21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Rightful

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Rightful

Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

Father God, we thank You. May the correct Word of God be imprinted, rooted in us and be our nature. In the name of Jesus Christ we pray, amen.

If you’re tired, may you do deep breathing as the Word of God goes into you for world evangelization.

For us, it’s not just Christ, but it’s only Christ.

You have to discover the reason for only Jesus Christ to discover the reason for only Christ in the Bible.  This is the beginning of the life of the evangelist.

John 19:30 Jesus said, “It is finished,” so I don’t need my thoughts, but God’s Word becomes my thoughts, and that’s my answer. If my thoughts are my thoughts, it will be complicated and you’ll go deeper into hell, seized by the devil.  We have already been completely liberated from Satan, sin, and hell because of Christ but you don’t see this in the Bible.   People read the words of the Old Testament without seeing Satan, sin, and hell. 

The Old Testament talks about sin and the blood sacrifice, but without knowing the reason why you must give it, everything will be a headache.  The reason for Canaan is that it’s the place where Christ would come.

If you don’t evangelize, what will you do?  Will you relay legalism and your own boasting?  If you don’t come to this answer, it’s going to be hard; you’ll suffer in the wilderness, even though you work so diligently, things don’t work out. The beginning is only Christ, that’s why you must escape from self-centeredness and materialism.  Even though you need success, escape from being centered on success.

Only Christ is your center.  I’ve applied this in many ways. Your thoughts must be in only Christ.  That’s how it’s only the Kingdom of God.  Now, there’s no reason to continue to live in Satan, sin, and hell anymore. If you have the answer of only Christ and Christ is your master, you must escape from the control of Satan to enter into the Kingdom of God; otherwise, it’s legalism that oppresses people, and the devil uses that foothold.

The Word of God coming upon me and relaying the Word of God is the Kingdom of God.  Even if you just hold onto that Word, but especially if you pray, God works upon that word through the angels transcending time and space.  That Word comes as a mission, the method is only by the Holy Spirit.  Are you going to do your mission with your own strength? If you do that, you will stop midway. Only by the power of the Holy Spirit.  You need to have an evangelism field to receive the filling of the Holy Spirit.  The field you are in is your evangelism field. It’s only possible if the Holy Spirit comes upon you. This is the beginning of evangelism.

Why are you not able to evangelize? Because you don’t have this answer of why you must live your life.  Only the gospel, only evangelism, only by the Holy Spirit.  Otherwise you haven’t come to the conclusion of “only Christ,” what happens if you don’t understand? It means you don’t know realistically. You can tell when you talk about only Christ. If it’s only Christ for me, you’re centered on Christ.  Is there anything else?  No.

Why is it complicated?  Because Christ isn’t for you, then it’s not for other people, either, then it doesn’t matter if you do 100 Bible studies, you’ll have a bunch of knowledge with no answer. You can’t overcome the darkness unless it’s only Christ, but when that happens and the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you have power. It doesn’t matter if you’re good at studying or not.  I went to eat with Grace for her birthday today, and I asked, “What do you want to do in the future?” She said, pharmacy technician, and I said, “Okay, that’s good, I don’t think digging deep into academia is for you.”  She has a talent with people, and she’s good to others. She may not be good to her mother and father, but she’s good to people.

One time in high school, she brought a box of chocolates to school and sold them all immediately.  I don’t have the talent to sell things, so I’d be timid. Many kids would come ask me to buy things, so I often say no, but she forced me to buy one.  Maybe she gets mad at her parents, and that’s normal, but she makes people feel good and restores relationships.  So I said if you want to become a pharmacy tech, you have to know the names of all the medications, and she already knows.

Before, she studied psychology and it takes a lot of studying, so I thought this new direction was good, but there’s one thing: you have to have the strength to not be dragged away.  Instead of being so dragged around by your loneliness, even when you’re at the pharmacy, people must be drawn to you, like Joseph and Daniel.  Yes, they acted well, but everyone acts well and some are better than others, but what pulled people towards them? That’s strength that comes through spiritual rest and peace.

Those without peace will see it like thieves who see people with money.  Those who have no rest will know people who have spiritual rest and thirst.  I said, “You must concentrate on this, study for pharmacy. Just do everything else as it comes, and later on, it doesn’t matter where you are, but Joseph’s story will be your story.”

