21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – 24

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

21 Lifestyles of the Evangelist – 24

Speaker Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter Tiffany Han

A new believer came and accepted properly according to how they spoke, and this person told my wife she’s beautiful, that’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone say that. No one can say that unless they had the filling of the Holy Spirit.  They have received extreme filling of the Holy Spirit to say my wife is pretty. If they did not receive the filling of the Holy Spirit and saw my wife, they wouldn’t be able to say she is pretty.

This is what stresses pastors out.  This is why God tells pastors to relay the gospel to relieve stress. All the stress we receive from our families is gone from God’s Word.  The kids do more ministry than me, and sometimes they meet with people like Mia.  Just alone, they do a lot of different things, meeting with the kids in Hollywood and David and it’s so you don’t get an internal disease.

Answer.  The answer to America, family, and yourself. You must know this as the answer to relay and enjoy it.  If you see the visible problems, you’re being deceived.  We’ve already been liberated so the Lord is with us, and because the Lord is with us, he leads us.  When God works, the forces of darkness are broken, so that’s why Christ is the answer. Why? Because through Christ, the Triune God is with us.  You’ve already been liberated, then why is Christ the answer? Because Christ is with you now, and you can have the filling and working of the Holy Spirit, and you can relay this answer, so all problems are finished. You must have this answer for God to use this person.

We are not centered on Christ; we’re centered on ourselves. We’re centered on material things. What’s God’s plan?  Christ is already within me, so when you let go of your own things, God works. When unbelievers let go of their own things, demons work and they experience Nirvana.  Because they’re so internally afflicted, they want Enlightenment because they suffer so much in themselves. But can you really discard all that?  They try to get rid of themselves as much as they can, but demons work so they have power. If you look at famous monks, they have power. People are deceived, “This person practiced this for a long time,” but the person is so afflicted.  A Korean monk confessed and talked about Satan, it’s in the Buddhist scripts.

He said, “My sins are far beyond the highest mountain, it cannot be ascended. You can’t get rid of it no matter what you try. Christ must come into you, and Christ has come into you, but because of your self-centeredness, Christ isn’t filling you.  Filling of the Holy Spirit means you’re letting go of your things and are filled with Christ to overcome your limits. You can’t do America evangelization with your level.  I can’t even persuade my daughter with my level; she talks back at me as I speak from that level.  “You don’t know anything about this,” so it must be the level of Christ; I must be filled with Christ.

God’s Kingdom, we talked about this today. If you think missions and evangelism are difficult, you’re seized by demons. God said to seek God’s Kingdom first, so destroy Satan’s Kingdom, but Satan will stop you no matter what.  Then you go to church as if it’s a club or some organization.  These people hold onto their Bibles and enter organizations for mutual prosperity, but you cannot overcome with club activities; you’re always trembling over money. You’re a slave.  There’s no peace or comfort even though you’ve lived so much. It’s the same even though you’re the president. You can never escape from this. Kingdom of God vs. Kingdom of Satan. How do you do this? Do you do it?

Only by the Holy Spirit, you do this work with the Holy Spirit, so if you don’t know prayer, you know nothing. This is fulfilled by the working of the Holy Spirit, you realize God’s Word.  Without the working of the Holy Spirit, it’s all futile.  God has perfectly given the life of the evangelist to us in the most basic way.

Passover, Ingathering, Pentecost. It’s perfect.  Old and New Testament.  Your calling and mission may change.  Ultimately God leads you to fulfill this mission.  Christ is rightful.  If you know the problems of the world, Christ becomes all the answers.  But without knowing the problems of the world and you think it’s something else, rightfully some problem will come.  If you know the problem of the world is these three things, the answer of Christ is rightful.  But if you come to America and don’t see Satan, sin, and hell as the problems, but you think it’s success and money, then the fundamental problems are hidden, then you have no choice but to face problems. What kind of problems? The same kind of problems as your family line. 

Who cares how long you’ve been going to church? This must go into you as your answer.  Otherwise, you think your actions of going to church for a long time will matter. Then you’ll face a necessary problem according to the necessary time schedule as you’ve planted something else.  These things will come up according to what you’ve planted. 

Why do problems come?  Because it is rightful and necessary. What is God’s plan?  You must find this.  You shouldn’t just stay here.  Why does this problem come? It’s rightful and needed right now. Hidden things are revealed in the time schedule.  Your kids aren’t like that? You didn’t see the fundamental problems; you see something else, then the problems of your family line will disrupt you. 

