Prayer and Healing

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

Prayer and Healing

Then, a person is going to wonder, what are the spiritual things you’re talking about, because this person has never heard of the spiritual topics. They’ve wandered around their entire life with the spiritual problems. It’s the same for anybody who doesn’t know about the spiritual things. Even if you don’t have some kind of physical disease. There are people with mental or emotional diseases. And those people are always suffering in th You need to have faith, because the spiritual problems are invisible and can only be solved by faith.

In order for you to have spiritual healing. You need to have faith, because the spiritual problems are invisible and can only be solved by faith. It’s good for you to know. However, you need to have faith in order for healing to take place. If you look at James chapter five, it says that the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well. And the Lord will raise him up.So what.what kind of faith is this talking about. It is the faith that when you believe in Jesus Christ you become a child of God. And in the name of Jesus Christ.

So, bartimaeus, cries out to Jesus asking for healing and Jesus says, Your faith has healed you. The next thing is that there will be some works that happen. When you believe in Jesus Christ you need to hold on to him firmly. That is first john chapter one verse two, and that is the correct kind of faith. It says that the one who believes in Jesus name. Because if you receive Jesus Christ, that means you hold on to him with their heart.

Now, when you accept Jesus Christ. There are three things that will change.

You started being a child of the devil. But now, you’re a child of God. It’s an incredible thing but it’s invisible to our eyes. And now that you belong to God you are somebody, whom God works upon.

If you have the strength, then a lot of things will happen.

The same for you as well. Even if you have problems you are trying to solve. You need to first confirm your spiritual identity. And when you do that, you will have spiritual strength.

Then there’s also

diseases from your physical and mental state but they change when you become a child of God.

Before, when you were a child of the devil. You were following the devil because of what was in your hearts. In other words, because of your heart’s desire, you were apart from God.

But now that you have become God’s servant, your heart will follow his desire

That means you have received healing of your heart.

There is no amount of money that could pay for healing for your heart,

your identity changes. You are no longer following after sin and Satan but you’re following after God.

And that is why that is all healed.

When you are now living a life being led by the Holy Spirit. So that changes your entire life style.

If you look at Galatians 518.

It says that

If you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.

It means your spiritual identity changes.

You say with your mouth in your words that you follow the Spirit of God. However, there are things that you are holding on to firmly. But where do those things come from. Those are the thoughts that were imprinted in you. In the past, back when you were a slave to Satan, and because you are holding on to that old pattern of life. There is no way for you to be led by the Holy Spirit. So in order for you to be led by the Holy Spirit. You must recognize that there is no hope for you.

You have to acknowledge and recognize that all your thoughts and everything that you do is leading you to be separated from God. And you have to let that go. And if you want to heal, somebody else, you must help them to do this as well, of course, to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You can do it through the word and prayer. And in order to follow the Word of God. How can you do that if your thoughts are always in conflict with the word, question mark. In this moment. If you look at the message you received on Sunday, you can know whether you’re following the word, or if you are following your own life. But there are people who don’t even remember the message on Sunday, then how are you going to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit. So that is why change in your life does not occur. If you do not receive the guidance of the word. you are going to have many things from your past.

But those who have received the Holy Spirit will change. And you need to hold on to the strength that comes through prayer. If you have that, then rightfully, you will follow the Lord. But how can you heal people. You need to give them spiritual food. first. No matter what disease they have. They of course need help from doctors. But first, they need spiritual healing. It’s true for diseases like addiction as well.

Well, how could you share something like that if they’re already addicted. If somebody is addicted and you tell them, oh just don’t be addicted. How is that going to solve their problem. You can’t argue with them, whether they are addicted or not. This is a problem that is deep within them.

That is why you need to have the words of life and the gospel to continue to be healed. Without this, you can’t pray, and people who are under this problem, can’t pray, even if you told them to. So, the way for prayer for these people is for them to listen to the Word of God, continuously. There are some people who close their eyes and are unable to pray. So I hope that they can listen to this message. Because the fact that you are not able to pray on your own, means that you need a severe treatment. It means you need to have that external sense of the word of God. Just as a newborn baby is not able to make food for themselves they receive food from their mom. And only when they have matured, can they make their own food, but these kinds of people are not able to pray at all so that means they do not know the deep spiritual things. So, the most comfortable thing that people do not like, especially if they do not study well, it is that they do not enjoy writing. There are some people who study a lot. And so they enjoy writing, and their problem is that they write too much.

