Priests and Offerings (Leviticus 9:1-22)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Priests and Offerings (Leviticus 9:1-22)

Leviticus 9:1-22

So, we only read up to verse seven, but the Word of God goes up to verse 22, I hope you will reference the Word of God.

So, Chapter nine talks about the priests, beginning their ordination.

Today, the priests, begin their ministry, with Word of God we are receiving right now is that, in the Old Testament. There are many priests, but in the New Testament, the time period we are living in right now. The priest is Jesus Christ.

If that is the case, then there is a message within the law, that God wants us to receive and understand. We have to know the background of the word as it pertains to us.

For 400 years, the Israelites were living as captives in Egypt, and then they were led into the wilderness. The life of Egypt was where they lost hold of God’s Word.

When you lose hold of God’s Word. Then you live according to what you think is right.

So, so the way that people will live, is that they will live their lives however they want to, without God.

So, they are going towards the land thinking that this is correct.

No one is there to tell them that they are incorrect, but they think that their thoughts are correct.

It’s to that extent that the Israelites continued to fail. But what is the standard of was correct.

It is not the standard of God. But it is the standard of man.

So, they will invariably have conflicts with each other. More specifically, in Genesis chapter three is talking about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that they will be like God, knowing good and evil, doesn’t mean that they are just eating the fruit and that’s bad, but they wanted to eat the fruit because they wanted to know what was good and bad. They wanted to experience the joy of knowing what is good and evil.

But why is that incorrect. God says, that is evil seizing the fruit itself is evil. And that’s what God said. But any thing, that is, apart from God’s word is incorrect.

The moment, you lose, hold of the Word of God means that you’ve fallen into the trap of Satan.

People are living their lives, whether you wear a lot of clothes or a few clothes, it doesn’t matter if people live their lives in that decision.

People spend their entire lives, thinking about what is right and what is not. But they live their lives entirely, apart from God.

So, after 400, years the gospel was restored through the blood of the Lamb. The blood sacrifice. And that is the truth. That is the blood of the covenant. Anything else is just knowledge. Everything else may seem correct, but in the eyes of God, it is incorrect. We are the ones who are easily deceived by these kinds of things. They may be correct, but we are deceived by them.

The blood of the covenant of Christ. If we lose hold up that everything is incorrect. So even when you fight you fight over what is right or wrong. That is why God knows what is in our hearts. Simply put, God led the Israelites, with his word.

Well, Word of God and holding on to God’s word is different, our nature is wanting to know what is correct and incorrect. We think that the words of the world are correct. And Satan uses that to deceive you. That is why you lose hold of God’s Word.

That is why God told Moses to write these words on stone tablets. And the Lord dwelt in the tabernacle and everyone was facing that. So why is this so important, what’s the point.

If you think that other things are important, then you are captivated by Satan. You think that you are living your life and being correct. And as a result, people because the Lord wants to come into our hearts he gives us these commandments.

And in Leviticus he tells us to give a portion to the priests. Knowing that background. Believers are worshiping God. and today we have the lecture about how you are enjoying the gospel. If not, then you live your entire life captivated by Satan.

If it is incorrect. You can distinguish it as being incorrect. But if you can’t, then you will fall into it. So, our essence is that we move towards what is beneficial to ourselves and humans live according to what is beneficial to them, but in following that we have lost hold of the covenant.

Then, whatever you say that is good or beneficial. It doesn’t matter you’ve lost hold of the covenant. You may think that financially we’re doing very bad. Lee, and you say that the situation is impossible because of the pandemic. And it seems like a problem, but it is not a problem. Why not. We think it’s a problem when it’s really not a problem. What exactly is not a problem. What is important.

The fact that people are getting sick and dying, what is the real problem. Aren’t those words of non believers. God says that he is with us. And God is continuously relaying His Word. So the word is not the problem. The problem is that we do not believe in God. And if it is not have any benefit to you. You don’t do it. Humans are the same.

That’s why, no matter what happens, you need to hold on to God exactly that way. So that’s why, no matter what you see. Do not be deceived.

Yeah, we say the covenant is good, then can we do everything together. There are some times, we can do that. But what is your standard. So, right now, Jesus is talking about this fundamental offering. But what exactly as the suffering. They have it before their eyes and it’s been like this for many, many years.

 When you’re captivated by that from Satan you’re constantly plagued. It can be that. Not so bad. Some people can trip and fall others can walk, but that’s not important. What’s important is that we must not lose hold of this covenant. But we lose hold of this in the world, and that’s when it’s over.

No matter how well we live we are slaves. We want to be happy but there’s no happiness. And that disease persisted for 400 years.

