21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Uniqueness

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Esther Han

May the life of the evangelist be our lives and may we see the 62 life points in advance. We are doing the 62 life points and the 21 life points are the fundamentals.  When we finish this, we always go onto the other 62 points.  Anyone can evangelize, but what’s an evangelist?  Are you David or Saul?  David made mistakes and God ended King Saul.

People are afflicted by Satan and most people don’t know this, they are seized by the demons of legalism and humanism, thinking they are holding onto God’s Word, but everybody is seized by demons. Satan makes it so you cannot hold onto the Word, but then you’d be able to understand.

Sin makes us leave God. Some people are weird, they give Satan the responsibility and take no responsibility for themselves, but I was deceived.  The consequence of sin is punishment, but if you don’t understand this, then the cross is completely irrelevant because the cross that only beats up Satan is heretical; you have to hold onto this, otherwise, you’re a heretic.

Some heretics move all their sin over to Satan, but this is the truth. I’ve been deceived and I’ve left God’s word, and I live in the midst of the background of curses and hell. These things are the fundamental source of problems, but people don’t talk about this, then you cannot save the people seized by demons. But people don’t talk about this.  Even when people go to church, they don’t know what unbelievers are like because they only hear the things they’ve heard theologically, they don’t know what this is.  They know sin but it’s incredibly incorrect. They know about actions and sinful deeds but they don’t know the real sin, so that’s why when unbelievers hear about it, they think it’s religion and repentance, but it’s the sinner.  Sinners have no choice but to sin. 

People keep talking about repenting of their sins, but they don’t talk about sin. If you don’t understand what this means, it will be difficult for you. The person I am must be within God’s Word, but if you go outside of God’s Word to correct your sinful actions, that’s just having the form, then you can’t understand the gospel and save religious people. Then, do we need this? We do, but it cannot be solved. Fundamentally I have to be within God’s Word. 

Who is a sinner?  Someone who has God’s Word, but in that state.  People’s eyes are opened to Satan, but it’s to the point where they think Jesus Christ only came for Satan, because they’ve heard about sin and disasters before, but they hear about Satan and only focus on Satan and forget about sin.  Some people only emphasize sin, but is it that they’re talking about this incorrectly? No, they only talk about the actions.  They pray the same prayers every week, the guys are crying, “I messed up; please forgive me,” but the Holy Spirit is inside of us.  You have to repent of having been lost outside of God’s Word, but people repent from the consequential actions they perform.

That’s why the three roles of Christ solved these three problems.  You have to talk about the problems for Christ to be the answer. Christ has solved these problems. All problems stem from the three fundamental problems, so people know Christ but they cannot acknowledge them. They only know this as a theory from the Bible as book knowledge.

People are seized by Satan but they don’t know, and they’re continuously dragged around.  Satan is most afraid of the person who has concluded in Christ, and Satan knows.  If that person comes close, then Satan will flee because he knows. That’s most important so you must confirm this in the field.  You can receive the Word but you have to confirm it in the world. When you meet successful in the field and multiethnics, you must see this, the answer is only one thing.

What is evangelism? It’s not this, but there’s a lot of other problems, so that’s why Jesus Christ came.  They’ll come to you and you have to talk about the three problems, connected to the many problems. If they do not acknowledge these three problems but you talk about the other problems, Christ won’t be the answer. 

What do unbelievers think? It’s about prayers and blessings and getting better, so evangelism is very easy.  There are many problems that come that aren’t these three problems. It may be your parents or relationships, but these problems will come.  But all these problems, the six states of the unbeliever, come from the three fundamental problems, so you have to explain this to them. That’s why Jesus Christ is the answer.

But what happens if you don’t talk about this? You say Jesus Christ is the answer to finances? Then you’re just relaying religion. What do the Buddhists say? Believe in Buddha to receive blessings, so the religious tell you to come, but that’s not it.  These three problems are only in the Bible, and just because it’s biblical doesn’t mean you know this.