And some students say, Pastor, I have been writing since I was young. You tell me to write to too much. So you yourselves, do not have physical diseases. But if you don’t have spiritual strength, your life will still crumble. So for example, If at school your teachers are very strange. For example, if you think I have to drink alcohol, then your life will be very strange.

Even though everybody makes fun of them on the outside. Some people have a lot of pride. That is their disease as well. The devil knows that problem well. So he keeps touching that to make you go into the opposite direction on purpose. Even if somebody tells you a word that is incorrect. You will go in the opposite direction and fight. That is a disease. And that is what will cause your destruction, because you are not receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You think, Oh, do you know who I am.

You don’t accept things because they hurt your pride. So there are these invisible diseases that we have within us. The Holy Spirit of God works upon us through the word and prayer. The fourth part of spiritual healing. It is because the fundamental problems are healed. You cannot heal original sin by your own effort. We can only be freed, because Jesus Christ died on the cross, and took all of our curses and disasters on our behalf. And because he has died. We are able to let go of all of our heavy burdens that we hold inside.

Otherwise, we have no choice but to follow idols and to bow down and to give money. The reason why people give money to idolatrous temples, is because they really want something. But the churches should not be like that. People think if I give a lot of offering I will have many kids, but that’s not how it works. There are so many offering baskets at the temples. If you want to start a business and be successful. They have an offering basket for that.

If you go to my hometown in Korea. There is a large statue of a Buddha, with a rock on their head. So this building was created, a long time ago. And it takes about an hour to walk to the top of the temple of people walk up there with their palms up and pray the entire time. I’m sure there are many reasons why the people pray like this. For example, if some people are suffering from a disease, they will buy a candle and pray for healing for their disease or mothers will go there to beg for and pray for safety for their children.

I don’t know what all the diseases out there are, but there are various reasons why people pray. There are even people who go to idolatrous temples to pray because their children have run away and have not contacted them for many year.

However, the Bible tells you that all of you who are weary and burdened must go to Jesus. Jesus will give you rest. This word must be relayed to the field

you yourselves, when you go in front of Jesus Christ, go before him and lay down everything before him. And that is what we call spiritual strength, and that is what you must relay in the field.

This is what must be relayed in the field. In order for you to stop curses and disasters. Then in Mark chapter three verses 13 through 15. Jesus says that the reason why he is with you is to the reason why he called you is to be with you. And to drive out demons and to heal diseases. The second main point. Many diseases will enter through the mind. Therefore, if your mind is healed. then that is everything. Everything will work out.

But what is this this spiritual mystery. Spirits of confusion work in people’s hearts and min

That means, your thoughts, may be correct, but your heart cannot be controlled. In your thoughts, you want to pray, but your heart doesn’t want to follow then, what are you going to do about it. Everybody wants to be rich, everybody wants to succeed. But what happens when your heart does not go in the direction of success. That’s what we call division between your mind and your heart. So you can consider your heart to be your spirits. How can you control your mind in the world, people have gone to the point of hypnosis and mind control. How can you strengthen your mind. The second or protecting your mind is like protecting the palace, like, a castle.

If you have a castle and somebody enters in. They can break it down. How does your life, break down your life breaks down when your mind is broken down. When the spirit of confusion. goes into your mind and confuses you. That’s why people say things like, Oh, I didn’t used to be like this. I, but they end up being like that person. That’s actually not true, because everybody has a natural state, where they are going against God

But then they meet this kind of person. And then that natural state comes out. And that is how Satan works. The spiritual confusion is mentioned a lot in the Bible. They of course need help from doctors. But first, they need spiritual healing. It’s true for diseases like addiction as well. Well, how could you share something like that if they’re already addicted. If somebody is addicted and you tell them, oh just don’t be addicted. How is that going to solve their problem. You can’t argue with them, whether they are addicted or not. This is a problem that is deep within them. That is why you need to have the words of life and the gospel to continue to be healed. Without this, you can’t pray, and people who are under this problem, can’t pray, even if you told them to. So, the way for prayer for these people is for them to listen to the Word of God, continuously. There are some people who close their eyes and are unable to pray.

