21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Whole Heart + Teacher’s Meeting

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Whole Heart + Teacher’s Meeting

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Our entire lives are spent going back and forth, outside and inside.  Earlier, someone’s face was so panic-stricken, I couldn’t give the message. 

Satan, Sin, Hell – Only Christ

The answer won’t be Christ for fake problems. The real answer to the real problem is Christ, but people don’t know what the real problem is, and that’s why Jesus Christ isn’t their real solution. They spend their entire lives doing something else.  Firefighters put out fires as their life goal. Why do we need firefighters? So we can relay the gospel to them, and they have to put out the fires.  That’s why we brough the firefighters here, it’s all to relay the gospel.

What happens if we have a fire here? It didn’t, so we shouldn’t just waste our time doing unnecessary things, because our talents are wasted as we do unnecessary things.  What happens if there’s a fire here?  We make unnecessary problems, but there’s no need to waste our time like that.

Kingdom of God

If you don’t have this answer, you keep trying to do something yourself, and the kingdom isn’t established.

Only Holy Spirit

All we do is relay God’s grace, and God reigns over and controls us.

Satan’s Kingdom

Satan’s Kingdom must be broken and this can only be established by God’s Kingdom through only Christ.  This becomes the evangelist’s life.

Heavenly Mandate (Heavenly Profession)

Then I won’t shake; I don’t have a choice. If you think “only Christ” is a choice, you can’t succeed or do anything.


This calling right now is for Sunday school teachers or interpreters for now, but that can change.


This comes from the Triune God.

Unbelievers have this coming from the world, for their success, so they’ll be seized by the devil and will fall.


It’s rightful to testify of Christ because the world suffers from these three problems.  But if you see the world is trapped in fundamental problems then testifying Christ is rightful.  Because you don’t see the real problem as the real problem, you find something else.


I wasn’t able to give this during the previous message.  I wanted to talk about American ideology but we skipped that part.  The people of the world don’t see the fundamental problems as problems, but they research on how to make a better life.  So instead of starting from the fundamental problems, they talk about how humans are going to be better and how to live a better life.  Because I’m not able to see the problem as a real problem, of course, I’ll have other problems.

Faith, Hope, Love

The freemasons talk about this. It’s like Christianity.  They talk about faith and we think they have faith but that’s not it.  Only someone who has some kind of religion can join the freemasons. They have their charity, and we make people’s lives a little better, but they begin with themselves.  They talk about faith in humanity, the hope and love of humans.  Churches can also talk about this, but it becomes indistinguishable from the gospel, so we have no choice but to have problems. Because they don’t know the real problem but they hold onto a false, unnecessary problem, this has no choice but to come. 


It’s rightful, necessary.  They don’t know what the real problem is. Because they don’t know the real fundamental problems, they think they can solve things with the actions of mankind, and that’s the problem. They say “God” as well, they say “God is love,” and they use biblical words.  “God is everywhere,” and they don’t know about Jesus, but they say God is everywhere.  But they don’t believe Jesus is God.  That’s America.

If we’re not careful, we cannot distinguish between the two because they use the same language and style.  Their hope isn’t in the Word of God; their hope is in themselves.  They just believe something by themselves. they say everything is God, and within me, I have hope, and we have to love one another.  There’s no love of Christ, they use the same words, but it all comes from humans.  On top of that, they have this “can-do” attitude, positive thinking, “God can do everything,” they say.  “Nothing is impossible,” and from a human perspective, these are good words.  If we’ve proclaimed the gospel, we talk very severely, and when we talk about disasters, they say, “Oh, that’s too negative.” 

They say, “God is not someone forceful,” it comes from American culture.  They block God in this way. If you give them the Word of God properly just a little bit, they don’t like it.  They say, “God is love, they say God only talks about positive things, God is not negative.” God is a god they created.  They need to look at God from the Bible, but instead, you have no idea how much Satan is shaking the churches.

But when people listen to those words, they love hearing it.  Joel Osteen talks a lot about the positive, can-do attitude, and it’s all about this when he talks about faith.  He just excludes the cross of Jesus Christ.  Then, he helps the devil because he doesn’t talk about Christ.  The devil brings a lot of people to his church because they have to be revived to be the model church.

