My Peace I Give You (John 14:25-31)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

My Peace I Give You (John 14:25-31)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

With the meditation that America and the world talks about, it cannot give people peace. Jesus Christ promises us to give us the peace that only God can give.

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope that the spiritual blessing of God will be upon all the families and individuals who are worshipping in the church, especially outside, in their homes, out of state. The title of today’s message is, “My Peace I Give You.” We can that it’s the English word, “Peace,” but it can also be expressed as happiness.

Why do people live? So that they can be happy. With everything that you’ve lived until this point, you ask yourself, “Am I a happy person?” and the future life you will live, you may ask, “Am I going to be happy?” Don’t you think that’s the standard of life that even unbelievers talk about? The Lord is giving us the answer to these questions today, “My Peace I Give to You.” If you have peace and happiness in your heart, then even if you have nothing, you actually have everything.

The background of today’s passage is that Jesus Christ has been with his disciples for the past three years, and now He is saying He will disappear and they won’t be able to see Him again. It’s the same as if a baby grows up with a parent all their life, and then one day, the mom says, “I’m going to leave the house and not come back.” The disciples used to be fisherman, so it’s not that they were going to starve; they can still eat, but their hearts were full of fear.

Why do these fears and anxieties come to our heart? It’s not that we’re going to starve to death, but if we do not have the Lord who is always helping us, comforting us, and teaching us, then we have no choice but to be afraid.

In the 21st century, America is the hegemonic superpower nation, it is the nation with the strongest power, and all other nations have to tremble before America. That is the nation we’re living in. Because we have that physical strength, we’re able to benefit from that strength.

Despite that, people are still so afraid in their hearts and they fall into addictions. Even though they have good jobs or the securities and benefits guaranteed by the government, they are still heavy in heart. Scholars from all around the world are gathered in America, and because of that, our sciences are very advanced. However, the fear and anxiety is within each individual’s heart. That means that America cannot make us happy.

America might give us a good quality of life, but it cannot make us happy. We might be able to live comfortably in America, however, America cannot get rid of the fear and anxieties in our hearts and give us peace, but today, the Lord is telling us He will give us that peace, and it is a peace that the world cannot give.

In the world, you may get momentary satisfaction if you get what you want, or if things go according to your plans, you may be happy, but that is conditional, temporary, and momentary. But we cannot live moment by moment; we have to continue to live, and that is why the Lord promised to give us His unconditional peace, and Jesus promised to give us the peace that only God has. How does He give it to us? That is today’s message.

  1. The Advocate – the Holy Spirit
    Jesus Christ is going to be crucified on the cross and ascend back to heaven, but after He resurrects, He stays on earth for 40 days, then ascends. But before He goes, He reminds them, “I will ask the Father who will give you the Holy Spirit in My name.” It is the Holy Spirit that the Father sends.

1) Coming of the Holy Spirit
If you look at John 16:6, it says that it is good for us that Jesus is going away. If Jesus is in this church, what’s going to happen to the other churches, isn’t that right? That’s why Jesus had to go quickly, so that he could come upon each individual by the Holy Spirit. That is our unique thing, to our benefit. Otherwise, if Jesus was in Korea, we would all have to take a plane to Korea, or if Jesus was in Africa, we would all have to take a plane to Africa. Then people who have a lot of money could always take a plane to go there, but people like me would not be able to go.

So, Jesus Christ promises to ask the Father God to send us the Holy Spirit to get rid of that inequality. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit that the Father God has sent us. In John 16:7, Jesus Christ says, “I will send the Holy Spirit.” So the Holy Spirit is also sent to you by Jesus. This is actually the difference between the Western Catholic religion and the Eastern Orthodox religion. In the Orthodox religion, they believe that only the Father God sends the Holy Spirit, but in the Roman Catholic religion, they say that God the Father and Jesus Christ send the Holy Spirit. This is the differentiating point. Russia and Eastern Europe and Africa mainly believe that the Father God has sent the Holy Spirit; that is the Orthodox Church, but most religions originating from the Roman Catholic religion say that Jesus Christ and the Father God send the Holy Spirit. This is very important.

