The Commands of the Resurrected Jesus Christ (Luke 24:44-53)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Commands of the Resurrected Jesus Christ (Luke 24:44-53)

Let us bless one another; Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God.  I hope that the blessing of the resurrection may be upon all the families that are worshipping in their homes as well as all those who are gathered in the church today.  Through today’s worship, I hope you will restore the meaning and life in the faith of the resurrection, in other words, a life of recreation. 

The most important thing in a Christian person’s life is the death and resurrection of Christ on the cross.  The reason why we are not able to have faith and be saved is because we do not understand the meaning of Christ’s death on the cross and the resurrection, but the more you try to do other things, the more difficult your life becomes.  The Early Church only proclaimed the working of the Christ who bore the cross, resurrected, and was working upon them with the Spirit.  I hope that all of your faith which has become so complicated will become simplified through today’s worship on Resurrection Sunday. 

The reason why we chose Luke to be the main passage today is because, after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the people who were standing next to the resurrected Christ did not recognize Him, but once Jesus Christ began to interpret and explain the scriptures’ relation to the resurrection, the disciples understood.  After that, Jesus also told them about the works that will happen in the future.

The Bible is perfect.  If you have met the resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, then you will see what will happen in the future.  Just like the two disciples who did not recognize the resurrected Lord, if you do not understand the resurrection, then your life will continue to be confusing.  If you’re able to restore the life in the faith of the resurrection, you will experience the work that God is doing now and you will see what works God will do in the future.  That’s why the title of today’s service is, “The Command of the Resurrected Jesus Christ.”  “Command” means we have to do it, and it’s so important.  It means that God has given us this command, already having prepared all the blessings within it.  Even now, there are many congregation members who still have not experienced the resurrection.  They understand and believe in the death on the cross, but because they have not experienced the resurrection, it is very difficult for them to live their walk of faith. 


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  1. Died on the Cross

    1. Fulfillment of the Prophecy (1 Corinthians 15:3)

    2. Sub List Item 2

    3. Sub List Item 3

  2. Liste Item 2

    1. Sub List Item 1

    2. Sub List Item 2

  3. List Item 3.

So, before we talk about the resurrection, we must first explain the death on the cross.

    1. Fulfillment of the Prophecy (1 Corinthians 15:3)

    The death of Jesus Christ, it says in 1 Corinthians 15:3, was “according to the scriptures.”  He died for our sins.  2000 years ago, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He was actually fulfilling all the scriptures that said that Christ would die for our sins.  I will explain some of the other ways that Jesus Christ’s resurrection was according to the scriptures.

    When Jesus Christ resurrected, they stripped Him of His clothing to gamble for His clothes.  Shockingly enough, already in the Old Testament, in Psalm 22:18, it was already prophesized that this would happen, and you realize that this wasn’t just something that happened out of nowhere.  If you do not know the Word of God, then you would see the people casting lots for Jesus Christ’s clothing, and you would think that’s just part of life, but now that you know the Old Testament scripture prophesized this, you know it’s according to the Word.

    When Jesus Christ was given vinegar to quench His thirst, this was the fulfillment of the prophecy from Psalm 69:21.  The fact that Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross, pierced through his hand, and he was whipped and lashed for our sins was prophesized through Isaian 53:5-6.  Isn’t this shocking?  The situation of the cross seemed like it just happened to happen, but it was something God had prophesized from a long time ago and it was fulfilled.

    What do you think will happen to your future? It will be fulfilled according to the prophecies.  God gives you His Word and then He fulfills according to your Word.  This isn’t something you can learn by studying; this will only come to you as a message if you have experienced the resurrected Jesus Christ, our Lord.

    • Died on the Cross

    What kind of circumstance is this death on the cross for us?  In John 19:30, Jesus says, “It is all finished.”  What exactly did He finish?  From our perspective, all problems have been finished on the cross.  Where do all problems begin?  All problems began from the fact that we are separated from God because of our sins.  That is why in Ephesians 2:14, it says that Jesus Christ’s death destroyed the barrier blocking us from God, and Ephesians 2:18 says that we have access to go boldly before our Father God.  This is the reason why Jesus died on the cross.  We had no way at all to go before God, but because Jesus Christ died on the cross, we can go before God boldly. 

    • One Who Believes

    What kind of [results] do we receive when believing in that? Isaiah 53:4 tells us that the reason why Jesus Christ had suffered in pain on the cross was that he took up our own suffering for us.  Many people are living in the midst of pain and suffering in the world now, and they do everything they can to try to solve their suffering, but that’s because they don’t know Christ.  They did not realize that, when Jesus Christ died on the cross, He actually took upon Himself all the pain and suffering of mankind with Him. 

    In Isaiah 53:5, it tells us that the reason why He was punished was to give us peace.  The cross of the Christ comes to us as peace.  Whoever believes in the cross of Christ receives peace from God, and it’s not something you can buy with money.  It’s not a peace you can gain by going to some remote beach or mountain, and it’s not a peace you can get from being in a quiet place, alone.  This is a peace that can only come to us when Jesus Christ takes all of our sins upon Him.

    This verse also tells us that the reason He was wounded was so that we can be healed.  People live their lives holding onto their scars, but if you correctly understand the cross of Christ, then all of your scars will be healed.  Even our diseases were taken up by Jesus Christ on our behalf.  If you believe in that, then something amazing happens.  It is not about doing anything; you simply have to believe, so these are the things that will happen as a result of your faith.

    “How come I don’t have these symptoms even though I’ve gone to church for so long?”  It’s because you don’t actually believe or you don’t believe it deeply.  The beginning of your walk of faith starts from properly understanding and believing the situation of the death of Christ on the cross and His resurrection.  The death of Jesus Christ on the cross has become our righteousness.  We have been changed to be righteous people. 

    The fact that Jesus Christ died on the cross means that we have been unified with Christ and we, too, have been crucified on the cross with Him.  Sin is what we call, “Not believing in God and living by your own will, living by your pride, living based on your own experiences; living based on your own assertions, living based on your own power.”  That’s actually a life that has not been crucified on the cross, and that is why the works of peace and healing do not arise in that life. 

    Because of my sin, I have been crucified with Christ, dead with Christ, but the “me” that has died keeps coming back to life.  That’s why the blessings that God has promised us are not arising.  What happens if you do believe it, though?  Then you experience the incredible works of healing and peace.  This is not something you can just know with your brain, but you have to believe it.  You have to believe it by God’s grace, so the walk of faith is not actually difficult; it’s not complicated at all.  You simply believe in the fact that the Lord died on the cross for us.  If you believe in that, then our suffering and pain goes to the Lord, and the peace of God comes to us and we are healed of all our diseases.

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