Disciple inside of Evangelism (Acts 1:1, 3, 8)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Disciple inside of Evangelism (Acts 1:1, 3, 8)


For the one who is within the Word and prayer, there are a few things that happen when they are alone.

[With, Immanuel, Oneness, Strength, Joy, Answers]

These kinds of things happen, With, Immanuel, and Oneness.  You are greatly strengthened, and you also experience a sense of great joy when you’re by yourself. Why? Because prayer is taking place and you are within prayer.  In the past, you seemed to have many problems because you didn’t have the word and the word didn’t match with you.  If you’re saved, but you are not in a place where you match with God’s word, you’ll be at a loss, but moment by moment, when you match with the Word, important answers will come.  What kind of answers?  Spiritual problems that seem incurable will be healed, so experience this.

You went into the accurate word then your past may have been so strange, but all of that disappears.  Honestly speaking, I don’t know for anyone else, but things were difficult in the past for me and Rev. Chung. How in the world can we come all the way up here to Seoul and save many people? We weren’t like those kinds of people in the beginning, but one day, we entered into God’s Word; in faith, we completely changed. That’s how it was.  Moment by moment, you are in the place that matches with God’s Word, and the most important thing is that you become a person within prayer. From that point on, tremendous prayer takes place and you gain many answers.  

So honestly, I don’t wear clothes without an inside pocket. People may not understand this, but I always have my notes and a pen here, and because I’m enjoying this blessing, I always have things I want to jot down.  I form the outline for my Sunday message on Monday, but I look at it throughout the week and different answers come. When all these problems and things throughout the week arise, I realize why God allowed them to happen.  There were tremendous difficulties throughout the week, but God gave a tremendous answer. So right now, God is giving us the tremendous answer of the 237 nations, and this kind of answer comes.


[Thanksgiving, Tears, Compassion]

When you meet people, at that time, you absolutely have thanksgiving if you’re inside of this.  For example, if your body is healthy when you meet people, you’ll feel happy, but if you’re sick and you have to meet people, it’s tiring. If you have spiritual strength, when you have these meetings, you’re so thankful. You’re thankful to meet the church pastors and elders, and you’re so thankful. You’re thankful over the littlest things, and you’re thankful for the little things people do for you. If you don’t have this power, you can’t even give thanks.  You resent the fact that you’re sick, you resent your family members, you resent the people at church, but if you truly enjoy this blessing, then like Paul, you’re thankful. David who suffered the most gave the most thanks. Daniel, facing death, gave thanks, and that’s what happens.  Paul said he gives thanks in all circumstances. It wasn’t just lip service, but that’s what happens when number 1 takes place.  From that point on, what can you see?

The problems of people without the Gospel. Tears.  Not that you actually have to shed tears from your eyes. True tears are not about the liquid, but this is when you have compassion. You see that.  

“Disciple inside of Evangelism“ 

(Acts 1:1, 3, 8) 

Putting these two things together is what we call a disciple within Evangelism.  Ultimately, you’re satisfied with this, Acts 1:1, 3, 8. You’re satisfied with Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit.  Next year, a lot of change will take place in our movement, but you don’t have to worry at all.  Because this isn’t taking place for a lot of people, they’re worried they may suffer loss, but don’t worry about such things.  Absolutely, God will do important things in 2021, so for next year when we’re talking about the 237 nations, the empty places, healing, and the summit, God will truly answer us.  All the important people being used by God right now must turn their eyes here.

Intro- Disasters

The important disciple inside of evangelism must see important things.  They see disaster. Not that disaster is a good thing, but they can actually see it. Look at it from the background of Rome. Our second lecture was the background of Babylon, and our first lecture was the background of Egypt, so this is talking about the Early Church.

[Rome Background]

1.Wars Rome raised for Globalization 

The wars that Rome raised for globalization brought about tremendous disasters.  

2.Israel’s disasters


As you well know, the disciples would arise in Israel.  If you surely know this, you can confirm what evangelism is. Right now, they’re colonized.

2)2,000 years orphans

In the future, their descendants would be orphans for 2000 years, their future generations.  What do you think? Don’t just think of evangelism as a simple thing. What’s the other disaster?

3.12,000 wars after this

Afterwards, 12000 wars broke out, and God, knowing this, called us for the gospel.  

4. Super power nations’ disasters (mental illness)

As a result, what was the disaster of the powerful nations?  So much mental illness. Even now, we see so many mental patients in the most powerful nation of the world like America. When you go to America, you have to be careful. People with mental afflictions are doing drugs and strange things, so unexpected things can happen. You may wonder why the police are being so obsessive, but ask the police. There are so many unexpected accidents in America, so it can be excessive. Because there are so many problems like this, the disaster of the powerful nations is mental illness..

Kids don’t get mental illnesses when they do drugs once, but those who are weak mentally will fall into that.  I’m sure it’s not just this.

