Let Us Save Those Who Have Fallen into Idol Worship (Mark 5:1-10)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Let Us Save Those Who Have Fallen into Idol Worship (Mark 5:1-10)

When the Israelites entered Canaan, why did God command them to destroy all the idols, drive out all false gods and evil spirits, and destroy all the divinators and fortunetellers?

I hope that today’s healing evangelism school will be a good answer for you to do the healing movement with those who are suffering from different illnesses in your field.

Let us save those who have fallen into idol worship.

Mark 5:1-10

We think that if we come to church and receive salvation, then that’s it.

But just by knowing that, you won’t be able to see the works arise in your field. Salvation is talking about being liberated from our sins. People suffer a loss personally.

If you believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for you, then you become a child of God, and you have been liberated from your sins. However, if you don’t know about this entity of Satan or the devils, then the works are not going to arise in your fields.

The religion, itself, is serving demons.

Because religions are not about serving Jesus Christ, they’re serving demons, but there are so many religions. As we look at all the religions and idols that are in the fields, we need to be able to understand the spiritual background, and the implications very well.

Jesus Christ. The fact that we believe in Jesus Christ means that we have the authority to cast out demons. Jesus Christ didn’t bear the cross for Satan. But Jesus Christ for the cross for our sins. If you don’t know about this entity of Satan, then you are going to lose many things within your family and your life.

Genesis 3:1-20 this entity called Satan went into a serpent, and destroyed 

Adam and Eve. I am not saying that they were destroyed because of this.

However, we are talking about the fact that Satan absolutely worked. The reason they were destroyed was because of their unbelief. It was not because of Satan. But they were destroyed because of their own disbelief. However, it is a fact that Satan came.

You have to know this in order to understand Revelation 12:1-9. It also talks about Satan the devil who continues to divide us. Satan continues to control the culture of the world. If you just believe that life is about receiving salvation, going to church, receiving Jesus Christ, and being saved then your life is going to be difficult because Satan and his demons are going to work in believers as well as non believers. We may have been liberated from the authority of Satan. However, Satan is still working. He digs in through our scars and completely ceases us.

So, if you don’t know about Satan, then you will miss out on many things, and the works will not arise in your fields. You can’t do this just by doing Bible study because Satan is controlling everything with great strength unseen to our eyes.


We have been liberated from this right, we have been liberated from the authority of Satan, but we must always be aware of this entity. 

I am not telling you to be afraid of Satan, but you need to be aware of him. There are some people who talk about Satan but always give you fear. You have to help people so that they can know about Satan, but you must not make people afraid of Satan. Those who make people afraid of Satan are those who block or hinder the Gospel. The people have been liberated from the authority of Satan but weaken the name of Jesus Christ by making Satan seem even scarier. Those are the people who are blocking the Gospel. 

You still need to know about Satan, but you need to know that you have been liberated from Satan authority. We have the authority within the name of Jesus Christ to cast out Satan. You must know this. 

In the main scripture passage we read in Mark chapter 5, it is talking about an entire legion of demons who was possessing one person. And it’s the same kind of demons who make people feel wary today. If you say that all of your physical diseases are because of demon possession, that is an incorrect conclusion. It is possible to get diseases because of Satan. If you don’t know this in your field, then Satan will attack you so that you get confused. 

If you say that every single disease is caused by Satan. That is not accurate. 

Then, the Gospel will be blocked in your field. 

There are some situations like one young adult who received diseases because of demon possession. This young adult was possessed by an entire legion of demons. Then, do you think that demons still exist today? Of course, where do you think they are?

They are around us, and that is what we are saying. You need to be able to see that properly through the Bible and heal them.

If you are not able to see this, then it might actually mean that you are being afflicted in the same way. It’s the same as saying that you do not know how Satan is working upon you. Therefore, if you don’t know about the spiritual entities in your life, then works cannot arise in your field, and you cannot survive either.

1. Disaster (Exodus 20:4) 

If you worship idols then the curses and disasters will come upon your third and fourth generation. If you don’t know this then even though you receive salvation, you’ll lose hold of many things because if you receive salvation, it means you have been liberated from sin. However, Satan still exists. He is completely enslaving non believers with authority, and to us, he is deceiving us. Satan deceives us using our very weak nature, but what happens when you don’t know that he’s deceiving you?


