7 Journeys: 10 Mysteries, 10 Platforms, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Journeys: 10 Mysteries, 10 Platforms, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

Last week’s pulpit message was, “Those who stand in the line of the covenant,” I have to be within the stream of God’s promise.  But what’s the Bible talk about? Where does this biblical stream take us?  Towards relaying the covenant.  My church and business must be within this stream, otherwise it’s the beginning of all problems.  It doesn’t matter if you do something correctly or not, but if we move according to this gospel, it’s finished. This must be most valuable to me.

Before we go into the 7 journeys, we must know about God correctly. The Triune God, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit exist independently of each other.  If I’m God’s child, this blessing has come upon me.   Then you enjoy the authority for world evangelization and the 10 mysteries.

10 Mysteries

Alone, Independent

When you need something, God will work. When I was an assistant pastor when I went to America, I asked someone, “Why don’t you give offering?” “I have no money.” “Just try to give offering and God will give you the money.” But he couldn’t understand, he thought he had to have money to give offering. Why does he say this? He believes he earns the money, and the money is his. “If you have nothing and try to give money, what does that mean? The money belongs to God, but because I need it, God gives it to me,” but people cannot understand this.  They’re seized by the fact that they don’t have any money.

If they had money, they would be seized, but those who know this can transcend money.  Those who don’t have money will do all sorts of things based on their belief because they think they’re going to die, but what does God say? Businesspeople work to make money without knowing what money is, and they think they can just earn money with diligence. They will suffer their whole lives, and they go crazy.  There’s no way they can survive. 

Based on what I’ve experienced, it goes beyond money. The Triune God is working through His children right now.  No matter where you are, it doesn’t matter.  No matter how little you have, you can give offering.  I’m saying this as a witness. The other person, upon hearing this, received faith.  “Now I have money.” “What kind of money?” There was a building he had, and he gathered rent money. There was a second story and many rooms, perfect for a mission home.  He received $500-$600 per month from his tenants.   How could an elderly person make money? He set the rent low and students from abroad lined up so they could study. Money isn’t the issue for God, but you spend it where it must be spent.

Remnants, it doesn’t matter where you are. What loneliness is there? God is with you.

Spiritual Facts

People talk without knowing the spiritual facts and the spiritual world, the kingdoms of God and Satan, but before that, if you know how Satan works, you’ll be careful about what you say, and this is very important. 

Unconventional Thinking


We’re not talking about going along with people but we’re talking about saving everybody. This is actually very important.  If you’re competing with others in church, you will both die.  If you go towards the direction of saving everybody, that’s the direction God will take you because everyone wants that.


No Competition

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation


Desert, Nobody, Everybody, Nothing, Something

Why? – Answer

10 Platforms

Absolute Sovereignty

If you do not believe in this God, you will continuously be seized by demons.  Why? Because the thought, “I shouldn’t have done this,” becomes a channel. There are so many different ways to do this. “Why am I living in LA or America?” I ran here to full my businesses.  If you think this way, you’ll continuously be deceived.  People talk about physical things and those are important, but the most important things must be confirmed through the Bible.

Absolute Method – Jesus Christ

Absolute Power – Holy Spirit

Absolute Guarantee – Bible


Missions Field

We have to always be prepared to give the gospel because we’re in the missions field.  This is what we’re trying to say, there might be a person whose time schedule has come for them to receive the gospel, but actually there are more people for whom the time schedule has not arrived. But because we do not know the time schedule, we’re always prepared. So, it’s easy, God has prepared some people, even if that person isn’t prepared in that moment, that person might come to know the gospel later on. 

God took me on journeys in my past to prepare my heart to receive the gospel.  If that was a normal church, don’t you think the deaconesses and deacons were praying for me?  If the pastor was proper, this unbeliever came to this church, then don’t you think the pastor would have prayed for me at least once? I might not have received the gospel at that moment, but you have to wonder, “Why did God attach this person to me?”

We have this assurance of faith. If you meet someone, there’s no reason to force anything.  What’s important is that when I meet this other person, am I acknowledging God?  Because think about it logically, God’s grace will flow down to the other person, so there’s no reason to be forceful. While having a conversation, if you see the opportunity, give the gospel, otherwise end it in prayer.