We say it is this, and if you acknowledge this, the answer is already here, but some people have that time schedule to acknowledge this.  But if the evangelist doesn’t relay this, they may relay Christ and salvation, their beginning is incorrect, starting on the wrong foot.  The further along they go, they cannot deal with their present problems as they only know these problems, why? Because they were told to believe in Jesus Christ for these blessings, but if you tell them what the real problem is, then even though real problems come, it won’t be a real problem. It seems like a small difference, but it’s the difference between life and death, between religion and the gospel.

Living that walk of faith is difficult because the visible problems come, but you pray to God and ask for prosperity, even though these problems aren’t really the problem, because we have been liberated from these problems and are with God. God being with us, He guides us through the problems. If I’m in the midst of these three problems, then no matter how much I try to fix these problems, it won’t work, so you have to confirm, are you doing a religious walk of faith, or are you in the gospel?

Religious pastors give religious messages, he’ll talk about physical problems and, “if you believe in Jesus Christ, you’ll be blessed,” and you can understand such messages easily. It’s the same in Buddhism, and if anything, that’s better because it tells you to get rid of your greed, of what you have.  But the church is lacking, so they say, “Give us more.”  This is not Christian, but that’s what the churches have become.  Yet, people still say they received grace, but the answer of Christ is grace.  Why is evangelism the easiest thing and hardest thing?  If you have this it’s easy; otherwise it’s hard.

God has created all masterpieces and prepared everything; we just have to kick the ball into the goal.  He created everything and says, “Just kick the ball and I’ll consider that goal to be yours.”  Not knowing this, you have to weave in and out and make the goal on your own across the field, and evangelism is difficult. If you don’t know what evangelism means, you don’t know what God is doing. 

You haphazardly evangelize, so you haphazardly know God. To know God accurately means this is accurate for you because only then can you know your field accurately. There’s nothing easier than evangelism. Studying is hard but evangelism is easy.  But if you don’t understand this, you’re not aligned with God, but if you do, then you are aligned with God.  So, the Bible talks about Joseph and David and it’s saying the same thing.  Joseph was dragged around as a slave, and God worked upon him, when did he make his own efforts?

John 19:30, it is finished.  But is it not?  It’s a heavy burden otherwise.  We didn’t finish it so we try to finish it with diligence and praying a lot. Pastors know this, so after a long time, they kneel. It’s not that they didn’t evangelize or receive grace or give sermons, they do have these things. They studied the Bible a lot, but one day, it came to me. What came to me?  The fact that Jesus is the Christ, the solution to these problems.

The pastor who wrote this song was living his walk of faith for a long time. He studied music in college and wrote this song while in the army, but in America, they really liked the song and it’s now in the hymnal, why? Because it’s something remarkable.  So, someone received grace and was talented, how much of a shock did he receive?  He’s sick and in a wheelchair but even though his body is weak, there is no change to his confession of Christ.

This beginning is important.  So, if you ever wonder, why does evangelism not work out for me? You have to realize your eyes haven’t been opened, then it is not you.  Prior to me, it’s the “me” within the three problems, then why should I be my own center?  Christ should be the center.  It’s not about materialism or success, but it’s about fulfilling God’s plan.  This Christ is my Lord, the living son of God. It must begin here.  Even after making this confession, because you’re still in the midst of this, God’s Kingdom will come to you.

God’s Kingdom and Word come to you. The Word God desires for His Kingdom comes upon me. If everything is finished, then the Word is everything.  What happens if you don’t finish this? Then you’ll hold onto your own things and you won’t receive the Word.  After this, receive your mission through the Word.  God gave Joseph the dream, do you think God made something so special because there wasn’t a governor? There were so many governors, that’s the reason God made him the governor, he chose Joseph to do this work.

He discovered his talents while a slave, the training in politics and finances were imparted while in prison, and ultimately he goes to the field of the palace and proclaims the gospel to the entire world. David knew his talent ever since he was a shepherd, because Samuel came and gave him the Word, “You will do this and this is your talent,” so God creates based on this specialty.  Through Samuel, God honed the specialty.  While Saul is chasing David around, this is the time he could hone his specialty, because when you have to be a king, you have to know the politics and what he’s doing, then once the time comes, he was placed in the position of a king and had to do this first.