Loneliness isn’t it, but it’s a spiritual problem and darkness without rest that makes you afraid of being lonely, so that’s why hanging out with people won’t do anything.  I myself had to hang out with others all the time. Others would see me and think I was very active, drinking, but I had a problem inside.  It’s a fact that that problem doesn’t go away unless you go into the control, rest, and reign of God.  It’s to the point where you’re afraid of being alone, it’s the expression we call “loneliness,” but it’s spiritual panic. 

You have to keep drinking to forget about your problem, and you sleep as soon as you get home, but you are afraid of waking up in the morning because you’ll be alone again. It’s a terror of being alone, but I have to have money to meet with people, and I have to pay enough for half.  I meet with people and we take turns paying for drinks, and we sleep all day on Sunday so we don’t have to deal with the darkness.  Is that life?

I asked myself, “Why is professional life so hard?” It’s the state that’s so hard. Then when I talk to people, I ask, “Why is life so hard and difficult?” but it was just my spiritual state and I realized that when I realized God’s Word, and I saw that Joseph’s and Daniel’s stories were my story: it’s okay because I’m in the covenant, otherwise you have to do everything in your power, to beg the king to save your life and to change the law.  You have to use all sorts of crazy humanism, “I’ll work harder to be better, please remove the law,” but Daniel kept praying three times a day as he did before, giving thanks. He didn’t receive some great, special training. 

It’s because he was holding firmly to the unchanging Word of God’s covenant so it didn’t matter what environment he faced but in that faith in the Word, everything must follow.  If someone like that goes into politics, God’s Word becomes revealed. If someone like that is in the company, then according to that person’s words, God will change the environment of the field. 

I said, “The fact you’re listening to my words now is great because your sister ran away for 10 years, but even that was the background data for her to confirm that nothing else was the answer.”  I told her, “The fact that you’re talking to me like this right now means you don’t have to waste 10 years.”  Nothing is a problem; it cannot be a problem because you have the answer. 

In the past, I used to be scared of the kids and what they would do. If the members of the church didn’t come to church, I would be shaken by that.  I would begin to be very sensitive and if someone said something, I would explode at them. That’s life.  However, when you’re rooted in the word and it roots down deep, none of that matters because regardless of the circumstance, the Word is fulfilled.

It’s not you, but it’s God’s Word and God works according to His Word.  That’s why everything according to Egypt had to follow, centered on Joseph.  The situation where everything follows Joseph is in all the physical things we see.  People had to come buy grain and get their dreams interpreted like the Cupbearer and the Baker.  Because He had the LORD, everything was centered on him. When he became the governor, everything was centered on Joseph during the 7-year famine.  That’s your story and my story as we go into the covenant.  

Because of that, when you look at the Bible, you seen an unshaken Joseph.  “Daniel just did as he did before, praying,” he didn’t shake.  The members of the Early Church must have been terrified as they faced the threat of death, but they still chose to meet.

Heavenly Mandate.  It is the command from the heavens, proclaiming Jesus Christ is a mandate.  If the answer of only Christ is right for me, then it’s only Christ through other people. How do you do that? It’s through your work, your jokes, relaying Christ in all aspects, that’s the Bible. They have a lot of circumstances and stories to relay only Christ. 

God is guiding your life through many circumstances to relay only Christ. This becomes your calling, only, today. Today is the day for missions offerings.  Those who listen to the announcement will have given the offering to the general assembly because this is how we do missions.  If you don’t understand the announcements, you skip today’s calling.  Week by week, the church announcements show us the calling for the week, but you skip over it.  The calling stacks up and turns into your missions. You do this for your whole life. What’s a whole life if not an accumulation of many “todays”?

Rightful. Christ is rightful. You have to know only Christ, it is rightful. If it’s complicated to explain Christ to someone, then you don’t know Christ.  You have to be able to relay the fact that, no matter what you’re talking about, Christ comes up rightfully. No matter what circumstance, it’s Christ, and this is why we need Christ.  It doesn’t matter what we’re talking about, and that’s why we rightfully need Christ. 

If this is very difficult for you, Christ is still fine, but you’re holding onto a different Christ.  Acts 17:2, Paul is someone who held onto the Bible all his life, morning until evening, he memorized the text from the Old Testament to testify why it must be only Christ. What about us? Let’s say we worship idols or other religions, then we must be able to testify why it’s only Christ through that. Otherwise, you don’t know the reason for Christ and you don’t relay it.

