Pray in Jesus’ Name

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Pray in Jesus’ Name

The lack of prayer is evidence that you want to live your life according to your own strength and abilities, so as you live your lives, you won’t be able to overcome your environment or problems.  The reason is because God never created us to live alone; without a doubt, God created us to have spiritual strength by being with God.  Nonbelievers don’t believe that.  People can go to church, but they don’t believe this; they believe in themselves and their own abilities, so they are shaking in fear.  They are not able to overcome their environment, and because they have these thoughts in their brain, they come up with excuses.

“If I didn’t have to deal with this person, if it weren’t for the pandemic, I wouldn’t be like that.” These words seem correct, but they are caught up in Satan’s lies. Unbelievers don’t believe in God, but they are living, seized by Satan’s deception, and we were created not to live like this.  That is why when we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God works.

What does He do?  When you pray with your problems, God gives you the answer.  To what extent shall I pray, then?  Until I get the answer.  If I don’t do that, I will remain in my unbelief, so I must live a life of prayer.  We were created to live in communion with God, and what is the evidence of that?  Jesus Christ came to this earth as a human, always communicating with Father God.  “Oh, Jesus Christ is God so He can do whatever He wants,” but He had the same physical weaknesses that we do.  That’s why before Jesus Christ died, He prayed, “Take this cup from me,” because it’s the same as us, we do not want to take the cup.

How do we overcome?  We meet with God, “Give me Your Word,” then the Holy Spirit comes upon me.  You have to do your ministry and relay the Word of God with that strength.  Jesus Christ is the Way to God but He is also the Way to Live.  Everything else is a lie; only He is the Truth. Everything else is correct, but don’t believe that.  Everything else, our physical thoughts, they are dead.  What physical thoughts?  These are correct words, but what happens when you continue in that way?  If you’re always thinking about your studies, you might be right, but your spirit is dead.

Continuously worried, you will die and your spirit is dead.  We think we’re doing well because we are studying hard and focusing, but physical thoughts are dead.  You may study well, but your spirit is dead.  If your spirit is dead, then you cannot overcome Satan’s attacks, and you will fall into trials and conflicts.  God doesn’t want someone smart; God wants someone with spiritual strength to overcome the world.  God has all power and wisdom; why does He need your wisdom?  You need your own strength to brag about yourself, not to glorify God, but if you want to keep living for yourself, keep doing that.

For those who want to live with God’s power, pray, because the worldly words may be physically correct but they are spiritually dead.  What are spiritual thoughts?  The Word of God. What is the Word?  It is finished, what did He finish?  Did He finish my homework? My debt?  What did Jesus finish, exactly? You have to know the reason why Jesus came to this earth.  We will never be able to overcome the original sin of being separated from God.

Sin – Invisible | Sins

What is sin? You’re constantly trying to leave God.  Your heart is continuously trying to leave God, not wanting to give worship, that’s not something anyone taught my daughter, but we have this inner essence. Then you have consequential sins.  These are the sins of my life, but the original sin is invisible.  Do you understand?  You can’t try to solve your sins; you have to quickly communicate with God.  Then as time passes, the consequential sins will disappear.

God has solved this problem.  I cannot overcome my sins, but Jesus Christ accepted all the curses and disasters on my behalf, and He has broken down the forces of darkness in my life.  Even now, God is working, but Satan is also working.  The one who sins is of the devil.

Satan, Hell – World

You can never solve these.  Why do you suffer?  Because it’s hell.  If the Kingdom of God is established, it is peace, joy, and righteousness.  That’s what happens when the Kingdom of God is established.  We can never make this on our own, no matter how much we scream about righteousness in politics, it’s only possible when the Kingdom of God is established. It doesn’t matter who the president is, what does that have to do with us? We are living for the Kingdom of God, and the president is set up by God, not us, but God has finished this problem.  That’s why, all problems.

Every single problem comes to us because of original sin.  Every single problem comes from the fact that we are trying to leave God every single moment, so these visible problems come into my life like depression. Someone may be gloomy when it’s gloomy, but that’s not depression, but if you’re constantly depressed regardless of the weather, why do things like depression keep coming?  Because you’re separated from God.  How do you solve this? Pray to God who solves your depression.