If you don’t believe that Jesus Christ sends the Holy Spirit, you may misunderstand some things. Jesus Christ came to this earth in the flesh as a human, and when Jesus comes to the earth as a spirit, that’s the Holy Spirit. If you don’t believe and understand that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, you may misunderstand many things. I’ll explain that in a little bit.

2) Work of Teaching
When the Holy Spirit comes upon us, He will teach us all things. When Jesus says He will teach you all things, does it mean He will teach you the things you don’t understand regarding your studies, or does it mean that the Holy Spirit will teach you everything you could learn at Harvard University even if you don’t attend? That’s not what He’s saying.

When Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will teach you all things, it means He will teach you everything that Jesus Christ has said, because you don’t understand it yet. That is why in John 16:13, the Holy Spirit is referred to as the Spirit of Truth that leads us to the Truth. That means that the Holy Spirit, as the Spirit of Truth, will guide us to the Word of Truth.

In John 14:6, Jesus Christ said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life,” therefore the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth that is the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the Truth and simply put, the Holy Spirit will teach us about the situation on the cross even if we’ve never seen it nor experienced it. But when the Holy Spirit comes to us, we’ll understand it in depth as if we’d seen it ourselves.

Jesus Christ’s death on the cross was the death that crucified all of our curses, disasters, and sin. It is the incident that has finished every problem on the cross. That is why the Holy Spirit will teach us. We are only able to know this by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. That is why we’re able to believe and understand all the things that Abraham went through in the Old Testament even though we never experienced it.

In Romans 16:13, Paul says the Holy Spirit will teach us about the things to come, meaning He will tell us of all the things in the future. All your future problems are finished, and Jesus Christ will come again and there will be a new heaven and new earth, and the Holy Spirit will even teach us that, but because you don’t know the future, you keep looking for fortune tellers or someone who seems like they may prophesy about the future. You don’t have to do that. If the Holy Spirit comes to us, He will teach us about the things that are to come.

If you don’t understand how the Holy Spirit works, then you’re going to get sucked into this unhealthy mysticism that talks about the fire and power of the Holy Spirit. You’re not going to be able to decipher the difference between the working of the Holy Spirit or evil spirits because the only standard is the working of fire. That’s because you don’t know about the Holy Spirit; you only put your focus on the power or energy.

There are some heretics and religions that represent the Holy Spirit as some kind of energy or qi. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus; Jesus has come to us as a Spirit, so what do you think Jesus would do when He comes to us? Yes, of course He performs miracles, but that is not the fundamental thing. He teaches us the Word He received from the Father God, and now that Jesus has resurrected, He says He will come back to us as a Spirit and do the same thing.

3) Basis of Teaching
Therefore, if you misunderstand the working of the Holy Spirit, then your faith will go in a different direction. Many people say, “This is the voice of the Holy Spirit.” How can you distinguish? In John 16:13, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit does not speak on His own; He only speaks what He hears. The Holy Spirit doesn’t create new words that He says for Himself, but He only says what Jesus had said.

In John 16:14, it says that the Holy Spirit will receive what is from Jesus and make it known to us. Therefore, the working of the Holy Spirit is to relay to us the work and the words of Jesus Christ. In that same verse, it says the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ, in other words, it is to reveal the name of Jesus, and that is the only way to decipher between the work of the Holy Spirit.

There is the working of the Holy Spirit where you can heal people and cast out demons, however, what is all of that work for? These are the works that follow in order to testify the words of Jesus. However, there are many churches that are placing the works of Jesus above the words, because those are the works they can do with their own power, and there are other religions that also create those similar-looking works, and because they are not revealing the nature and essence of the Christian religion, they are turning the Christian religion into another religion because they do not know about the Holy Spirit.

Where does God exist? With us, through the Holy Spirit. You don’t see it, but we witness and testify of this. Miracles and works can be done by evil spirits as well, even a renowned doctor will be able to revive cancer patients; that is not our standard. It is the Holy Spirit that teaches us the things of Jesus Christ and reveals the name of Jesus.

  1. The Advocate – the Holy Spirit
    So, Jesus says that the Holy Spirit will teach us all things and remind us of everything He has said to us. It’s not that the disciples aren’t able to remember the things Jesus Christ said because they’re dumb fishermen, but it’s because it’s a spiritual thing.

