21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Rightful

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – Rightful

Speaker Assistant Pastor Helen Lim | Interpreter Tiffany Han

The rightful mission of our lives is to relay the accurate answer of Christ.  Therefore, if everything doesn’t begin with only Jesus Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit, then we’re bound to go on a path that leads us astray.

We listen to a lot of messages with the Word of God, but if that Word is not active and taking place in our lives, that Word just disappears.  For that purpose, God has given us this special authority of being able to pray.  When I’m by myself in the quiet, meditating on the Word of God, I wonder what would happen to me if God didn’t give me the authority to pray.  Especially in this age, things are very serious.  Ever since I was little until the present day, things have turned out very differently than what I had imagined.  At this time, God is applying the Word of God so that we may live the life of an evangelist. 

I received so much training in my life about how to live a cool, classy, and fulfilled life, but that’s no longer important; I want to live a spiritual life.  I’m standing before you as a testimony, not as a sermon, but I’m so thankful that the Word of the Bible has been given to us so that we can apply the Word to the field.  Even in today’s pulpit message, Moses emphasized that the LORD is God.  We have been given the Word that wherever we are, it’s only God, and the only thing that could liberate us from enslavement is only Jesus Christ.  So let’s get started with the life of the evangelist.

We were told not to worry and not to be elevated, but to pray and find the three fundamental essences. 

Do Not Worry, Do Not Be Impatient – My Master, Genesis 3:1-16

What do these mean?  Do not worry; do not be hasty. If I’m my own master, everything is a concern and I’m impatient about everything.  The thing that completely overtook us in Genesis 3:1-16 is that I’ve become my own master. 

Romans 3:23

Of course, then we become the human beings of Romans 3:23 where we’re not able to give glory to God.  I tell this to all my regional churches, but whenever there is a concern or worry, I tell them to make a chart or standard, and on the left side, write about the Kingdom of God and on the right side, write the Kingdom of Satan.  If there are thoughts you have that come from Satan, you have to let them go.  You draw this diagram to find your “only.” After drawing this chart, if you want to remain within the Kingdom of Satan, you’re diseased.

John 8:44 – Liar

It says that Satan is a liar and he divides us.  For me, when I think about the fact that I’m meant to live with God, but I’ve been separated from Him, lost within his lies, then I think, “As long as I’m not deceived, there’s no one who would throw away God’s blessings of living in the Garden of Eden.”   I’m 80 years old now, and when I was younger, I entered into the evangelism movement; but the only thing I wasn’t able to do was, “only Jesus Christ.”  Because I was in a state where I could not do “only Christ,” I lived my life in chaos, doing everything backwards. 

Only Christ (Acts 1:1)

The reason I’m not able to stand as a proper witness is because, the reason why we say our family is a blind spot is because they see every aspect and detail of my life, my son says, “I understand what you’re saying, and when I become your age, I’ll be a true disciple of Christ, so Mom, don’t worry about me.”  He’s only saying that because he doesn’t know the spiritual world, but I back off because I know it’s within God’s time schedule and control.  He doesn’t know where he belongs right now, I’m not talking about salvation; salvation is in God’s absolute sovereignty. 

Answer, Experience

What I’m saying is, whether you can confess only Jesus Christ or not will determine whether you’re enslaved by the world or taken in by Satan or not.  If I’m not able to have only Christ, if only Christ isn’t my complete answer, then rightfully, all my thoughts are incorrect.  If I’m able to experience that only Jesus Christ is the true answer, God won’t just let me skip over that. 

Things to Discard: Genesis 3, 6, and 11

There are many things I must discard about myself, that’s Genesis 3, 6, and 11.  Because there’s so much of myself that I must discard, if I do not, I cannot glorify God.  You might be able to deceive people by speaking in a holy way and proclaiming the Word of God, but you may actually have departed from God, and Satan is right there, ready to enslave me.  Therefore, you must know the fact that you have no choice but to discard all the Genesis 3, 6, and 11 and to die to yourself in order for this to be deeply imprinted in you. 

Matthew 16:16

Then, you will have no choice but to make the confession of faith of Matthew 16:16. 

Only God’s Kingdom (Acts 1:3)

As I meditate on God’s Word and pray, I’m all the more thankful because Jesus Christ has finished everything on the cross and allows me to be with God. If I’m not within the Kingdom of God, where would I be?  When I ask the little children, “If I’m not only in the Kingdom of God, where would I be?” They respond, “In the Kingdom of Satan.”  Therefore, if we’re not in only the Kingdom of God, then we’re in the Kingdom of Satan, so for 40 days, God explained the things pertaining to the Kingdom of God and gave each individual a mission.  I’m not telling you that, now that you have a mission, you should be boastful like an army officer. 