Every problem comes from being separated from God, but what about medication and research?  God created everything in the universe, and even as our academics have progressed, if we are ignorant of God, we only live in our foolishness.  We have to know God first because God is the Originator.  The fool says in their heart, “There is no God.”  But God is scientific, revealing scientific advances to us, but humans believe that they did everything themselves.  Such problems have all been finished.

When you face a visible problem, it is not a problem; if you fall into your problems, you will be captured by Satan, but this is finished.  Some people keep thinking a problem is a problem; they are close to Satan, but God says it’s not a problem. The fact that He took the cross means that it’s not a problem, but you use correct words to say it’s a problem. It means you don’t have any other eyes.  You have physical eyes open, but your spiritual eyes are dark and cannot see. Of course, you cannot see well, but why are your eyes blind?

If you close one eye, can you see well?  You have to have both eyes open to see accurately.  If you close one eye, you will be able to see some things, but you lose depth perception and it’s easy to go astray.  That’s what sin is, so you have to have your spiritual eyes open to see accurately.

God’s Kingdom – Word

It means God is reigning. You shouldn’t control yourself with your own thoughts. If you look at a situation, you shouldn’t worry about what other people think.  The evidence that God is ruling with the Kingdom of God is through the Word, so you need to read the Word of God.  As evidence that God is with me, He gives me His Word. As evidence that God is living in worship, I receive the Word. As I go out into the field, I receive the Word.  Disciples don’t ask questions because they have the word, but they ask to confirm the word, and that is why we have forum.

Humans hold onto words according to their benefit, however they want to do it, that’s why you have to have word forum to know that you’re holding onto the Word.  In order for Word forum to take place correctly, you must see clearly.  One person in the forum group must hold onto the Word correctly so that everyone can see clearly.

Two people can exist in the same environment and have different thoughts, “It’s cold,” or “It’s not.”  Are your problems real problems or not?  If a problem comes, it’s not a problem for me because the Lord has finished it on the cross, then I pray in Jesus’ name and God will work through His Word.  That is what we call the Kingdom of God. 

The Bible says that not one word Samuel said fell to the ground, that means he never said anything useless.  What about the words you speak at school?  If your words are fulfilled, then even your teachers must follow you. That’s what happened to Joseph.  It doesn’t matter if you’re young; as evidence that God is with you, God will give you His Word that He desires to give you.  Whatever I want is just momentary, but the Word God wants to give me is because He knows my entire life. 

Holy Spirit – Authority / Power

He works with the Holy Spirit, with authority and power. You must have strength.  If you don’t have strength, you’ll say powerless words like, “This is a problem, that is a problem.”  If people are smart, a problem isn’t a problem because they know the answer.  The characteristic of a person who cannot study is that they have so many problems.  They must find the answer. If you have spiritual strength, nothing is a problem.  Then it won’t matter even if you’re a slave.

People tell me that the cost of living is high in California, but I don’t know because I’ve only lived in California.  I’ve heard New York is worse, but why do people live there?  They say, “I can’t live anywhere else.”  New York is so crowded, it’s always bumper-to-bumper, and property values are so expensive that people must live like that.  Their living expenses are so high but they do not want to leave New York.  I’m not telling you to not move, but if you’re saying, “I want to move because this is expensive,” that may be correct, but that person is a slave to money and will never get money because their faith is at that level.  They can’t believe God will work and overcome their problem.

They think if they go to the rural countryside where there are low taxes, they can live there, but that’s that person’s level of faith, and they can never enjoy freedom.  The Truth will set you free; they will always be enslaved by their circumstances, and something will happen to them.  In Texas, everyone has guns, and they have so many problems.  Lois said she lived in Koreatown all her life, so when she moved to Irvine, it was so peaceful.  I’ve gone to Irvine, the air is clean and it’s quiet; I get a headache when I come to Koreatown, but for her, it’s heaven.  She got tired of Irvine after a year. You’ll get used to it after awhile.

