7 Journeys – Heavenly Mandate

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Journeys – Heavenly Mandate


God, we thank You. Help us to walk the life of the 7 journeys and we believe You will work according to the 62 points.

Scheduled Prayer – 7 Journeys

You may ask, “Why do this?” If the 10 platforms do not become your prayer topic, you will shake.  You will stumble over these points, but you must enjoy through prayer for this to become your foundation, then it will be your meaning.  Esther came to me and said, “I did give some honorarium to your wife,” and I said, “That wasn’t my intention,” but these were examples I gave in my life.  The church may give a representative monetary gift, and if it happened once before, we might not talk about it, because a lot of pastor’s children are married. 

Triune God – Power

The 7 journeys and the 10 mysteries.  If you don’t have the 10 mysteries, you cannot live, it comes from the power of the Triune God.  You must have a time to be independent to receive the answer of independence.  But the remnants must hold onto this as a prayer topic, so that when they’re alone, they realize, “God gave me this answer already.” The 10 platforms, you must have all these things.  As you pray, you have these 10 things, and you will remember this when you shake.

Then you will receive the 5 assurances. Without these assurances, you stumble and fall.  Then know the 9 streams of the field to change the stream. Then the 62 life points. This comes as an answer.  What is the condition? You believe and enjoy the Triune God being with you. 

Problem – Answer

They aren’t able to give the answer to the people facing a problem. You only know this as a theory.

Satan, Sin, Hell (Separation)

Only Christ

All problems originate from unbelief and it manifests as a spiritual problem.  One of the deaconesses met a real-estate agent, and she was tested by all the work given to her at church, but the deaconess gave her the answer, “Come give worship,” but she’s tested by the church.  I’m not saying it’s right or wrong to do this, because God works anyway, but we must give the answer. She was having problem, but why was she tested?

Tested – Result

Why? Mine

Explain what happens before and after believing in Christ.  You are liberated from three problems. 

With – Discover


“May your sins be forgiven,” and they were healed from their fundamental problems.

Addiction X

You can’t heal an addict quickly so you lose confidence, but what does God want you to do? Why are they addicted to drugs? You’re in the same state as being addicted to drugs. You might not be able to say this to the addict, but you can tell the spouse, “This addiction doesn’t happen overnight. They lived their entire life with three fundamental problems and had mental problems and had drugs that liberated them from mental problems, but you must have true spiritual strength to change that fundamental problems to have true hope.


Give them the fundamental medicine, the gospel.

Deep Breathing

Fix the mental problem with deep breathing. Their brains lack oxygen and they don’t know the origins to their problems. If you just breathe deeply, you can calm yourself down. Tell them this, and that’s why we come to this training.  If I could maintain my own faith, I wouldn’t need it.  But God has called us as the 70 disciples who arise as the Watchtower, so you must attend these trainings. 

Just earlier, a senior deaconess was telling me to pray for her son because her son has a situation where he can’t come to worship. I tell her, “I pray for her every day.” She just says, “Pastor, this is the situation.” “Give worship in your home,” I replied. She said, “I always turn on the message when I’m at home,” but I said, “Not that kind of worship.  When you worship, God’s Kingdom is established and the forces of darkness are broken. Do this continuously. Don’t just turn on the message to receive grace. Hold onto evangelizing your region, then God will break down the forces of darkness upon your family and region, so that’s why you do regional church for yourself, not for others.


In your family, there must be a systematically placed regional church to break down the forces of darkness.  Within that, the answer of your children coming back to worship will take place, but it’s not focused on what you do, because even in church, it’s not about what you do or not; it is where things are set.  She asks for me to pray for her son to come back to worship, but we need to see the problem correctly and give the correct answer.  If you just see these things as theory, you will not be able to see the field correctly. Know this realistically.

What blocks worship? These three problems.  Why can’t people come to worship? Something blocks them. If they can’t listen, so what? If they come to worship, it will be broken down. Even in work, the forces of darkness must be broken down, and that’s why we give worship there and do regional church in the workplace.  Work like Daniel, then one day, the forces of darkness are broken.  If you don’t know this and you remain there, you will be overcome by the forces of darkness.   

Your supervisors will oppress you.  Starting from there, you’re shamed. You know you need to worship, but it doesn’t work in the field, so set a time and do it systematically. Ultimately, it will crumble then the company’s environment will change.  You must understand this to do this in your field, but if you don’t,  they’ll realize at some point. Until then, these problems seize the schools, Satan seizes the mentally weak and uses them to cause school shootings. 

If there’s one remnant who can stand before God? First, bind the strong man to take over the house, but if you don’t have this, there’s nothing you can do.  But this becomes a system of only, uniqueness, and re-creation. That is important.  It’s the same for your family, mission home. When I went to Esther’s house, I told her about the Mission Home.  You need to be a family that can embrace and involve a mission home.

If it becomes a sweet home, Satan will step upon it as it is a sweet home, not a mission home, then that family will crumble. It’s not a matter of doing it or not; that’s your misunderstanding. If you don’t know and enjoy these five basic points, you have no choice but to be overtaken by them, so you don’t understand and you’re seized.  Once you understand, the five basics will take place in your life.