Can you evangelize with unbelief? You have to always believe in God and God’s absolute sovereignty in the field. You must prepare in faith to proclaim the gospel because God has attached 237 to you, but you are running away from people in the supermarket. You set aside all these blessings and work up the courage and go somewhere else to evangelize. Missions fields.  God what do you in the missions field?  You must be always ready to give the gospel.  You’re not trying to memorize these ten things, it’s not something about whether you can do these things or not. I must have faith in this. You know this but lack faith. I have to believe I’m God’s temple, I can’t just know it. Missions field.  You have to know this to gain the 70 disciples, because through the remnants, through Joseph, God proclaims the gospel.

5 Assurances


Answers to Prayer

Forgiveness of Sin



More than praying for someone, give the assurance of victory in that person, otherwise the people who do not know will not have victory. The devil knows if you say something else and won’t back down, why? Because you have to plant the victory regardless of the circumstance. 

9 Flows

Height, Depth, Width

No matter what kind of information comes your way, you have to see. You have to study why you’ll succeed. If something will be successful, you must see why. “If you do this, you’ll succeed,” but it’s not about doing something. It’s the same with evangelism.  You have to know the regional information with height, width, and depth. If I didn’t have this wisdom, or I’m talking about incorrect information, people will look down on me. It’s the same in your workplace, you should be able to look at everyone’s jobs.

This is what you do for your businesses. Pastor Ryu read every book on evangelism, but sometimes we read one book and talk about that. But instead, he read all the books on evangelism and read all the books on prayer, but when he found a book overseas on prayer, it came into him.  Ultimately, he was able to get it.   Even for fishing, it was the same.  He is able to influence people all over the world because he has such height, depth, and width regarding everything.

It’s the same for evangelism. It’s not about having a large movement, but if others hear with an opposing thought, they will oppose it. There’s so much more to camp. It’s not just about gathering and evangelizing. Before Paul went to do camp, there was a 3-year preparation camp, because if you’re not prepared yourself, God cannot open the doors and you cannot continue. When the preparations are complete, you go out and God opens the doors.

You have to be able to take all this information and diversely present evangelism.  But because people tried to talk about this without knowing about it, they just raised their voices thinking it would cover up their lack of confidence. But people like this cannot evangelize.  How could they possibly evangelize in a place like North Korea? You’d die if you opened your mouth, but this evangelism is possible wherever you go. The only reason this is possible is when you go into the work of God. 

I spoke with someone who was doing college ministry and wanted to start a mission home, and I asked about the plan. The person responded, “I don’t know, I’m relying on the pastor,” and what a conman! He goes to campuses and moves with diligence, “I’m a college student and I want to diligently evangelize, but this pastor is diligently doing the evangelism movement,” he makes it seem like it’s everything so he’s giving the wrong idea about what evangelism is, and he oppresses them with guilt.

Do you know what he confessed later?  The students misunderstood, “When we do camp, we do it diligently, but if there’s no camp, we just play.”  They’ve misunderstood evangelism. They think staying still is not camp and that they have to do something to have camp, so then there’s no peace, only diligence.  Pastor Ryu put an end to that because the adults were teaching them the wrong things, why? We have to teach the future generations about the biblical evangelism. It’s the evangelism that raises disciples in the mission home, where you take someone into another region and evangelize to that region.  Or there’s an evangelism where you go into an empty field and raise the people there to do evangelism.  Or you bring the specialists together, or the regional church evangelism where you know the spiritual background and pray together. 

We have to have the evangelism that understands the height, width, and depth of evangelism for it to be a proper evangelism.  Otherwise, we’re just flocking to whomever we want to hear.  Many people gathered here, I didn’t know, but many people were moving back and forth.  When this incident happened, there were groups moving around.  The college students were moving this way and that. Another pastor tried to come in through Korea and tried to scope out what evangelism was like. I told him, “Don’t come.”

“Is the Christ we proclaim any different? If so, tell me,” he said.  “I’m going to show you how evangelism is done,” but I told him that’s the wrong attitude. But pastors remained within this flow for awhile. Eventually he changed. “Do you not have confidence? Without confidence, how can you do America evangelism?  Then that pastor started doing something else.  Evangelization is not about bringing others down. You have to give your all to save the church, but if you’re trying to show off, the people with spiritual problems will be attached to you.

From that moment on, “You do whatever you want but we don’t need you here.”  That’s how the other pastors responded. “Help me with evangelism,” but all the pastors didn’t like him, “Don’t come,” we said. You must have confidence. If you came as a missionary, what is there for you to complain about? A missionary friend in China invited me to China to give a message, and he realized, I didn’t need to be there; no pastor should be expected.  He was doing headquarters camp and dropped off in China to do missions work and everything was different.