1) Work of Reminding
When you have knowledge, you can remember things that you learned while you were little, however, because these are the words of the Spirit that must be relayed spiritually, we cannot just remember with our rationality. The Holy Spirit must remind us of this. Even if we hear it, we forget because this is not a concept we can remember and learn rationally. These are the words that the Holy Spirit wants to put into our hearts and spirit and reveal to us.

This isn’t something you can learn by studying diligently. Of course the Spirit works through our Bible studies, but this isn’t something you can learn by just studying theology. Theologians may be able to learn, discover, and research Biblical knowledge, but they cannot know the depth and meaning of spiritual things. That is why Jesus tells us that He will reveal this to us.

He also warns us that in the future, we will face hardships and persecutions because of Jesus Christ’s name, so in John 16:1, Jesus says He has told us these things so that we will not fall away.

2) Will Reveal to You
In 1 Corinthians 2:10, it says that the Holy Spirit reveals the deep things of God. God is God, but He reveals to us the deep things of God through the Holy Spirit. Even when we meet people, we need to be able to interpret the central core of their belief. For example, if you’re working in a company, the work you’re doing will change based on the center of your boss’s heart. Even if you’re working so diligently, if the way you’re working is not aligned with the central direction of your owner, you’ll get kicked out of the company.

We know God, but do you know the central focus of God? That is what David knew, and the Holy Spirit is what aligns our central focus with God’s central focus. Then, we can do the business of God. Why? Because we know the central focus of God. God used the Holy Spirit to reveal to Abraham the central focus of God that He will fulfill in the future.

In 1 Corinthians 2:11, it says that the Holy Spirit will reveal to us the works of God. In a physical example, it would be as if somebody from the White House is telling us what the President is going to do; in a similar way, the Holy Spirit teaches us what God’s thoughts and works are going to be, and that is why the Holy Spirit coming upon us is our benefit.

Without the Holy Spirit and Jesus did His Bible studies in Washington, we would all have to pack our bags and go there. If one day, God decides to do a Bible study in Russia, we would all have to pack our bags and go to Russia. That isn’t something people can do; we have our houses, but it’s not our house. We just have to wander back and forth depending on where Jesus is.

Do you think you’d be able to run a business? Do you think kids would be able to study? This would make it impossible, so that is why Jesus promised to send us the Holy Spirit. Why did the Holy Spirit come? So that He can reveal to us the work of God, that will delight God.

In 1 Corinthians 2:12, Paul says that the Holy Spirit will come to us so that we can understand what God has freely given us. God has given us His grace freely, and we don’t know it until the Holy Spirit reveals it to us. Everybody has a grace we receive from God, but we don’t know; how can we know that? The Holy Spirit reveals it to us.

Do you know how big of a blessing we’ve received? The Holy Spirit is promising each individual to reveal the things of God to us, so as you’re living on this earth, God promises to be with you perfectly and completely, guiding you, but because you don’t know this, you’re always turning your attention to the physical things.

But if you do know the spiritual things, then even if you don’t know about the physical things, they will follow you. If the president of the United States says they will go in this direction for the country, then all the businesses and enterprises have to follow his direction. If God says, “I’m going to do this,” then everything in the universe has to follow His direction.

But because you don’t know that, you’re following the things that should actually be following you. That’s what it means to look at the opposite things. We keep focusing on and following the physical things we see with our eyes, but if we go down that direction, the competition is too severe. If there’s only one piece of bread and 100 people are trying to get it, there’s no choice but to have wars and conflicts.

But if the Holy Spirit comes upon you and reveals to you what God is going to do, you’ll realize that this is on the opposite side of the physical things. Even though you’re standing on the opposite side of things, the physical things have to follow you. That was Joseph. Joseph never tried to compete and fight; if anything, he was on the opposite side of everything else, holding onto God’s covenant, and everything had to follow him.

King Saul was so interested and focused on maintaining his kingship and giving it to his son, so if David tried to compete with King Saul, of course David would suffer and always have fear in his heart. Let’s say that when David was young, he staged a coup d’etat to overthrow King Saul, then there’s going to be another coup to overthrow David. That’s the history of the world, but David had no interest in that; he put his interest somewhere else.

