Does God Truly Exist?

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Does God Truly Exist?

Does God Truly Exist?

  1. The lives of atheists
  2. What the rich man had and what he failed to have
  3. What the beggar Lazarus had and what he did not have
  • The root problem underlying all problems
  • Two characteristics of sin
  • What is ‘original sin ‘ ?
  • The end result of atheists
  • Jn 8:44
  • Eph 2:1
  • Eph 2:2
  • Rom 6:23
  • The way to know God
  • Jn 3:16
  • Jn 1:12
  • Rev 3:20
  • Jn 3:3-5
  • Ac 1:4-8
  • Ac 2:1-13
  • 1 Jn 2:20-27
  • The reason why people who have received salvation wander
  • Answers to their prayers come later than expected.
  • Because they disobey God, they are not able to be led by the Holy Spirit.
  • They do not pray continually, and therefore, cannot be filled with the Holy Spirit
  • Salvation (Holy Spirit) and assurance (Filling of the Holy Spirit)

Hebrews 11:1-6. I’ll share with you the message, titled. Does God truly exist,

Up through the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about healing, but today we want to talk about whether God exists. In other words, we need to receive healing regarding the aspects of our unbelief. I believe in Jesus Christ, and become a child of God, then all of my problems are finished.

And because from that point on, everything is finished.

I need to believe.

If everything is over, but I don’t believe in it. Then I’m going to fall into unbelief.

And that’s why all the problems in my field are from my unbelief.

Honestly, regardless of what the problem is, it should not be a problem for us.

But I as an individual continue to say that it is a problem. And that’s why I continue to fall into them.

People who are more experienced than other people will always talk about the problems. They might be correct, but they will be suffering under a spiritual problem. And the rest of their lives are going to be stuck in problems.

The Lord has solved all problems on the cross. But I claim that not all the problems are finished.

If you ask them, they will say that Jesus Christ died on the cross and they don’t have any problems, but in reality they do face these problems.

Most people fall into problems when they talk about things that are right.

If they talk about problems, then it would be easy to distinguish what is a problem but they talk about the things that are correct.

However, if they’re correct thoughts come from a place of unbelief. What do you think will happen to their lives.

The words that people think are correct, are unnecessary.

However, if you keep talking about problems in your life.

You can’t break free from this have assurance that Christ finished all the problems on the cross.

You must have faith.

One, non believer, you call somebody who does not believe a non believer.

If somebody has a little bit of faith you say that they have small faith.

Or there are people who are into shamanism and mysticism,

or people who are very radicalized. You know there’s a variety of faiths.

If you have no faith, you will believe in yourself.

People who say incorrect words are correct, then maybe they have small faith.

They are not able to believe very well but they believe a little.

And then there are people who do believe. And then there are religious fanatics.

2. Psalm 14:1

It says that the fool says in his heart. There is no God.

They might not say it with their mouth, but they believe this in their hearts believers will never say that there is no god but whenever they face the problem. that’s when this unbelief comes up. They may never say it out loud with their mouth, but whenever we talk about tempo construction they’ll say oh that is too hard,

are the words that they hold on to are correct. And according to their mind they think about whether something is or is not possible. I’ll never say this out loud in their with their mouths.

Even though a person graduates from Harvard. God may see them as foolish.

Even though they may have success in the world, God will see them as foolish.

They know they may not say this out loud, but in their hearts.

They say that there is no God and they are living their lives like fools.

If God says he is going to do something, then there is no problem. The important factor is whether it comes from God’s Word or not.

Doesn’t matter if something is correct or not. But what does matter is if it comes from God’s word, or not. And that is why we have to look at God’s word and confirm. Because if it is from God’s word. Then, even if I have no experience.

Even if my heart doesn’t think that something is possible. I still challenge towards it. And God reveals all his mysteries through people who understand and believe this.

The Israelites kept getting captured. They were slaves they were colonized.