For them, they worship every week and have to rent out a whole stadium. “Dream dreams! Dream dreams that you can do this, then God will fulfill that.” He says he kept circling the same block, “This house is going to be mine,” and one day it was his.  The fundamental thing for humans is money.  Even right now, America doesn’t participate in wars that do not benefit them materialistically. The only they reason do something abroad is because it makes money; otherwise they cut it off.  That is the foundational base of America. 

Of course, all the people flock to him because he talked about how he got a house because imagined it to be his.   It doesn’t matter if it’s God’s will, they think, “It must be positive, better life, better person,” because the gospel isn’t being properly proclaimed in the other churches, so fakes come in and tempt other people. This is the biggest church in America, and the color of American Christianity is like this, so as time passes, they will ultimately find problems.

Absolute Plan

If someone has cancer, it didn’t come from out of nowhere.  This is something that happened after they lived for a long time, living only for the physical flesh, and this was bound to happen. Then what is God’s plan? It is to look to only God and receive strength. You have to relay those words for the person to understand and look towards God.  It’s not that we don’t know Christ, but the evangelist’s life must be mine. It’s not enough to know Jesus Christ as the prophet, priest, and king. 

Rightfully we can give the way of salvation, but we cannot train a person’s life this way.  It’s talking about the life that comes through the Word of God and the evangelist’s life.  This must change your imprint, root, and nature through the Word of God.

A legalistic person says, “You got what you deserve, I knew the outcome based on what you were doing. God is punishing you.” Then what do you have to do?  You have to explain this to them. Why did it have no choice but to happen?  You have to explain to them the rightfulness and inevitability so they can discover and relay God’s absolute plan.

If religion doesn’t go into the kids, and we don’t talk about Christ, then we only relay religion. If you don’t know this, then you yourself will realize you’re living a religious life. If you don’t know what the fundamental problems are, you will be weak in Christ. You’ll use Christ to solve your problems, and that’s religion.

Curing cancer is not the goal.  The fundamental healing is when you discover God’s purpose for giving cancer.  But if someone is weak in Christ, they cannot save someone like that because something else has gone into them so they say other things. If you say anything else, that person cannot come to life. You have to give them the words of God through evangelism.

For us, we know Christ but it’s not enough just to know the word, “Christ,” otherwise we wouldn’t need any of this; we can just use the word, but this is the life of the one who has Christ, it’s talking about every aspect of your life. 

Even so, legalism is better than unhealthy mysticism.  If someone gets caught up in unhealthy mysticism, it’s better for a legalistic person to understand this.  For both of them, they are centered on human standards, what humans can do or experience.  But everything, unhealthy mysticism, and prosperity-based faith, is all centered on humans, and this is the devil’s trap.  When we talk about legalism, “That’s just that person’s personality,” but they’re seized by demons. That person is trapped by Satan’s trap, and the person doesn’t recognize it themselves.  This is the method Satan uses upon the people in the church. It starts with myself.

One Heart

How shall we do this?  We have the phrase, “know-how,” because people don’t know God, they talk about human methods, how can we work more efficiently?  They’re speaking of methods.  God Himself is the method.  Believe in God. You look for methods because you don’t believe with one heart. Continuously with one heart, if you keep going, you’re bound to go all in with your whole heart.

Whole Heart

You must stake your life.  Whether it rains or snows or if there’s a fire, you must stake your life.  Otherwise you’ll be so afraid to waste your life, you’ll go this or that way, you cannot do one heart, whole heart, and continuation.  In Revelation, it says many terrible things will happen in the end times.  There’s going to be an Armageddon War, and many terrible things happening.  Look at the end of days just as evidence that this is it.  But if you don’t have the answer, you have to follow those signs.  Your life will be wasted just talking about what wars are happening.  You do things like this and your life is just over. 

