21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist: Nature

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist: Nature

The answer is the Word of God coming upon me, unseen to my eyes.


Only Christ, this is the answer if you see your problems properly. Sin makes us leave God, we live our lives seized by Satan, under the authority of hell. Without seeing these inner things, you cannot solve your problems. Why is it Jesus Christ?

Being interested in the visible things, you can’t see the invisible problems, but in John 19:30, Christ finished everything. Then you discard your self centered thoughts. Did we come to earth to fight and be self centered? Our spirits desire the Word.

When I’m centered on material things, those things will make me fall into trials. Don’t hold onto things that are irrelevant to your circumstance and path. How do you discard these things? Only by Christ. Even if you try to live a simple life, the problems of sin, Satan, and hell will persist. That’s why you need only Christ, and that’s why we always need Christ.

There is a concept behind the message being relayed. Accurately convey the problem and the answer. Evangelism is giving people the answer. The problem is within your spiritual state. Do you really suffer in your poverty? Would you not suffer if you had money? You must be able to convey the real problem and answer wherever you go.

Christ must be proclaimed as an answer to your life. You cannot see sin, Satan and hell. That’s why problems are opportunities, but without having Christ as an answer, they cannot worship. Don’t misunderstand, people with skills can hide their spiritual problems, but everyone needs Christ.

God’s Kingdom

The kingdom of God comes upon us through the Word, then God gives us His mission and sends angels that do His work. This is enjoying the background of heaven. When the Holy Spirit works, you can enjoy the Word.

Holy Spirit

Hold onto this as your covenant, but if not, you will fall into a dying spiritual state. You think you know God, but you know so vaguely, Jesus Christ is vague, and because the kingdom of God is so vague, people fall into the world and rely only on their hard work. If you know God well, your spiritual state is restored. 3 John 1:2.

Heavenly Mandate

Jesus Christ is our Heavenly Mandate. If you don’t know the real problem, you may pray in Jesus Christ’s name but you don’t know Christ. That’s why you keep falling into family problems. But if you know this answer, you can convey this answer.

Are you afflicted? This was a long-standing problem that came from you spiritual state, but being unaware, people are wandering without their answer. Why did God give that problem to the family? Why does the problem persist to the next generation? God wants the family to know Christ, to receive healing and restore the gospel. Receive your Heavenly Mandate, then you can speak to people. If you cannot discover your Heavenly Mandate, you can’t relay anything to others.

Calling, Mission

Everything we do, even our church work, is connected to our mission. Religious life fluctuates between hard work and laziness.

Rightful, Necessary, Absolute

If you know the problem, rightfully you must give the answer. Instead, because you see it as an education problem, these problems manifest. Without money, you learn that money is strength, so people are enslaved by money and lose worship. This is necessary, for us to discover God’s absolute plan. Any problem that comes is rightful and necessary, so what is God’s plan?

One Heart, Whole Heart, Continuation

With so many hearts, you cannot focus. You decide things for yourself, Christ is not the answer and you seek comfort. Being able to give your whole heart is a blessing, like a marathon runner. You continue this because the Holy Spirit helps you and guides you. Not because you’re reliable and persistent, but God is, so we can continue to worship.

Only, Uniqueness, Recreation

Only one thing, Christ, there’s nothing else. Staying there, everything you touch will turn into Uniqueness and the recreation to save lives, to change the culture. How can we change the culture of the world? We have to change the flow of the economy to bring about the works of recreation.

24 Hours, 25 Hours, Eternity

God is with me 24 hours, so I can do 24 hour prayer. Even my work can be worship, but if you can’t do this, you cannot succeed. Don’t get close to such people. 25 hour is our God-given answer as we pray 24 hours. If God works upon you, you’ll shut your mouth. Rightfully, you must do what must be done, not based on a calculation, but based on the covenant. But religious, self centered people will fight after trying to do temple construction because of their calculations.

Imprint, Root

You must be imprinted in only Christ and rooted in the kingdom of God. For those wanting to do early morning prayer, you’re rooted in survival. Because of your innate desire to survive, you cannot worship, and this is Rightful. If you become more deeply rooted in the word, your actions will change.


Matthew 24:14 this must be our nature and prayer, that the end of the world will come when the gospel is preached to all nations. It doesn’t matter if the pandemic is there or not, but people are fearing and trembling. There is an end to the individual, the age, and the world, and that is the gospel. But without the gospel, people are fixated on the problems of 666 and the mark of the beast.

Pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit because that is the only way to overcome and conquer the world. This is real evangelism that comes as a result of the oneness of the Triune God, not some action. If evangelism is a mere action, you will reach your limitations.

Acts 1:8 but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses. Without knowing this, you try to convince people with your words. You evangelize without knowing the real problems and answer. You bravely convey the Word, and that’s better than not, but conveying the Word biblically is better. Holding onto your covenant and praying, evangelism and missions will happen until the end of the earth. I focus and worship for 24 hours, then my heart and thoughts will go towards the Triune God as God draws me.

Without seeing this in front of me, I can’t evangelize because it’s already come to me, but I do not have and cannot give the answer, then you have to end it there. God has prepared everything, but we’re looking for the blessing of being a witness.

Evangelism is solving someone else’s spiritual problems. Everyone is sick, I even see it in myself. Why should I live such a shameful life? I am an Evangelist who can save all those around me.

Ephesians 5:18

Zechariah 4:6

Even temple construction is not by might, not by power. How can someone’s heart change? When the gospel is relayed as an answer. When you pray, it will work only by the Holy Spirit. Then, 24 hours, God will work. It works according to the covenant.

Psalm 23:1-6

The answer is to dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Even David knew this in the Old Testament, the Lord is his shepherd, banner, healer, and the Lord’s power comes upon you when you go into the Lord and the Lord is with you. This is the answer. Then, even as some incident arises, it doesn’t matter. When your mission is over, you will move to heaven. May this become our nature.


May the life of the Evangelist be our answer. In Jesus Christ’s name I pray, amen.


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