 So I hope that they can listen to this message. Because the fact that you are not able to pray on your own, means that you need a severe treatment. It means you need to have that external sense of the word of God. Just as a newborn baby is not able to make food for themselves they receive food from their mom. And only when they have matured, can they make their own food, but these kinds of people are not able to pray at all so that means they do not know the deep spiritual things. So, the most comfortable thing that people do not like, especially if they do not study well, it is that they do not enjoy writing. There are some people who study a lot. And so they enjoy writing, and their problem is that they write too much. And some students say, Pastor, I have been writing since I was young. You tell me to write to too much. These people like to listen to things, because they like to play. So if they like writing, have them write the word of God, if they like to play have them listen to the Word of God. You need to help them so they can listen to write down and read the Word of God, so that it is okay. This is a time when you need to receive spiritual strength. This is not something that you can get, just by listening to a lecture. You need this time, so you can concentrate on God.

Even if it is for 30, or 40 minutes. When your spiritual state becomes empty and barren, you cannot even receive the Word of God, and you’re not able to pray at all. So, you keep saying the same words over and over, but you don’t have the spiritual words coming into you. And that’s what happens when you don’t have faith. So at this time. At the healing evangelism school. It is time for you to receive spiritual strength from God.

Even if you come once a week. It is hard to have this at home. Because there is no spiritual environment in your home. It’s okay if you have the spiritual strength to save your workplace. But if that doesn’t happen, then it means you do not have spiritual strength. So, for you to And do it at home. You must have incredible spiritual strength. But, it becomes so difficult to have continuation. So, we ourselves must receive new strength, every single day

are unable to have continuation. If you are hasty. It means that you are in the seat of God. And you ask God to do this or to give you that you listen to the words of the pastor a few times. And you try to put something into practice. But you fail and you’ll end up, stopping. These people are abundant in their physical motives,

their standards are not based on the Word of God, but it is based on their own plans and time schedule. So that’s where things go wrong. The people who are able to have continuation in the end, means that they have the correct kind of faith. And from that faith comes spiritual strength. So you yourselves, do not have physical diseases. But if you don’t have spiritual strength, your life will still crumble. So for example, If at school your teachers are very strange.

For example, if you think I have to drink alcohol, then your life will be very strange. Even though everybody makes fun of them on the outside

Some people have a lot of pride. That is their disease as well. The devil knows that problem well. So he keeps touching that to make you go into the opposite direction on purpose. Even if somebody tells you a word that is incorrect. You will go in the opposite direction and fight. That is a disease. And that is what will cause your destruction, because you are not receiving the guidance of the Holy Spirit. You think, Oh, do you know who I am. You don’t accept things because they hurt your pride. So there are these invisible diseases that we have within us. The Holy Spirit of God works upon u

It is because the fundamental problems are healed. You cannot heal original sin by your own effort. We can only be freed, because Jesus Christ died on the cross, and took all of our curses and disasters on our behalf. And because he has died. We are able to let go of all of our heavy burdens that we hold inside. Otherwise, we have no choice but to follow idols and to bow down and to give money. The reason why people give money to idolatrous temples, is because they really want something. But the churches should not be like that. People think if I give a lot of offering I will have many kids, but that’s not how it works. There are so many offering baskets at the temples. If you want to start a business and be successful. They have an offering basket for that.

The things I keep asking the remnants and implore the remnants is to have a system to receive spiritual strength that they can have for the rest of their lives. But it’s hard for us to understand, because we try to understand, spiritual things by looking at physical people. It doesn’t matter how successful you become. If an evil spirit comes into you. You have no hope. In other words, you need that strength. You need that healing. And this will continue.

Every day, always, what is the most important thing? There’s nothing more important than this. Nothing in the world is more important than receiving the spiritual strength of God through prayer. You are by nature objects of wrath, but because of your devotion and actions, you think you’re okay, but inside of you, there’s something that betrays the Lord.

If you do not know yourself, you cannot be humble. Worldly humility is not humility, they do not know who they are. If you did, you would confess as Paul did, that he was a sinner. How could he make that confession, that he was the foremost sinner? He recognized that it’s only by the grace of God.

Today the title is prayer and Healing, but if you do not know who you are, can you pray? You will pray like a Buddhist. You need to begin every single day with the Word of God to overcome yourself, and that is when healing follows. This is your normal state.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, quickly bow down before God, otherwise you will have confidence in yourself. So, every single day, receive strength from God. Without this, we have no hope. May you become a person like this.

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