Let’s say I lived as an unbeliever, then I have to be able to explain Christ.  It is rightful.  What happens if you don’t have this answer in Christ?  Because you planned something else, the rightful things won’t take place.  If you plant the law, the fruit is legalistic oppression. If you plant humanism, the works of humanism will keep taking place.  If you plant ethics, then you’ll have right things take place.  Yes, ethics are important but you will struggle as you don’t have the answer.

Rightful.  Right now, your reality is based on what was planted in the past, isn’t that right?  You’re not receiving God’s Word because you lied to yourself, but your present image depends on what you planted.  Without this, you’re worse off than a Hindu practicing transcendental meditation.  “Oh, if I just didn’t meet that one person, my life would be better,” but you had something planted in you so you’d meet that person, so you keep lying.

The devil lies, but the truth is the Word. You can only be healed and liberated by lies if you hold onto the truth of God’s Word.  You were scarred by meeting someone? Stop lying, you had your own motives, and you didn’t get what you wanted, so you said you were scarred.  Stop lying because the devil, the father of lies, holds onto your scars, and people are the devil’s playground, and this is relayed to the next generation.

Then, you’ve heard about Jesus but you never heard the truth; you make excuses, “My life turned out like this as I met this person,” that’s not right. There’s something planted within you that leaves you no choice. “Why did he only give me one stick of gum? I wish that person didn’t give me gum so I wouldn’t have married them,” I’m not swayed by gum; that’s your problem. “He dressed so well but it turns out he’s broke,” you’re just filled with greed.  You think that person is lying within you, but you lie within yourself, then both of you are lying to each other.

If the churches do not know the gospel, we’re worse off than transcendental meditation and Hindusim because we lie more severely.  We talk about only Jesus Christ and God and say our lives are ruined by certain people, isn’t that right?  You go home and say your life is like this because of your parents?  You shouldn’t lie; your parents loved you and staked your life to give you everything. Stop lying, but we keep living in lies.  The rightful things took place.

That’s how you find the answer.  Are you struggling because of scars?  You have a state that leaves you no choice but to be scarred.  If you quickly are able to acknowledge your own fault, then you will be liberated from casting the blame on someone else.  “My teacher did this or that,” there’s no such thing; the teacher’s reason for life is to teach you. The pastor prays for you; the pastor does not curse you.  There’s not a single pastor, no matter how foolish they are, that would curse each member of the church, so stop lying.

I had something within me that caused me to face these rightful results. If you just know this, you can receive a lot of healing. Simply put, just acknowledge, “It was my fault, this is why these things happened to me.” It’s rightful.

Genesis 3:15

Why is the offspring of the woman rightful?  Because we’re disobedient to God and we have sin, we’re deceived by the devil, then Adam and Eve’s problem cannot be solved by giving them food. It’s also not possible by cursing the devil. It doesn’t matter how much you try to take Adam and Eve’s side, calling the devil a scoundrel, “It’s just because of that one girl who ruined your life,” these aren’t the answer.  Eve was in a state where she was shaken in God’s Word, then she was rightfully tricked by the devil. There’s no reason for her to blame the serpent, and Adam shouldn’t have blamed Eve, either; he should not have listened. 

Christ is rightful, He is the answer because they were separated from God, they were disobedient to God’s Word; we call this “sin,” and the source of sin is Satan. It doesn’t matter what he says, if we’re okay, then we’re okay, but because we’re in a shaken state, we have no choice but to fall. It doesn’t matter how much you blame the devil, the problem is the same, but the answer is Genesis 3:15. 

We can’t get the answer with excuses and you can’t blame the devil, “It was my unbelief, that’s my problem for being shaken by the devil,” that’s why we need only Christ. Otherwise the walk of faith becomes strange.  There’s an artist who published a song, “Excuses,” that people just make excuses, but it’s my problem and you need to go before God saying, “It’s my fault,” and you can receive God’s mercy.  Otherwise, God’s mercy will escape you as you keep making excuses.

Genesis 6:14

At this time, Jesus had not yet come to earth, but in this age, they talked about the Ark. Age by age, only Christ was rightful because in this age, they were disobedient to God’s Word and stuck in the disasters of their sin, and it was the age controlled by the Nephilim.  They made excuses that they had to get married and start families, “We’re so busy trying to work and survive; talk about the gospel later.”  This is because you haven’t received the rightful answer.

Genesis 12:1-3

I will bless those who bless you, and all those who curse you, I will curse, and all nations will be blessed through you.  What does it mean to leave your father’s household? Leave your idols, leave the place where your heart is stuck without God’s Word. It doesn’t just mean to leave your house, but it means the family in the region was idolatrous and they sold idols, so leave from that.  “Go to the land I will show you,” the land where Jesus will be born.