If you don’t have happiness here and now, you can’t have happiness no matter where you are.  If you suffer because of living expenses, God knows that and will support you.  God doesn’t make mistakes thinking, “I forgot about your living expenses, I need to give you more money.” Banks make mistakes, but God doesn’t make mistakes.  If that doesn’t take place, you’ll keep running around, “My next door neighbors are so loud, I have to move.” I’m telling you to switch your mindset to pray for your neighbors. That’s the standard of the Kingdom of God. If you move somewhere that’s peaceful, you’ll hear loud noises in your ear. Your neighbors are quiet, but you’ll hear noises in your head, and your emotions fluctuate so much.

“Whatever you ask in My name, I will do it.”  Why does Jesus tell us to pray in His name?  God says He’ll do whatever you ask, so does that mean God will take away your pimples and make you taller?  I have an ugly nose, so do I pray for a better nose?  It doesn’t matter if you’re bad or ugly, God loves you regardless.  You must receive answers irrespective of your physical circumstance.  Napoleon was short, as was Chairman Mao and Pastor Ryu.  It’s irrelevant.  These are the answers you receive, and that is the real answer.  It doesn’t matter.

It doesn’t matter if your next door neighbors are loud because if you stay and pray, God will work.  If anything, you become thankful because God has sent you to save those people, do you understand?  If you keep saying words of unbelief, you’ll become closer to Satan.  Nothing is a problem. It’s not a problem, but you keep blabbing like it’s a problem. You go here or there, you’re always running into something, and you live your life as a slave, running around from your situation.

Remnants, show God’s work at your school by praying for it, and God will do it. That is the standard.  Whether God gives you a scholarship to do His work or not, it doesn’t matter, but we have received a tremendous blessing.  Why are you in despair?  You don’t believe this.  How will you raise your kids with your standards? The greater someone is, the more problems they create. Ask anybody.  The Jewish Spielberg, ever since he was young, ran around with a video camera, and Napoleon Bonaparte studied war ever since he was young.  Rev. Ryu went around as a gangster. He should study and live a correct life, but he ran around.  These are people who became great. 

People who are renowned don’t live average lives. Saint Augustine had sex with women outside his age range, and people may say that’s gross.  Look at Moses.  Moses doesn’t remember being nursed by his mother; he thought he was abandoned to the palace. The only thing he knows is that his skin color is different than the princess, so he wonders where he came from.  Those who wander in their heart while they are young become great individuals.

As soon as Samuel was weaned from his mother, around three years old, he was given to the Temple.  Then from Samuel’s perspective, he could think, “What kind of life is this? I don’t even have parents.”  David’s older brothers had great jobs but he was a lowly shepherd, so when Samuel came to look for the next king, David’s father lined up all his brothers.  When Samuel asked, “Do you have any other sons?” Jesse brought up David, and David was anointed.  Imagine how upset David was as a shepherd, but that is the kind of person God will use.

Are you spiritually afflicted ever since a young age? You will be greatly used.  You’ll be able to see people deeply as God works upon you to become a great individual.  Right now, God is working, knowing your entire life, so He promises, “Ask whatever you want in My name.”  Do you think your children have no hope?  That is a thought from the devil. When you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God moves. You should never speak words of disbelief.  Otherwise, you and your family and church will be covered in darkness.

God doesn’t look for smart people; God looks for those who are weak so He can give power through the Holy Spirit.  Humans don’t have power themselves, so they need smart people because they do not believe in God.  God doesn’t need smart people, but the one who knows and believes.  Then nothing is a problem; the bigger the problem, the bigger the blessing. If your problems are small, then you are a small individual.  It doesn’t matter if you get big or small problems, but God gives big problems to big individuals. 

Sometimes God gives five talents to one person and one to another, is that not fair?  The person who has one talent can be happy if they use that talent; the person who has five talents cannot be happy just using four.  It doesn’t matter if you’re poor or rich, God works irrespective of all that. If you pray in the name of Jesus, nothing will be a problem for you.  When a remnant like that goes into the schools and businesses in America, the world will change.

There are so many churchgoers in America, how come things aren’t changing?  As one person, do you influence the rest of your school?  You should.  You should be the one to revive your businesses, because you pray for that in Jesus’ name. But instead, you barely survive and cannot change your field.  That’s why people don’t even know whether God is living or dead; you shouldn’t listen to those words.  Only the words of Jesus Christ are life.  Satan will shake you based on your situation or circumstance, but Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

People may say correct words, but they are lies.  They’re not unequivocally true 100% of the time.  People may be successful but they do not come to life. They may have knowledge without happiness.  If I have a lot of happiness, is that the way? No, Jesus is the way.   A lot of knowledge cannot save you spiritually.  You must be within Jesus Christ, and God works in your field so that you can save others.  Then, anybody can pray.