What is the result of the Ukraine war? You talk about it when you drink or when you speak with others. Americans are taking Ukranian refugees.  Are refugees coming to Los Angeles?  The war has no choice but to happen, that’s rightful. The Eastern Orthodox religion controls Russia. What happens if many places relayed the gospel? This would change.  For us, we go all in with one heart.  Whether this or that happens, it doesn’t matter.  Somebody said, “I have to bury my father,” and Jesus Christ said, “Let the dead bury their own dead. Come, follow Me.”

In Genesis 6, the spiritual people became physical so they only were concerned with getting married, getting jobs, and going to parties. This was rightful for them, they lose hold of building the Ark and focus on getting money and spending it on useless things.  We have to see and talk about important things but we spend our time on useless things.  We have one heart, but how do you do that?

The evangelist’s life.  For us, all our trainings and conferences are during holidays.  Those who celebrate holidays won’t come.  Some people spend their life savings on ancestral worship. They do what they do, but we get camp training.  If you talk about this or that, you can’t do whole heart.  Let’s look at God’s Word.

Acts 2:42

They devoted themselves.  If someone is getting married, or someone passes away, they still devote.  “I hear there will be a new president,” what does that matter?  Devote yourself, stake yourself on something that will work.  Staking yourself on something that doesn’t work?

1 Samuel 17:29

People stake their lives on moving somewhere, getting married. It’s not wrong but don’t stake your life. But when they actually have to go all in to stake their lives, they don’t.  Right now, they’re fighting a war with Philistia, it’s a spiritual battle and they stake their lives.  That’s how David and Saul’s decisions were different.  Saul staked his entire life on maintaining his position, to his benefit.  It didn’t matter that they were mocking God’s name; the gospel and the next generation had nothing to do with him because he’s worried about studying, getting a house, getting a car. 

The person who will stake their lives on that can do that, but David staked his life on the gospel, and the people said, “Saul killed his thousands, and David his tens of thousands.”  In a certain area, if there is snow, people do not come to worship. Everyone knows this there, and maybe their cars can’t move.  I don’t know because I haven’t lived there. Maybe the roads are blocked, or someone died on the roads, so they don’t go. Then world evangelization will be hard.  For us, maybe we’re lucky to have no snow; we keep coming, but there’s no reason for us.  Worship is rightful.  If we argue this and that, our lives will become this and that.

2 Chronicles 16:9

Psalm 119:2

If we discover a treasure in the field, we take everything to buy it.  Stake everything for world evangelization, this is the value of Christ, and the person who has discovered this value can stake their lives.  People only move according to their values, so if they don’t stake their lives, they haven’t discovered it.

If the remnants discover this value when they’re young, they stake their lives like David.  If they have staked only a third of their lives, that’s how they’ll be seized by the devil. It means they have not yet discovered only Christ.  For us, it is only Christ, and you must be able to discover how everything is for this purpose. You need to discover the value of giving everything to the church. Isn’t the church the Body of Christ, the light and salt of the world?

Psalm 138:1

It means he discovered something

Acts 20:24

I consider life to be nothing except to testify of God’s grace.  Sometimes God allows you to realize this in the midst of great suffering, then that suffering is a great blessing.  But because you discover this, you stake your life on it. No matter what anyone says, that’s just people’s words, but you stake your life.

1 Timothy 4:15

I’m sure you’re not being diligent for unnecessary things.  But you just stake your life on following the words of the vision God gave you.  People of the world stake their lives on fake success, then don’t you think that being able to stake your life on the gospel that will be fulfilled is a great blessing and grace?

For us, if we’re doing an Upper Room meeting, stake your life on it.  If you start and stop, it means you haven’t staked your life. That means that you haven’t discovered the value of Christ upon which you must stake your life.  Then why are you proclaiming the gospel?  I’m talking about staking your life on proclaiming the gospel.  If you stake your life to proclaim the gospel, you won’t say things about starting and stopping. Once you discover the value, you’re bound to go.

If you see something important, you go in that direction and stake your life, like Thomas Edison. You must be hooked on Christ, this must be hooked into you as the thing of greatest value.  In order for that to happen, your eyes must be opened to see the fundamental problems. At first, it’s knowledge, but your eyes will be opened later on, then Christ is the best, and testifying Christ is the greatest mission upon which you must stake your life. 