The Bible tells us the gospel was relayed to Abraham, Abraham received the gospel and was liberated from sin, disasters, and Satan, “Go to the land I will show you,” so his direction was different, “and I will make you into a source of blessings. I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you, I will curse.” It is rightful.

Exodus 3:18

Give the blood sacrifice which is worship. How do you give worship? With the blood sacrifice, hold onto Jesus Christ Who is to come. Concentrate on that. You were a slave until now, you were rightfully a slave because you’ve lost hold of Christ and the covenant.  Then you’ll be a slave to everything, the world and the devil.  Then of course, rightfully Moses understood the words of the blood sacrifice accurately according to the time schedule. When you understand once, God will drag you until the very end.

Later on, Moses says he cannot go, and God takes him forward by threatening to kill him; he had no choice, so Moses was caught, unfortunately. If you get caught by the gospel once, you cannot escape, meaning you cannot escape from the blessings.  Look at Peter, the foolish fisherman.  I don’t know if Jesus Christ made a mistake by calling him, but Jesus said, “On this rock I will build my church,” and that was Peter.  If the Word goes in once, even if Peter turns around and rejects, God will turn him around and drag him back to fulfill the Word.

Your children are wandering? God will drag them back to the right seat.  “What if we try this or that?” God will even take them to the threat of death, and Moses was there. Even if Peter ran away, God will say, “Come back here,” and pull him by the scruff of his neck, and God’s Word is absolutely fulfilled, “Upon this rock I will build my church,” so the Word of God coming unto you is a blessing.

If the Word of God hooks into you, it’s like fishing. If you hook a very powerful fish, you have to relax a little on the fishing rod, otherwise the rod will break. Then when it stops trying, you pull it in.  Then it’s powerful and wants to swim away, so you give a little, then as it rests, you pull it back, and after some time, you’ll pull the fish out.  If you’re hooked once, you might be under the misconception that you can swim away, but as you’re not expecting it, you get dragged closer.

When you calmly start praying, you pray for the forces of darkness to be broken, and you’re dragged closer. It doesn’t matter how lacking or foolish we are, but the word of Jesus Christ comes into us and will be fulfilled until the very end.  November 1997, I was in Singapore, so I asked God, “Should I be a doctor? What should I do?” After the three messages from the Singapore conference, there were only two Bible verses that remained, Matthew 28 and Acts.  As time passed, it was just these two verses that remained, and God fulfills that word.

“God, what would you like me to do?” He had already given me His Word, but because I wasn’t assured, it just seemed normal because this was the time I had Jesus Christ, then as a layperson, I was very afflicted. I only remember these two Bible verses, I forgot everything else, but even now, these verses are in almost every pulpit message since these are God-given, and I don’t have a choice.

Matthew 28, make disciples, and Acts 1:8, be a witness, I thought there would be other words, but it’s just that.  God gave me that Word and now I look back and it turns out it’s God fulfilling that Word as I was delayed in seminary and becoming a pastor. Even when I came here to study, God wanted to fulfill this Word so He stopped me.  If God gives you the Word, He will lead your entire life forward to fulfill the Word He gave you. Don’t you think that’s rightful?

Isaiah 7:14

God gave the prophecy that would be fulfilled hundreds of years later.  In other words, before they were taken captive, God gave the Word of Jesus Christ.  He’s saying, “hold onto this,” and that’s rightful because something else has gone into you instead.  Age by age, God is continuously giving the answer, but they did not receive it as rightful.

Matthew 16:16

This is something we all know.  Some people say this organization only talks about Paul and not Peter, but of course, we talk about Matthew 16:16, that’s Peter’s confession, and we say Jesus is the Christ every hour.  God gave him those words to confess, “and upon this rock, I will build my church,” so although he was shaken at first, he became a very sturdy rock.

It didn’t matter if they were colonized by Rome, they were living there, but what’s important is whether they live with the answer or not.  It doesn’t matter if you’re poor or rich, do you have the answer?  When you face a problem, do you have the answer? When you’re depressed, do you have this answer? This vision and hope?  Then nothing matters because I believe God will fulfill His Word.

May you and I have the imprint, root, and nature with the words of the gospel in our thoughts, heart, and spirit so we can relay only Christ.


Father God, we thank You. May the evangelist’s life be our answer and allow us to go into the 24 hour prayer that allows us to have the imprint, root, and nature in the Word of God. 

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