Mission – Disaster – One Who Saves

God has chosen you to be the one to save the world. You, having been set apart, can block disasters. You’ve heard the messages a lot, but simply put, to block disasters means you must save.  He is telling you to save the world, the children, and the people in the world who are dying.  Even today, we can worship and receive God’s grace, but the goal of all this is to save people and to do world evangelization. 

Only the Holy Spirit

God doesn’t just give us His Word and finish all problems with Jesus Christ on the cross; it is not by our power, but it is by the working of the Holy Spirit that we’re able to save.  All of this is today’s message that, the LORD is God.  That God prophesized about Jesus Christ who came to the earth and finished all problems of Satan, sin, and hell, and this is the only Way out of those problems.   

When I was meditating on this at home, I realized that I can’t speak for a long time and go in depth as much as Pastor Park, but I should have given you the homework assignment to go through the Bible verses and make them yours.  Right now, you’re just listening to this and sitting there, but you will one day give the messages about the 21 lifestyles, so that is what you must prepare to conquer. 

Heavenly Mandate

God has given us the heavenly mandate and has told us to find this way in life.  The reason why God has made us do this is because He needed to liberate us from the 12 life problems and to make us testify of Christ. 

Calling – Field – Satan, World | Kingdom of God

You are going into the kingdom of the world, the kingdom of Satan, and God is telling you to establish the Kingdom of God there.  If I have only Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is living within me, then everywhere I go will turn into the Kingdom of God.  That’s the mission of the Mount of Olives; that’s our calling.  God has given us the Heavenly Mandate and also teaches us in great detail what we must do in the present moment through our calling.


Then He gives us the filling of the Holy Spirit so we can have the mission of overtaking the world.


Today we are looking at what is rightful, Acts 17:3

Paul went into the synagogue in Thessalonica, and he proved who Jesus is, and how He is the Christ.  “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah,” he said.  What message contains these words?  The elites of the world are listening to this a lot in the world.  It is not just that we must receive God’s grace to hear the gospel, but people are also lying.  Of course they have to lie because they live in the midst of Genesis 3, Romans 3:23, and John 8:44 in the grasp of Satan.  However, because they are elites, they have to pretend they do not have problems, so during the day, they work at good jobs like doctors, but at night, they do the work of Satan like taking medications.  

I was talking to a younger fellow, the girlfriend of the chief of police, so he was very precise and thorough in his job and was very successful, but when he came home, he would live a terrible life, doing expensive drugs.  This was many years ago, so I’m sure things are changed now and he’s no longer in that position.  I used to think that if you’re doing drugs, you’d get messed up and you wouldn’t be able to climb to such a high position. 

Rightfully, we need to know the spiritual facts to save people like this.  Just like in this passage, we cannot escape the grasp of Satan, disasters, and hell, unless it is by Jesus Christ; and we must relay this accurate answer.  The rightful mission of our lives is to relay the accurate answer of Christ.  Therefore, if everything doesn’t begin with only Jesus Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit, then we’re bound to go on a path that leads us astray.

When we’re done, you should go home and write down each of these verses.  We must rightfully have the answer of Exodus 3:18.  The blood of the Lamb.  Without understanding the accurate reason of why Jesus Christ had to come on earth, we cannot know why we need to have the Exodus.  Because we are trapped in this, completely enslaved by Satan, if it’s not for only the blood of the Lamb, only Christ, we cannot escape.  If you don’t hold onto this and reach the conclusion of “rightful,” then even in this moment, right now, you have no choice but to be dragged around. 

A lot of children’s teachers say, “Then what do we have to do?”  It’s not about what you do, but it’s the fact that the only way to escape from these spiritual problems is only Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the Holy Spirit; if Acts 1:1, 3, 8 aren’t imprinted in you, it doesn’t matter what you’ll do, nothing will work out.  That’s why in Acts 17:3, Paul confesses, “This Jesus I am proclaiming to you is the Messiah.” 

It doesn’t matter how you proclaim it, but according to your level, Jesus is the Christ.  When you proclaim it, it’s not about how loud you proclaim it, but in everything, even when you’re eating or driving or whatever you’re doing, this is the conclusion of your life.  So, there are nine passages under “rightful,” so I hope you will write them all down with the heart that next time, you will be the one to give the message.  Even today, I hope you will be having the challenge and conclusion that it must be Jesus Christ, rightfully so.


God, we thank You.  If it is not for only Jesus Christ, only the Kingdom of God, and only the power of the Holy Spirit, we are rightfully enslaved by Satan.  Please use us like Paul so that in our fields, we will testify that only Jesus is the Christ.  We thank You and pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.


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