Matthew 4 Satan.

Satan comes to you, and Satan even made Jesus Christ worship idols. More so than saying that you are worshipping idols, you’re actually worshipping Satan, and Satan will influence you spiritually. There are so many religions in the places that we live, but ultimately, all of them are worshipping Satan. Then of course, disasters would arise in the region. 

If Christians are not able to see this, then they are going to be afflicted by disasters in the exact same way. People think that all they have to do is live their walk of faith and worship well by themselves. 

Your life will be difficult this way because that is not how the Bible was written. The Bible did not tell you to receive salvation and live however you want. But the Bible tells us to go into the world. The Bible does not tell us to go into the world so that we can eat well and live well. But He told us to go and bear fruit. Non believers are lost within Satan’s power, so how would you save them. If you yourselves are not aware of this, then you’re being deceived and you’re being stuck in the problems of the field as well. Therefore, a believer might be a believer, but they have no choice but to live as a non believer.

The states of the non believer. 

It doesn’t matter if you know all the Bible with knowledge, it’s not going to give you any spiritual power. Every week, every day, the Word of God has to become your own. But if you just have it in your brain as knowledge, then you will never be healed of your spiritual problems. Knowledge means you just understand all of this. But with that, you will not overcome the devil. 

“Oh yes, this was the Sunday message and I remember it all,” but knowing it as knowledge will cause you to be deceived. You need to continuously receive spiritual strength from the Word of God, and that is how you overcome Satan. Therefore, if you do not receive spiritual strength, you will live the exact same way as a non believer. Even if you listen to the Word of God, you will have no emotion and no reaction because your spirit is dead. You have no emotional reaction, but you know everything with your brain. And that is because you are receiving this spiritual God as knowledge. Then, when you go into the field, you cannot overcome spiritual beings. That is why the family curses that keep repeating will come to us. 

You yourselves need to receive spiritual strength. Then you don’t need a lot of words, but you need the word that God has given you. 

Let’s say that you’re spiritually thirsty, so you only understand the Sunday worship as knowledge. Then you will look up things on the internet because these are just words. It’s relatively better for you to go up onto the internet and look for the Word of God instead of something else. And I’m not saying that it’s bad, but I’m saying that, you’re only doing this because you’re only holding on to God’s word as knowledge or a theory. You are spiritually thirsty, and you’re spiritually unsatisfied, so you have to keep doing something else.

Non believers are completely stuck in the problems of Genesis 3, so they must go into the world. But even believers have no choice but to go into the world. It is the state where people are so spiritually thirsty that they go on the internet looking for something to satiate themselves. Why? It is because they do not fit with the word that God has given them. Why doesn’t the word fit? Even though God has given it to you, you must align yourself with God. Instead you become your own God, meaning your spiritual state is completely dead. So you may understand these words and they make sense to you, but you, yourself, do not have any spiritual strength. That is how you get to the spiritual state of a non believer. 

God has given us the spiritual strength and many blessings to save the world, but you lose hold of all of it. You already have all the blessings to save all the people who are suffering from curses and disasters in your field with your studies and your job, but you are losing hold of this to trouble. 

The people in Mark chapter 5 were exposing all this trouble. However, there were even more people who are suffering quietly without revealing it to anybody else. 

1) One family

If there is somebody demon possessed within a family, then the entire family will be abnormal. I don’t know about your personal families, but sometimes it may manifest like it does in Mark chapter 5, but often it manifests itself in different ways.

It’s not just about an individual themself, but the entire family is suffering. Not just that person but society as a whole is suffering. People abuse their family members, and they may even murder other people because they don’t like them, or one day, their emotions become so bad that they may shoot people. 

This isn’t just something that happens occasionally. It happens around us. Do you know how many people have died since coronavirus has started? Many people in Korea have actually murdered others. Then, what do you think it’s like anywhere else? Do you think it’s just because people have financial problems? These spiritual works are arising continuously. 

For Muslims, that is in their Quran. It teaches that they must pray five times a day, and that is their law. That means that they have no choice but to pray five times a day. Then what do you think would happen? Whether they do it by force or by choice, this is written in their law. They do it no matter what, even if they are on vacation. They do it in the airports, anywhere. 