You have to find God’s plan. Doesn’t God absolutely have a plan? You must find it, it’s the same thing.  These are the answers that come as the evangelist’s lifestyle. If you know this, nothing else is a problem.  “But it’s a problem!” Why did it come now? Because it had to come, then is it God’s plan? I have to find that.

In America, it’s very confusing. If this were Sri Lanka, you can easily distinguish religions there, but you can’t tell here because everyone says they’re Christian, but that’s how we misunderstand.  “When I go to church, I don’t receive the gospel; I receive Christianity.”  I surveyed people to check their beliefs, and even though I wasn’t Buddhist, my mother was, so I checked “Buddhist” because my mom was a Buddhist, and that’s the culture of my house. 

Someone came to church today but they don’t usually come. But it’s Thanksgiving so they come.  “I go to church twice a year.” Christmas and Easter Only Christian.

We have the answer of one heart, whole heart, and continuation that comes from only Christ, only God’s Kingdom, and only the Holy Spirit. Even your business should be like this.  If there are two hot dog stands but one has been running for a hundred years, but the other is a result of a failed business, even though the hot dog is the same material, there’s something different in the character of the hot dog that’s been there for 100 years.  Japan has one heart, whole heart, and continuation in their nature, but the demons work this way as well.  Through my wife, I was able to hear stories about the students and professors in Japan.

Yesterday was a representative example.  If you receive your upper level education, you become a professor, and from that point on, you go full-fledged into studies.  For us, when we become a professor or doctor, you stop studying; you ride on what you’ve already learned, so we can’t have one heart, whole heart, and continuation. If that’s the professor’s level, that’s the level of the nation; it’s not a characteristic of success.  Most people aren’t able to do this; Korea is booming now because there is a small portion of people who can do this.  The characteristic of the Japanese is that they have one heart, whole heart, and continuation. 

Chinese stake their lives on labor; Koreans stake their lives on profit; Japanese people stake their lives on the nation.  Japanese pass their skill from generation to generation, staking their lives on this.  The reason they’re able to go into the highest level without believing is because they have one heart, whole heart, and continuation. Don’t be like that, but receive the answer.  Stupid people have perpetually divided hearts.  Anyone can give a message for 30 years and they will change, but it won’t take place if you’re doing multiple things, divided. It’s the same with your work.  

Only, uniqueness, and re-creation is what God will do. I lived as a mature unbeliever until I was an adult.  I couldn’t hear this.  It’s not like I was around Nobel Prize winners, I couldn’t even imagine success. My parents were not successful.  My English teachers were not successful either. If there was someone renowned in my family line, I might be able to hear it, but it’s not fair.  But Japanese people pass on their specialty from generation to generation.  Athletic people make their kids go to school as well.  When someone graduates from West Point, they will send their kids to West Point as well.  It’s biblical.

We take an entrance exam in Korea to get into school, but ¼ will drop out. Where do they go?  When our country was poor, we don’t have to do something well, but people drop out.  A soldier’s family will have more soldiers, it’s right.  A family running businesses will do business.  Pastor Ahn’s father was a businessperson, so he grew up with those things. Because he heard about this while he was young, his goal wasn’t Seoul National University.  It shocked me to talk to him, his goal wasn’t Seoul but it was making a lot of money.  So they use people who graduated from Seoul.  Ever since he was young, he saw his father making business deals with Japan.  From his perspective, it doesn’t matter if he’s good at studying or not.  But most people say you have to get really good grades and go to a good school, but he doesn’t care. 

In high schools, they’re all LG or Samsung students.  One neighborhood where all the kids from the conglomerates, Seoul National University is an accessory.  They’re already in the business.  If someone has no money or background, they have a different mindset, so they relay this to their children. But Pastor Ahn didn’t want to make money.  Only, uniqueness, and re-creation, do you understand?  A family of doctors will raise doctors.  Deaconess Shin’s husband and their family went to Seoul National University and they were all doctors.  That’s why even Erin is at MIT studying coding and biology because this is the stream of the family line.

I don’t think God gives us separate things.  So you have to save things with what God has given you.  God gave this to you within your families and meetings.  That’s why people follow exactly according to their family lines.  It might not be the case at all, only, uniqueness, and re-creation. 

