7 Journeys – 21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Rightful Necessary Absolute
We have a standard along the journey of the lifestyle of the evangelist. We have a goal, the goal of my life is in God and that’s absolute.
Absolute – God
Bartizan – Thing that Saves
(Heart Thoughts Spirit)
Satan’s Bartizan
My Desires
My Strength
Culture, Freedom
Jesus Christ
Other things are within us, so we live diligent lives without being able to save ourselves.
Today we will talk about rightful, necessary, and absolute. Rightfulness is how we start, then all the necessary things will appear, and the absolute plan is fulfilled. It will absolutely be like this. The absolute things that save us must be within us. This is how we begin.
God’s plan must be placed within me.
The Holy Spirit comes upon me in power, then the Triune God is working together, the Holy Spirit also knows what pleases God, the Holy Spirit teaches and reminds His people of God’s Word. When the Holy Spirit completely fills my thoughts, heart, and spirit, I receive power. We receive authority and become witnesses of God’s absolute plan. This must be within us as the absolute bartizan. This is rightful. This is rightful for those who believe. Then, all these things will necessarily follow. Why do you face a problem? It’s because you rightfully have something else within you. What’s within you? It’s the things that cannot save. You just live according to your own thoughts. Then necessarily it will lead to problems. For us, it’s not our thoughts. Our thoughts are not from God.
This 24 hour prayer means we are constantly aligning ourselves with God. Prayer isn’t just about asking for what you desire. Then, you’ll lose hold of God’s absolute plan that He has. You’re just living the life you want, asking for this or that. God is guiding us towards His absolute plan and we have to constantly align ourselves to this through prayer. You can see how much a person knows the gospel and applies it through prayer.
237 Healing Summit
This is rightful. The people have idols that are vain, they think about freedom, but living in Christ is true freedom. But instead of doing the “Christ” movement, you do “freedom” movements. But Christ is the prince of peace, Without Christ, you talk about the “peace” movement and that leads to disasters. We have to follow the Creator God, and that leads to disasters. Through the American education system, this seizes kids in a subtle way and they’re not able to catch on. The “peace” movement sounds great, and human rights are important because humans need human rights, but if you’re within Christ, human rights follow.
Lincoln referenced Gal. 3:29 in equality. Talking about equality without God, there’s no real equality. The evangelism movement is talking about only Christ, and if you don’t proclaim Christ, you’ll proclaim what you have, like peace or human rights, and that doesn’t lead to anything. The ideologies of America are great, the ideologies of the superpower nations is great, it’s the hegemony ideology and we boast of our power. If you hold onto that, it seems comfortable but you’re being deceived by Satan. We need to live, holding onto the power of the creator Christ, but instead, we hold onto American education and ideologies. We become obsessed and this is passed onto the next generation as disasters that cannot be solved by human power. All the things within our power lead to disaster, but in America, there are problems humans cannot solve on their own. It’s because we hold onto something else and put in other ideologies.
They do this in the schools, and without realizing it, we send our children to the schools. You don’t know what they’re learning, but as they grow up, they’re not able to receive answers in church. Of course, they don’t need to receive the word because they hold onto what they desire. If they could live for what they want, why would they come to church? So, all of your children and youth live like that, that is what we must change. We need to change that because Satan continues to seize them and leads them as slaves. If you just think about why your children live that way, you already have the answer. What do you need to know? You may have planted it but it might not have been their time schedule. These kids think that without Christ, they get money and everything. The kids don’t see anyone who is well off or rich, but they haven’t seen how precious this gospel is.
They seek after money. Coming to church, they give money and waste time, but because they want to rest, they don’t come to church. The rightful things are within them, so the necessary appearance follows. How must you think of this? “I have planted this in them,” that’s the right way. All of these things have come rightfully, whether it’s the church, family, or school, and it leads to the necessary things. What is God’s absolute plan? It’s to change this. If you plant the wrong thing and necessary problems arise, God’s plan is to change this. They need to change from the absolute things that cause problems to God’s absolute plan.
What must be changed? The Gen. 3, 6, 11 that you thought were rightful and change it into God’s absolute plan. If God’s absolute bartizan is within you as the covenant, even if it seems like a problem, it’s not a problem because that problem is not the truth, the covenant within you is the Truth. Why hold onto the problem? Hold onto the covenant.
