Disciple inside of Prayer (Daniel 6:10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Disciple inside of Prayer (Daniel 6:10)

Daniel 6:10

Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.

There was one deacon who faced hardships while running his business, and the deacon ended up in prison.  Can you imagine how much he was thinking while in prison?  As you think a lot, something comes from that, but that became a grave mistake.  This person ended up doing something he shouldn’t have, he ended up in seminary.  The way I see it, he shouldn’t become a pastor, but he did, and if you want to go to seminary, they’ll just let you in.  Right now, he’s not doing pastoral ministry, but he’s doing strange things.

What happens when you worry 24 hours a day? All your cells will change.  What happens when you think 24 hours a day?  You’ll find yourself on the wrong path. What happens when you worry 24 hours a day? Absolutely you get lost in problems, where do you get lost?

Evil Spirit 3, 6, 11

Holy Spirit 1, 3, 8

Genesis 3, 6, 11.  You get trapped in Genesis 3, 6, and 11; however, what would happen if you prayed all day long? You’ll be lost in this, Acts 1:1, 3, 8.  Christ, God’s Kingdom, and only the HOly SPirit.  There is a great difference.  People who think a lot, you can tell immediately, they’ll bring something that you never would have thought of.  But if you really know about evil spirits and the Holy Spirit, that’s a different story.  

Disciple inside of Prayer

Daniel 6:10

The message for our 70 workers today is, the disciple inside of prayer.

Intro- Background of Babylon 

The background will be Babylon.  For our evangelism disciples, the first lecture was on Egypt, and regarding prayer, we’re talking about the background of Babylon.  In the Old Testament, this was a case where he really prayed, Daniel 6:10. Daniel was a person of prayer, and when he was about to die, it didn’t matter.  There are important words here, “as he had done previously,” so he was regularly praying.  “THree times a day, towards the temple.” That means he correctly held to the covenant, because the temple had been stolen from them, he was praying towards the temple.  What else?  With thanksgiving, looking at that, I said, “That’s right, he really is a man who knows prayer.”  

Spiritual world

If you want to know what prayer is, you must know the spiritual world.  What is the spiritual world?  

2. Nebuchadnezzar idol (?)

This nation of Babylon had globalization, that’s the power of a powerful nation, isn’t that so?  It always was that way.  

1.Babylon Globalization 

What we must carefully look at here is that Nebuchadnezzar made an idol, and in one way, this was a tradition of the powerful nations, isn’t that so?

3. Feast of Belshazzar (life)

King Belshazzar held a tremendous feast, and he saw the writing on the wall, but the feast of King Belshazzar talks about the lifestyle of the powerful. It may seem as if they were feasting and living their lives, but it’s how they enjoy their lives.  Oftentimes, there are people who ask me to share a meal with them, or often people will say, “Let’s go and exercise together,” and even though they know I’m not very good at it, they ask me to go along with them.  There are times where I also call people to share a meal with them, and some people think, “They’re eating and exercising together,” but they’re not smart. Within those activities, there is a great life of mission.  When I call someone, I get along with them easily, but if I call someone who is nervous in front of me, I will get a stomach ache. These things aren’t wrong; your entire life is within all these things.

4. Darius’ Decree (Power of the king)

King Darius signed a decree to execute Daniel, but looking at these kinds of things, it’s talking about the power of the king. If the King signs the decree, not even he can change it.

King Xerxes (Rule)

Also, King Xerxes’ feast, it’s all about his rule.  People who aren’t too smart might think of this as having a meal, but this is how he ruled. Do you know why QUeen Vashti was deposed?  THink about it, before selecting Esther as queen, Queen Vashti was deposed because the King held a banquet and requested her presence, but I don’t know the reason, maybe she was arrogant or drunk, but she didn’t go, so she was rightfully deposed. Why? That is the King’s sovereign right.  I’m telling you about what happened in Babylon, but what is it that these people don’t know?  

They don’t know about the spiritual world; they don’t have spiritual eyes.  They are unaware of the amazing spiritual things that take place behind the scenes.  Think about it, Belshazzar held his feast, and what did he use for wine glasses? The holy articles stolen from the Temple in Jerusalem.  But within all this, the people who knew prayer overturned everything. Remember that.  The one who knows prayer and remains inside of it can bring change to themselves, their field, the age, and the nation.  Simply put, how can you explain prayer?

1.Spiritual world

Those who know the spiritual world.

You need to know three things, you need to know the spiritual world and also you need to know the answers, and those who know the fulfillment of prayer.  If that is so, during the time you’re sitting here right now and listening to the message, God is bringing about His Word.  “I prayed and got this answer,” yes that is right, but at the important time, when you hold onto the Word and pray, you will be in the accomplishment of God’s Word.

1)Throne of Heaven

If you don’t know this kind of world, why would you pray, isn’t that so?

