plane at night, yo usee all the crosses, but is Korea like heaven?  With what gauge must you see? There are so many churches and pastors, but why are things like this? The number of church members are shrinking, then what kind of gauge must you place here?  All seven Remnants realized this. What about number 2?

2)Gauge to measure disaster 

You also need the gauge to see destruction.  To what extent has disaster come? To be able to measure this, you’re looking at this.  

3) 24 hour Dream

One day, no matter what you’re doing, if you’re studying or not, you’ll find your 24 hour dream. This is the antenna for you to receive your dream from heaven. THe first gauge is what we call the covenant, and the second gauge measuring disasters is what we call vision.  What is the third? Being able to see what you must do 24 hours a day is your dream. 24 hours a day, the word will continue to be fulfilled for you.  Then ultimately?

4)25 hour Image

You see the image of 25 hours, so just follow that. Lastly what happens?  

5)237 masterpiece 

  Heavenly host, Angels, and Heralds

You see the 237 masterpiece. That’s practice.These are the guidesigns you must follow.  CVDIP is not just your content but it’s the guidesigsn, undoubtedly.  If we just grab hold of the covenant, God sends His heavenly hosts and angels.  The words are the same but a little different. The heavenly hosts are sent into battle, and the angels run the errands of protecting you.  What about heralds?  Relaying some kind of message.  “Last night, a herald of the Lord.”  They’re the same angels, but that’s what happens.  “Am I dreaming right now?” “No.” This is an absolute fact.  Because I believe this, I see the path in most things, why? Because I’m connecting with the Throne of Heaven.  And I always have  my antenna set to receive the heavenly  message, so I’m heading towards the 237 nations.  Remnants, you can just end everything by praying for 5 minutes, but you have to change your thinking for your heart to change, then everything else will change.

Look at the seven remnants.  How is it that you’re able to interpret the dreams? “Because I’m bored.” it’s different.  But because of the crisis, “I love You Lord, my Strength.” It was a time when things were very difficult, but Esther said, “If I perish, I perish.” Remnants that’s how you hold to the covenant and live.  It’s a problem, but in one sense, it’s not a problem at all.  What’s 3?

3.Transmit to 237

You are the ones who will transmit this to the 237 nations. Not only must you receive this well, but you must transmit it as well.



Simply put, you don’t need a lot of things, but you need a place where you can transmit it. This is our goal and destination, so you need to have this. sImply put, Joseph had this, where?  It was world evangelization, so he had to go to the palace.  Wherever Joseph went, the many blessings and messages from the Throne of Heaven continued to come upon him. Look very closely at this. What’s the first?


People are the receivers, whom do we mean? His older brothers.  They were the receivers. Potiphar, the government officials, and the king, isn’t that so? just the fact that you like or dislike a person or you’re splitting people apart?  That’s not it. Who else are receivers?


   (Not the end)

Incidences, like being a slave. Going to prison was an incident. He wasn’t just grinning and bearing it, but works were arising.  Also, the palace.  Every incident is not the end; it’s just the beginning.  So, what kind of result did they come to? Where else are these receiving stations?


Everywhere you go, God’s miracle arises.  



Wherever our remnants are, God’s power is revealed, and wherever our remnants are, absolutely world evangelization takes place. With what? Though the inciencers. With what through people. That’s what happens.

(3) World Evangelization

All the incidences our remnants face, like going to egypt and breaking down disasters, the entire world hears about that. Raising up the mizpah movement and raising up David to berak goliath? The entire world knew about that. He won without even fighting with the army of Arma, so news of that spread throughout the world, and if you don’t understand these words, you’d know prayer and the Bible at all.  That’s what we mean when we say that your prayers transcend time and space. Let’s come to the close of everything.


What conclusion must you leave here with?  Starting now you must leave here with three onenesses.  What are the three kinds of oneness?

1.3 oneness


It’s the throne, the world, and me.



4)Studies, Occupation, Business

You’re forming oneness that way.  Then absolutely evidence will come to your studies, your occupation, and your business.  You may not understand these words very well, and I’m not telling you to do it exactly that way, but to do badly at something might be better for you.  For example, I’m not saying that America is good, but while I was young, I wanted to go, but I didn’t, and for me, that was better.  If I went, I might be able to speak english well, but I have no reason to speak english well because I have Esther (The translator).  If I go to Germany, should I speak German well? No,  I have to go throughout the entire world. If I go to France, can I speak french well?  That doesn’t match with me; I need the answer to move the world, so not being able to go was the answer. That’s why I tell you not to worry about studying.  As you’re enjoying the blessing of the throne of heaven, try studying, then one day, 24 hours will take place.  I’m very thankful because in my position, I must do 24 hours a day.  I have to pray 24 hours a day, or else I wouldn’t be able to give the message, so I don’t even distinguish between day and night. If I’m sleepy, I sleep, if I’m not, then I don’t sleep.  Do you all have to suffer that way?  No, not at all, but what I’m telling you is to not worry.  But if you don’t have these answers, you hold onto the incorrect things that unbelievers keep talking about.  Remnants remain within the throne, the world, and me, do you understand? Just have that.