If you’re running a marathon, the road may be smooth or rough, and there are different courses, and these are all things you need to pass by. If it is God’s covenant, for you to carry out that problem, that’s God’s goal and plan. If God isn’t guiding us, then we have to do something ourselves, right? I’m the master of my own life and I have to handle things on my own? God will make you fishers of men, God said He would do it. Make disciples of all nations? He didn’t say He would stay still but He is with us. The one with all authority in heaven and on earth. When is this a problem? It’s a problem when you think God isn’t with you, because the other thing is placed within you as a bartizan of not being with God, it seems like it’s a problem. Then, if you have God’s absolute plan, then a problem is not a problem because God gives you the answer, right? There is God’s absolute plan, but what don’t you know? The Triune God is the One within you.
What are the worries and concerns of the children in the church? They worry about how to live their lives, but they draw an image based on the world that is good or pleasing, for example, within a couple, they do nice things for each other and that’s the image they draw. This isn’t bad, right? They’re doing nice things for each other; why is it bad? That person doesn’t have God’s plan but they do nice things, you draw this image of niceness. But that’s not the image of God; what is God’s image? God is the Master.
Do you desire that? Do you want to have that kind of family? That’s being aligned with God. For us, all the things we’ve heard and learned seem like paradise. If that’s the case, Pastor Ryu doesn’t’ have the gospel. A long time ago, the pastor’s wife was screaming and cursing at the pastors, “Pastor Ryu is nuts,” so you’d think they don’t have the gospel. “Oh, God’s image of a family is supposed to be respectful and nice, so they don’t have the gospel.” What do you think? In the early stages of Pastor Ryu’s church, he walked around the church with a knife to kill his wife.
What is your standard? Many nonbelievers have kind and nice relationships. Is this the image of a family you’re drawing? This can happen or it may not, but is God the Master of the other person? Does the other person have God’s plan? Do you have God’s plan? That’s God’s image. From there, if you’re kind, you can be grateful. “Eat by yourself,” “I’m not happy because you’re not spoonfeeding me,” but do you have the peace and joy from God to go towards world evangelization? Then you realize the other person has Gen. 3. Do you not have any of your own? The other person also prays for you, too, and that’s the image that God desires. That’s what we call God’s Kingdom. Are you going to draw up an image of God’s kingdom or your kingdom? Some people say, “Why do we have to go to church?” But what’s the image of church that you’re drawing?
For example in the hospital ER, there’s a lot of screaming and shouting in pain, but that’s normal, that’s a hospital. Some people are quieter with a cold, but what ideal hospital are you looking for? One that is peaceful and quiet and comfortable? What about the church? The church is a place for 237 and healing. Why do you constantly think a hospital is something similar to Sedona, a quiet place where you can relax? A church is a place where you receive training like the army. So, if you want to be trained, it will be strict. Jesus was like that, too. I came with a sword, not peace. It seems evil, and He says, ‘Satan, depart from Me,’ how could He say that? Is He only saying nice words? What do you want? You want us to say the right things? A church is also a place for education. It’s also a place to teach. These three things comprise the church.
If you want to go to a church without the gospel, go to Sedona where it’s peaceful and calm, but here, there’s a lot of people in pain who can’t do it, and there must be other people who teach. There are other people who need to train. This is what Jesus said. What do you think a church is? You draw up an incorrect image and try to match it yourself, then of course, rightful and necessary problems come. Change it to the absolute Word of God.
All the things you’ve drawn up for yourself are incorrect. What kind of pastor do you want? You have your expectations. You want a pastor who delivers God’s Word, of course. “I don’t want God’s will, I want to hear nice things,” but without God’s plan, it’s hard. Ask the pastor, “What kind of church officers and members do you desire?” In other words, you can’t be a church officer the pastor desires; you must be the church officer that God desires. Instead, I have my own standards so the necessary problems follow.
All of you have raised your own children, and you have experience with that, have the children grown up in the way you’ve drawn an image? When are you disappointed? When they don’t fit the image you drew up, but it’s not God’s image. So you hold onto incorrect things, thinking it’s rightful, then the absolute things result. Then God is changing you to His things; may His absolute bartizan be within you, then there’s no problem. There are many things like that. These are all the things in the world.
You don’t have the image of God; instead, you have the image of Satan and what Satan thinks is good. Among you, some of you may say, “But pastor, the other person must still have some kind of common sense; how lowly could they be?” If you think of them that way, the other person thinks of you in that way. You’re the only one who doesn’t know. You think, “How could that person be like that?” If God is with you, then all these “but’s” will disappear.
