Ordination of the Priest

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Ordination of the Priest

Today we are talking about the ordination of priests. Before that, we Today we are going to receive the word about how priests are to be ordained. We go through the Old Testament, and what relevance, does the Old Testament have for us right now. It’s not like we need a priest to wear the breast piece and an effect today. So, what does God want to tell us .

 There must be a reason why God told us to do this to cover all the things about the tabernacle, in the Old Testament are accurately explained in the book of Hebrews.The work Leviticus is talking about the form of the tabernacle, and that is a shadow of what is in heaven. So, when does the shadow end and when does the real thing to begin, let’s look at Hebrews, 9:10.

 So, because a shadow  of the real thing. The shadow is no longer necessary when you have the real thing. The ordination of the priest in the Old Testament was relevant back then. But what is relevant right now. Ready for Hebrews chapter five verse four. This means that if Aaron was the high priest. Then we would always need priests.

But when we come to the New Testament, the meaning of priest becomes different. First Peter chapter two verses five through nine nation that in the New Testament. After the coming of Jesus Christ, the prophecies about Christ came true. And so, he was the true priest. Then in verse nine. It says that you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood.

That is also what it says in revelations chapter one verse 5-6. So, the shadow of what was in the Old Testament was made complete by Jesus Christ. So, we are actually made priests by Jesus Christ. And the Old Testament explains what it means to be a priest. So in today’s passage we read that Moses brought Aaron, and his sons forward and wash it to them with water. In verse six. What does it mean to wash them with water.

We are all priests. So what is this word about washing them with water mean? In Exodus, we see that at the tabernacle. There is a water basin and before offering sacrifices you had to actually wash your hands in that basin. There are two meanings. The physical meaning is to clean the hands from the dust and the grease that’s on their hands. And this would be useful for all the people.

But then there’s also a spiritual meaning in the desert, because there was no water. The water, always had to be rationed. There was one passage where Jesus is washing the disciples feet and Peter asks, Jesus to Washington from head to toe and Jesus says, you don’t have to do that. So, the Israelites have a habit that before they would eat or go inside. They would always wash. This was not only a custom, but it was a law, so that they would keep it clean. But it also includes the meaning of washing our hearts.

Of course, Naturally, you would wash your hands and eat. But there is a spiritual significance. What does it say in the New Testament let’s look at Ephesians chapter five verse 26 to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word to cleanse by water means to make something clean and holy. So, as we are living our lives as God’s people, how do we keep ourselves clean by following the word.

So all of your improper thoughts. You may have that are not in the word, you shouldn’t hold on to those at all. But Jesus says, I am the way, and I am the truth. For five thoughts. I have may be correct however they are not the truth. I may have. Correct, thoughts, but they’re not the truth. Everyone wants to live their life. Well, undefined What does it mean to hold on to the word and go. It means our mindset becomes one that desires to communicate with God.

It means our mindset becomes one that desires to communicate with God. America is ruled over by the law. If you are within the law, then there is no problem. But, if anyone tries to break the law. Then, they don’t have freedom, they are going to go to jail. The people of God, need the word to be cleaned, because there is only true freedom and the word. So all your correct thoughts are not the word. And that is why you don’t have freedom.

Just because you hold on to these incorrect thoughts, they will lead you towards death. I live my life so properly. But why is my life like this. It is because you live properly on your own, and it has no relevance to God. If we had the ability to live proper lives then there would be no reason for Jesus Christ to come and this is the most important thing. You think that you are going, according to the word, because you live a proper life, but I’m sorry to say you are. Apart from the word, even though you think you may live a proper life, you are living separated from the word.

What is the truth. The truth is only found in the Word, and the Word is truth. But if you go outside the scope of this word, then that is sin. Then, even though you live diligently. That’s useless. When we talk about death. We’re also talking about believers because the spiritual state of a believer can become the same as a non believer. So no matter how diligently they work, it does not matter.

That is why all the church members right now need to understand that the way to become holy is through the word. If we go out into the world and lose hold of the word, then we are the same as non believers. And that is why in Ephesians, it says that we need to be washed with water.

Satan, makes it so that you lose hold of the word and live diligently. That means that if you don’t know God’s word and hold on to it, then you will fall. And then what will happen. Even though you work so diligently. You don’t know what is incorrect and you’ll wonder why you failed. When that happens, your spiritual state becomes enslaved by Satan. Satan uses, things like diligence and hard work to make us lose hold of the word. And that is why we need to wash ourselves with water.