We are pastors, elders, deaconesses, and remnants for this purpose.  Everything else seems correct but it’s not very valuable.  Rev. Ryu says to listen to them, but he doesn’t listen to them, because it’s useless words, words of people who haven’t discovered the value of only Christ. He talks about only Christ. How will you relay this?  “You did this or that,” it’s irrelevant to him.  He does only Christ, God takes care of everything else. 

What about for you and me? It’s this, you work for this, we received our roles in the church for this, then what happens? God is bound to give you strength. Then the grace will be greater.  What happens otherwise?  Nothing will work out for you in your work or walk of faith. It may seem you succeed in the world but you fail because of spiritual problems.

We don’t want smart people, God gives you the evidence for only Christ.  That’s what we want, there are so many people in the world who are good at studying.  So many people in every single nation are very good at business. Can you do anything?  No, God is using the one who has Jesus Christ. They can’t brag about their own actions but this kind of remnant with the evangelist’s lifestyle must arise.  May we have this blessing.

20220424 Teacher’s Meeting

We’ll go straight into the Teacher’s Departmental Meeting briefly.  We received the Word of what we must forum about for the next month. Some of you have listened, but others have not.  You have to remain within the stream of the word for you to go in the correct direction of the Word.  The essence of Christ is the same forever, but it’s different age by age.  Otherwise, you can just know the knowledge of the Bible, but that’s not the case. Right now, the field is moving in a different way, the three organizations are moving.

The answer is only Christ, but it’s a little different as the field and the age are different.  What is the content with which we must be led for the next month?  Think about the remnants.  If you want to simply do things, don’t listen to the word, but we are doing this in order to raise the remnants to be future leaders and evangelists.  If we’re just going to raise up normal churchgoers, we don’t have to do anything like this.  People can still go to church if we have programs like painting Easter eggs.  However, to raise the children as evangelists for the future, we have to ride the flow of the Word.

Conquer in Advance

We are stuck in time, so we use the words, “in advance.”  God said to Joshua that He had already given the land over, but from Joshua’s perspective, it wasn’t already his.  That’s the difference between the Creator and the creation.  The Creator is in an eternal time schedule so all of time is the present. But for us, we use past, present, and future, but we work things out through time, and things will happen in the future. However, the Lord has already finished all problems on the cross, and the incident of the cross is His today.  That’s the time of eternity.

From our perspective, we live in time, so this was 2000 years ago, that’s why we cannot understand, “It is finished.”  It is finished and it is being finished, but if you say, “It is not finished yet but it’s being finished,” that’s a headache. We just confirm it is finished.  God has already conquered for world evangelization and is telling us to confirm that.  But if you don’t know this, you have to try so many different methods to conquer by yourself.


The remnants must be raised to be leaders.  If they don’t become leaders, they can just come to church, but how do you raise leaders?  Ever since they’re young, they have to be set in a leadership mentality, so every day, help somebody else.  Their character is that they always want to give back. 

Great Figure

Make them read texts on great figures.  Otherwise they’ll think the people they’ve met are their standards, then they cannot think any great thoughts.  You need to help them with books so they can have these thoughts in their life.


Help them listen to their message every day for their spiritual state.  The parents must control this from the side.  If the parents aren’t able to help them from the side, it will be hard for the remnants.  But if the parents are able to help, then the remnants will arise faster.  I had our daughter do deep breathing prayer in the evening with my wife, and that began to change.  Now, they turn on the Sunday message and they sit in the room together, doing deep breathing.  I can hear my own voice, and so she just plays it for five minutes for my kid to listen to.

Either way, we don’t know when the Holy Spirit is going to work, so the parents make it possible for this to enter their spiritual state.  She’s not some kid who says, “I’ve received so much grace from the Word,” I don’t know if it’s her age or character, but she’s never said this; she just keeps listening to things as knowledge.  When you tell her to forum, she does that, but asking what’s filling of the Holy Spirit by faith? She doesn’t know what that means.  She prays for the filling of the Holy Spirit with words, but that’s okay, one day, God’s time schedule will come.  What’s important is continuation. I said, “Later on, you’ll be at a point where you cannot control your life, so it’s okay.”

