7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams, 5 Basics

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Journeys – 10 Mysteries, 10 Foundations, 5 Assurances, 9 Streams, 5 Basics

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

God is Three in One. Even right now, God is fulfilling His Word. Even right now, Christ is doing the ministry of salvation, and the Holy Spirit is working.  Being a child of God means we go into the stream of the word, Salvation, and the Holy Spirit, and our authority is now given to us.  We enjoy the Triune God working, this is the blessing, to send out the blessings of the Triune God into the field through prayer.  Me, the church, and the work and studies I’m doing must be connected with God. 

3, 9, 3.  The first three are the Triune God, and then there are 9 blessings, and among the final three, the first age is centered on the pastor, then centered on the field, and then centered on the remnants.  We talk about 3, 9, 3, but the basis of this is of course, the Triune God.  This is within me, we have to enjoy this internally because He is within us. The Triune God is now working in our field, and we enjoy this through prayer.  Then, you have to open up, you, your field, and your church.

10 Mysteries

Take the Triune God in me and externally, enjoyed through the ten mysteries.


You can survive on your own

Spiritual Facts

Opposite Side


Those with spiritual strength can save others, but without the strength of the Triune God, you’re by yourself and you cannot save others.


No competition

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation


Save the world.  In North Korea, there are three things: ideology, skill, and culture.  This is how North Korea seizes the people, but for us, it’s spiritual, skill, and cultural summit.  Their ideology is communism, their skills are their own, and their culture is to change the left to the right as their cultural strategy. For us, the summits are the same: spiritual, skill, and cultural summit. We change it.  I don’t know where North Korea got these words, maybe it’s demons, but it’s existed this way for a long time. They have their own catch phrases to convert people to communism.


How can I make something out of nothing, when nothing will help?  That’s something that is only possible for someone within the mystery of the Triune God.  Nobody could help Joseph, he had nothing, but he had everything.  We’re the same.  No one can help you in the field, that’s my testimony.  There’s no need for me to get help, and there’s no reason to get help because God is alive.  If God has called me for his purpose, then God will do it.  Same with evangelism, because I have a God-given promise, I remain within the Triune God. 


Why are you here?  Joseph may have said, “My brothers sold me,” but there’s no answer in that. Why did God send me to LA, for me to be born here? Why did God send me to this church and this job?  Otherwise you have your own personal reasons for everything, but you cannot remain within that.  If Joseph held onto the reasons, “I came to Egypt because my brothers tried to kill me and I was sold as a slave,” he cannot make it.  It’s God’s answer. 

God sent me here, why? “God, give me Your plan,” that’s how you’ll have the answer.  Why does our walk of faith not take place?  Everyone has a reason for why it won’t work out, because we have ourselves.


10 Foundations

Absolute Sovereignty

Many pastors force themselves to do things, but such pastors do not believe in God.  This is something that took place within God’s absolute sovereignty so you have to trust in God.  “Why did God send me to this kind of family with this kind of parents?” Believe in God. Do you think God made a mistake? God is perfect, your parents are not perfect, but God is perfect.  Only once you restore that absolute sovereignty and the plan of God to put you in that family will you have thanksgiving. 

Absolute Method

Absolute Power

Do you have weaknesses? Pray to receive God’s power, but if you remain within your weakness, of course you’re weak.


God’s guarantee


Do I keep taking drugs?  Should I stop?  God’s temple.  Should I drink a lot or a little? God’s temple. Should I smoke a lot, a little, or none? God’s temple. We use our physical bodies as weapons of righteousness.  The place I am is my missions field. 

Missions Field

Life, Death, Harm, Blessings




Some people use money for themselves, other use it for the Lord, then God says He will give His rewards accordingly.  Whatever you do for a prophet will receive the prophet’s reward.  Jesus Christ says, whatever you do for the least of these, you do for the Lord, and one who gives a cup of cold water to these little ones will not lose his reward.

