When the Spirit of Truth Comes (John 16:5-15)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

When the Spirit of Truth Comes (John 16:5-15)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I hope that the grace of God will be overflowing in all the families and individuals who are worshipping in the church, outside on the patio, in their homes, and especially out of state. This is the final second Sunday service of the year. Throughout the year, it seemed like we were just living our lives, but absolutely, God has begun the year and is finishing the year now. It is not that I began or ended anything, but it is God who begins and ends this year. God determines even when our lives on this earth will end.

The title of today’s message is, “When the Spirit of Truth Comes.” Why did this Word come out today? Jesus Christ is about to die on the cross and is about to resurrect and ascend into heaven and He will come back, so in verse 5, even though Jesus continuously tells them these things, nobody asks where He is going; rather, they are filled with grief.

Why do you think their hearts were filled with grief? It’s because the reason that Jesus Christ’s disciples followed Jesus for all those years was for a different motive. What was their goal? “If I follow this person, then I think my life will be more comfortable. In the past, I was just a fisherman, but now, I’ve met the right person, the Messiah Whom God has sent, and if I follow Him, my life will be good, but now that He is saying He will leave and come back, my heart is filled with grief. Through today’s worship, I pray that you will have the greatest blessing of worship where your grief will fly away.

  1. Prove the World to be in the Wrong
    In John 16:7, Jesus says it is for their good that He is going away, and they become confused. “Our life can only be good when Jesus is with us, but He is saying that once He leaves, my life will be better?” That’s because once Jesus Christ leaves, He will send the Advocate, the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit Advocate is not some energy or power; the Holy Spirit Advocate is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, He is the Spirit of God; it is a Spirit we cannot command around, saying to go here or there. The Holy Spirit has a personality and is the True God. If you don’t acknowledge that, then you don’t know how the Holy Spirit works.

In John 16:8, Jesus says, “When the Holy Spirit comes, He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin, righteousness, and judgment.” Only when the Holy Spirit comes, then God will reveal what sin, righteousness, and judgment really are. This is something you cannot know no matter how much you study in the world or how much you deeply analyze the Bible. Unless the Holy Spirit comes and teaches you these things, you cannot know.

1) Sin
Then, what is sin? The LORD said in John 16:9, “Sin, for the people do not believe in me.” Sin is not believing in Christ; sin is being outside of Christ; that is sin. It is because of this sin that we commit the sins we see with our eyes. It doesn’t matter if we’re a believer or nonbeliever. If Christ is not the center, we have no choice but to be a sinner, enslaved by sin.

That is like human beings being centered on themselves, trying to be God themselves. They think their own words are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and there are so many gods. Even within their own families, people are fighting, gods against gods, because everyone thinks their words are right. That’s what it means to be under sin.

That’s why everything circulates around what you see with your eyes, so if you don’t have money, then you think your life is over. There are some who say they are happy even when they’re poor, but there are also those who will die because they don’t have money. That’s the result, because they live their lives centered on themselves, and the goal of their life is to elevate their own name. That’s the life of people who are lost in sin, and these people look for religion.

What’s religion? You’re centered on yourself, trying to discover something for yourself, so either you choose a different religion or you go to a church, but even if you come to church and you’re centered on yourself and not Christ, you’re living a religious life; in other words, that becomes an idol. If Christ isn’t your center and instead it’s about your name, glory, and success, then that is an idol.

Meditation, which is very popular in America, is about emptying yourself, and that’s good. You’re emptying yourself of your greed, selfishness, and your own self; that’s good. However, unless you are centered on Christ, you will without a doubt become enslaved by Satan.

The more you do that, the more you will face spiritual difficulties, and that’s why in America and all throughout the world there are so many mental and spiritual problems, and it manifests, unseen to our eyes, as mental problems. People are becoming strange to the point where they cannot control their minds. Even if they’re just sitting still, they have panic attacks; that’s not normal. They sit still but their emotions fluctuate so wildly, up and down. Even though they sit still, they become depressed.

Why do these things have no choice but to come? It is because we are not centered on Christ but we are living our lives, centered on ourselves. If you’re centered on democracy, then absolutely, these problems will come, because democracy is not Christ, and even communism is not Christ. Revering some great leader is the same thing.

As a result of your mental problems, you have problems in your life, and that’s related directly to your next generation, and that’s when you suffer eternally in hell and you’ll suffer on this earth as well. But only when the Holy Spirit comes will He reveal to you that this is because of sin. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, then we can realize that we must turn away from this life.