If you don’t know this, it’s going to be difficult, but remnants within this will have it so easy.  God has given work to each person.  People do this haphazardly and worship haphazardly so they don’t know what they should do.  So, even if we live a life like that, the future generations should not.  Diligence is not the problem; it is the blood sacrifice.  Who can follow after the diligence of Christ?  Christ gave His life.  God’s Word and mission will absolutely come to us.

I was an unbeliever so I wouldn’t know, but it’s because I didn’t know God.  As I see my past, I see how God prepared everything so I can do this pastoral ministry.  Just like God prepared David to be a king ever since he was young, because God even guides unbelievers to this ultimate point, even if they don’t have salvation yet.  

When I became a pastor, I was able to understand the things of my past.  Strangely enough, nothing in the world fit with me, so that was my starting point, but that was the point of conflict for me.  Others said, “This is the way,” but it wasn’t for me, so people said, “Isn’t it hard to be a pastor?” It is not for me, it is my God-given talent.  People ask, “How do you walk on a thorny path?” But why am I on such a path? Jesus Christ walked that path and wore the crown of thorns, why would I have to walk that path?  Being persecuted because of my faith will be rewarded in heaven, but when I look back on that, when I didn’t know God, I thought, “Why is nothing working out for me? It works out for others.” 

When I became a pastor, I realized that all the things God was blocking wouldn’t work out anyway.  I see that I can’t do physical labor but I specialize in prayer and speaking. I was good at drinking and talking about people and politics, talking about grand things, not trivial things.  This is what’s aligned with God’s Kingdom, you have to talk about grand things, not trivial things.  That’s the vessel God has prepared for me.

It’s the same for the remnants as well.  The senior deaconesses may be retired, but now is the time to relay this to the future generations.  You’ll wander forever. Even now, my friends and I are in a chatroom asking, “Am I making the right decision?” They say, “I think I made the correct decision,” there’s no confidence because even the higher-ups in the company do this; they have no assurance.

I had a friend in Samsung who said the same thing, he has no assurance in life.   Unbelievers live their lives like this, but we have the assurance it will work out. But if you don’t know this, you’ll study without knowing why you study. It’s only to eat and survive.  So, we must relay the passion to the next generation; now that I know, I relay this as my passion.  God’s Kingdom.

Only the Holy Spirit. You can’t do this with your strength so God says He will give you power, so hold to the covenant and I pray that God will work.  You will be witnesses when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.  These three things are the secret of the evangelist and this is the beginning of correct evangelism. Until this point it is incorrect; it is an evangelism you do by sending people into the field to see what it is like, but it cannot continue because it is incorrect evangelism.  But the Early Church was able to find the answer in this, to continuously do the works.

This must come to you as a heavenly mandate. All people need Christ, there’s no choice.  Right now, what must I do today for the heavenly mandate?  What am I going to do with the time and position given to me so I can proclaim Jesus Christ?  I am a pastor, but I can’t just say I’m a pastor today and move along.  There was a time I was an assistant pastor, a time when I was a young adult. Even though there’s a heavenly mandate, everyone’s calling is different.  Each role and position is different.

That’s why the mission will be fulfilled.  Some people have a mission in something else that is not the gospel.  One person dreamed to build buildings for missions work.  Someone said, “I’m going to look into the land to build a building,” but the response was, “Try healing Bible Study first.”  Why did people become members of the church?  God attached people so we can fulfill the mission.  Then, every week God is going to give us the Word so we can do this mission, and that’s what it means for things to work out, but if this doesn’t work out, nothing will. You have to do something, and that’s why life is hard and your walk of faith is hard.