If I take a step back and allow God to interfere, God will surely work. Someone came to me and said, “I feel tested.” I replied, “You can feel that way but there’s a reason why the other person did that to you.” That person might have grown up in jealousy or envy and is jealous of how you have succeeded, so you must understand first. Because that person is lacking, you need to take a step back and pray for that person so that God works, do you understand? You need to let them be. If I go to them with my own skills, do you know what happens? The other person says, “How could you do that to me?” This is how they respond, then what happens? The other person will also say, “How could you do that to me? Do you know how much I’ve done for you?” God leads the blessing of meeting but you break it down. I told this new believer. They understood. Through people, you are blessed. Without knowing this, you go out into society and nitpick, “How could you do that to me?” Don’t they have a reason? You must take a step back and wait for God to work. Do not disregard this.
What’s love? Love is showing them God’s love by taking a step back and revealing it, because God’s love is perfect. If we meddle in that, it becomes a great problem. Do you understand? New believers don’t know this, but this is what we relay to that. Once they succeed with that, then they start to see that God is the One Who works. God needs to work. If I try to do something about it, God will actually remain still because my masterpieces can only kill. God’s masterpiece can save both sides. It’s not that you have no interest; you pray for them and help them in that way.
The gospel must go into them. Then, you pray for them so they can become believers. If they come to church, their systems are from Gen. 3 so they have no choice but to be tested. People think church is a paradise or heaven, and the pastor is the king of angels and the church officers are angels. This is how nonbelievers perceive the church, but if they see something that is not angelic, they’ll realize, “You’re not actually angels,” but you must wake them up so they realize this. Do not help with legalism, but with the gospel so they understand other people and so that God works. The other person will fall out and then the relationship between the two people will be a blessing of meeting. A pastor wanted to go into Christian Education and got a PhD because he wanted to teach. If we could do anything with education, why would Jesus have come to this earth? Jesus Christ must die on the cross and resurrect for you to live, but without talking about this, you talk about Christian education. It doesn’t lead to fruit because they only emphasize Christian education and it leads to an outward form.
If you share the gospel, does that mean you can’t educate? Kids here haven’t learned about morals or ethics in school, right? In philosophy, they talk about morals and ethics, so you learn it, but in general American schools, they don’t learn it. But in Korea, they misunderstand. We’re influenced by Confucianism, but they’ve never heard of this in America. What kind of education does America have? They used to teach morals and ethics that come from the Bible. So if this continues in school, it means there is no morals and ethics in schools. Then if you don’t know this, you won’t understand your children or America. Why do they continue to talk back to me? They don’t want to but they learned that. For us, we learn not to talk back from Confucianism. Kids say, “What kind of manners is that?” It’s not about right or wrong; it’s subjective etiquette.
In the Bible, it talks about morals and ethics so we must teach the kids. Koreans misunderstand, you have your own standards so you don’t even want to see your own family. But being guided by the Holy Spirit, you follow and these things come. You’re talking about Korean Confucianism, but do you follow it yourself? People nitpick about it, “Why don’t you sit at the front of the church 15 minutes before the start of worship?” These people provide feedback that they believe is helpful. This is not the bartizan of God’s word that saves, but the bartizan of the world.
How can you find someone who matches with you? People live in misunderstandings and live. You need God’s grace, then. Even prayer, people still think they’re right. What did I end up doing? “Can you do this or that for me?” I said, “Okay,” so I came 15 minutes before worship. You think things are good or bad but discover God’s plan irrespective of what you want. Starting with the family, you can’t change the other person, but God needs to change them. What is God’s plan? For God to change them. If I change them, I will fall over and die. It says in the Bible that humans cannot change other people. Go towards God’s Kingdom that He will establish. Hold onto that as your dream, or hold onto the families that movies display?
Our spiritual state comes from a part of our past. Adam and Eve wanted to go back. You have no choice but to love each other. What is love? Earlier, they talked about freedom, but love is, whatever I want to do. God’s love is unconditional but we love conditionally. “If you do this, I’ll be nice to you.” “If you won’t make me unhappy? Pray and dream of unconditional love. Physical affection is not bad but it’s not perfect. May unconditional love be established. You need to wait. That is love.
Phil. 4:13
You knock on the door for God’s plan and world evangelization. God promised to open the door, then it will be opened, it is all possible within God’s plan. If you pray and open God’s door. Pray to God and ask God to raise them up.
You have already been blessed and will receive blessings.
May You raise them as the evangelists. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.