I went to Irvine and other American colleges, and they all have these prayer mats that they would roll out in the courtyard and pray there. So whenever the time comes, they find a place where they can pray. They lay out their mat, and pray there. And they prayed until I left actually. Then, what do you think would happen?

You have to know this because we already have the authority to overcome it. But if you see something like that happen and you only understand that as knowledge, then you’ll see them as people of the Islamic religion. Then you won’t be able to save them. When I went into the Muslim temple on Vermont and Fifth Street, on Fridays, about 1002 people gather there. I went there around one or 2pm, and people were coming out of that mosque, like water. So I made up my mind to go visit this place and so I went inside before 1PM, the next Friday. 

There are some people who go into the prayer room, and there are some people who stay outside and that is where the women must stay, and I was led to those people. They meet every Friday. They pray every single day five times a day. There’s somebody who lives on the same floor as me in my apartment. Maybe he’s from India, but every morning I can hear him, praying and chanting to himself. There is a very big difference between me just looking at this person and realizing, “Oh, he’s Muslim” versus realizing that there is a spiritual work that takes place when this person prays. 

So, if I was just a Christian who did not know about the spiritual reality, I would just think that there’s two Muslim families in my apartment complex, and that’s the problem. But if I know the spiritual facts, what do you think I would do? This is what I am telling you about. Of course, I would cast out the evil spirits in the name of Jesus Christ, but there are many Christians who don’t know about the spiritual reality. That is why we lose in the fields to religious people who pray five times a day in the field. 

It’s not just the Muslim people, but there are Catholics all around us. They do early morning prayer as well. I went to research the Catholic Church on Sixth Street. 

What do you think happens there?

All of the senior deaconesses went there, and they must be able to spiritually diagnose what is going on in that region. Because you are not able to spiritually diagnose the region where you live, you don’t know what’s going on there spiritually. Of course, you would do spiritual prayers to bind those forces of darkness every day, and that’s what I’m saying. Realistically, you don’t know the spiritual things. If the pastor talks about Satan, you may say yes that’s right, but you don’t know that. When you go out into the field, as evidence of that, you do not pray the prayer of authority. You don’t do that in your fields because you don’t see it. In reality, you don’t know about this entity of Satan. You just know with your brain because we talked about it so much. But in reality, you have to spiritually research and diagnose the region where you live. 

For example, one of our neighbors is a Jehovah’s Witness. If he knew about the spiritual influence what he would do he would fight the spiritual battle. That’s what I’m saying. 

That’s why, until you really know this the works will not arise. 

First we must bind to the strong men, because it is because of these people that disasters in our fields are arising, and that is why you need to diagnose your field. you need to diagnose the spiritual things first. 

If you are able to do that well then you will be able to fight the spiritual battle in the field. 

But the people who don’t know that they don’t know the spiritual reality well at all so these things may happen but they do not know why.

That is why you have no choice but to be attacked spiritually in your field. If you just knew this then you would be different. If you knew this, then you would know that you have a weapon. 

Every single time during the scheduled prayer, you must pray for your region. Don’t you think the same for your business field?

 I’m sure you have groups of people who are the same religion with each other but if you do not know the spiritual things, then the works will not arise because you know this as a theory. The works do not arise because I talked about spiritual things so much. You know it with your brains but if you really knew it, you would not stay still. If you were simply praying to fight the spiritual battle in your field, then that influence would go into your family as well. 

If you pray for the LA region with spiritual weapons, then the forces of darkness would be broken down and spiritual healing would take place. But if you do not know this, then the works will never happen because the strong men are still living and working. 

That is why the church officers and missionaries are so important. 

3) Trials and afflictions. 

These will continue to increase. Matthew 12:43-45. What will happen? It is talking about people right now. 

Where is the devil? Iit first comes out of a person. It’s not talking about an animal. It’s talking about a person because demons go into people. 

Shall we read Matthew 12:43-45?

1) Arid places

When an evil spirit comes out of a person it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. 

The demon comes out of somebody, and as it goes around, it goes to dry places. If there is a place that does not have water in Israel, then there is a war. You need to have water in the desert. So, Satan goes to the places where there are disputes in order to seek a place to rest. He goes to somebody who is in despair.Demons also go into people who are lazy and lethargic. 