Heavenly mandate, calling, and mission. The church isn’t raised by people because every church has a mission from God.  Everyone has the same heavenly mandate to proclaim Christ, but the region and nation, the mission given to the church is different, so that’s why I have to hold onto today’s calling that connects to the mission.  She’s a young adult right now, so her calling now will be different from when she’s a mom, but the mission is the same.  This is the life of the evangelist.

Rightful.  Jesus Christ is rightful, not special.  Jesus being the Christ is rightful, and then if you have Christ, rightfully, the Kingdom of God and the Word will come upon you.  If there’s a problem, it rightfully comes.  Keep worrying about it, then necessarily you will have cancer because you have these constant worries. You have no choice but to get cancer, then you have to find God’s absolute, unchanging plan.

If there’s a good thing, what’s God’s plan?  People just like things, but if they don’t like it, that’s just them, but it’s irrelevant to evangelism, they live lives of an unbeliever. But when they liked it, they liked it, but that emotion doesn’t last a day.  For me, I used to have an ugly expression because nothing happened as I wanted, and as I got older, I had to maintain a straight face, but I was going crazy on the inside. What kind of life is that?

Rightful, necessary, absolute.  You have to be able to do this to help the evangelist and to raise disciples.  You have to nurture the new believers, how? You have to constantly throw this at them, and you take this Word and constantly throw the pulpit message at them until they receive the answer.   That’s the time schedule and the works of nurturing someone.  If it works out, then rightfully they will follow the Word and from that point, they will pray the correct prayer. Until then, they ask for answers.  “If you don’t give me this, I will starve. I will try this. Give me three days to give it to me, otherwise I won’t go to church.”

How desperate do they have to be to pray like this?  I understand but it’s so regrettable, so we say to stake everything, because if you don’t know this, you can’t see the field. When you see demon-possession, you’ll recognize, “Oh, that’s why I need Christ,” but you can’t see until you get cancer and then you need Christ?  Your eyes must be opened to see the field, you have to confirm in the field that things are like this.

Remnants, how do you see this? Don’t go far, just look at your family. If you have a religious lifestyle, then you’re seized. Look at the family. That’s why God gave us the family, and that’s why, if you find Christ and are able to discover this, you’ll be thankful.  No matter what your parents do, because you’re discovering only Jesus Christ, for example, Lois had a hard time because of her alcoholic, non-working dad, but she saw these three problems. Discovering only Christ, she escaped the suffering. Even though she doesn’t want to live like her dad, she would have no choice in the midst of these three things.

Look at your family, how do we educate the kids? They must understand these things, not like theory. If you want your kids to take care of you and to give you money, you have to show them this; otherwise they’ll put you in a nursing home and not talk to you.  The incorrect things of the parents are good, because through those things, we discover Christ.  All the scars from your parents are rightful, you’ve lived with them for years. 

If a wife has the gospel explains to the kid, “Your dad is like this because of the spiritual problems,” it’s good; otherwise, the kid will become enemies with the dad.  I’ll talk to my kid and sometimes she’ll scream, but it’s poisonous, like a venomous snake.   She can’t talk gently.  So, she’s received this, “I do this until my dad explodes with anger, and then I’ll stop.” 

There was no opportunity to learn, so the kids receive scars when the parents explode.  I did this and thought to myself, “Why do I do this?” I realize this is what happened as a kid.  When Fanny is crying with snot coming down her nose, her mom says it’s my spiritual problem and we must pray for him. I don’t do this nowadays because I realize it.  But without knowing this, I did what I received, and that’s how you heal the kids with the mission home.

The blessings I’ve received can be passed onto the future generations, so the family must be a blessing.  If you don’t know “only Christ,” it will be suffering. Even if you do 100 good things for the kids and do one bad thing, it will end in scars. I did good things for her, but one bad thing I did, it remains as scars.  I keep remembering, mankind is spiritual but you have to be the family that turns this into a blessing. I’m not saying to be perfect, because otherwise you wouldn’t need Christ.