Be the business that influences 70 regions and raises 70 disciples.  You must have the gospel to raise 70 disciples, and your business must have the gospel to influence 70 regions.  God has allowed America to be a superpower nation for the gospel, not the other way around. The UK became a superpower nation after the gospel went in. God works upon you to influence 70 regions with the gospel. Don’t hold onto anything else because that’s in vain.  We need to pray for our specialty to be used as a tool to raise the 70 disciples in 70 nations.

If you want to raise disciples, be sure of this fact; if you’re confused, you cannot raise the disciples or have this answer of Christ. I always talk about this at this time, so people who can’t study well won’t be able to answer questions in different forms. When you got Karen, you can see the problems in Karen, so you give the answer. Same with Africa. They talk about different physical problems but they are within this state.  Religion has gone in, so this is weak.  You need to have strength to overcome this, but this is weak.  You must have this for your skill and the doors of evangelism to open.

Therefore, only Christ. We always have these words here. 

God’s Kingdom

When the forces of darkness are broken, demons flee as the Kingdom of God is established.  Understanding the Kingdom of God destroys the kingdom of Satan. If you don’t know this, you will imagine what the Kingdom of God is like and what the field is like. The Kingdom of God established around me means the forces of darkness are outbound.  The forces of darkness around the family is probably the same thing. If Jesus is in the field, why are the forces of darkness still active?  1 Peter 5:9 says, “The devil is a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.”  Eph. 6 says our battle is not against flesh and blood, meaning, if it’s not for the Kingdom of God, the forces of darkness will not be broken, so you must have the regional church upon your family to break the forces of darkness and establish the Kingdom of God.  Those who have the answer of Christ must have this answer come upon them, how?

Holy Spirit

When the spirit of Christ works upon you, the forces of darkness are broken down, and we say, “Only.”  Other things will not take place.  There may be some who misunderstand, “Other things can work out, right? If I do good things, can I go to a good school?” They’re caught by school and a live for physical things.

Satan / Physical

If you don’t have this and you go in, you’ll be overcome.  People are the most disgusting, because the people you thought were great were the ones who messed with you, so hold onto the fundamental things.  These are the words that will bind the ruler of the kingdom of the air, but you’re focused on physical things so you cannot understand.

Heavenly Mandate (1 Peter 2:9)

A mission God has given, so you can go your whole life long.  If you do things according to people’s words, you’ll be convinced, but once their words are no longer convincing, you stop.

From there, there are many answers, maybe more than 62. God has called me a royal priesthood. Unbelievers thought, “I have no ideas to be seized.”  I am the Priest Who has come to solve the problems of addiction.   I am a holy nation, this must come into you. Then you’re not just friends with other people.  We are different as we have God. Hold onto this as the spiritual elite. I am a person of a God.  I have a different nation, but the benefits are different as you are called to proclaim the light, the one who will declare. 

When will I declare this light: after that, this dream becomes my life. 

Genesis 6:14 Ark

Genesis 12:1-3 Terah

Exodus 3:18 Blood Sacrifice

Blood means you’re liberated from the curses, the world of Egypt.  Many people in your field face disasters.  God has given us this answer to relay to them the blood to the people in disasters.

Isaiah 6:13

Idol worshipers get exiled to Babylon. God is a fair God. God must punish according to your unbelief. But where is God’s love and grace? The remnant.  The Holy Seed is the remnant.  What is the Holy Seed?  It means you’re set apart, Jesus Christ is the seed, it is talking about the one person. Those who believe in Him are the seed, the remnant. God will surely work upon those who are saved and will call them out.  That is why the Remnant, the ones who remain, the seed who understand the gospel of Christ, are the ones who have the answer.

It doesn’t matter how much you repent, because God has predestined how long you’ll be taken captive, for 70 years.  Even though you may block your ears and eyes, God has already predestined that you will be taken captive, but God promised to liberate you. 

Isaiah 7:14 – Israel, Aram, Assyria -> Judah

God will be with them.  At that time, they described it as the virgin birth, but this talks about Jesus Christ in the New Testament.  God has connected all the incidences and problems that arose to Jesus Christ.  He must have the answer of God being with them.

Matthew 16:16

When they were colonized by Rome, they needed the answer. Why are people captive to money and success? They must come out of it to succeed.  The ones who come out must be healthy.  Give them the answer.  They are completely seized by Rome and have no freedom.  The problem isn’t the studying, but they are within this state and study with the goal of studying, so they have been taken captive and colonized by Rome, and the way to come out of that is Christ.

“I know, I’ve heard this before,” such people don’t have the answer. They know it as education but they don’t have the answer as they face a problem. 

Romans 16:25-27

From long ages past, God has already predestined this gospel.  Don’t nitpick everything. You’re not even that smart, you don’t have an IQ over 150, but God knows everything. Some people ask, “Why did God let it be if He already knows?” Because He knows, He prepared Jesus Christ.  It’s a problem for you, but because you have Christ, that problem is no longer a problem.  That’s why the questions of those who have problems and those who do not are different.

The Triune God is eternal. We all have a past, present, and future, but the Triune God is eternal so there is only the present. People die so it seems there is an end to human lives, but God is eternal.  We die and go to heaven. We have this body that we enjoy until we are resurrected where we can enjoy God’s Kingdom again.  This is being revealed in this age and the gospel is proclaimed again.  If it is not this, it will not take place. This is the answer God has given, we are the royal priesthood.


God, we thank You.  As we live the 7 journeys, may this become our prayer topics and answer to our lives.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

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