For example, there’s the spiritual problem of poverty, or the spiritual problem of laziness. 

The spiritual problem of always being in disputes and fighting with people. This is the work that the devil does as he wanders around. 

2) Matthew 12:44.

“Then the devil says, ‘I will return to the house I left’” and that refers to the person he was originally inhabiting. “When it arrives, he finds the house unoccupied.” What does it mean for the house to be unoccupied? It is religion. The life of Jesus Christ is not within this person, but they are constantly living this religious life. Why do people live a religious life? It is not so that they can commit crimes. They live a religious life with a very good motive. The devil comes back to this person, and they are completely empty. Therefore, if you are living a religious life, there is no answer. There are people who go to church, living a religious life. And that is why the devil goes into that person. 

2) Swept clean 

And it turns out that this person is doing meditation. Religion is all about emptying yourself, getting rid of your greed and meditating so that you can become clean inside. I’m not saying that meditation itself is bad. The meditation of the world is just about emptying your mind and having a blank slate, then what happens?

The devil goes in with seven other demons more wicked than itself, and they work upon that person. What happens if we meditate?

The world talks about Transcendental Meditation where you empty yourself to get rid of your problems, but we need to fill ourselves with the Word of God. But if you empty yourself without filling yourself with the Word of God, you may at first receive some kind of healing. But ultimately, you become even more wicked. The more you live a religious life, the worse you will become. You need to be able to be aware of the religious background of your family very well because that influence is still present today.

Unless you are holding on to the complete Gospel, only the Gospel, and always holding on to the Gospel, you will be influenced by the religion and the background of idolatry. 

I confirm this in my field. I always ask, “What was your religious background or the spiritual background of your family?” I confirm that if people do not have the Gospel, they will become completely seized, even if they don’t know it. So, this kind of trial will keep getting worse. In fact, it gets up to seven times worse. We need to be able to heal these demon possessed people, but how do we do that?

The state of being demon possessed.

The part on the left is our will. And what is the demon? The demon cannot control our will, and some people may be in the States. This is the introductory stage. However, there are certain people who are in a state where the demon is controlling a part of their will, like a Venn diagram. 

This person is the most difficult because even if this person comes to give worship, they cannot give worship. No matter how well the person may speak, or however good they seem. There’s always an aspect of their life where this evil spirit is controlling them. Then if you go into these healing movements, these people may be temporarily healed because they are seized. Because they are seized no matter how much the pastor gives them the Word of God, the people will fight against the pastor. It’s not because the pastor is lacking spirituality, but it’s that the pastor is seized. Then when does the spiritual spirituality come out and become revealed? It is when somebody is completely demon possessed. These are the people who will immediately react violently as you pray for them or when you give them the word. 

That would be someone like we read about in Mark chapter 5. It is a state where somebody is completely seized by Satan. If you pray for a person like that, they will fight against you. The second person though, you can bring them to church, but they’re going to do everything else. 

So, how do you heal these people?

That’s why it’s very important that we have teachers and family members who are always watching over these demon possessed people. Why? Because people who are possessed by demons or influenced by demons are not always in a bad state. Some of these people take medication, and follow the directions of their doctor. However, there are moments when the state of these people may appear like the evil spirits have no control over a person’s will, but you do not know what state. This person is going to oscillate from and into, so you must always observe the person. 

If somebody is in this middle state where part of their will is being controlled by an evil spirit, it is not enough to see them once a week. Healing ministry is attacking this evil spirit. If you can look at the family, you can tell the spiritual fact when they’re in the first state when their will, is separate from the evil spirits you make them accept Jesus Christ when they’re in that state momentarily. They will be able to listen to at least part of the Word of God, then ultimately the family is the most important, but the family cannot know this in one day. 

That’s why the ministry is so important. The one who ministers to this person must be there every day, constantly. The minister must do this constantly, every day, with this person until somebody within their family arises and can do this. If this does not take place, then a person’s state will get worse and worse. You guys need to know this and hold on to the direction of your ministry from this.