So, these people were barely able to restore their faith. But, when was it when they were suffering, otherwise they wouldn’t believe.

Only at the point where their family was completely destroyed. That’s when they turned to God and everything was restored.

Even the non believers may come to church. If you fall into disbelief once, then you will fall into a pit of disbelief. And then it will be hard to pull you out.

Because that center is me.

You fall into your thoughts of disbelief and you’ll think, Oh, this is impossible. and you’ll think that you’re too old

for. In order for you to receive healing through the gospel and prayer.

And in order to relay the gospel into the field. It just requires that you believe you have to believe, but we have a physical body and we have eyes that can see but we don’t believe in this God who is invisible.

Number one, atheists.

There are stories of atheists in the Bible, for example, the rich man and Lazarus.

Lazarus was a beggar, and a beggar has no money, power or authority. But the words that came out of the rich man were words of disbelief.

You know they’ll sound better than poor person and people will listen to a rich man’s words.

And people listen to rich people because they have power, strength and status.

However, for one thing that the rich person does not have is God.

People like this may have money, and they may party every day, but they will not have true happiness.

If you have everything, then you’ll be okay but these people did not have true joy.

They are surrounded by friends because they have a lot of money but none of those people are real friends, these fake friends gather around because of your money not because of you.

And so that’s why these friends, stay by his side when things are going well but when things don’t go well, they will run away, because ultimately these fake friends don’t like the person they like the money.

This person does not have any real hope.

They have everything that they want but how are they going to live from now on. They have nothing to look forward to.


Everyone in the whole world he so because he’s surrounded by fake friends and he has no hope or money.

It’s the same. When you look at political parties.

You see that one person is successful so everyone flocks around that candidate.

People who are non believers will look for influence and power, but if they don’t have that they will fall.

So look at this rich man he had everything. But he didn’t have any real friends.

In fact, he was stabbed by his friends.

Every day he would try to exert his own power but he did not have real strength,

the beggar Lazarus, did not have any of this.

However, he had God. He did not have money or power or authority.

We call the rich men and atheist, but there are many people who are just like the rich man, even though they call themselves Christian.

If somebody is really holding on to the covenant, they will have true strength.

That means they have the real things that the non believers do not have.

Number two, problem, fundamental Romans 3:23.

The real problem is sin, we call sin and sins as a different problem. When we talk about sin, we’re talking about Original Sin. Original Sin is what happens when we are fundamentally separated from God.

That has nothing to do with my actions, but it is talking about this invisible spiritual reality where I am always trying to depart from God.

If we have even though we have received salvation. We still struggle with the sin.

We always have the inner nature that wants to depart from God.

Then we talk about consequential sins that you commit because of your spiritual state.

The Original Sin is something that is invisible to your eyes but the consequential sins are the ones that you can see with your eyes, and all together, we call this sin.

What is the conclusion, or result for atheists who do not believe in God. Number three.

The result of them, not believing in God is like john 844, where, because they do not believe in God. They are children of the devil. Even though they might not believe in the devil, they follow him.

As a result of not believing in God, they will have no choice but to worship and follow other religions. And that is why the religions are so abundant, even now people are following ways that the people of the world are talking about.

And the result of that is in Ephesians chapter two verses one.

People are spiritually dead.

As a result, in verses, two, and three, They are under the control of the ruler of the kingdom of the air.

Because they are in this state, the ruler of the kingdom of the air who is the devil is controlling them. Romans chapter six, verse, 23 tells us that the wages of sin is death. And people are suffering from hell. First you suffer on earth, and then you suffer eternally in hell. People may come to church. But if they’ve waver back and forth. Then they suffer, while being here on Earth.

As a result of this kind of life. They continue to suffer. But all their words may be accurate and correct, but all their work, words do not have God.

For non believers of this world are very smart. And according to the world. They are very correct, but the Bible tells us that they are foolish. Their words may be correct but God is not present.

