7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

7 Bartizans, 7 Journeys, 7 Guideposts

Today we’re going to talk about how to actually enjoy the 7, 7, 7 prayer.  This cannot just be words on a whiteboard, it must be what we realistically enjoy.

Jesus Christ Finished – Me

If it’s not finished, I live a religious life with semi-finished things. Christ finished my past, present, and future, and you must hold to this as your covenant.

1) Triune God – With

Really enjoy this as you communicate with the Lord.  At first, you may just remember the words on the chalkboard, but you must remember the Lord who is within you and enjoy that.  Communicate with Him as you are walking around.  The beginning is the words on this chalkboard being imprinted in your brain.  Then you’ll realize, He’s not just on the chalkboard; He’s actually within me. Then you can enjoy this in the field and you must enjoy this until it’s rooted within you.  How?

(Word, Salvation, Power)

This Triune God is with me and I enjoy through prayer. 

2) Throne – Background

237, Transcending time and space

3) Within Me

If you don’t believe this, even if you’ve received those blessings, you cannot enjoy it.  Only when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you receive power and become witnesses to the ends of the earth, to all nations, to all people, and God says He will give you the power to do that, and it’s not within me, but the Lord within me gives me the power to do that.  Don’t just know this, but enjoy in prayer and you will receive evidence that God is working within me.


When I use humanism, things crumble. The things not of God are not it; why would you do the works that eventually crumble? Because you don’t know the things of God in the beginning, you end up using your own motives, power, strength, and humanism. The things you don’t have assurance with aren’t right.  Why invest our time and energy if we’re not sure? God shows us something in a sure way, and if it’s not clear or sure to you, you don’t need to do it.  Answers will follow, then you need to do it.

Me, Field, Church

If you want to do Temple Construction, but you haven’t received the answer, it will not take place.  But you pray because it’s not something you can do, but it’s something that only God can do with the power of heaven.  Which nation will I do missions with?  I continue to pray for that nation, it’s so simple.

4) 5 Powers

Don’t just think it will follow, but, “God, may You give me the power to do 237 nations healing and summit at this time,” and more specifically, “God, may You give me the power to save the people at my work field.”   If you don’t pray this, you will wonder, “How do I do this?” and you see the state of the field and think, “I can’t do this,” so you have to enjoy in prayer because God promised America evangelism and that the 237 nations will receive power. Don’t just know it, but actively pray and God will answer.  “God, give me spiritual power.”  Pray for that now, don’t start tomorrow, but start right now.  “God, may You give me the power right now to save my work field,” because you can’t do it. I can’t save people with my own strength, so I need to pray for it.

“God, may You give me the wisdom and intellectual power,” then you’re able to save your field with wisdom.  “God, may You give me the power and physical health to do this work.”  It’s okay if you catch a cold once in awhile, but if you continue to catch a cold?  Last Sunday, I had a sudden change of heart and shook hands with everyone even though I fist bumped them before, but Monday, I started with a headache.  My throat was scratchy for Tuesday, and on Friday, I felt even worse. 

Finances to do world evangelization to the ends of the earth.  “God, may You give me the financial power to do the 237 nations, healing, and summit movement without restriction.  God, may You attach blessed people whom You have prepared for me to do this.”  As you enjoy this, you enjoy great spiritual power because you continue to communicate with God.  You need to receive God’s power and strength first.

5) Ruler of the Kingdom of the Air

This is recorded in the Word.  Don’t just know it as words; hold onto it as your covenant and pray.


God knows the future and I will also know the future once I receive His power.

7) 237 Healing Remnant ) Temple Construction

Do you understand? Don’t just memorize it but enjoy it as your power through prayer then your spiritual state will change because you’re continuously communicating with God.  If you continue to breathe, then your physical body comes to life, but you don’t know how to pray, but you just need to do this.  then you will come to life according to God’s time schedule, then the people in your field will come to life as well.

Today is the leader’s winter retreat. “God may You work upon me with Your power to give the message that will raise the leaders to save the 237 nations.” Continue to pray for that and when you receive your answer, you relay it because that is God’s will to raise the remnants, and that’s how you can do America evangelism.  If you have no field, there’s no reason for God to work. If you don’t have a business field, there’s no reason for God to give finances.  “God, may You give me the power to overcome the superpower nation of America. God, give me the power right now so that through America evangelism the 237 nations evangelism will take place.” 

10 Mysteries


Spiritual Facts

Opposite Side

Deaconess Shin shared the gospel to the parents of two individuals living in the shelter, and he started evangelizing to others and brought them here.  People think, “Why do such people come to our church?” God allows it because the answers are on the opposite side. There can be an answer from God, transcends my thoughts, and God’s plan is something we cannot fully understand because we’re so limited.  On Saturday, Stephanie took me to a homeless shelter where Alex sang and Tiffany gave the message, and I told Stephanie, “Surely there is a disciple here,” but she didn’t understand.  “There is one more opportunity, and I hope that you pray because in the midst of that, you need to make disciples of all nations.”  “God, may You work upon me so I may find that person.”  No reason to think in a complicated way, if God works, you just need to go. You pray because you go to the field; without that, no reason to pray.  If you only sleep, there’s no reason to do this.  Then everyone will come to life.


We need to all come to life.  They want the lecturer to come to the church? We must all come to life, and it can’t just be beneficial to me and comfortable for me.  The standard is not about whether something is comfortable or not; we must all come to life together. That is God’s will. But if I continue to do things, centered on me, then Satan will work. 

Crisis – Opportunity

No Competition

Instead, our goal is not to succeed, but to save the successful people.  You need to constantly have this in your mind so you’re not deceived by “success.”

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation


No one could block David or Joseph. They were communicating 24 hours with God.  Even if you’re successful in your skills, without power, you will fall.