Studies – High School

College is optional, but you can study up to high school for free.  Without a solid foundation in high school, they’ll find holes when they get older.  We call this the basic foundation for knowledge. 

Future – Today

This is important, to do it every day.  Thomas Edison didn’t do everything all at once, but he did it every day.  No matter what work you’re doing, it’s best to do a little bit every day. Same with exercise, it’s something set while young to be a leader.

Bible Verses

Help them to confirm the Bible verses during worship. If the parent does it with the kids, it’s better.  Maybe you can go through the Bible verses before the pulpit, and explain that to them. These kids take the lead.  It seems like it’s not much, but it’s setting them to be teachers and evangelists in the future, so later on, it will be different.  They’ve never read about great figures.  I look at what my daughter reads, and it’s all fantasy stuff. It may help her imagination, but she doesn’t know any of the great figures. I got some from the library and she says she hates those books the most.  She says she likes books with animals. 

I asked her to read and write a book report. She listens well at least.  I can’t be a president, and people don’t become president without reason. You can read about those reasons in the book.  It’s stopped now, but this was before COVID.  Helping others, that’s important.  If you always talk about getting government handouts, you’re making your children into beggars. Adults do this without knowing it because they have a beggar mentality.  One of the pastors once told me to buy him a meal, and I asked, “Why must I pay?” “Oh, it’s hard to get your citizenship so we should celebrate.”  Those words were correct, but I said, “I cannot. Why would I be so happy about getting my citizenship?”

If I have to relay the gospel, I have to get my citizenship. It’s the pride of the evangelist. The fact that I get so happy about celebrating a passport, yes that’s my meal but it’s the pride of the evangelist and the leader. That’s how I thought, and he stopped bothering me.  “I am happy to buy a meal for no reason, but I’m not here just to live and survive.  I’m an evangelist, I’m a pastor, I’m here with a mission, so getting a pastor is not such a matter or choice.

It’s not form out of nowhere, make it so they can devote because a leader is one who devotes himself. If you are becoming a leader for your own benefit, that’s a corrupt leader.  People become presidents but those tyrants are just using the nation for their own benefit.  That person should not be  leader, it would be a leader if they are. 

Ever since they’re young, they must know that church is not about free handouts but it’s about devoting.  This is one of their ideologies. Without a leadership ideology, once they get older, it would be about the same.  They need to have that kind of character. Otherwise even the pastor will get cursed at a lot.  People will attack the pastor from this and that way because their vessel isn’t prepared.

They try to not pay their Synod dues even though they should be paying more. That’s just how they become. You need to pay a lot to lead the Synod properly.  But if anything, they try to cover it up to pay less and less, that’s not a leadership mentality. There’s a huge difference in this, and I believe the remnants have to be raised like this while they’re young.


Within the Church

Acts 13:1-4



What is God calling you for?  Proclaiming the gospel. But if we’re not prepared in the introduction, God prepares those who are best for proclaiming the gospel in that field.  Simply put, if the gospel is relayed, we have to give the gospel to nurture them.  The most important thing is that I have life.  Depending on who you relay it to, the content may change.  Who is delivering it?  That determines whether it’s religion. 

God always give you the worship, the pulpit, and the Word.  Then, you can continuously relay the gospel and nurture.  For example, people gather for the El Salvador church.  They had their church for 15-18 years, and some pastors gave up and left.  One disciple from that church has been meeting with a disciple in Hollywood for years, and this person’s friend lives in El Salvador in the same region. One day, the pastor was raising a young girl in his house, and when the mother asked for her back, he wouldn’t give her back. He’s no longer in the church, relaying the Word. These things happened and the friend in Hollywood heard.  She shared this on Thursday during our meeting.

So, God raises up this kind of incident. What was the team God raised in the church?  We were already doing Darakbang with someone speaking Spanish with her friends, and Assistant Pastor Lim opened that door.  Not anyone can open that door, but God created that team.  Not anybody can speak Spanish, someone was prepared for long ages past, so why do you think they’re educated here? God has a plan for that.