Within the Word

Praying isn’t about opening your mouth and muttering, but pray with Jesus Christ in your heart with the Word that God gives you.  Pray for whatever you want within God’s Word, then God will do it.  That’s why it’s so important for you to be within God’s Word, and we listen to the Word so carefully.  Without listening to the Word carefully, you will fail.  If you don’t listen to the words of God carefully during worship, you will fail and listen to people’s words.  But when you listen to the accurate Word of God and pray, God will work upon you according to that Word.  That is why Jesus says, “If you love Me, keep my commands.”

How can you fulfill God’s Word?  You pray and God does it. But if you try to fulfill God’s Word, that’s laughable. When you pray holding onto the Word regarding loving and saving your school, God will work according to that, the words of spirit and life. So you pray according to that.

There is a word God is giving to you during the Sunday message, and you forum about this when you go home as well.  The majority of people won’t forum like this, but remnants who take God’s Word into practice will see God’s work.  It doesn’t matter if the pandemic is going on its second wave; if you’re in the Ark, if the flood comes again, it doesn’t matter.  But if you’re outside the Ark, you’re dead.  If you have something through which God continues to work in you, it doesn’t matter if you have pimples or an ugly face or if you’re tall.  Nothing becomes a problem, why?  Because God works in you through Jesus Christ.

Even now, hold onto the Word God has given you and pray for your work and your meetings and your school.  The devil will come into your ears, “Is it really going to work?” That’s when you have to remember the Word.  “You may ask anything in my name and I will do it.”  Then, you will start praying for the rest of your schedule, for all your meetings and work, why? So God will work according to His covenant. You must pray so that your studies will be the studies God works through for the salvation of those in the field.

All religions pray, but we pray in the name of Jesus Christ within our God-given problems and meetings.  How do I pray? So that God works.  As evidence that God is with me in that meeting, God gives me His Word and as the Holy Spirit works, I overcome my fears.  If I meet with a business partner, I pray so God gives me wisdom.  This is what it takes to go into the field of “nobody” and to change it into the field of “everybody.” 

You must go where nobody else will go and start in that empty place.  When you say, “I’m going to save people,” Pray for each other, don’t just sit there.  I’m weak, of course, but the Lord is not weak. If God works, it’s okay.  I hope you have these thoughts. Just refer to people’s words, but go where people say it will not work and stake your studies on a place where nobody is established.  You can’t make any money where people are already established.  If you go to the place where everyone says it won’t work out, you’ll be lost.

How thankful should we be?  If there is someone who doesn’t understand, no matter what you say, it doesn’t matter because God works according to His time.  Every week until Jesus’ second coming, that’s why He told the servants of the Lord to stake your life. You can’t stake your life; you might be able to do this for a day or two, but instead, you have to change your life and have continuation through your businesses.  God is giving this to you so you can do it, so your thoughts are so important.

Hold to the Word of God.  You might think world evangelization is impossible because you can’t even persuade one person.  I can’t do anything amazing, I can’t even follow Bill Gates, but God has prepared something for you for world evangelization, so I pray that the remnants will pray for Temple Construction while holding to the covenant. You don’t know when the answers will come, but God will take care of that. Just do whatever He tells you while you’re young, and that’s how you prepare.  If the church doesn’t have Temple Construction, God doesn’t have to work upon us financially.  But because this is the work of God, the remnants must participate in Temple Construction.  It is not about the money, it is about the covenant. 

Your life must be within this, and you may not know when the problems or answers will come, you don’t know what will happen, but this is something that must happen within the next few years, so I’m sure God will work in this.  Just pray holding onto the covenant. Give your studies up to God.  You don’t know how God will use your studies, but no matter how much you study, if God doesn’t open the doors for you, your way will be blocked.  If you think you only have to prepare your skills, it doesn’t matter.  Everyone has the abilities and can go, but that’s not enough; God must open the door for you, because through that covenant, God will receive that glory.