If no one else is ministering to a particular field, it is my uniqueness. If God said to do it, then we do it.  If I tried to do it with my own power, I can’t do it, but if God is going to do it, then it will take place, right?  It’s hard for you to succeed in your workplace but it’s easy for you to do it because God says He will do it.  Even if you have nothing, God has everything.  You must enjoy this to not fall into it.


So, you’re not in a religion where you have to uncover this yourself, “God, why are You allowing me to hear these words?” You always receive answers because God tells you.  It’s because God is with you, 24 hours. 

10 Platforms

Absolute Sovereignty

Why does God allow something to happen? It is simply because He allows it. Lose hold of this and you will shake.  We did this last week.

5 Assurances

Assurance of Salvation

Satan will continue to shake you with your own state, “How can you do anything in that state?” But through Christ, when you believe in that, then you have received salvation. 

Prayer Answers


Spiritual problems don’t matter because you’ve already overcome.  It’s not about whether you should do it or not; you don’t have assurance in yourself but in the victory that has come to us through Christ, then you overcome everything, mental problems, and depression. “I shake because of my depression,” then that will continue in your life. The Lord has finished the forces of darkness working in the background, so it must flee.


You have many unconscious sins and if you count them all, you’re bound for hell, but the Lord already finished it. But the devil oppresses us with guilt, and even if you go to church for a long time, you’re oppressed with guilt. There are sins you can see with your eyes and he oppresses you with that, and instead of talking about the sins we’re originally born with, we talk about the sins we can see.   


Don’t hold onto anything except God Who will guide you. Where do you place your assurance? Within God, but Satan shakes this up.  If you enjoy the absolute bartizan within you, you’ll walk these 7 journeys

9 Streams

Height, width, depth

You need to know the height, width, and depth.  Even up until high school, you don’t have depth of knowledge.  You learn about things like the French Revolution superficially like, where it took place and when, but once you go to college, they talk about why it took place and the background of what happened, do you understand? This must become your habit.  If not, you will fall into the words of one person.  Even with politics, if you talk to majority or minority groups, it sounds right, so you will be pushed away in the field; if you don’t do this, you won’t be able to evangelize because you’re saying incorrect things with incorrect information, so how could you evangelize?  The more you succeed, this must take place.

Above, Below, Beside

You need to have good communication; if you don’t have good relationships with one part of this, you can’t evangelize.  I’m talking about the streams where you can evangelize.  If the people above you say you can’t work well, you can’t evangelize, so we do all of this for the gospel. If I do it for myself, I can do it haphazardly, so you need to have relationships for the people above, below, and beside you.  Right now, my friend is working in Samsung, and there are two people who were hired together at the same time.  One of them is smart, the other is not; and I met them two years ago, we all went to different schools but we met together and it was kind of awkward because one of them was a chairperson and the other was a manager, and the manager is very smart, but the chairperson who isn’t as smart, he was placed in a division who goes to Washington DC to look for lawyers to defend Samsung in court.  “I didn’t become a chairperson by my power but someone above me raised me up.”  In the company, they have lunchtime, and he told me on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, he eats lunch with his subordinates, and it’s very important.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays, he eats with his superiors, do you know what this means? You need to understand this in order to succeed.  You need to communicate with people below you to see if things are taking place correctly, and twice a week, he eats with people above him.  Then he learns what his superiors are expecting; no one else does this except him, and the people above him ended up selecting him. You need to do this well. 


If I ask someone to do an Upper Room ministry with a remnant, no one communicates with me.  Then they’ll be like this in the world and it will be hard to succeed, because all systems are the same.  If someone gives you an order, you need to react and communicate your thoughts to them; you need to do this well.  I’m going to talk about this last at the winter leader’s retreat.  We’re all at that age now.  It’s the same for you.

Past, present, and future

Learn about the past, present, and future, see this holistically. What was America’s past, present, and future?  Why learn history?

7 Guideposts

1. Cross

2. God’s Kingdom

3. Mark’s Upper Room Acts 2:1-47

This isn’t knowledge of the Bible but it is our church time schedule and it is when regional evangelism takes place.

4. Acts 11 Antioch

5. Acts 13 Guidance

That’s why David always asked God, “Do I need to go out into the world or not?” When he received the answer, you must do the spiritual camp and receive guidance first.

Work, People, Location

You need to run your business this way,  but you create problems.  “Pastor pray for me, pray for my business so it goes well,” of course I’ll pray but you started this before. You need to be sure about this, and that’s why you can’t endure, you do it with your own strength.

6. Acts 16:6-10

We may think a path correct but God provided a different path. Without knowing this, you’’ll think you’re forsaken.

7. Acts 19:21

There’s a Rome that controls your region.  There’s a Rome within your business. The gospel must be proclaimed there, and that’s how the gospel will be proclaimed to the entire business. The gospel must be proclaimed to the top person of your company and God guides you through these guideposts.  The Holy Spirit will surely work.

God allowed you to walk this path.  Don’t just know it but actually enjoy this through prayer.  Enjoy all of this through prayer gc it will take place.  I hope you may enjoy this blessing. 

One Response

  1. Atunuo says:

    Praise the Lord .I am so much grateful to our almighty God Father son and holy spirit we called Trinity God who Jesus Christ himself .
    I am so touched and blessed reading about 7 Bartizan 7 journey and 7 guidepost.
    I believe and trust in him that this 237 Bartizan remnant ministry will bring so many lost soul to Christ and shine the heavenly light and trully love to the world and save the world .
    I will be always apart of this ministry thru prayer and reading the messages of this ministry which strengthen my spiritual life and give me a heart to serve God with the power of holy spirit .
    And to enjoy God’s eternal possession and inheritance of eternal legacy is so wonderful and life is full hope for future because of Jesus dwelled in us

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