2) Righteousness
In John 16:10, Jesus Christ talks about righteousness, “I am about to go to the Father where you can see me no longer,” that is righteousness. Jesus Christ died on the cross, resurrected and ascended into heaven, and said we will no longer be able to see Him. That is righteousness. Through the cross, He was able to overcome death, Satan, and went to be with God. That’s what we call righteousness.

The righteousness of the world cannot overcome Satan. No matter how righteously you try to live, you cannot win against Satan. In fact, the more you try to live a righteous life, you should be able to overcome Satan, but it becomes very difficult.

Righteousness is when you die to your own self and Jesus Christ lives within you, so you become one with God. That’s righteousness, and the one who lives like that is the one who is righteous. Romans 1:17 says that the righteous will live by faith, the faith where Christ lives within me and is with me.
If you’re not centered on Christ, everything is wrong. No matter how correct you think your words are, if they are not Christ, then it’s wrong. If your past has not progressed in Christ, then your life is incorrect. In 2021, if you’re not living your life centered on the words of Jesus Christ, there is no correctness in that life. Anything that escapes outside of Christ is a life of sin, and you have no choice but to commit physical sins you can see.

3) Judgment
In John 16:11, Jesus Christ talks about judgment, because the prince of this world stands condemned. What does this mean? John wrote this book and also Revelation, where he talks about how the at the time of the judgment of the world, the prince of this world will be driven out.

As Christ died on the cross and resurrected, overcoming the forces of Satan and death, it means Satan has been driven out; and because Christ now lives within me, of course Satan has been driven out, and it means that Satan’s authority to drag me into hell has been broken. However, even though one has been freed from Satan, Satan is still alive, and Satan will be completely destroyed when it becomes a fact that Jesus Christ lives within me. The only way for you to overcome your spiritual and mental problems is when you are really convinced of the fact that Jesus Christ lives within you, then Satan is completely destroyed.

If among any of you who are worshiping today, if you have a disease, may you be completely healed, but people don’t believe. They believe in God and have heard of Satan, but they don’t really believe. Satan is the reason you’re suffering right now, and he is working, unseen to your eyes.

When is Satan driven out of your thoughts, circumstances, and your heart? Only when you have the complete and perfect gospel where you are dead and Christ lives within you. When will the disasters over our businesses and our hearts be broken? When we live our business-life centered on Christ towards the motive of Christ, all disasters will be driven out.

When will my family’s repeated failures be broken down? When you become centered on Christ. How can you be victorious over the year 2021 even if you haven’t lived it yet? Be completely centered on the words of Christ. If this isn’t what takes place, then even though Satan’s authority has been broken, he will continue to deceive you.

  1. Spirit of Truth
    In John 16:13, the Spirit of Truth will guide you into all truth when He comes. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth, and the spirits of evil are evil spirits. Evil is when someone is driven out of the Truth. The demons and evil spirits are continuously doing that evil work which is to drive you away from the Truth.

1) Guides to the Truth
If anybody is facing a problem, crisis, or incident in their lives, and you try to solve your problem on your own, you can try to solve the problem all you want, but your life will be the same. Whether you solve the problem or not, your life will be the same. Your life is going to be at the same level, whether you solve that problem or not.

“Pastor, of course I have to solve this problem; how could I live with this problem weighing on me?” That’s not what I’m saying; I’m saying, what is Christ telling you with His Word through the incident or problem? When you become centered on the words of Jesus Christ in the midst of the problem, then the problem becomes irrelevant to you.

But some people say they believe in Jesus Christ while putting their central focus on solving the problem; they keep trying to solve their problems themselves. Sure, you should try to solve the problem, but more importantly, you must find the answer of why God allowed that problem to come to you.

Psalm 119:105 says that the Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path. If you’re in pitch darkness, it doesn’t matter if you solve a problem or not; you’re still in pitch darkness. But when the words of Christ come upon your problem, then you will be able to see with clarity why God gave you that problem.

For people who cannot do this, they fear coming problems because they have to keep solving them, and they’re afraid because if they can’t solve those problems, they will be stuck in their problems, so their standard is the same. However, when the Holy Spirit of Truth comes upon us, He will guide us to the Truth of God’s Word.