There’s also the pastor’s wife, they do Darakbang together with the Word. I heard that and I moved.  When God creates a team, He creates a proper setting that is necessary for relaying the gospel to the field.  When the location is determined, God prepares the team, or in the process of developing the team, God opens up a location, so we’re supposed to go there, but there’s no bathroom. You dig a hole.  Senior Deaconess Song said she couldn’t go, “No way,” but if the interpreter can’t go, we can’t go. She said, “I can interpret through zoom.”  “That doesn’t make any sense.  Is that God’s will?” 

The next week, we heard news that the Hollywood disciple had built a very clean house for her to use in El Salvador.  There, they have showers and electricity.  She doesn’t even use it herself, so we use it. That person built that house with their money without being able to use it, so God prepared it without us even knowing.  Then because their younger brother is opening the door for us, she asked us to evangelize to him.  They would prepare the food, we just have to go.  

If this is truly God’s prepared direction, everything else would be aligned.  “Until we go in, raise up people to do this personal nurturing movement,” because there’s a disciple who understands these words, once we do evangelism camp there and people accept, these people have to give this message.  Just like we’re moving a team inside the church, a team must be raised in that nation for this movement. 

On Sunday, they don’t have a place to worship, so we give them the message immediately.  We did tell them, “We will give you a projector so you have a place where you can worship.”  They said they used to have internet for $25, but it stopped, but they can start it again.  Even they’re so amazed, “How did these people get connected to us?” They’re confused but this disciple has been praying for a long time. She thirsts for the Word and it was fulfilled for her.

Just like in today’s Bible scripture, God sent Cornelius and connected him to this movement.  God works upon both fields, the one that receives the gospel and the people and the field. That’s why there are these works of these meetings.  I said, “Before we go, raise up these people who can stand as teachers, and we can do a conference for the Way of Salvation.”  This must continue.

Then, the Word has to continue to flow through them, and we have to translate into Spanish. Then what must the media team do? They must be led. They have to quickly find out how to put in the Spanish translation. If we want to save the 237 nations, we must do this as well. If we just say, “237” in words, but we don’t have this, it’s the same as not doing this.

I’m sure people are prepared with this skill. This takes money, too, I’m sure someone is prepared. God gives and does the work.  It seems like people do it, but there’s nothing to boast about, because God prepares and does it.  When the future generations arise, the gospel will be proclaimed full force.  Then our Temple Construction must also have the foundation for this media, because the Temple is for the 237 ministry. A place for them to come to be healed and a Temple that can raise up the remnants as the summit.  If you want to do the 237, you have to do media, then we have to have a church system that’s able to broadcast this media.

There are many languages, there’s Mandarin Chinese, we just have to do what God has given to us, but it’s important to have this prepared. This is what it means to ride the stream of the pulpit. What is God doing in the church now?  For church officers, if you do not follow the stream of the pulpit, you’ll be in a misstep.  You’re going to take missteps as you won’t be lined up with the pulpit and the word.

Resolve everything with the Word of God.  The church building that is able to do all of this. If you know this, you can see how God is working in the church.  Without knowing this, you’ll think unnecessary things.  There’s not a single unnecessary person in the church.  It’s simply you’re not able to see why this person has come to church as your direction is not aligned with missions and evangelism.

When Esther lived 3-4 hours away, I told her, “this is the field God gave to us.”  Do you think there are no disciples in the law school?  We have two lawyers who come to this church with mental problems.  Do you think the law school doesn’t have this? God showed this to us, you must be able to see it.  Then, what is the team God has prepared inside of the church to save those people? 

In the time schedule, God will move your heart. Then, it becomes your reason.  You can do everything else in the church, that’s what the field is like, I’m talking about this with the background of Acts 13.  Why does the senior deaconess come here?  Why is she even at this church? She doesn’t even use her Spanish.  So, she was being trained and prepared for this moment.  If you don’t see how God is guiding everything for missions and evangelism, you won’t see how God is necessary for this church. However, if you see missions and evangelism in the field, you’ll see how God brought them to this church.

It’s not so that we can have a lot of people in the church, but it’s to save the field. The children must do missions and evangelism.


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