What is the second thing that the Lord commanded us to do in the Old Testament, verses seven through nine. They’re talking about the clothing of the priest. He put the tunic on Aaron tied the sash around him, clothed him with rope and put the foot on him. He also tied the foot and place to the on him and put the rim and on the front of it as the Lord commanded Moses.

The Old Testament is a shadow, but in the New Testament we have the real thing. See, pretty priests clothing is wholly glorified. Beautiful. These are the clothes we have right now. Right now policemen have uniforms, so that if you see one you immediately recognize that that is a police officer. Today priests wear black robes.

It is a way for people to display their identity and status. So, as God’s people what clothes, do we have. God gave us the cloves, so that in real life. People can recognize that we are priests. But when a non believer looks at a Christian and thinks that that person is exactly like the non believer. Something’s wrong.

Romans 13 verses 13 through 14. Let us behave decently as in the daytime not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the fleshly desires. The sinful nature. So, we are putting on the clothes of Jesus Christ.

So do not gratify the desires of the flesh, which is for my greed. Those are the desires of the flesh. Why, because the clothes we wear are not those clothes. But, if we leave the bounds of God’s word, then we are bound by Satan. You have to know this before you go out into the world. You have to know and resolve that I do not want to gratify the desires of the flesh. Because the thoughts of the flesh are death.

On the opposite side of this you recognize that people become slaves of Satan. But because you are slaves of Satan, even though you live diligently you fail. Even right now it is for my own greed, that I satisfy the desires of the flesh, and I do not put on Jesus Christ. What would happen if a policeman took their clothes off the reference of the priests, war, this beautiful piece of clothing that had 12 stones representing the 12 tribes.

So, as the priest looked at those 12 stones he would pray for the 12 tribes. But what do we need to pray for right now. Of course, you need to pray for your church, but you should also pray for the outside world. Because in the world. There are people who need to experience the work of God so hold those people in prayer.

So, in the Old Testament, when it talks about the priest. It is talking about the posture and the attitude that we should have as we are living right now. So from verses 10 through 12. God commanded him to anoint everything on the tabernacle with oil but also to anoint Aaron’s head. As you already know, to anoint something represents the working of the Holy Spirit. Let’s look at second Corinthians, one verses 21 through 22. Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us set his seal of ownership on us, and to put his spirits in our hearts as a deposit guaranteeing what is to come. So, he is telling us not to live according to our standards, but to receive the Holy Spirit.

In Luke 24 verse 49. I am going to send you what my father has promised but stay in the city, until you have been clothed with a power from on high. He is saying that, without the filling and the power of the Holy Spirit, there is no way to go out into the world and change it. So he says that through Jesus Christ, live by the word, and go out into the world and hold on to the filling of the Holy Spirit.

We are called as the people who will save the world. For people who do not have this thought you need to quickly change what you’re holding on to. You need to take those old clothes off and put on the clothes that save lives. Don’t just pray for your own child. But look at the world, and pray for the world. We were not called, just for the sake of the family line, but we were called for the sake of saving the world so hold on to the covenant.

By God’s word, we become holy. We arm ourselves. Every day, you have to confirm for yourself, Am I receiving God’s word, you need to wash yourselves. Why, because without the word. We are not with God, because God reveals Himself through His Word, and even in the Old Testament in Leviticus, we are looking at it as God’s word. Why does he do that.

It is because the things we are rooted in are based on the diligence of the world. And we are rooted in the worldly lie of success. But because we keep trying to cast aside the word and to go after money and success that is why we keep on failing. And people will continue to fall to their own thoughts to you, your thoughts, may seem so correct, but actually they are not the truth.

If we were just meant to live on this earth. Then, we could just live by our diligence, but because God has given us His Word. We can live with the power of the Holy Spirit. And God wants to give us that power. Because, non believers do not believe in this and only hold on to the physical things they suffer.

So, if you go out into the field. Only if you hold on to the word and go out into the field, then you can change the environment. And that is how you can hold on to the word and the prayer topic of oral evangelism. So God revealed himself to the early church, and to the Old Testament, God is the same, but the Old Testament is a shadow and john in first john chapter two verse 20. It says, but you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.