O.U.R (Only, Uniqueness, Re-Creation)

Remnants, make this system. What is that?  Only, uniqueness, and re-creation system.  Remain within that system, or have the system, or make that system. The words are similar, then God will pour that down upon you.

3.6 instruments


From that point on, everything will be made through the six instruments. Be cautious here, use people as leverage. You already have the important Gospel, you have the vessel, so prepare that vessel. You already have the answer of healing so you can transmit this.  What else comes from here? You have your masterpiece; know what your masterpiece is. That is your platform.  Now that platform can be outsourced. What’s more important?  You remnants are the leverage, the vessel, and the transmission. You are the nobody masterpiece, isn’t that so?  You are the platform.  You are outsourcing, then that’s it. This is the answer. One person, Joseph, did everything because God gave him everything, isn’t that so? Enjoy this for the rest of your life.  

Don’t fall into misconception. Because you’re important individuals, sometimes God will answer in advance, and just because you’re sitting here means you receive the answer in advance. What’s the point of gathering together doing Bible studies? You have to do what God wants. How can you go to the 237 nations? You can’t, so you have to know the way. That’s why we raised the RU in america, because that’s the path. They’re already here as slaves, capitalized, and colonized.  They’re already there, the 5000 people groups. Always pray about that. Full-fledged, this is the new chapter you’ll enter into this year. Everything is inside of that.  I’m not saying that things in the past are wrong or bad, but that’s our springboard. 

Lastly, remember.  Remnants, you go to your fields, and you have three: home, church, school.  You’ve got friends, parents, and teachers. It’s mainly about that. So even though you’re trying to adapt each one, you’re living a triple life, but that’s okay; each time, don’t be deceived.  You just slightly concentrate, hold to the covenant and pray, then answers will come. You must experience this. I remember saying this several times before and I say this because I received the greatest answer.s  it was the exact same situation, we were receiving hard military training, and we were sent to a special place, we were in the place prepared by the president, and I was in the second class. They took the active soldiers and reserves to be the combat forces, and I was drafted to this, so I had to receive training a whole year long.  I just briefly praied. I didn’t receive the filling of the holy spirit, but I just briefly prayed. “There must be a reason why God sent me here, help me find disciples.” That was just the one prayer I prayed.  

Really with that one thing, accurately, answers came and that’s what happens.  I was able to give a sermon in front of all those soldiers, who could that be? But that’s how things changed. The commander became my disciple, but how was that possible? The commander kept asking me to go to his office and explain the Gospel to him, so I did.  You know the message, but he was so shocked by that, and that’s what happens, but we keep being deceived, deceived by people at work, do you know what the root is?  It’s unbelief; we’re worried because of unbelief, so that’s why we’re deceived. 

“If we go into the fire, the Lord will rescue us, but even if He does not” the king even said, “You don’t have to bow down a lot, just bow down once.” He wanted to save them because he loved them, so he said, “Just bow down once,” because he had to save face in front of the people, but “there is no way for us to answer you O king,” can you imagine what happened? They stood in front of the king who wanted to move the 237 nations, but the king felt so embarrassed, and they sent the three of them into the  fire, but there were four in the  fire.  Telling them to come out, three came out, then who was the fourth person? As we advance, we may know the fourth person.  But until science advances, we cannot know; how can we know the fourth and fifth dimension? The Lord sent angels to protect them and at this time, God will send His angels to our remnants and guard them. When he destroyed the 185,000 soldiers of the Aram army and when He took Herod’s life.  Daniel said, “Last night, an angel of the LORD closed the mouth of the lions,” it almost seems like a fantasy, but it is a tremendously scientific and spiritual fact.  Remnants, hold to the covenant and start now, let us pray.


Father God we thank you.  Thank You for giving the remnants the blessing of the summit.  Thank You for giving us the blessing of the 237 nations to heal them.  Here, may we carry out the role of being the King, Priest, and Prophet. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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