Because the Holy Spirit revealed it to David, David was only interested in the covenant of God, temple construction, and glorifying the Lord. Then, the seat of the king had to follow David to fulfill those things, and the Holy Spirit reveals that to us. It’s not because David was really smart or that he was a very good person, but he received the anointing of the Holy Spirit so he could become king.

Everybody is flocking in one direction, but if the Holy Spirit reveals the things of God to you, then you’re going to stand in the opposite direction, and there’s nobody there. You will be victorious without competition, and that is why you remain within the work of fulfilling God’s Word. That is the mystery of everything in the Bible.

3) Will Give You Peace
In John 14:27, the Holy Spirit gives us peace. Who is peace? Jesus is peace. “My peace I give you,” this is the peace that only God can give, and He gives it to us. “I do not give to you as the world gives.” With the peace America gives you, you cannot solve the mental problems. With the happiness that America promises to give people, it cannot actually give people happiness. With the meditation that America and the world talks about, it cannot give people peace. Jesus Christ promises us to give us the peace that only God can give.

We can see in Philippians 4:6-7 how we can realistically enjoy this peace. “Do not be anxious about anything.” Do not worry about anything, “but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Take to God every situation in your life, and with prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, why? Because the Holy Spirit is with us, and if you do that, the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

He doesn’t promise to give us whatever we want, but He promises that the peace of God will protect us. If you get whatever you want, you’re following the desires and greed of your flesh, and you will suffer. Your studies should not go in the direction you want, so that’s why He promises to give you His peace, so you have to study happily. If your studying is suffering, then your life is suffering. Your business shouldn’t go the way you want. Every single thing you do in your business should give the peace of God in your heart. That’s a happy business, and connected to that is a happy life.

Why do you make money? For what? To be happy, right? But the Lord is promising that if you pray for your studies and job, He will give you this happiness, that’s why it is not something the world can give us. You need to stand as the witness to relay this happiness to other people.

If you say, “God prayed and God worked upon my business,” that may happen, however, the Holy Spirit is giving us the peace of God in our hearts and thoughts. If you want something big to happen to your business, you can do that with a nonbeliever’s ability, and even religious people can have that. But the thing that sets you apart, the true standard, is whether the peace of God is in your heart and mind. That’s why it’s okay if this happens or that happens.

If the peace of the Lord comes into my heart and mind, then I’m a really happy person, but the Bible tells us that people who do this will not be left alone by God. God gives them material blessings because this is a person whose peace and joy will not be stolen away by physical things. God gives them material things because this person doesn’t seek joy from material things, and He opens up the doors of wisdom for this person. God gives wisdom to this person because He knows this person is not trying to find this joy and peace from wisdom.

There are many examples of God giving these things that unbelievers seek to the ones who are like this. Joseph never asked for money or authority, but God gave it to him. God gave authority, kingship, and money to David because God bestowed these upon him. If Christians don’t have this, then God has no choice but to give this to unbelievers. God gave wisdom to David because God knew that David was a person whose happiness would not be stolen away by that wisdom.

Who is the businessperson, student, or intellectual whom God will use in this age? God will use the one who has the peace of God in their hearts by taking every situation by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, to God. Unbelievers will not faint because of all the money I have; unbelievers will not faint because of how much I’ve succeeded. The things that will make unbelievers faint when they see me is the peace that God gives me, and that is the person to whom God bestows all things.

  1. Working of the Holy Spirit
    If the Holy Spirit works upon people like this, then what is the working of the Holy Spirit?

1) Promise – Prayer (Acts 1:8)
In Acts 1:8, God gave the promise to the members of the Early Church that, after giving the covenant, the Holy Spirit would come upon them. The Holy Spirit is already with us. There’s a difference between the Holy Spirit being within us and the filling of the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is within you but you’re moving based on your own thoughts, you’re filled with yourself, not the Holy Spirit. That is something that will grieve the Holy Spirit as you block the Holy Spirit because you’re moving according to your thoughts. That’s why we need the filling of the Holy Spirit where the Holy Spirit is completely controlling and seizing everything within our hearts, our thoughts, and our spirit.