But when they walked through the wilderness, they finally had a choice, before they didn’t have any choice, but that’s because God was with them. Even in a place where you think that God is not there, God is alive for 400 years, their shoes and clothes did not wear down.

But the problem is that my creed makes me fail, Satan knows that and works through that. So, although the things you see are important but what’s even more important is worship.

So, we have to confirm that God is with us. What does that mean it means that where ever I go these works are possible.

It is possible for us to continuously worship God and to go out into the field and worship him for 24 hours that blessing is with us.

We’re going to read about the ministry of the priests thought about, you know, right now, we’re talking about Moses and Aaron and his sons, but through this passage what is God telling us. Pastors wonder what about their church people.

A person would go into either Catholicism or their own religion, flying around. So, someone was just going around posting these theses about how you can receive salvation only through faith, you don’t need religion. And that’s because once we all have Christ, then we all have become priests, and who we become the one who is used by God to relay this all saved people are the ones who are doing the work of the priest.

That must be imprinted in your heart. Only then can you raise the remnant

If God did not call you the priest. Then, we wouldn’t have a calling but because you are the priest you have a calling. We are talking about maturity. Only when someone is mature Can they do ministry. Ministry means that you are doing the work of saving lives.

If someone is not mature they keep thinking about themselves. For children they only think about themselves. That just means they are not mature yet. There’s no choice because they’re not mature they’re selfish.

It doesn’t matter if you’re older biologically. If you’re immature then you’re immature. Because you are spiritually young, you’re always thinking about yourself.

As time goes on, you’ll become mature. It may take a while. A child is supposed to constantly advance. God has prepared the blessing for us to be priests.

So, may you believers have the blessing to establish this by holding on to God’s word through prayer. So what is the first thing. Leviticus, nine, eight. Leviticus 9:8. So Aaron came to the altar and slaughtered the calf as a sin offering for himself.

So, Aaron is a priest, and he slaughtered the calf as a sin offering for himself. What this means is that, before we go out to save other people we must save ourselves. If you cannot save yourself you cannot save other people. What does it mean to save myself? Simply put, I must come out of myself.

I have to quickly restore the blessing of being one with God, and that is what it means to be with God. The sin offering. It is the position of erasing your sentence. It is talking about the sin offering when you break the 10 commandments.

It is the blessing of going into God’s word. So, if you’re out side of God’s word, then you have to solve that problem by going into God’s word, why. If I am outside of God’s Word. Then I act according to my thoughts, those are your thoughts, not the thoughts of God.

But you have to confirm with yourself to go into God’s word. Every day I am within God’s word. Today, am I holding on to God’s word. Am I just thinking about myself. It’s not about anything else but it is about holding on to God’s word. In the past week, have I been inside of God’s Word. That is the method to save yourself. What else must I have for the offering.

Leviticus chapter nine verse two, he said to Aaron, take a bull calf for your sin offering and a ram for your burnt offering both without defect and present them before the Lord. So there is a burnt offering and a sin offering an offering means to go in and restore God’s word. But burnt offering means it is completely burned so completely giving yourself to God.

Galatians2:20 Before you go out to save others. Make sure you give your assent offering and your burnt offering. And as you give these offerings you restore yourself. You can’t save people without that. So, I hope you will be able to be within the sin offering and the burnt offering otherwise you will continue to live your own life with your own experiences.

It’s not a masterpiece of God, but it is a masterpiece of other people. And anyone can say that I ancestors did that. And these are words that have come down from long ago. But everyone has a path that they are walking on will that path, save you. If so that path will save other people. It is time to restore God’s word and worship.

That is the gospel, where Christ is living. I have died in Christ lives within me. I give myself to God. It is not that I have to continuously kill myself.

You have to kill yourself, meaning that you believe that sins curses disasters and Satan and everything in your past is crucified on the cross. Have you offered the sin offering if not restore God’s word now. And you do this by having the Word of God and the gospel. Otherwise you will kill yourself and the people around you.

And that’s why we keep hearing this word about being established in the Gospel. You know, the gospel, but you do not have the eyes to see the gospel. You know the gospel, when you hear it. But more importantly, do you have the eyes of the gospel. Are you seeing other people with the perspective of the gospel.

People who are not doing well we’ll look at the weaknesses of other people and attack them. But for the people who have no strength and have a lot of scars they’re probably frustrated. These two things are not the gospel. People know the gospel but they don’t have change in their lives.

She is wearing slippers. I told her not to wear slippers many times. So, what happens. Should I beat her to death or what?

She has no choice but to be that way. There must be a reason why she’s wearing slippers. And she’s wearing them comfortably. People are imperfect.

But I’m thankful. She’s good at translating . And I don’t see that but I’m only looking at her sandals. I need to see her with the eyes of the gospel.