We evangelize to people like this. We don’t even have to talk about the blessing. We don’t even have to ask God for blessings because He’s going to give them to us anyway. You never have to ask Him to heal your spiritual problems because if you have spiritual problems, then you won’t have continuation. But God will take care of it on his own. God knows our circumstances, and he knows our weaknesses as well. So God will fix us as we go.

Some people say that you’ll do this once you’re fixed and sure that may happen. 

But we do not know how long that will take the situation is so urgent, and nobody else around you can do it so you must do it. 

Then the people that I detest, the most are those who say, Oh, am I the one who must do this why doesn’t the pastor do it ?” These people make me feel really bad and they are actually blocking the gospel.

It’s the same as them taking out the words of the Bible and saying that it’s not in the Bible at all. 

elites will be completely seized by demons without revealing it to anyone, but they as individuals do not realize how much they are seized. They are just afflicted, somebody who knows this person must go and heal them with the gospel. 

When we do this God knows our weakness. So he sends the heavenly armies of angels to do it because we do not win our own spiritual battles. 

When Elijah was facing all the soldiers of a room as he did the Doulton movement, the armies of the heavens far outnumbered him, because this is the Ministry of God. 

So, invisible to our eyes, God mobilizes the heavenly armies of angels to win the spiritual battle for the people who go out to fight the spiritual battle, knowing the spiritual authority that they have. Then, the forces of darkness will flee. Without knowing this spiritual fact, when you go into the field, you will be the demons, pray. So even though you go into the field, the works will not arise. 

The best you’ll be able to do is to bring people to church, but then you’ll lose hold of many blessings. But he first thing you have to do is make people accept Christ. 

Because when they accept Jesus Christ then the Holy Spirit comes upon them and their identity changes. 

This is very different from bringing somebody to church, their identity itself completely changes 


The second thing is, after they have received salvation is that they have the solution. They know the real problem, because they are spiritual beings, they will face curses and disasters. So you need to have them hold on to the solution through the words of Jesus Christ. 

People who have been afflicted for a long time, may be deceived by Satan, after they have received Jesus Christ because they have this nature of being deceived from the past. They must fight against this with the Word of God but it’s possible for them to return back to their past. So you must continuously give them the solution through the Word of God. 

Witness, three, Master. You have to make it so that the Lord becomes their master. 

Because these individuals lived so long as their own master and they’re so afflicted and suffering. They already have that kind of nature. So you need to change this and make Jesus there, Master. 

Galatians, two, colon, 20. I have died on the cross. It is not about me coming to life. 

I may have opinions and my own thoughts but those don’t matter, everything is according to God’s word, but I’m dying because I keep saying, me, me, and I fall into Genesis three. And if I keep talking about me, then Satan is already inside of me, Satan loves people who talk about themselves, instead of following the word that God gives you on Friday. You follow your own thoughts, being deceived by Satan instead make it so that the Lord becomes their master. It is not you, but the Word of God. It is not about your thoughts, but it is about God’s word. It is not your power, but it is God’s power. 

But people are always stuck in their own thoughts thinking that they cannot do this. Or they say, Oh, I have nothing and it is so difficult for me. Those words may be correct but they will control you. You may think that I am so old, I don’t even need to prepare for the future. Satan attacks, these kinds of people first because they are always asserting themselves. 

I have died on the cross, but I keep bringing myself back to life and doing the things that Satan wants. 

So Satan loves prideful and hottie people the most hottie hottie. 

Instead, you need to have this spiritual pride. 

You wouldn’t believe the kind of person I was in the past, but all of those things were bringing disaster upon me. You need to know the spiritual things to block, Satan and the disasters. This is the order in which you must change these people so that you may give them healing 

for filling of the Holy Spirit, people receive the filling of the Holy Spirit through prayer and this happens for everybody. 

If you pray in the name of Jesus Christ then God gives you spiritual strength through the filling of the Holy Spirit. Look at this order, it is the same for your guys. 

If you come to church but you’re not able to follow this order, then you’re going to be caught up by something by the devil. 

I have died on the cross and Jesus Christ lives within me. But if I am always my own master then of course the devil will come into me. Then, the filling of the Holy Spirit, you need that in order to become a witness until the ends of the earth authority. Five. 