That means they are standing against God. of course, they may even go to church.

However, you need to have the faith that no matter what circumstance or problem you face. God can overcome it. It is a faith where you need to be able to look at the pandemic and recognize that it is not just an opportunity to fail, but that it is given by God. Are you a person within God’s grace, or not. Because things like this are happening. The churches in America are being confused. It’s an age of confusion. Because people don’t have any faith, originally, they don’t come to church. And now, even though you can go to church. They aren’t going anymore.

Therefore, we should follow the rules but what is more important is what is in your heart. If God is in your hearts, you will be victorious in worship with your families as well. But if somebody does not have faith, and they’re only talking about words that are correct, then they will continue to suffer, and that is hell.

Because that kind of person who worships at home will be able to mature in their faith. They can’t solve it by having friends over.

Even if you drink alcohol every day, that is not going to solve your problems, even if you move out. that is not going to solve your problems. You might move someplace because you pay less taxes there, but when you move there, there will be even more problems. You may move to Korea, because you’ve heard that it’s good to live there. But problems will come up as well. In America, if you don’t have money, you might get depressed and commit suicide. But if you don’t have money in Korea, and you die, because in America, the weather is nice. So, you can still survive on the streets, but in Korea. If you have nothing you die. That’s why Korea is so affluence. We look at things like that. And

realize that that is why it’s so easy to commit suicide in Korea. Everything is comfortable in Korea. But if you don’t have any money, then you will want to commit suicide and die. At least in America we have a strong system of social welfare and Korea does not have that. What I am saying is that you will have problems, no matter where you go.

Number four, what is the way for us to know God

John chapter three verse, 16 says that whoever believes in Jesus Christ, shall not perish but have eternal life. God sent His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. There is a time schedule for you to know, and a time schedule for you to believe, but more than just knowing all of this. You have to believe in the fact that Jesus Christ truly solved all the problems on the cross, in order to overcome every single one of your circumstances. The result of your faith is in Revelation chapter three verse 20, where the kingdom of God is in my heart. Jesus now lives within me and I live in him. The fourth way to meet God is. Romans chapter three verses three and five. The Holy Spirit is even now working. It is not just about knowing this, somebody who knows his.

Just like someone who doesn’t believe even nonbelievers know about God. But do they believe Regardless of whether somebody goes to church or not Do they believe The Holy Spirit is working at that time. Acts chapter one, verses four through eight tells us that the Holy Spirit is working in us, even now. Even now, when we close our eyes. The Holy Spirit is working.

You read Acts 2:1-13, it talks about what happens when the Holy Spirit comes upon people in power, fat, working of the Spirit of God is turned into evidence in Acts chapter two. On the day of Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit, worked upon the disciples and the works and miracles arose and marks upper room.

As the Word of God was fulfilled the doors of ever. The doors of evangelism opened as evidence of the working of the Holy Spirit. And first john chapter one, verses 22:27.

Because the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God he works upon us with the wisdom of God.

And the way for us to serve God is to serve other people. Number five.

Why do people wander, even though they have salvation.

Some people are wandering because their prayer, are answered too slowly. I don’t know what your individual prayer topics are. If you think about it, there might not be something wrong but in that moment you’ll might fall into a problem. Why do I say that even a person with an incorrect prayer topic is okay because God will work through it. But in that moment, it is not okay. And if a person has an incorrect prayer topic, it will bring problems to them. They may be praying, according to their own dreams, but God will not answer. God does not work, according to your own desires. Your prayers may be floating around at the level of the clouds but that will never reach God. Even if you listen to the words of God given through the church, you will always receive answers to prayer. There are characteristics of those who are always wandering. First, they don’t believe. Most people don’t receive answers because they do not believe they will receive any answers. Even if they do pray, they will pray according to their greed or ambition, and this will be revealed.