In Acts 2:4, the Holy Spirit came upon each individual in Mark’s Upper Room. What happened to them? If you look at Acts 2:9-11, people from 15 nations were led and experienced the power of the Holy Spirit. This doesn’t mean that the members of the Early Church wrote letters to the 15 nations to gather them. Do you think people would gather just because of a letter?

When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, the businesspeople from 15 nations started to gather. This was the blessing of meeting God had prepared. How much do you suffer because of the people you meet? “Oh, my life is ruined because I met this person. If I hadn’t met this person, my life wouldn’t be like this.” But if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, then the works that will arise are the blessing of meeting.

If the working of the filling of the Holy Spirit takes place everywhere you go, then what will arise is that God will give you this precious blessing of meeting. Then the work that happens is in Acts 2:42 where the works of salvation and the proclamation of the gospel will take place. These are the works that will arise in your business. By the filling of the Holy Spirit, your business will be used as a tool or instrument to proclaim the gospel and save many people.

“Oh, but people don’t come to me.” When you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, then God will attach someone to you. Even if we have the fourth, fifth, and sixth industrial revolutions, God will fulfill this work. It doesn’t matter if the coronavirus pandemic stays longer; this work will continue to happen, and that’s why nothing matters because the Holy Spirit is continually working.

You think all the doors are locked so tightly because you look with your physical eyes, but when the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, God will open up these blessings of meeting.

2) Church and Field
As the Early Church developed these meetings, they gathered together every day and devoted their hearts to the Word and prayer. In that time, the members of the Early Church didn’t have their own jobs, so whether they were in the church, the temple courts, or in their homes, they were always worshiping.

When we think about worship, we always think about coming to church and having a ritual like sacrificing, but in John 4, Jesus Christ promises to break down that kind of worship. It is no longer about gathering to a temple with the sheep and priests. There will be a time when we worship in spirit and in truth, so the Holy Spirit comes upon each individual, revealing the things of God to us, so we can worship individually.

God doesn’t exist limited to a certain location, but the Holy Spirit comes upon each individual person so they can worship wherever they are. That is why we gather to the church to worship and go into the fields to worship there. The Holy Spirit is with us, so we may have communion with Him always through prayer. That is worship.

That is the mystery of the Early Church that was able to conquer Rome. If you’re not able to do this, you cannot overcome the culture of America; you’ll be overtaken by it, and you’ll be completely seized by the culture of greed that says money is everything, and that’s why we have mental problems, enslaved by money.

As they were doing this, in Acts 2:47, the members of the Early Church had gained the favor of the people. That means people will be able to sense your charisma, why? Because you’re not at the level of the earth; you are looking at the opposite things, the things of heaven, so you have no choice but to draw people towards you because they are wondering how you do this, because you’re devoting to the things you see with your eyes for the things you do not see with your eyes.

When you go to your job, you’re not going there so you can make money; you’re going there to save people, so you’re never fighting. Because you’re sitting there to save people’s lives, people are attached to you. Everybody at your job is fighting, competing, and backstabbing each other for one piece of bread, but you are not like that. You are on the opposite side, always worshiping God and saving people by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so people will be able to feel your charisma. They say, “I can confide my things to this person,” and that is why the works of salvation will continuously arise. That is the weapon we’ve been given.

Where your interests lie is very important. If your interest lies in the Holy Spirit who resides within you, then worship will continue wherever you are. All you have to do is pray, asking for the strength and filling of the Holy Spirit, and everything will be given to you and everything in the world will follow you.

3) Evangelism and Missions
This work is translated directly in the work of evangelism and missions in Acts 8:28, where Philip was led by the Holy Spirit who told him to meet the Ethiopian eunuch. That is where Philip relayed the word. Missions and evangelism seem hard, but it’s easy because the Holy Spirit told Philip, “Go to this chariot and meet this eunuch,” then it’s easy, just follow. Evangelism is the working of the Holy Spirit, but if you’re not following the Holy Spirit, evangelism is the most difficult thing. But in reality, evangelism is the easiest thing because the Holy Spirit leads you.