When you receive the strength you absolutely must utilize the authority in Jesus Christ’s name. 


Whenever you receive spiritual strength, whether it is through worship, or personal prayer, you absolutely must use the authority of Jesus Christ, to break down the works of Satan that are attacking you, your family and your church because Satan will continue to crawl up inside you through this thing called yourself, and he crawls through your pride, break all of that down in the name of Jesus Christ. Because Satan will work through the people who allow this to arise inside of them. They become Satan’s instruments. Then they themselves will be afflicted, and become divisive.

If there’s one person in the family like this, they will break down the entire family so use your spiritual authority. This is how you must do the spiritual ministry, especially when you meet somebody who is doing the idol worship. 

If you receive this world then stop holding on to yourself, but go out to the field and pray, so that God can may attach these kinds of people to you, and that the works of healing will arise. That is the prayer topic of somebody who is spiritually mature after they have received this word, somebody who is less spiritually mature may say that they have received much grace from the word, but if you pray for something like this, then God will answer you very quickly.

If you pray to God to bless your business he may not answer, but if you pray to meet people who are suffering from idol worship, then God will bless you and send those people to you quickly, so stop praying prayers that will not yield answers. 

If you do not understand this, well enough, then let me put it this way. You have been called to bring healing to people who are idol worshipers. You only need money so that you can heal people who are idol worshipers and that is the only reason for you to run your own business. Of course, you need to use your money to bring the money away from idol worshipping cultures and give it to God. 

But let’s look at this from the opposite sense. If you receive spiritual strength and go out into the field with a spiritual sensitivity. Then what do you think will happen? You will go out already having the spiritual victory. God knows that you need those physical things, but God guides you. You need to know the spiritual things very well. 

Don’t just know this in theory but look at the region where you live and to be able to diagnose this spiritually very accurately and pray to fight the spiritual battle there. 

Then on Friday, don’t just gather for no reason. But we gather on Fridays so that we can fight the spiritual battle in the region as a whole. 

If the churches are not able to fight the spiritual battle, then churches will close down. 

That is why, on Friday night we worship together and pray with one heart. 

You need to receive strength, yourself, 

then you need to pray for your region because your family and children are included in that region as well. And when you pray for the region your business field is included within that as well and there is a difference whether we pray together with one heart versus praying individually. That is why in the Bible it says that they devoted themselves together constantly in prayer. 

The more you know the spiritual reality and fight the spiritual battle, the more that the forces of darkness will break down in your region. That is why I say that for every Sunday message. Let us pray holding on to the word we have received. Because the early church gathered together and prayed together for one heart. Why do you think they prayed for the filling of the Holy Spirit? because they needed to save their whole region. 

But because you only listen to these words as theory, you understand it as knowledge. 

You only brag about your own knowledge of whether you know Satan or not. 

But you do not know how Satan has been realistically working on you for a long time. 

But when you say that you want to heal people who are suffering from idol worship, then God will heal you when you must be healed. And God will reveal things to you. 

When you come to the healing evangelism worship. Of course it is important for you to receive healing, but God is giving you the message, based on the standard of the many people in the field who are suffering. 

If you ask God to meet the people who have fallen into idol worship then God will allow you to meet them because they are already there in your field. But you can’t see this, they are right in front of you because your spiritual eyes are closed. But what is the bigger problem, ? You think that you do know.

And because we talk about the spiritual things so much. You’re under the misconception that you know, and that’s the problem. You just have this knowledge and you go to a fortune teller. And do you think that that’s enough. Even non believers know that fortune tellers are demon possessed. 

As you look at the religions and idols in your region. You have to have the tears of the evangelist. That is what the world church officer conference was all about. As you see these things if you have no reaction to them, then that means it is your problem. The problem is not with idol worshipers, but the problem is with the churches that have this gospel, and this is what we must repent over. 

It doesn’t matter how much you repent, about the scars that you inflict on somebody else. 

If you go to North Korea, they make you confess your wrongdoings twice a week, and the Catholic religion talks about confessions every week with the priests. No matter how much you go into the field without knowing the spiritual facts, you are losing hold of all the spiritual blessings and power. 

Let us pray. 


God give us the meetings and the strength to be able to save all of the people who have fallen into idol worship in my field.


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