People are living religious lives. What is a religious life. They a bargain with God, they tell God, what they are going to do and they ask God to do something in return. If you are approaching God with your own calculations. Then, when God doesn’t work, according to your calculations, you will fall into despair.

But why is it that you cannot hold on to a prayer topic that comes through the word given in the church. Because you have some ambition and your thoughts are as high as the clouds. You have to hold on to the word that God has given you and if you pray according to that word, then you will receive answers. There are people who receive answers every week. But it means that people who don’t receive answers, have their thoughts up in the clouds and that is why God tells us to not hold on to incorrect prayer topics. The second thing that causes them to wander is that they have disobeyed God, so they will be subject to evil spirits. God gives them the word, but they don’t obey so they cannot be led by the word. For example, let’s say, God gives the word to take care of the remnants, but you hold on to the word to become more renowned through your business. Just because you’re raising remnants does not mean you will be successful in your business.

You need to devote to raising the reminisced and evangelists,

but I am saying this because you’re holding on to something else and living according to that. You may follow the word, a little bit, but because it is not your everything God does not answer.

Most people have issues with this. You have to completely submit to God and faith. You may follow the word, a little bit, but because it is not your everything God does not answer.

Most people have issues with this. You have to completely submit to God and faith. You don’t have to be responsible for your own life as long as you believe God will take care of you. God is perfect and complete but you don’t need him. You don’t have to be responsible for your own life as long as you believe God will take care of you. God is perfect and complete but you don’t need him.

So, that is why you continue to prepare things on your own and try to live confidently. But God will break down that unbelief. So that is why you need God’s grace every day. You need to spend the rest of your life for God. What do you need to do for yourself.

If God says he is going to use you then he will give you power. So you have to go all in.

There is nothing for you to hold back. There have been some people have businesses, and some do not. But regardless, your life belongs to God. Now, what does that mean. Even so, we can’t give 100%. We can believe 100% in faith. And when that is restored, then everything is restored.

Third, there are some people who just don’t pray at all anymore.

If you are not able to ride the spiritual flow of God’s word, then you will become very weak.

And that person needs the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Some people say, Pastor I know how to pray, but it doesn’t come out.

You don’t pray with your body. More than saying that your body is weak and you cannot pray. There’s something wrong with your spirit. Some people may be very physically weak, but they will still say. Hallelujah. It means that you are spiritual flow has been cut off and must be restored.

That is why salvation and the filling of the Holy Spirit are so important. Even believers who have salvation, or wandering because they do not have assurance, and they do not know what to do. They are saying that they don’t have a mission. Are you trying to get a career in the White House. Why are you so concerned about your mission. Are you trying to get a career in the White House. Why are you so concerned about your mission. Are you trying to start an enterprise like Google Why are you holding on to a vision like that. People think, oh, not something like that. But you have a mission for your family, you need to raise your kids. Well, What will happen if you do not take care of your family, you are losing hold of the most important and basic mission.

Some people feel resentful about their job.

Oh, I have to do that. What about your mission. What were you born to do with that.

Whatever God has given you that is your mission. But you are not satisfied. You’re holding on to a dream or mission that is not given by God.

Why does God put people into retirement. So they have time to pray.

But because you’re not holding on to your mission, you’ll wonder what your mission is.

If God has given you the opportunity you can come to church all day long and pray. It’s the perfect opportunity. It is the place where you live. Don’t just pray once or twice for church construction but pray every day.

If a member of the family says they are going to run out of the house. The most important thing is, if God is given them a mission.

You need to hold on to. The most important thing. But if you are holding on to something that is full of hot air, until you are broken down you are going to suffer. If God is alive, you hold on to that and go forward. And that is where God will work, and guide you. And that is what the filling of the Holy Spirit can do.

We have our mission that we need to do every day but instead of doing that we run off and do something else. The most basic and common sense thing is your mission. But you’re wandering off, holding on to something else you need to pray 24 hours about your mission.

Because you’re looking down on and laughing at what God has given to you. You need to have faith, regarding your mission.