It i9s bringing about God’s Kingdom.  God’s Kingdom, the throne to which we will go later on, is also being fulfilled on Earth.  First of all.

2)Satan and Hell

Satan and Hell.  If you don’t know this, why would you pray, think about it? What is the third?

3)Kingdom of this world

   Satan’s world

   God’s Kingdom

Ultimately it is the kingdom of the world, Satan’s Kingdom, and God’s Kingdom. Where are you? This is prayer.  Prayer is something that those who know the spiritual world will do.  If you pray 24 hours a day, you’ll be at peace, isn’t that so?

I know what breathing is, so the time I’m breathing is very comfortable for me because I know what breathing is.  Those who know about the spiritual world know what answers are, isn’t that so?

2. Answer to Prayer

God works by His Word.  Anything you can see with your eyes isn’t God; that’s an idol. God accurately works through His Word.  

1)Works by His Word

As I said before in the first lecture, God’s Word absolutely goes in accordance with the stream of the answers according to the Word…. They know all the answers and that everything is just part of the process. When Joseph went to prison, did he fail? He was sold as a slave, did he fail?  He became the governor, did he succeed?  But that’s how people see things.  Did he have great success? It’s all part of the process, and those who know what answers are, they know what true answers are.  What is that? It’s not about receiving this or that answer, but God is with me, and God is with us, and God is with everything.  That’s oneness.

(1)Stream (God’s time schedule)

                 (That place)

2)Everything that’s happening right now (Process)

3)True answer (God is with me, God is with us, God is with everything I do)

If that is true, when a true answer comes, what question should you ask?  “Why is God doing this?” Asking this is prayer, because He is with me.  If you don’t want to acknowledge Satan, just don’t, but you can’t not acknowledge God.  Why did God allow this to happen? That’s someone who knows prayer.

3.Prayer Fulfillment

God is moving everything by His hand.  Those who know what prayer is, it’s not a matter of what comes, but it’s the fact that God is with me.  Even in front of Pharaoh, Joseph said “God is with me and with you,” isn’t that so?  At the close of his life, he says, “God led everything in my life,” and that’s right. It doesn’t just end there, but God fulfills prayer, how?  Let’s just look at Babylon.  

Daniel 1:8-9.  It’s God’s important blessing who comes upon those who are within the covenant and within prayer.  He resolved in his heart. You have your own resolution? That will lead to your destruction, but set your heart on the things of God, then things will come in succession, why? Because you set your heart on the things of God, but most people who pray will set their own will on their own things, but they set their will on God’s, and what happens from this point on? Things like this.

Daniel 3:8-24.  This is how things are accomplished.  First, the accomplishment came as a great answer.  Look carefully at this, he was taken captive,  but he was promoted as a high class government official underneath King Nebuchadnezzar.  If your son is appointed as a cabinet member, what would you do? Don’t be confused but resolve in your heart.  He resolved in his heart to make this for4 the opportunity of fulfilling God’s Word.  He got caught up in a problem that had nothing to do with him, it was a political problem, but at this time, it was all the same.  What did they hold to at this time?  A crisis came, they were about to die, and in the first point, they had succeeded, but they were about to die at the second point.  At this time, if you are not inside the covenant and prayer, you’ll be rightfully confused.

If you’re not within the Word and prayer, and your life doesn’t match with the Word, you’ll be confused about little things. But being within the word and prayer, a great problem can come, but you won’t shake.  100%, you’re already thinking that this is God’s will, then you’ll gain courage, “Even if we are thrown into the fiery furnace, we will not bow down.” you know this passage well.

He was falsely accused in Daniel 6, that could happen. When you’re falsely accused or framed, you feel bad, but you are the people of the covenant within God’s important plan, within the fulfillment of God’s Kingdom.

Let’s look at the Exodus from Babylon, Esther 4.  There were important words for Esther, “Don’t tell anyone you’re a Jew” in Esther 2:10, and in Esther 4, “Go and tell them.” there is a tremendous message between these two verses, “Don’t tell them,” then, “Reveal that.  You were called for such a time as this,”  This is what our church members must remember. There are times when we must hide ourselves and other times when we make ourselves noticeable.  In the time God needs us the most, we stake our lives. “If i perish, I perish.” Really remember this. Really confirm whether you match with the Word.

What happened in Nehemiah 1:1-10?  After returning to build the temple, Nehemiah carries out a most critical role, and we finally see.

Haggai 2:1-9.  In rebuilding the temple, God will shake the heavens and the earth and the nations of the world, the name of the Lord God almighty.  This is the point you must be able to see, that God is moving.  It’s the same thing, what did God want to accomplish in the age of Babylon?  The last prophet said this.