For those who aren’t listening, they will not look, get your translating, but they will look at your sandals. So, when you attack somebody you die and the person you’re attacking will die as well. And so in that way, legalism is destructive. You have to practice this being established in the Gospel.

In the church there are many people. There are people who come to worship. Eat and leave.

But if you are legalistic you will completely get angry and try to change them with ethics and morals, but you have the gospel.

And you have to look at them with the eyes of the gospel, but instead you continuously poke at them. But you have no choice but to be that way. You have to wait for them. That is the eyes of the gospel. They’re in a different situation.

That’s why the eyes of the gospel, are so important. We have to consciously practice this every day. Best method is that I need to come in with the gospel, because if I don’t have that perspective, and I myself will suffer. Right, I need the gospel every day. It’s so important.

For those who have hospitalization everyday when they look at other people they will understand. But if being established in the Gospel is only an ideology, to you, Then you have no choice but to live your old ways. That’s why this is so important and that is why I myself must save myself with the eyes of the gospel. So people are giving their burnt offering but there are a total of four different offerings.

In verse 15, it talks about the sin offering for the people.

Therefore, there are sin offerings burnt offering the grain offering. And there is the blood. Not blood, but fellowship, offering. These are the four different types of offerings.

So, among the church people, what kind of offerings must you have, there are these four types. And the point of the offering is to restore the Word of God.  And this is the absolute gospel. The crane offering is about giving to the Lord.

And the fellowship, offering is about having oneness with God.  It is the Ministry of saving the people who are next to you.

Every morning, we have the prayer topics on the screen, and that is a ministry. The people who come for early morning prayer know this very well. So ones who come to worship and pray for the names on the PowerPoint. That is good. It means that God has a purpose for you in there.

How could this be a blessing. Because when God’s word comes upon you the forces of darkness are broken down and the kingdom of God is established. And we do this through prayer. You do word forum together. It’s thought about you but it’s about everyone else. It is not with the eyes of legalism but it is with the eyes of the gospel.

Because then you will be in great danger in your work management upper management one year. Some people have been in ministry for 20 years.

But I will look at their actions and ask if he do the dishes or not. Then, what would happen if you’re my wife got mentally ill.

What would you do if she’s in the hospital for depression. There is no medicine for her in that state, because you don’t know the gospel to that extent you’re enslaved. If not, you’re going to be completely captivated by money and power. Think about how God has money and everything belongs to God. Think about how stressed you would be.

If God really wants to give you money but you’re sitting there worried about money. Even God giving you money or giving money to non believers. You’re still complaining about money. So, you fall into these physical trials. Does God not have money?

God wants to give us money, but he’s waiting for you. God wants to quickly give you money because you’re the VIP and money belongs to God. Those are all about in the news. But if people let go of that then the evil spirits will attack. And Satan knows this very well.

A parent wants to give something to their child. But if they do that. The child will be put in danger. And so it’s really hard for the parent. If you ask for it. he will give it to you because you are blessed by God, God will bless you with all spiritual blessings.

If you only think about yourself what’s going to  happen with all that money. Why would God give money to that kind of person.

That’s actually a rule that God has for these unbelievers. God wants to restore the economy of light. But you’re living in the economy of darkness. So that’s why this is happening. God does not make mistakes. When you listen to the message God will begin to work. If your vessel is not too big, you can ask for anything from God, but you’re just happy where you’re at.

When you’re in college, your parents have prepared a college fund for you. And because you’re about to leave home. your parents are worried about you. You think that when you’re in high school. When you ask your parents for a card, will they give it to you?

If you’re in pre school, you need to receive things that are fit for a preschooler. For example, the parents aren’t just going to give their inheritance to any of the siblings, but they will give it to the one who knows about how to take care of it. God gives his blessings to the ones he knows will relay the mission.

 Is it because he wants to black brag about yourself, of course, he’ll brag about yourself. I boast about myself. We need to boast about God but we boast about ourselves, but it’s not about that. This is a physical problem and that’s why we are poor.

I realized that when I was poor, there were material blessings I would receive. I wouldn’t have to rely on anyone. Sometimes, I felt very weak week. But do you think God made a mistake.

He made it so that I would only look to him. There are times when because I realized God allowed me to fall. So, I still had this nature of relying on the world. And God completely disconnected that because they feel like you’re so friendly with money but God wants you to be friendly with him.

What this means is that you live your life comfortably seeking physical things but you need to see how God is connected with all of that.