There are a lot of people who ask things to the pastor but instead of asking the pastor just hold on to it and pray. Because if I tell you the wrong answer. Are you going to go down the wrong path. The pastor from a worldly sense is very dim. He only talks about the things he knows, but he shouldn’t talk about the things he doesn’t know about all those things are theories.

So, with everything else just ask God. If you ask God, God promised that he would reveal everything.

That is what it means to wear the clothing of the priest. Don’t just say, Oh, I listened to the pastor but things did not come through, follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Why, because I am not Jesus Christ but I am a priest, just like you. Just because I don’t say something correct. Don’t get upset at me. There is not there is no way for me to give every correct answer. Am I correct, no. Jesus Christ is why, because if I do not have the covenant I shouldn’t talk about it.

But, telling you to pray to God, I can tell you that confidently. Why, because only God knows the answer. How could I know every case. That is why the priests in the Old Testament needed that feeling of the Holy Spirit to know. So, if you do not have the answer, 24, hours a day, you cannot save the world. If you are not church centered for 24 hours a day, then God will not work.

Why, because you are just calculating based on what you know of the world so how are you going to work according to the Holy Spirit. Because in the fourth industrial revolution and the coronavirus when nobody knows what’s happening, how are you going to abide by what you know, our future generations are going to go into the fifth and sixth industrial revolutions, and what knowledge.

Do you have to impart on them. That is why we have to wear the cloth thing of the priest, and make sure they receive the power of the Holy Spirit. By holding on to God’s word, and you have to do this as well. You have to have the word to set you apart. Isn’t that the mystery that Moses and Joseph held onto. But I bet a lot of you go out and want to receive answers, but that’s what religious people do for us as children of God who are going to establish the kingdom of God, and break down the kingdom of Satan.

People of God who live under his reign must live in this world. So, God’s kingdom comes when we hold on to the word and only then can we receive true peace, justice and righteousness, and the joy. When you keep asserting yourself, you reject the position of the priests then you keep going down the position of death. But you need to ask yourself what is the word that God is giving me today.

When I pray I should, what should I pray. God, give me the word Do you want me to relate to the church and you pray for that for 24 hours. Because that is the role that I was given. Just like the effort and the 12 jewels. I am holding on to world and America evangelism. The word that we are given every week. I hold on to that and go out. But if something is missing from this. Then, I am not revealing the clothes of the priest.

If I don’t wash myself and put on the clothes and receive the filling of the Holy Spirit. Because I’ve worked before. I have a general sense of how to work, but I really don’t know how you guys do your businesses. What I want to know is, are you doing it holding on to God’s word and world evangelism. And the filling of the Holy Spirit. Because if you don’t, then what’s going to happen. How does God work God works according to His Word.

So, you do everything to exert your own strength and when that is not enough then you fall. Even though you work, and are successful because of your greed. That is not a success that is relevant to God, why, if you just attack life with your religious lifestyle. I’ve done a lot of ministry and many people think like this.

If I pray, a little bit like this, and give a little bit of that. When God will move But that’s not the gospel, people have heard the gospel, but they are not gospel lized. They’ve heard about these things but they haven’t worn the clothing. Because they have been so deeply rooted in their lifestyle, even though they hear the gospel, they immediately turn back to the things.

You have to hold on to the word to up ply the word in everything. That’s what it means to put on the clothes of the priest to put on the clothes of Christ. Let’s not go for greed and success. But let’s hold on to the word. a bad thing happened, what is the word. A good thing happened, it doesn’t matter what is the word. Who cares if it is a good thing, hold on to the word. Because if even the governor holds on to a good thing but it is not the word, he will die as the governor.

 You have to hold on to the word to up ply the word in everything. That’s what it means to put on the clothes of the priest to put on the clothes of Christ. Let’s not go for greed and success. But let’s hold on to the word. It is not my strength that I am using but I’m using the power of the Holy Spirit. That is the goal of the priest. God has given us this blessing. That is why, as you hold on to the word God will fulfill world evangelism.

 Then, according to God’s word, you work at your business. I hope you are able to enjoy these kinds of blessings, wherever you are. Let us pray with the word that we have received. Ask anything in my name and I will do it. God promised that by praying through Jesus Christ, God will work. You need to pray for the salvation of the world. We have to first seek His righteousness. America, and to break down the diseases of America.


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