If you say that evangelism is the hardest thing, you can understand that this person is physical. “If I cannot persuasively talk to this person,” but you do not need your eloquence. There are some weird churches that make you go to a grave and make you experience spiritual things, and there are some churches that even make their congregation members eat poop. It’s a little weird. I understand where they’re coming from, they are taking the intense military training and applying it to the church, but the Holy Spirit has to give you that heart, then you will not fear the world.

Another example is Acts 13:2-4 where the Holy Spirit tells the members of the Early Church to raise people up, the members of the Early Church whom God raised up. There is a reason why God has sent you into the region where you live and where you work. In Acts 13:4, it says to send these people. God has sent you into the region where you live; it seems like you decided to live or move there, but if this wasn’t decided by God, you wouldn’t be living there.

In Acts 13:9-11, Paul proclaims the gospel and a demon-possessed sorcerer Elmyas who follows him around. Paul was filled with the Holy Spirit, and he spoke to Elmyas, and the demon fled. Is this something you can do by fighting? If somebody is cursing you and saying bad words to you, do you just fight them? You have to win without fighting.

If you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, the authority of God will be revealed and people will not be able to touch you because the power and authority of God will be revealed. As you speak, people will be afraid and realize, “I can’t do whatever I want to this person.” Why? Because you are the one who will proclaim the gospel. Why? Because I am the one who will save this business, save this region.

All the curses, nonsense, and riff-raff of people will be broken down, but the members of the church don’t know this, so they say, “This person said this to me, this person did this to me, I’ve been taken in by that; the world is so hard, I hate people,” even though they believe in God, they don’t know about the filling of the Holy Spirit, so the power and authority cannot be revealed in them. You need to be able to win without fighting. You need to be able to win without saying a single word, because if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, the works of the Holy Spirit will arise. “I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse.” This will be revealed by the filling of the Holy Spirit.

If people alienate you, it’s because you’ve done something worth alienation. First of all, you’ve done something worthy of exile, and secondly, if you’re a Christian, it means you don’t know the power of the working of the Holy Spirit. Even if there are people attacking you from all around, there isn’t a single person who can overcome the one who is filled with the Holy Spirit. When Jesus Christ promised to be with you with all authority in heaven and on earth, to be with you through the Holy Spirit.

For the one who enjoys this, there is nothing that is a problem, because if there is a problem, God will take care of it, and because Samuel was filled with the Holy Spirit, not a single word he said fell to the ground. As long as Samuel was alive, there wasn’t a single idol-worshipping nation that would dare to fight against Israel. If you have this strength, then all the evil spirits, demons, Satan, and disasters in the region will be broken down.

I didn’t go to church while I was in Korea; my entire family were unbelievers. Where I lived, there was a church, and when I was in elementary school, I knew all the regions that didn’t have churches. I didn’t notice this while I was a kid, but now that I’m an adult, I realized that there was a big difference in the regions that had a church compared to the ones that didn’t.

You are the church. In the place where you stand, God promised to be with you with the filling of the Holy Spirit so that you will be able to break down all the curses, darkness, Satan, and disasters that are in your region, and Satan knows this so well, so he makes you focus on the physical things you see with your eyes, so that your hearts are filled with fear and anxiety.

Satan makes you focus on all these things and fight with people because you have to win, and the devil knows this so well. It doesn’t matter whether you go to church or how long you’ve been a churchgoer. “I’m really steadfast,” but what does steadfast mean? There’s nothing that is steadfast; if you are the church, then the region you live in will be conquered spiritually. There’s no reason to say anything. If the Holy Spirit of God is within us and filling us, then even if you don’t do anything, the power and authority of God will be revealed.

In Acts 16:6, you see the guidance of the Holy Spirit that completely changed the direction of the evangelism ministry. That’s why the gospel went into Europe and crossed over to America, then it went to Asia. That is the working of the Holy Spirit. That is why when we look at the world, we have to align ourselves with what we see about people and what the Bible tells us.


  1. Teach and Remember the Word through the Holy Spirit
    Throughout the week, I pray that you will be witnesses who will be able to relay the happiness and peace that comes from the Holy Spirit of God being within you to other people.
  2. Gives Peace
    I hope you will enjoy and be a happy person.
  3. Proclaims the Word of Life
    And relay this happiness to many people.

    Let us pray together holding onto the Word that God has given us.


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