I want the remnants to build this faith up from the foundation.  When I tell you to pray 24 hours, you don’t know why you have to do that.  “Ask anything in My name.”  24 hours for us, then the works of 25 will happen according to the Time Schedule, and these turn into the works of eternity that will save lives.  Those who have retired must pray.  God has made it so you do nothing else; hold onto the Word and pray and deliver the Word. That is your mission, but if you don’t know that, you’re always wandering.  If you pray, God works. 

May that blessing be upon your week and upon your life.  Even if this doesn’t take place right now, by praying in the name of Jesus Christ, even if nothing is happening right now, just by praying for LA or America, it will change eventually within God’s absolute time schedule. That’s what we believe.  You do your regional churches, why?  You do your regional churches with the mission to save that field. Without that mission, you don’t have to go to your regional church. 

If you’re only worried about your relationship with God, whenever you face a problem, you’ll fall into that problem along with financial problems.  You only remain at the level of me and God, then you can just hold onto what it takes.  God doesn’t give you money because you won’t spend it on regional evangelism.  God will just give you barely enough money.

Your region also refers to your specialty, and God has sent you to save that specialty.  If you don’t have that mission, God has no reason to give you the Word. The Kingdom of God is where God is working, but if it’s only between you and God, you’ll remain at that level. It’s time for you to overcome that to stake your life on saving your family line and region.  Challenge towards that and pray for that, you meet with them and pray for them.  Without that, you’ll just live there and then die. 

If a policeman receives a salary and only gives out traffic tickets, why would the government support that policeman?  The government gives them authority, weapons, and that position to deal with emergencies and disasters. If you don’t know this word, you’ll live like that, and it’s the same for the remnants. It’s not just your studies; it doesn’t move God. 

Ask yourself, “Am I a believer? If I live like a unbeliever, it doesn’t matter, I am spiritually dying.”  Because you don’t have spiritual strength, Satan is working and you cannot overcome.  Satan works through the family line, and you need to put that in prayer.  Without knowing the Word, you hold onto and get lost in your worries. 

If you can’t hold onto the Word, that’s why the church exists.  Is there any difference between you and an unbeliever? If God’s Word doesn’t go in, then you’ll have something else go in, and you won’t have strength to have the Word of God and you’ll go the same path as your parents.  When you get married, your children will be like you, having no spiritual strength.  Change this while you’re young. 

“I have to do volunteer work to go to college,” then don’t volunteer.  Are you not confident? You can go to college without volunteering.  Choose the Word.  All you have to do is hold onto the Word and pray.  If you face this kind of dilemma, choose the Word. If you’re always choosing this or that, then you’re living the life of a unbeliever.  This culture is so fascinating.  Nowadays, the Young Adults are spending all their Saturdays in church.  Before, we had to drag them, and they would listen to hip hop.  But now, they confess, “When I talk to somebody, I only relay God’s Word.”

The reason why you watch the news is so that you can know what unbelievers are thinking.  Studies you do at school are the basics, it’s nothing.  It’s not a doctorate degree.  But when you become a doctor, it becomes your real studies.  The studies you do in your work field are to get to your parents’ level.  Your parents may be lacking, but they are raising you based on their experience.  I just pray in the name of Jesus Christ and God will work.  When she disobeys, I cast out the evil spirits working in her and pray for her for the filling of the Holy Spirit.

I know why she is disobedient, so I pray for her, and I tell her to memorize Bible verses from Leviticus.  Regardless, she must be disciplined in the Word; there is no other method, and God is doing it.  No reason to be disappointed in yourself, but pray for yourself.  Does God not have that power? Ask for anything in Jesus’ name, and everything will change.  Do not stand on the side of the problem, but stand on the side that solves that problem.  … That is the standard. We need these standards to revive the field.

It is impossible to do Temple Construction unless God works. If you are calculating, you must always save money, but things are changing now that God’s grace has gone into you. Even the people who are worried about getting married and moving out, God’s grace comes upon them and they change. It doesn’t matter if you pray or whatever, God will allow you to get married, but one day, God will move your environment.  As you keep praying for them, your heart will change. Nothing is a problem. May you have this blessing.


God, we thank You.  Allow us to receive the evidence that you are the one who is working through the ones who pray in the name of Jesus Christ. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.

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