We got a text from Deaconess Shin who was in charge of the teacher’s department.  Last Sunday, she went downstairs to see how our departments are running, and she’ll visit a few other churches in the afternoon to see how they’re doing worship. Why do you think she’s doing this?  There’s a reward.  She’s doing what she can in her lane to make worship better for the next generations.  I think that’s how she studied as well, so she does it this way even now.  She says, “Now that I’m in charge of the teacher’s department, I will go see how other churches run their departments.”   

You have to research your field, you should not do things blindly.  The evangelists read every book on evangelism, then you’ll see what you must do. It’s the same, why do we do this?  Is it because we’re so picky? They do it before God, we don’t necessarily have to do this, that’s our freedom because they do it before God.  Why do I do this? I do it before God.

5 Assurances



If you put in the input in the name of Jesus Christ then you will receive an output because God is alive and the name of Jesus has authority, so God will alive.  The issue is, the answer may be one I want or not want, but if you pray in the name of Jesus Christ, you will receive answers.  The answer may not be one you want to hear, but that’s also an answer, because God doesn’t have to give it to me.  The devil is shaking you so you do not pray.  He makes you think, “Will prayer actually do anything?”


All sins are forgiven.  The common characteristic of a mental patient is that they’re nice.  They have this, if you’re in the world, you have to have some level of ruthlessness, but they’re too gentle and completely at rest. The devil loves to play with docile people, nobody is perfect.  Of course, it’s possible we may make mistakes towards others, but the devil uses that to completely oppress people because this person is so nice and gentle.  They don’t have their own willpower; they’re just seized by the devil.

If someone is more ruthless, they will exert their own willpower so they won’t be seized in this way.  There’s some people who say, “Nice people die sooner than evil people,” but Satan holds onto people using guilt.


If you go to some churches, they look like they will fall over in their seat.  You have victory! We should have praises of victory but instead you try to squeeze out tears, that’s a person’s state, they don’t have victory yet.  There are some who always want to be comforted, but when will you have time to have victory? “When I come to church, I want to feel comforted,” that’s fine, but you have victory, why do you keep wanting to be comforted? I’m not saying it’s bad, but does this person have the assurance of victory?

Even if you face a test, you’ve already overcome.  World evangelization has already been prepared by God.  That’s different than, “How can I do world evangelization?” God has already prepared it and is already working. The kingdom of Satan is already broken and God’s plan is to bring the Kingdom of God.  Not believing in this, you fight for your own victory but we already know we cannot do anything. 

If I could do anything, why would Christ have to die on the cross to live within me?  We cannot.  May you go forth in the resurrected Christ instead of living in fear.  “What if the devil tempts me again?” The assurance of victory and forgiveness are similar, you think you’re nice but you’re oppressed. The devil likes people like that, “You’re so nice and modest, honest and sincere,” but when you make a mistake, you’re oppressed so that you can’t even live. 

It’s okay if you’re fallen, God will make a way for you to escape.  We talked about that, like when my stomach hurt during the message, and then every week after that, I have trauma from the stomach pain, “What if it happens again?” That’s how we’re seized. How did I change my thinking? “If it happens again, let it happen again,” but we try to avoid this from happening again and that’s how we’re seized.  Either way, God is with me, I already have victory with the One Who is with me, so I just give it up to God. Then the trauma disappears and I have this illustration.

We’re so weak.  Even being a pastor doesn’t mean anything, we may be scarred and experience trauma, there’s so many traumatizing things, but should we live, seized by fear?  The Bible doesn’t say that. You are with the One Who has victory, the LORD will fight on our behalf, and you will walk across the Red Sea.  It’s faith.  The reason you’re caught by Satan, trembling in fear, is because you don’t have assurance in faith.

If you look at athletes, they have superstitions.  They have no choice but to be seized.  They have to win every game, so it’s common between Korea and America.  In Korea, there’s a very famous basketball player who said the same thing. On the day he wins, he looks at what he wore and he only wears those clothes.  He’s seized by that, even though he already won.  “Why did I win? Because I was wearing these clothes! But if I lose the next game, I’ll change my outfit.” Then you can’t be free. If I believe in Jesus Christ, then I just go.  Same with America.  I saw some American athletes, that they’ll keep wearing a specific color underwear if they win that day.  People are seized all over. 