5. Powerless nations’ disasters (poverty) (diseases)

What is the disaster of the weaker nations? They’re continuously poor.  Of course, everyone gets sick, but they get diseases early and die early, so they don’t even fear cancer.  People in Africa and Oceania don’t fear cancer because they’re going to die anyway, and it’s similar how they die. Poverty and disease has overcome these weaker nations, and the gospel cannot penetrate.  Because the powerful nations are afflicted so much by mental disease, they can’t even listen to the proper Gospel, so you must have these eyes.

Be thankful for the fact that you’re sitting here today. It’s a sure fact that the people of the world have hardships, so you must have compassion and tears, but that’s not all. God knows, so what do we come to?  

Main- One inside of God’s Absolute Sovereignty 

The one who has the answer regarding disasters can remain inside of evangelism, but where? No one can block you because you are within God’s absolute sovereignty. No matter what the case may be remain within the Word, remain within prayer; immediately, the blessing of being within God’s absolute sovereignty will appear.  What’s the first?

1.One inside the Gospel

You are inside the Gospel.  

2.One within Gospelization

You are inside of Gospelization. This is evangelism.

3.One inside Globalization 

You are inside of globalization. This is evangelism.  

1.Gospel- Absolute Covenant

If you establish anything else, it will end in destruction, but you are within God’s absolute sovereignty. Being within the gospel means you have evidence, and this is the absolute covenant, and that’s it. Being within gospelizatin means you’re a witness.

2.Witness- Absolute Journey

We call this the absolute journey, and that’s it.

3. Please God sees most important-  Absolute Goal

To say that you’re in globalization, you’re the door that God views as most important.  Now, the Gospel must go into the culture where the Gospel did not exist before, and this is God’s absolute goal. That’s what it is, and that’s what we’re talking about, being inside of this, and no matter what anyone says, they cannot block this. Labeling you as a heretic, things like that, aren’t important. Really be inside God’s absolute plan.  The person who has this is fine no matter the situation because of “with, immanuel, and oneness.”  Those who have this can meet any person, because they have the tears and compassion. The one inside of this is the one inside of the covenant.  What does it mean to be in the Gospel?

1)Gospel- Calvary

   Mount of Olives

   Mark’s Upper Room

What is the Gospel? It’s the one who knows this, it’s over, Mount Calvary.  Now you surely know what disasters are, and you have your mission, the Mount of Olives.  Now, God will give you power, Mark’s Upper Room.  This is the one inside the Gospel. If that is so, what do we see from this point on?

2) see all my things from the eyes of the Gospel

  1. 7 RT

These are very important words.  You see all of your things from the eyes of the Gospel; you see everything with the eyes of the Gospel, just like the seven remnants. You can view it this way.

3)See everything else with the eyes of the Gospel

See everything else with the eyes of the Gospel, and that’s all you need. The word, your life, your church, your people, your problems, everything must be seen with the eyes of the Gospel. Then what happens from this point on? It may not seem like much but works will arise for you where you can overcome darkness because you’re inside of this, and you become completely different.  Look at people who cause problems with the eyes of the Gospel, then what happens? The Word comes to mind, and that’s the accurate word. The moment you hold onto the accurate word, the works begin. 

Think about it, there are times when I just wait and see. People say, “This is the problem with Darakbang,” but I say, “just wait and see,” and they’re the ones who actually perish. “This won’t work at all,” but I say, “let’s just wait and see,” and 100%, they’re the ones who absolutely perish. They perish to the point where everyone sees that. I’m not talking about the curses that come upon that person, but I’m saying that those who are within God’s Absolute Sovereignty have no problems. You’re different, and with the eyes of the Gospel, you see everything and yourself. This is the start.


This is the start of the absolute covenant. Let me just give you one example, “Why are my brothers doing this to me? How can I survive here? It’s so difficult. If I survive, I will take revenge.”  That’s wrong, you’ll make yourself sick and die. Isn’t that so? But Joseph saw things with the eyes of the Gospel, and he saw God’s tremendous Word. When he gained the power from answers, it was okay even as he was facing hardships.  From this point on?

1)Mount of Olives

  Acts 1:3

See when Gospelization takes place. They were having legal restrictions. The things that took place at this time was the Mount of Olives, they came down and gathered in Mark’s Upper Room. Simply put, God gave the greatest answers. Think about it, they were having legal restrictions at this moment, but this became the important time for Gospelization. This is the journey.  Good things can take place, but what happens if these works arise in the most important things?

2)Prohibition order

Secondly, they put a prohibition order: “Don’t gather together as the Early Church in Mark’s Upper Room,” but at this time, God gathered world-class individuals.  


At this time, the possessions that these people gave became the unique possessions that saved the world.


At this time, these people held onto the pulpit message day by day in the temple courts and in their homes, and this message saved the world.  It was bound to be like this.