You may have kids. So, it is the greatest mission to relay the gospel to your kids.

As you can invite your kids friends to come over and you proclaim the gospel to them. Even if you don’t have kids, then there are kids at church, the end the evangelism doors are right here.

If you use the evangelism doors that are already at church that is plenty. If you pray about the schools, just down the street. That is enough. But you’re not able to see that. And that is why you lose hold of these prayer topics that have been given from God. We are looking at the Word of God with the topic of whether God truly exists. Of course, you need to do great work, but your greatest work is the smallest thing. Even with the greatest superpower nation. They would crumble with the smallest thing. Whenever you look at a generation that crumbles. It is not because some great thing happens but the small things cause them to crumble.

I keep talking about aged people because we have people who are approaching the retirement age.

Attending worship at church is your mission. Isn’t that right, there is nothing else, you have to do but worship. Come to early morning prayer Isn’t that right, pray for the church. That is why God has not given you a job in the world so that you can come and pray.

Even just doing that is an incredible mission, for that mission God will give you the filling of the Holy Spirit.

Of course, you must have this as your basis.

Before you go out into the field.

At some point, we will go overseas for missions, and we have to raise up remnant University. We have never commissioned out missionaries because Jesus Christ said to make disciples of all nations. And then with that faith, we gather in worship.

Finally, Hebrews, 11, six. Faith is evidence in what we hope for. It is something you hope for. It is not a conclusion, but it is your reality and evidence of what we do not see.

Therefore, faith is hope in something real. And there is also evidence, and it is inevitable.

God promises us with His Word. So even if we do not see it yet and do not have evidence for it yet. We believe in God’s word. The faith of one person can save the church, save the nation, and your entire family background. Why, because God works through His Word. However, if somebody is correct, but comes from their spiritual problems, then they will die and their family will die.

Even though you may be old. You must think of yourself as young.

We had a funeral service for missionary Park, who was 79, years old and had passed away. Her children, gave that testimony of her life. And they witnessed the power of God in her life. So you do not even need to witness anything, your children will witness it. And because I know her family, I saw and witnessed myself.

Even in their elderly age. They went to India and raised many disciples there, and their liveswere so powerful. Nobody here is over 79, except maybe one or two people.  You guys can do missions to India, which means that you are young and healthy. Missionary Park, went to India and learned the Indian dialects, to proclaim the gospel there. Missionary Park, went to India and learned the Indian dialects, to proclaim the gospel there. She was researching and studying, even at an elderly age. And so the missionaries kids were able to testify of her life. You have to stay within the line of God’s covenant, and remain within that. God has blessed me so that I can go to the beach and do deep breathing and prayer.

And when it’s cool I can go into the water to swim and mind when I send a picture to my pastor, friends, they asked me if I am a pastor or swimming athlete. I do this because when I reached the age of 50, I saw myself shriveling up. So I bought some benchpress equipment, so I could work out at home.

And I bought some barbells to lift weights.

I realize that now that my physical body is shriveling up I have to keep exercising, to be fit.

The moment I was very shocked, was when pastor Chung Hoon Drew.

I saw him and realized that even though he’s much older than me. He seemed much younger.

And now it’s gotten to the point where I take cold showers in the morning, because everything has been shriveling up since the beginning of the pandemic.

We challenge ourselves spiritually but we challenge ourselves physically as well, so that we can take care of ourselves, physically, God told you to take care of your physical body.

If you do not pray then your physical body will not be healthy. If you pray, then God will give you the wisdom for you to take care of your physical body.

So no matter what situation you are in now, God is with you.

I hope that this may be a time where you are able to restore everything and break through your unbelief and hold on to the Word of God, prayer. God we thank you. We pray that we will receive healing through the healing evangelism school.

I pray that you will help us to live the life of an evangelist, so that we can enjoy the blessings of the word prayer and evangelism. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray. Amen.


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