I have to prepare my messages, but first I pray.  But when I end everything, I have to end, “God You are with me and You will guide me,” I end with this assurance.  I have to have the sure assurance that God will guide me in this worship and He will say what He needs to say to have this easy relationship with God.  But if that doesn’t take place, I have to gain a lot of reference documents for knowledge and explain it until people understand.

Height, Width, Depth (Information)

Make this a habit. If you’re just studying the material, it’s not going to work; we have to go out into the world, but we do not. You have to be able to study your specialization with height, width, and depth. The deaconess couple has been running their business for 20 years, and they say they can see the field.  They always go out to eat for lunch, and they’re studying the field.  They said it’s because they don’t want to cook for themselves, but they’re always researching. They do this without realizing this themselves, they’re studying, “When I go into this restaurant, this is what the food tastes like, and this is how the customer service is like.”  Then they naturally improve their own business.

It’s the same with evangelism.  Evangelism isn’t something you just hear on one side and go in.  If you evangelize for 20 years with height, depth, and width, you’ll see the fundamental source of the lifespring. Those without height, depth, and width can speak, but they face limitations.

Above, Below, Beside

Americans say, “You, you,” it’s because they don’t know.  They call “you” to their bosses and their friends, but in Asian culture, respect is built into the language.  From an outsider, it may seem they do not respect the people, but they do.  These are words from the Bible. Serve the people above you as if they were God. If you don’t, you’ll get beaten up. God made this structure, it doesn’t matter how bad the president may be, you must respect them. Otherwise you’ll get beaten up, this is God’s principle.  The reason why kids can’t endure their jobs is because they don’t have this training and they only know how to be rude, but people get stuck in their companies.  What they do to the people below them is step on them and treat them however they want.

Right now, we have to change the stream of the people above, below, and next to us, but how?  Serve the people above us like God.  Love the people below us like Christ loved the church.  The people beside you are not your competition, but you go together with them.  Japanese people do “beside” well.  The Chinese people have bought up all the property in New York.  If there’s a $10 million building, they pool a thousand people to buy it, and then they split the rent earnings. 

In Koreatown, there are doctors’ groups and they gather together to keep buying buildings so no one else can buy it.  You have to go together.  True leadership is being able to go together.  A boss or dictator is someone who says, “Follow me or die.”   On the outside, they may pretend to follow you, but on the inside, you can’t evangelize.

How can we change the stream of evangelism within our family?  You treat the people above you like garbage and then tell them to believe in Jesus Christ?  They will reject it.  If you say whatever you want to the people below you, they will reject it. Besides you, like your cousins, it’s all the same.  Ultimately you have to change the stream into the gospel.

You have to do this well. I always train the remnants like this inside the church. If they don’t follow along, they will fail in the world. It doesn’t matter how smart or skillful they are, they can’t endure. They’ll get more stepped on the more skilled they are; you may say this isn’t fair, but this is God’s law, but it turns out this was in God’s Word.  Servants, serve your masters as if serving God.  Without this, you will suffer because you’ll be stuck.  The church is the best place to train this because we have church officers and remnants.  The remnants care for the remnants.  Sharon is a remnant caring for remnants.  But if she never learned this in the church and went into her job, had a family, then she would make herself suffer.  We have to be able to go together with the friends next to us.  It’s the same as pastors.  Some people never buy things for others, if someone else offers to buy, they’re always there.  But they don’t have the posture to go together.  That’s just one example of getting food, but this is everything and it’s important.

If you want to go together with those next to you, you have to yield and sacrifice. Wait so you can go together.  If you’re just racing ahead on your own, you may go faster but you cannot go long.  If you want to do the remnant movement, you have to go together.  If you only know about yourself, you cannot go.

Past, Present, Future


When researching a person or region, see the past, present, and future so you can evangelize. There’s a history that flows through their family line. Without knowing this person’s past, you can’t see them fully.  Right now, their state isn’t everything but there’s the future.  If you’re not receiving the Word of God, it’s obvious what will happen, it’s the continuation of your spiritual problems.  It’s the same as if you went into a region, you have to analyze what happens in the past, present, and future.