Understand this, it’s the same for your business.  There’s a word in Korea spreading where people say, “Don’t bother with LA,” because people think they can come and do whatever they want here, so people stopped coming.  People are waving their arms around and making such a big fuss, but we’re talking about this: why is this possible? It’s possible because God is doing it.

If you don’t know this, you’ll think evangelism is just about revival, so you’ll make yourself go crazy. We’re not saying if you know about all this, but I’m explaining this to you because there’s so much more to evangelism than revival, but we think one aspect is everything, and it’s like that even now.  People come to me and ask, “Why is there no revival? I used to evangelize so well in Korea,” but I respond, “It’s because God is not giving us revival, and the contexts are different.”  So, the evangelism they used to do in Korea was very general but here, you have to know how to do it. 

You have to see the church. In China, no matter who you throw there, works will arise. That’s their time schedule for their field. You must see the time schedule for the American field. Without knowing the time schedule, if you say, “This is working out,” or not, that’s wrong. You can’t just hold onto that, we have to connect the gospel to connect to the 237 and the people, People are brought here because God has a time schedule and work to do here, but instead, we ignore it.  So, you have to be able to see the time schedule through which God works to change the stream. If you don’t know this, people have no choice but to flock to people who have works rising around them. But for people like this, you don’t flock but you wait. It’s the same for your workplace and apartment.

These are the words of the Bible; slaves must consider their masters as God. America teaches you to look down on those above you, but God says to love those under you.  You must be able to go with those beside you.  If you do not go together with your peers and you want to step on other people to achieve things, you cannot go far.  You need to know this for you to have the correct personal relationships.  If you know this haphazardly, you’re never going to be able to do evangelism.  If you just treat those below you however you want, you cannot evangelize.  If you’re stepping on the people next to you, not going with them, you cannot evangelize.

Change the flow. Kids must learn this. Above. We’re not talking about the pastor. We’re talking about those who are older than us, above us, but at home, what happens is we undercut the people above us in front of our kids, then that person can never evangelize. If I’m doing whatever I want with people below me, I cannot evangelize. In order to succeed, I have to be able to evangelize and save.

This is how we realistically apply and practice this in the church.  If you cannot do this, you’ll go into the world and butt heads with people, and you cannot evangelize. The hardest thing is interpersonal relationships. It’s hard to choose to respect people if you don’t want to, you think they aren’t as skillful as you, so it’s hard to respect them. What do you not know? That person is there so the organization can function. 

The kids look down on their bosses who seem to not know anything, but the bosses know so much more. So, these kids cannot persevere in the workplaces even though they have the gospel, they don’t have anything to enable them to change the stream and do whatever they want.   You must change this stream.  If you think of this as knowledge, it won’t work out for you.

Know a person’s present, past, and future. See it all at the same time, because you don’t just evangelize, you have to evangelize while knowing this past, present, and future.  I spoke about the Mongolian, this happened recently. He sees demons so I asked, “When did this start?” “When my grandma passed away.”  If he didn’t ell this to me, I would have asked about the background of his family line so he would know this. It’s not that ‘we randomly evangelizing.  What kind of spiritual background did this person have?  What will happen in the future? See all three things.

The kids have difficulty worshiping and think of it as a necessary step prior to hanging out with friends.  I told her, “Before you came to the gospel, you were actually a demon-possessed Buddhist.  Then you became Catholic centered on mysticism, then one day, you came to know the gospel. But if that flow is not only the gospel, it will not enter into the children.

Didn’t you have ten years when you were confused about the Word? This wasn’t just ten years of confusion, the spiritual state with which you lived has been passed down to your children so they cannot worship. I was able to give her the accurate Word. Parents must be able to look after their children accurately.  If you don’t know the spiritual background and past, you’ll think, “You can just understand my words,” but they cannot.

If one person in the family line is able to see this spiritually, the forces of darkness will be broken.  I don’t know if this person understood or not. How do you sell something? Do you summarize everything or just that one thing? You have to know.  Works will not arise just because the sun rises. It’s the working of the Holy Spirit but I cannot save. If you live in LA, you have to know the past and present about LA.  You need to know the historical stream that America has embarked on prior to this point.

Past, present, and future.    


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