We are constantly lacking, so we need Christ, and that kind of church is a good church.  But if you don’t know this and you talk about legalism, I have to kill everybody, so everything is included in this.  Now, we know the reason God gave me a kid late because if I had a kid early, I would have created a weird masterpiece, probably a solider as opposed to the evangelist God wanted.  Knowing this, God gave me a kid late, but that’s the most perfect thing because God thought about the remnants.

So, whether you marry late or early, God will bring them, so don’t try to bring them.  Even child-bearing is given to you, and marriage is for child-bearing.  I asked, “Why don’t you give me more than one, these other kids have three or five kids,” and I felt bad.  For me, I had to struggle really hard for one, but it just worked out for the other pastors.  For me and my wife, we wondered if we could even have two, but others just had babies.  At that time, God told me, “You couldn’t handle two. Therefore, I will give you one who is as strong as five.”  That’s what she does, every Wednesday and Friday, she posts the transcript.  Her nickname was “senior deaconess” was because she’d do everything.  One person doing the job of five people is better than five people doing them.  Even my wife can barely handle one.

My mom was telling me, “Have a son!” but she gave up later.  Why do I need a son? I treat my daughter like a son.  So now, I see her and she’s not really a daughter or son, she’s a little bit of both.  She dresses like a girl but she has a boyish personality, so I thought, “God is really a perfect God who satisfies everything.”  When I had a kid, I wanted to play soccer and do sports, but she’ll even do judo with me and wrestle with me. I can’t tell if she’s a boy or girl, but I pray she will be an evangelist.

One Heart, Whole Heart. God looks for those who will worship with their whole heart.  Do not try to succeed. Success is only when God gives it to you, because success is not our goal. We are aligned with God’s heart, so God gives us success.  I’m not telling you to not try, because everybody tries on a basic level.  But everything else will follow, and when you receive this answer, everything will follow.

99% of my family members are unbelievers, but if I receive an answer, they will follow. Do you know how unbelievers look down on Christians?  They look down on pastors more than they do shamans. They aren’t afraid of pastors; they’re afraid of shamans because of the demons.  But later, I saw God made them unable to move, that was when my brother told me, “You believe in God.”

In 2001, during the World Cup, my mom had a surgery, and my brother was so afraid, so he was drinking and explaining all his fears, but I stayed still.  He said, “Because you have God, you’re okay,” and because I was a pastor, he talked to the pastor he knew.  So my brother was talking to the pastor living in the building, “Did you go to an American seminary or Korean seminary?” He didn’t know much about me, but he tried to judge me. “If I wanted to do ministry in Korea, I would go to a Korean seminary; why would I come here?” Before, he didn’t have a chance to talk to pastors, so he asked, “What’s a pastor? What do they do?”

My brothers do ancestor worship but I don’t go and they leave me alone because if I go, then everybody gets hurt; it’s not good for me or them.  I stay behind and pray and bless them, and they’re fearful because they don’t know what this means.  That’s how God moves. Before, none of my family members had any interest in pastors or churches, but slowly, they became interested in the gospel.

Only, uniqueness. What’s my only today?  It’s not just any sermon, but it’s the sermon that only I can do today. That must be done every day, and that’s uniqueness.  We keep talking about unprecedented, never-again.  From this point on, there’s no comparison.  If you don’t have the uniqueness about what is something only you can do, you’ll be jealous, so even in the workplace, if you have uniqueness, you can’t be fired.  There are many nurses who believe in Jesus, but that workplace needs a nurse who has their “only” and “uniqueness,” and God needs this kind of person in the workplace. That’s the life of an evangelist. 

As we continue on, we keep receiving answers, then there’s no such thing as being turned down; they have to hold onto you, because no matter how bad the competition is, they cannot win without you, and that’s uniqueness. That’s why in the future generations, the workplace must need you. Right? You can’t look at me and say, “He can be there or not,” but it must be where, “It has to be him,” and they must confess in the workplace, “We need to have this person.”  This is the blessing prepared for us. 

We can confirm the Bible verses next time.


Father God, we thank You. May the life of the evangelist become our answer. May we be able to see in advance.  In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.


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