24 Hours

It’s talking about 24 hours a day but it’s not about 24 hours in a sense of time. What are you thinking about, 24 hours?  Are you hooked on love? Lust? Success? Money?  If you’re hooked, it’s always coming into your thoughts.  If you’re hooked on gambling, you’ll always think about that. If a boy and girl love each other, they think about each other all the time.  Once you get married, it won’t be 24 hours, but God allows it until then because you can’t do anything if you’re always thinking about someone else. Gaming. Their thoughts are on games even when they come to church, but we receive the answer of 24 hours.

Romans 16:25

Hidden for long ages past.  It is eternal.  It’s not just here one day and gone the next; it has no beginning or end, it was always there.  But it was hidden.  God hid the gospel of Jesus Christ even before creating us, and God revealed what was hidden.  Christ came, and now the hidden gospel is revealed and that’s why I receive salvation.  Today, there was a new believer who accepted, and 2-3 weeks ago, what was hidden in here is now revealed, and that gospel of Jesus Christ is eternal, and ultimately speaking, I’m going to eternity, and that’s 24 hours.  Jesus Christ existed constantly from the beginning until the end. It was predetermined for us to receive salvation. Even during the moment of creation, God knew we would be corrupted and prepared salvation.

Therefore, it’s now revealed within Christ. Understand evangelism well.  If you don’t understand evangelism like this, you’ll be deceived by the devil, “Evangelism is taking place” or not.  But evangelism is about the hidden things being revealed.  Every person has a different time schedule for this to be revealed, but through whom is God revealing these things?  God reveals the perfect and complete gospel accurately, revealing it through our ignorance of evangelism.

God won’t work if you stay still, but God opens doors as you move, and it might be today or tomorrow, but if you’re not being restored, it means you don’t know God or His mysteries. It’s not not taking place, it’s either not the time schedule or … but what has been prepared but undoubtedly it will be revealed.  This is 24 hours.  Even right now, God is doing the ministry of salvation and doing this work for that purpose.  He does this without falling asleep and I go into that, 24 hours. I’m not asking Him to do anything for me, but the Lord is doing 24 hours upon me and He is with me.   

Genesis 39:3-5

God was with Joseph and Joseph enjoyed being with God. It’s not that I’m with God but God is with us.  From eternity before and now and eternity ahead, God is always with us.  As we’re enjoying 24 hours in that, God has no choice but to work, and those around us will know this, right?  The person next to you will know whether you worry a lot or not.  The people around you will know whether you’re anxious or not. 

The people around you will know whether you have a lot of money or not because you let everyone know.  You may be rich but you don’t want to show off and brag.  If you have to get a new car, would you get a Porsche? “I have to go to Europe for vacation,” and they keep showing off their money. If someone worries a lot, they keep talking about those things.  People will know, “This person worries a lot.” Even as you talk about something else, you speak with a worried tone. You talk to your kid and relay your worries.  “What will I do?” Instead of Immanuel, this is relayed.

Why?  God is with you, so relay Immanuel. If you believe and enjoy this, this is relayed, so enjoy 24 hours, meaning you remain in only this and enjoy this constantly in prayer. Then people around you will know. It doesn’t matter what problem you face but you enjoy God being with you.  Look at David, “The LORD is my Shepherd.”  At that point, he was a shepherd and thought of God as a shepherd, but today, He says Christ is with me.  He lacks nothing, even as he lacks something.  He did have problems and was lacking, but Christ was with him so he was unaffected, so I’m not saying we don’t have problems; we have visible problems that are irrelevant to us.  The fact is the Lord is with me, guiding me.

Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, some people may face mental diseases and think they are going to die.  How can receive healing? The fact that the Lord is with you must come upon you for true healing.  There are many different methods, like reading God’s Word from the Bible and coming to worship. No matter what, God is allowing you to experience the fact that God is with you.  Someone is addicted to drugs, seized by Satan, and they can only escape if God is with them, but nobody knows when this will take place.  Most people fall into a misconception here.  “This person isn’t reacting so I don’t think they’ll be fixed.” So they don’t know the working of the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit works, one day, they will open up. The problem is that people with the gospel will give up based on people’s reactions, so they don’t know the nature of the person’s problem.  They see the external problems and think it’s impossible.  The devil can’t endure even if you try because the devil will go until the end, but the devil deceives us.  He’s going to use another person’s actions and Satan makes you give up like that. Most people are deceived by that.  It’s the same for your kids and the evangelism targets. If you don’t have faith in this, you cannot have continuation as you’re deceived by external things.

Evangelism is one aspect of a successful life, 24 hours.