Because right now these are the people you are saving other people but you have to save them through God’s word. Your thoughts are just only great thoughts, but they cannot save. That is why you need to be according to God’s Word

If this really is the work of the Lord through Moses. Aaron is Moses brother. He’s younger than him. But, Aaron obeyed. What does that mean the things that you need to do at church, simply do them. The only decisions you have to make in church are the ones from God.If the church is involved with healing ministry.

Doing works that we do are according to God’s word and Christ. But for the ones who are not able to follow those commandments. Why can’t we go to church.

Why can’t we go to church on time, because they are not within God’s word, when they go out into the field, they crumble.

So, let go of your old self and completely bury yourself in God, because you have God’s word, you don’t need to stand out. If I don’t have God’s word. Then I have no choice but to try to stand out. But such people are the people who are under Satan. That is why we think we need something. Why the Word of God needs to hold on to my heart. For that reason I pray for that person without the word you could never change.

Even with your own self, you can never change that only God’s word. When the Word of God enters into you will change. No matter how much you say it doesn’t matter, the Holy Spirit must work. When you have that blessing upon you, God will work. That is why in the church follow God’s word. Like work. Instead of being legalistic follow God’s word. If we’re just going to sit here playing around. Then, that’s not oneness.

Their body all, there’s a dead body.

The head is cut off the arms are cut off the legs are cut off that’s not even a full body.

Let’s look at Leviticus, nine, colon, 22.

It says,

Aaron lifted his hands and blessed the people, of course, the priest has the authority to bless

and in church people have their own blessings God has called us to be priests, so we have the authority to bless and even blessing other church people.

God did not call us to curse, but he called us to bless each other

Numbers 6 : 23 – 24

Read in the Old Testament a lot other people, let’s look at how the priests in the Old Testament lead other people.

Tell Aaron and his sons, this is how you are to bless the Israelites, saying, The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and to be gracious to you. The Lord, turn his face toward you and give you peace

He is telling us to bless others in this way. Because we have been blessed we can bless others. Because God is a blessing to me we can go out and bless other people. This is a tremendous blessing. It is the greatest blessing. We are those kind of blessing people. We can go out and bless other people. It says God will protect you. The Lord will keep you. And God is with you. No matter what situation you are in God will keep you. And God says to give the people this blessing.

God wants to give you grace. Lastly, he wants to give you peace. Of course you must have proper peace. When you have peace, the kingdom of God comes upon you. When the kingdom of God comes upon me I will have peace. When he tells people to go out into the field. What do you do, do ask, is it peace, because they have no peace at all. Only Jesus can give you true peace.

It’s not about going out to evangelize. Right now we are in the age of mental illness. They have everything but their mentality is different. No matter what kind of thing happens. They are in this situation. That’s why God gives us this blessing to go out and bless them. The Lord bless you and keep you and make his face shine upon you. So when you go into the field. Do you know what to do. Just hit them with a blessing.

There’s no other desire or reason but God wants you to make peace. God wants to give you great joy and peace. It is not that you’ve tried to keep and protect yourself but God will keep you. Is there anyone who would go around and curse others. You tell somebody to believe in Jesus and they tell you to go away. No one will reject blessings.

On the outside people may be disgusted, but on the inside. People actually enjoy it. The ones who have this blessing can relay this blessing to others. So that’s why this is the source and the way to blessings. It’s hard for you to keep to yourself because of the pandemic right. But just remember that God will protect you instead.

Why, because you have to do ministry. This is the work of a Christian, but without that, of course, people are worried about how long this pandemic will be. And if people are coming to you all the time. You’ll have to tell them to go away. You’re not doing this for yourself you’re doing this for God.

What Pharaoh said about what Joseph told Pharaoh was that the Lord God wanted to bless Pharaoh. You’re so wrapped up and drenched in your own self. So that’s when problems come. You’re always saying me.

If the economy follows. Of course you’ll be anxious, but you need to receive the peace that comes from God. We are the priests. When we believe in Christ.

I must save myself with the gospel. I must save the church members. I will save my field, with the gospel through prayer. Because God wants to bless them. That is prepared in the field.

In the field, God has called us the missionaries. When you are rooted in that you will begin to change. When you are rooted in that then your finances will begin to change. Until then, God won’t do anything, because you need to be rooted.

For example, If you’re just trying to make money. And it’s not working out God is telling you to come and receive training so you can go out and bless people. So, until I am rooted down in the message and can be the missionary. I must focus on the Word of God.

Only then, when I am in the wilderness I can conquer Canaan. People ask about this or that, in the wilderness. Because the moment you enter Canaan. It is the land of idolatry, where people are centered on themselves. And so you might be completely crushed. But God has blessed you to be the one who will save the nation that is what God has called you for today.

May you have the blessing of saving yourself, saving your family and saving your field with the word God has given us. Let us pray.


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