Prayer and Healing (Acts 16:16-18)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prayer and Healing (Acts 16:16-18)

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

When we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit works and healing arises.  People who are able to continuously pray are able to receive continuous healing in all their incorrect thoughts and ways, then the most important prayer is the one made in the name of Jesus Christ, because then the Triune God works.

Introduction – 3 Diseases – Diseases of the Soul (Spirit), Mind, and Body

There are many visible and invisible mental illnesses in the world.  People say, “I’m glad you were able to completely recover through surgery,” so they only look at physical healing. But surgeons cannot cut out spiritual diseases, so you need to see these three things together. 

Cancer, Neural Pain, Diabetes

Speaking of physical diseases, we cannot even cure cancer completely.  It is difficult to heal longstanding diseases, that’s why many people pass away from cancer.  People get diabetes and other illnesses.

  1. Process
    1) Nervous System.  When our nervous system becomes weak, we become susceptible to disease.  For example, if your mind is relatively strong, you can overcome diseases, but some people are very sensitive in their minds, and it means they are weak.  If someone is not sensitive to environmental factors, it means they are strong.

    2) Spine, Brain, Thoughts, Emotions.  The spine goes down your body and your nerves go from the brain through the spine and gets connected to the organs and the rest of your body.  The brain is also connected to your thoughts and emotions, and although you may have a strong mind, your spirit may still be weak. 

    3) Soul.  If you maintain your physical body well, you will be healthy until God calls you.  Most people pass away in their seventies or eighties, and some make it to their nineties, but our lives are fleeting and momentary. You have to know the cause of these diseases and relay that knowledge to others.  If you have faith, even your mind itself will not be shaken.
  2. Spirit of Confusion – Holy Spirit.  Satan gives you a spirit of confusion.  Do all mental diseases come from the devil? No. If there is another root cause, you have to heal that, and you must express this clearly in the field.  Not every disease is due to demon-possession. If there is another root cause for the disease, find the solution from the world; however, most mental diseases are related to Satan and the devil.  Spiritual diseases, like the spirit of confusion, are from Satan and demons, and so healing is impossible unless it is by the Holy Spirit, and people don’t know this.  Many people do not know why they are diseased. 
    1) Disease of the Heart – Control.  If you can control things with your heart and your desires, it wouldn’t be a disease. The fact that your mind is diseased means that it is beyond your control; you are externally controlled by demons.
    2) Disasters, Discord, Failure – Spiritual Disease. These are spiritual diseases.  If you look carefully, you will see this, but by working diligently, you will not see this. If you go as a missionary to save lives, you will see this, because depending your interest, you will see things differently.  If you go into your field with an interest in saving lives, you will be able to see no matter what.  Without knowing this, it means you have no interest whatsoever; your interest is elsewhere. Everyone is putting their interest in physical things.  You should be able to explain this correctly. 

Comedians commit suicide; they may die even while smiling.  They don’t expose what is inside of them, that’s what makes them elite, and they’re great at controlling themselves, so they never express what’s going on internally.  When they express their loneliness, people get confused because they’re friendly, smart, and successful.  People only look on the surface level, so if there is just one person who has that interest of being a missionary, you can save them. You can’t see this just by going to church. 

Everybody wants to be more popular and they may say the same things, “I’m going to be famous for God,” but that’s nonsense.  “Later on, I’ll give glory to God,” but at that time, you won’t be able to glorify God.  It’s just like a businessperson who says, “I’ll give glory to God when I’m rich and famous.” It doesn’t work; you need to glorify God now.  The characteristic of someone who cannot study is procrastination, but it’s because they don’t have the strength to do it today.  In this field, at this time, give glory to God so that Christ’s name can be proclaimed.  If you just go around saying, “Jesus, Jesus,” people will call you crazy. When nonbelievers have these diseases, you can glorify God by explaining this in the name of Jesus Christ, but because you cannot see these diseases, you cannot see Jesus Christ.

You must see people accurately.  If you look very carefully, you will see that everyone needs Christ.  If you want to look at them carefully, you must put a lot of value there so they can see. You have to put “saving lives” as your number one priority, and that is why we are told to seek His Kingdom and righteousness first, then all these things shall be given to you as well.  A close Christian friend would be able to help that comedian and share their testimony to bring healing to that comedian.  Because we cannot express what’s going on internally, we fall into despair; these things aren’t published in books. 

Don’t just keep talking about Jesus.  For unbelievers, it doesn’t make sense. You have to tell them about Jesus Christ and see the problem accurately. Of course they won’t open their hearts to you, but let’s say someone is suffering a lot from their mental disease and cannot express it a lot.  The more they are elite, the more they do this. Because they have such a strong pride, they cannot truly express themselves.  Even if they know some hope, they won’t fall into despair, but why aren’t Christians proclaiming the gospel?  It’s because we don’t know the different kinds of diseases, so you have to see accurately.

See the patterns.  Even good businesspeople can recognize patterns, that’s why they can make money.  If you try to see and pray, God will open your eyes. I pray for you. As you see and listen and pray, you can see the Truth.  You just say one word to me, but I keep all those words in my heart so I can interpret your family line as well.  That’s because I’m interested in this; that’s all I’m looking for, and it’s the same in your field.  Look at others with interest, and you will be able to see.  People will talk about their relatives and siblings, and by analyzing those words, you’ll be able to see, but if you cannot see the different diseases, you can’t speak about Jesus out loud.

When you really see these problems, Christ will rightfully be brought up.  In order for you to change your field, you must first be a missionary. Until then, you cannot see, and one day, this person will die and you’ll waste your life with a guilty conscience; you’ll never be able to change the field.  God gave us that job so we can save others, but you’re not able to save. Then, unbelievers see the Christians as useless and detrimental like pollution.  People only think they need God when they face a problem, and that’s when we give them Christ, so take all the unbelievers around you, document their actions and words.

Even when you do business, you do customer analysis and maintain good relationships with your clients.  Even if you sell a car, you have to maintain that relationship and ask them if their car needs servicing.  Then, you tell them in advance, “After three years, you’ll have this issue,” and you tell them everything, even how to save money on maintenance.  Those are good businesspeople, but somebody who wants to just sell cars and end it at that will not follow up. 

If people aren’t approaching you, it’s because they think that you are a liability and they will lose something.  If someone is cold, why would you approach them?  Even if someone charges a bit more money, if you feel more comfortable around that person, you’ll be happier.  “You mentioned you were having issues with your kids, how are they doing?” When you ask that one simple question, they will realize, “This is no ordinary salesperson.” It’s different.  We do this to proclaim the gospel, isn’t that right?


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