Isaiah 7:14

Immanuel.  The Old Testament says the gospel is Immanuel, that Christ is with me eternally. You finish it with this and enjoy it constantly, 24 hours. You enjoy it in your studies. If you study 24 hours, you’ll have a mental problem; you have to do 24 hours while enjoying Immanuel. Then may everything go well with you as your spirit goes along well.  But even if my spirit is going along well, everything can go well? That’s an unbeliever, that’s America.  At first, it doesn’t start like this, but as more time passes, “We can live fine on our own, even without worship and thanksgiving.” That’s how they’re seized by the devil of America.

There’s a devil for superpower nations, there’s an organization of Satan that controlled Egypt, Rome, Persia, Greece, and Babylon. There’s an organization of Satan controlling America and the pattern is the same because the spiritual things are the same. It’s the same and that’s why, 24 hours, Immanuel. Study  and worship while doing Immanuel, that’s 24.

Any 24 that doesn’t have Immanuel will result in mental problems. 24 hours scars.  The scars you received 20 years ago are still on your mind 24 hours a day, and you’ll kill everyone around you, scarring them.  Giving scars of diligence. We learn diligence from our parents and teach diligence to others, “No matter what, you have to try hard, it’s 24 hour diligence,” then you die. Immanuel.

Matthew 28:20

I am with you always until the very end of the age. Who? The One who has all authority in heaven and on earth.  Then, nothing in heaven or earth will be a problem for you because the One with all authority is with me.  If someone is really rich, they can pay their way out of jail.  There was someone on trial for shooing two people during the protests, and the verdict was “Not guilty.” He definitely killed two people with strange ideologies, and he was released. Why do you think that is? He’s a murderer, he escaped because he has money. America is centered on that.  Money takes precedence over justice.  Yes, some people seek justice, but many more people are weak to money. Korea is even worse. 

If God has all authority in heaven and on earth, nothing is a problem; enjoy this authority, don’t shake in front of the problem. Is there anywhere else that exists?  You must hold onto this as you remain in your school and region.  But in every opportunity, the devil will move to take this away from you, and even if he does, it’s okay because this incident must be signed off by God; without His approval, nothing will happen.

Every knee must bow to Him and you enjoy this 24 hours. Do not enjoy yourself, but enjoy this.  You’re the main character one day, and that’s Joseph and David.  If you don’t know this, you think you’re so smart, but you’re not.  David wasn’t the smartest one, but the smartest kid has to go to seminary.  No one is saying “Amen.”  The smartest kid should go to seminary, or should the stupidest one go?  You all want smart pastors, don’t you? You want someone with a smart background, but I went to seminary. That’s the human heart but God wants something different.

A long time ago, I looked down on pastors, “Man, this guy can’t even drink with me, I can’t be his friend. First of all, he’s not at the right level,” and I couldn’t come to my senses, so I always judged people and didn’t talk to people who were not at my level. It means my heart wasn’t ready. God raised this person up, the devil did not raise him up, but God interceded in his life to do world evangelization at this pastor’s level.

Without knowing this, you think, “How can I even talk to this person? Who am I that I would talk to such a person? I can’t even communicate with them, why would I mix with them? Why do my kids have to play with the kids of this household? We’re not at the same level.” If you come to your senses, you’ll realize.  “If you’re at a low level, save low level people; if you’re at a high level, save high level people.” It’s neither an inferiority complex or arrogance. Your success is nothing to boast about; God did not give you 5 powers to brag but to save.

The church really is the Kingdom of God because our standard isn’t money and the skill level is not the standard, either.  God has bought each person by the blood of Jesus Christ and raises them to do world evangelization.  If you cannot do this, you cannot live your walk of faith in the church. Without teaching this to the kids, what will happen?  The things that will happen in the future are the things that happened in the past.  

Like hang out with like, and that’s the specialized church.  That’s not the right church. If you go to a hospital, you’ll have a specialized church, talking to patients and doctors.  If you go to a courthouse, a pastor will be there as well for the lawyers and court staff for the specialized church. But the church should include everyone from oldest to youngest.  If someone at a high level looks down on a low level person, “I don’t want to hang out with that person,” then that’s a specialized church, not a real church.

In the church of Antioch, people from Cyrene, Niger, and all over the world gathered together.  But if you go into a big church, the first and second generations are separated.  They have no choice but to play according to their standards and levels because the gospel hasn’t gone in.  You have to give the gospel based on the culture, but “I don’t really fit with African culture,” you’ll have to leave. “We have to do things in an American style,” that’s evidence the gospel isn’t with you and that’s how the devil works. 