Great persecution arose, there were legal sanctions and a standstill order and now they were going to be captured. At this time, we have the church officers who were ordained, and at this time, Stephen appeared and the doors to Samaria opened.  At this time, they met with the Ethiopian eunuch and they met with Cornelius as well. Very important meetings arose because of persecution.  


Because you’re traveling with the absolute covenant, God is bound to work, so be inside of these two things. If you can open your eyes to see the disasters, everything else follows.  Go into globalization that changes the world’s culture, that’s the absolute goal.  

1)God’s Promise from the Beginning 

What God promised from the very beginning is now being revealed.  What God said to Abraham.

(1)Acts 11:19

This wasn’t being accomplished, so for the first time, they raised the Antioch Church in Acts 11.  It’s amazing, isn’t it?  You are within God’s absolute sovereignty, so these works are bound to rise. Believe that. 

(2)Acts 12:1-25

That night, while they prayed, God raised an angel to strike down Herod, and he died. 

(3)Acts 13:1-4

They chose volunteer missionaries to go out there, and this was God’s first promise. It’s really surprising, isn’t it?  

2)Place of future disasters

Do you know where God sent these people? God sent them to the place where He knew the future disasters would arise the most. Where was that? Macedonia. See how the doors of missions opened. Where else? To Thessalonica, to Corinth, it’s all from the port of Macedonia. These are the places that Alexander the Great had conquered and Rome had conquered; great battles took place there.

(1)Acts 16:6-10

(2)Acts 17:6

(3)Acts 18:4

3)Place of Globalization 

Ultimately, to the place of globalization.  It may not seem like much, but through you, God is fulfilling His very first promise in the Bible.  It may seem as if you just went there, but you went to Macedonia, the place where future disasters will arise the most. Why is it Rome? Because that is the field of globalization.

(1)Acts 19:21

(2)Acts 23:11

(3)Acts 27:24 

These are very important words for those who are within evangelism. Let’s come to the conclusion

Conclusion – Challenge 

Not just practice and enjoyment, but you need to challenge. It’s a sure thing.  Now, we are challenging towards three things.  


Challenge against your past.  Many people take this lightly, but it’s very important. This is what Paul went up against; it was his first battle.  He entered into a world where he didn’t know where he was, where he was alive or dead.  Paul laid all his spiritual problems before God, and God answered, “It’s because of these that I am using you.” 

1)2 Cor 12:1-10

Remember this, 2 Corinthians 12:1-10. Challenge your past.  I challenged in my past against a powerless church, a family of idol worship, and the many people in my family afflicted by disease. I challenged against those things and realized in the Bible, 237, healing, and summit.  

2.Today (Stream)

Today. Surely, challenge against the past, then why is “today” important? Of all this, you are grabbing hold of one stream which is why we receive training and worship on the Lord’s day. There is an accurate stream, and challenge against the past and hold onto the accurate stream of today.

3. Future

Challenge towards the future.  Challenge the past, today, and the future, and the answer is the same. It’s 24 hours, and the 237 nations.



(3)24 hour healing

(4)24 hour summit

Challenge towards that.  I already gave this order to the Immanuel Church. Unconditionally make a 24 hour system; if not, you cannot block disasters and darkness. Make it so that all the world will know, 24 hours.  Make it so that those people can always do what they want.  Make a system where people with spiritual illnesses can come and be healed on their own.  When the Remnants come, make a system where they can completely head toward the summit.  Make a 24 hours system so that the multiethnic people from the 237 nations can come whenever they want and do whatever they want.

The past, today, and the future is what I’m thinking about, and it’s important so I want you to challenge in your own right. A lot of people hide their past, but you have to challenge against the past. I can understand that, but you can’t keep hiding it; you have to challenge. I understand.  Her mother committed suicide, so it was a great shock to this person’s head. It’s not just this one person, but many people in the family, so I could understand that person was shocked by this event, but they were afflicted by it. This person wanted to destroy everything in front of her, but when this person is okay, she’s such a good person, and she goes back and forth from these two states. When things are bad, it looks like she might cause an accident, but when she’s fine and we’re talking, I can learn many things from her.  She goes back and forth, but she doesn’t know it herself and doesn’t challenge against her past. Today’s first, second, and third lecture are about challenging our past, today, and the future. Don’t be discouraged, but do this, and one day, in conclusion, the word will work, and that’s it.

In the time where God’s word is being fulfilled, that’s it, and without you even realizing, it’s finished, and you’ll be a witness of that.  Our members throughout the nation and the world, really listen well to the content of our messages and restore this. Without these things taking place, it doesn’t matter if I give you next year’s new year’s message if you’re not in the word. If you’re not within the prayer that God is answering, if you’re not within the journey, how could God do anything? Bring this year to a close within this blessing. Let us pray.


May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the King of Kings, and the great love of God the Father, and the working of the Holy Spirit. Upon all the witnesses who will see God’s works in this age, be both now and always forever, amen.

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