Malachi 3:1-12.  We see “tithes” mentioned many times int he Bible, but they spoke about this during the time of rebuilding the temple.  “Quickly return and build your temple. You’ve returned but why aren’t you rebuilding?  You live in good homes! Pay your tithes and rebuild the temple.”  There was a portion of tithes given to the Levites if you look at the Bible, and there is also a tithe you give when you are giving feasts.  There was also a tithe where the offering is collected and they feast, and there was also a time when you would give a tenth to rebuild the temple, and that’s the background.  There are some people who try to match God’s thoughts with their thoughts, but that’s not what the Bible says.  The possessions I give over are being used to accomplish God’s will.  The life I give is being used for the accomplishment of God’s Word.  It’s the one who knows that.  

Conclusion – Enjoy 

Really do this, the first part was talking about practice, but now, what do you do?  Begin enjoying.  What do I mean?  You must do this.  On the Lord’s Day, really grab hold of the Word and concentrate in prayer until you see the answer.  

What you must keep in mind are three things, the stream of the Word, the time schedule, and the place.  There are some who haphazardly grab hold of the word, but don’t do that. There is the stream of the word, the time,, and place, and don’t make rash decisions, but continue to pray

We call that scheduled prayer.  Once you gain that answer, enjoy happiness 24 hours a day, and 24 hours a day, be strengthened.  So, within your every day, you can see the future.  We call this continuous prayer, and starting now, enjoy this.  From this point on, an important answer comes to you.

1.Answer- Scheduled Prayer

The answer of the three summits come to you, then that’s it.  All your past will turn into blessings.  Your past, or else you’ll get lost in your past and die there.  Today will all become a blessing for renewal.  Tomorrow will all change to God’s promise and fulfillment, so you can all enjoy that answer.  Start doing this now. 

2. 24- Happiness Strength, Continuous Prayer

The key is that you’ll be able to enjoy this 24 hours a day.  I remember saying this before as well, but the method by which I concentrate is very simple.  In my body, there is only one thing I can actually control.  Of course, we can move our arms and legs any way we want, but we have no control over our intestines and our heart, but there are a few things I can control.  Concentrate in prayer on those things, and with what you have control over, concentrate in prayer.  For example, our two adult pastors here seem to be able to pray a lot when they exercise. It’s a good thing, it’s something you have control over.  There are some people who concentrate in prayer through music, that was David and it’s a good thing.  The only thing I can do is breathing, so I concentrate on that.


The key here is to have a time of concentration on God.  The characteristic of people with spiritual problems is that they don’t do this, so many problems follow.  When they face that problem, then they drag everything they’ve faced until now into that problem.  When you go into the church, don’t listen to what people say. People with spiritual problems come to church to receive healing, but they try to put all their spiritual problems there.  

3. Summit

One person was truly an elite but was afflicted.  You can tell right off because that person was an elite, that was the skill he was trying to use, “All the assistant pastors are not elites, no one is an elite, this is how they do their work,” why? Because these problems keep coming up inside of them, and if someone happens to address that, they feel so angry, and the reason is their own spiritual problem, but they can’t talk about that. Ultimately they can’t live their church life, and when they leave, they always say the proper words, “These people don’t understand the words, they’re so low class,” so they leave, but it’s really frustrating.  They’ll face hardships their whole life long, but it’s not like that. Just do this a little bit. It’s frustrating. 

Chruch officers, restore prayer.  You are already disciples who’ve received the gospel, and people who know prayer will know these three things.  They know the spiritual world, they know prayer, and fulfillment.  Without knowing this, people with spiritual problems will have their lives crumble around them. The answer is simple.  

So honestly, after realizing prayer, being by myself was so comfortable.  I’m able to think about the message a lot.  Some people say they’re very lonely, but for me, it was very good for me to be by myself.  So I was thinking, people who don’t know prayer can be that way.  Even though I gave a testimony a few days ago< i found it believable that God is alive and that He gives His Word.  One day I realized that for the three curses, Christ is the only answer. One day, I came to enjoy the mystery of prayer.  After realizing this, I realized I wasn’t special; it’s in the bible but I just didn’t know it.  It’s what’s emphasized the most in the Bible and what our church officers should most comfortably be enjoying.

Another year is passing, so don’t lose hold of this and really confirm God’s Word well.  There was one woman facing spiritual problems ever since she was young.  She got married and was very smart and came from a good family and got married to a doctor, but she wasn’t happy with that either, so she ultimately got a divorce because she wasn’t happy. Even though she heard the gospel, she wasn’t happy. Ultimately, she left the gospel as well.  I couldn’t really tell her what was on my heart, and for that couple, the problems can only be healed by the work of prayer and remaining in the Word.

As I said in my first lecture, people are not within the Word, so that’s why they get sick.  But being within the Word, works take place.  Secondly,  be within true prayer, then it’s okay even if you die; it’s okay even if answers come, then, you’ll have these results.  Let us pray.


Father God, today help us to realize what You desire the most by the works of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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