It’s not just spiritual things, but finances as well.  The first time I needed to see a dentist, I went to a region because of my daughter, so I looked at the buildings and the people, and it seemed like an area that was low-class, based on the economy of the area.  You have to understand what kind of background they’re coming from.

It’s different to evangelize in Japan or Africa because their economy is different. If you go to a wealthy family, they won’t accept your candy, but if you go to kids, they will love candy.  You have to look at their finances.  Then you also look at the religious things in that building, like the Catholic churches.  Then I get a rough outline of the region.  Then I listen to the person’s family line and see what’s influencing them.


Change the flow, the past, present, and future, at the same time.  If you randomly evangelize, “Let’s see how they react,” that’s elementary level evangelization. We go with biblical evangelization. Why is Christ, Mount Calvary, the answer?  Why Mount of Olives?  Why Mark’s Upper Room?

5 Basics

Upper Room – Individual


The one who opens up their Upper Room meeting with the faith that there are people destined for salvation.  Without faith, you spread disbelief in the region. You have to open the meeting believing God has prepared people to receive the message.  Without the message, what will you give? Give God’s Word.  To whom will God attach things?  The one who believes and knows there are those who are destined to receive salvation. Fix the time and location of these meetings because people have to be able to plan to come, but if you change the time and location, you’re saying you don’t want to evangelize.

If you’re saying, “I’m busy today, so let’s aim for 5 or 6,” but until you get to a certain time, you can’t evangelize.  You’re always changing your time and location because you’re so busy.  You have no idea when God is going to bring someone who must receive the answer, so you must keep the location and time fixed.  Without this, you cannot be a minister, you can’t evangelize because something else is more urgent.

Team Ministry – Meeting

Do individual training so they can make these Upper Room meetings. You also take people to evangelize with you.  So there’s times where you take someone to a field, and when you think of “team ministry,” think of those whom you meet, and you’re raising them to do their own Upper Room meetings. If you know this principle, you’ll do team ministry to help people worship. Others do team ministry to block worship, then they cannot continue.  We have to keep doing team ministry so every time you meet them, the church pulpit goes into them as well as the Upper Room meeting.  This is how people come to life and continue.  Such people won’t be destroyed until Jesus’ second coming. 

The Upper Room isn’t a church so you bring them into the church so they can continue receiving grace.

Mission Home – family, Lifestyle (Healing), Disciple

Specialized Church – Specialty, Job

Regional Church – Region

Take these five basics of evangelism from the biblical evangelism and experience this through trainings. There’s five camp trainings. The first level camp training is Upper Room training.  We have team ministry training and mission home training and specialized training as well, there are so many trainings but this means there are five basic foundations in our lives and we have to have the answer of “only Christ” in each of them to proclaim Christ.

The important thing here is faith. I did this diligently without faith that there are people in the region who will receive salvation so I faced limitations in evangelism. If it’s about me, I’ll reach my limitations, but God surely gave His covenant.  “Go and proclaim the gospel to all nations, and heal them,” hold onto the covenant in faith and go.  Faith, answer, faith.  That’s from my perspective.

If you do not have the answer, you cannot give it as you do not have the content.  Why is evangelism being blocked? They have disbelief in their region, so the works of disbelief continue happening. Just try explaining Upper Room.  There’s a paper explaining about what an Upper Room meeting is, you fix the location and time, and then the important thing here is you believe there are people who will receive salvation in your field.  This is talking about “only” and “uniqueness.” But if you take out faith, that’s not an Upper Room meeting, it’s just what you’re doing, but God will work upon you in faith.

As time passes, God will allow you to realize more in faith, and it becomes easy.  The same is true for regional evangelization. The more people talk, the more their mouth hurts, but if someone has the faith of God’s covenant in the field, the message is relayed to the field and that’s why the pulpit is the pulpit that can give the answer to the problems in the field, and the 70 workers are those who can give the answer to those in the region. 

All 70 workers speak from what they received from the pulpit message, and then we go into the future which is the remnants and assistant pastors. If the pulpit is destroyed, the future is destroyed. It doesn’t matter how you do your own ministries, if you bring people to the church and the church is strange, people will leave, but if the pulpit is strange, the church will collapse.


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