Everyone must be able to come to church to communicate with Christ; otherwise you’ll look at them up and down, “Look at these adults who can’t even speak English, what can they do?” That’s not being united in Christ, so we must look at each other and be thankful. Through them, God will do the works that nobody else can do, and the next generation will say, “We’ve been blessed by the first generation.”  The church is not led by a small minority, Christ is the head and the Lord guides the entire body forward. That’s a healthy church.

The number of people in the church doesn’t determine the size.  It should be okay for anyone to come into the church.  It doesn’t matter how uneducated someone is.  It also doesn’t matter how successful someone is, if they try to influence the church based on their evidence, it means they’re not thankful for the gospel, so they don’t know their role.

If she’s good at English, God gave her the talent to proclaim the gospel in English, not to judge those who are bad at English.  One time, I did a Darakbang on Fairfax, and every day, I would find out what time the kids got out, and Grace was talking to some people as they waited for their parents.  “You weren’t born here.”  “But I lived here for a long time,” Grace was judging the other person.  There’s a difference based on where people are born.

That’s the culture with which people live their lives, but what is the church like?  It doesn’t matter what skin color or culture, we are all brothers and sisters because of Christ, and you can proclaim this gospel wherever you go.  When you go to the Jews, be a Jew; when you go to the Gentiles, be a Gentile.  That is the highest level, that’s the church, and that’s how these kids can adapt no matter where they go to change it.  If you’re selective or picky or stubborn that you can’t adapt to new environments, you’re stuck with old things. 

One pastor’s kid was sent to me as the parents were busy.  The dad inspected us to see what we would do.  Because we were at a specialized church in Seoul National University, he gave his resume, and he was very successful, but he didn’t start from the beginning.  As we were talking, it wasn’t the conversation but he talked about what he studied and his major, then I understood why his child was so afflicted because this was how the child was raised. It wasn’t with Christ, but it was Seoul National University.

Then, during the conversation, his academic background would come up randomly.  The pastor said the most fun in his life was writing a book in Jeju island, not proclaiming Christ. He came to church and walked with a small Bible and was apprehensive the entire time, sensing the culture and literature.  What would happen to him?  His wife was in Germany and she met a successful person from Korea.  Imagine how renowned the Pastor’s wife.  The Pastor’s wife raised the money and the family.

Whatever you have, it’s bound to be revealed even if nobody brings it up.  If you’re boasting something that isn’t Christ, you can’t break down Satan. If you graduate from Seoul National University or Harvard, you should be proud, but what you must do, “I am an American citizen, but I have Immanuel,” and this must be the conclusion for your life.  That’s how people who are poor and uneducated can come to church.

Elder Lee is doing the RUTC broadcast and graduated from Seoul National University.  He was a very renowned journalist who even worked for the government, but most journalists are bad, trying to cut people down.  Someone above him was promoted, and he was so severely attacked and stepped down, then Elder Lee took that position.  If you get to that level, it’s so high, then there’s Elder Lee who had a chauffer. This is a general with stars, but what happens when he comes to church? He parks his car far away and walks.  The kids are doing body worship in the front and he’s really tall, so he does body worship with the kids. He’s the most popular elder, because he can get along with uneducated and poor people.

The assistant pastors love him the most because most people look down on assistant pastors.  But there was a complete elite coming to church and lowered himself to get along with everyone, but he couldn’t do that at his workplace. Now he’s retired and he still makes the news, even right now, he’s been broadcasting this to every nation.  This person received grace, having never driven in their life.

On one hand, there’s another person who came from abroad and left because people weren’t good servants.  Pastor Kim has to serve and to wait for them to receive grace but he had no patience. He never serves others. “You just kneel before God and receive God’s grace,” but they were not legally catering. 

I saw the church and realized this is how it’s like, this is what Communism was based on.  There’s no hint of who’s better. That doesn’t exist in the Kingdom of the world, only in the kingdom of God.  That person needs to success in society in order for them to be different.  They won’t flaunt things, they learn in the church and that’s the blessing of the church. You must enjoy Immanuel.  Then because4 of Christ, it doesn’t matter if you’re good or bad, it’s all the same.  May you enjoy and testify of this blessing.


God, we thank you. May the 21 lifestyles of the evangelist be our answer and be relayed.  This is the answer.


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