I hope you will ask, “What is God’s plan?” in the midst of your problem, circumstance, or crisis. If you ask the question, “Why has God allowed this problem in my life?” then the Holy Spirit will guide you with His Word. If you ask the question to God, “Father, why are You allowing me to face these financial difficulties because of the pandemic?” Then He will answer you through His Word. Then, the father of lies, the demon, the devil in John 8:44 will be revealed and will flee.

If you have a scar from your childhood, that portion of your personality will not mature. You’re living today, but you’re seized by your past scars, and even though you forget about your scars, you keep yourself busy with other things, when somebody touches your scars, that’s when you explode. You can receive scars in life through many different things including your parents at home, your teachers and friends, your financial problems, anything.

In Ephesians 4:26, it says that when someone receives a scar, they become angry, and Paul is talking to Christian believers, not unbelievers. “In your anger do not sin,” even if your scar causes you so much pain, “do not sin” means to not go outside of Christ. He says, “Quickly, don’t let the sun go down while you’re angry.”

What happens when you stay in your anger? Ephesians 4:27 says that the devil uses that scar and anger as a foothold, and he doesn’t leave from that. He’ll control and manipulate that person their whole life with that scar.

There are some people who enjoy a normal conversation, but they will all of a sudden freak out. It’s because they have a scar, and to them, it hurts, even though the other person was just saying random words. The devil knows that scar and makes the person explode 100, 1000 times, and they’ll never be able to escape this. No matter how much you go to the hospital, even if you become an American citizen, you cannot escape this.

You cannot solve this by getting mental help at a mental hospital. You think, “Maybe my problem is because I’m not educated enough,” and you try to get 3 PhDs, that problem will still not leave. You think, “If I changed the nature of my family, then things will change,” but it will never go away. You think that if you drink a lot of alcohol, you’ll get rid of your scars? You’ll actually get more. Will it go away if you do drugs? You’ll become more scarred.

Why has this problem come to you? If you’re centered on yourself, you’ll be offended when someone says something to you, and that becomes wrath inside of you. You have to quickly restore that state of wrath and anger in the name and words of Jesus Christ, but Satan will use it as a foothold instead, and it will develop into a mental illness. You’ve made this yourself because you’ve lived your life centered on yourself, and that’s the result.

The individual’s words may be correct, “My father said this to me,” but God is telling you that this is a result of living for yourself. If you say, “I received this scar and suffering because my father’s business failed,” those words are correct but those words are centered on yourself. “I have this scar and continue to suffer because I was isolated and ostracized at school, so I’m lonely.” Those words are correct but it’s actually because you’re centered on yourself and not Christ.

Even if you go to America and your children don’t speak English, then how much will they be outcast? They will be an outcast among the people. You know what it means to be an outcast, right? They make it so that you can’t play with them, then that becomes a deeply rooted scar. Then what happens? Satan goes in at that moment and Satan will use that to eat you up the rest of your life, and that’s the reason why your life fails.

But the opposite can also occur. If someone is a little more high level than that, their scars can manifest in criticizing and judging other people. Because they’re not centered on Christ, elites who have a bit of a higher level will look down on others because they are not up to their level. In reality, these are two sides of the same coin; they’re are the same problem because both people will be destroyed by that problem. That’s the work that Satan does.

The darkness will only flee when you quickly change that into the words of Christ. This is my personal testimony, I’m not telling you some kind of theory that came as I studied the Bible so deeply, but the answers were in the Bible. The problems that came from my diseased heart were not solved by psychology. The psychologists will only allow you to open your heart, but they can never change it. That’s the problem in America.

You cannot solve this by some kind of great government system, and you cannot solve this by having a Christian president. The source of that scar came because you were centered on yourself instead of Christ, but now you have to change that scar to be centered on Christ instead of you.

Someone who has scars will hide it, but can you hide it just by trying? Without a doubt, your scars will come out in your human interactions, and they will continue to repeat. I told you earlier, if you’re a bit of a higher level, it will manifest and you will always look down on and criticize others. You’ll look at everything so sternly, and it’s the same thing, and that’s the reason why people continue to fall.

Satan uses our weaknesses to dig deep into us, very subtly. It’s all within our scars and the wrath within us, so when we criticize others, we foam at the mouth and want to kill others, especially for people who are older than us. “Why is the Pastor’s necktie that color?” You’re gritting your teeth and foaming at the mouth, and instead of just making an observation, you’re saying these things and criticizing them, but that person is under the misconception that they’re at a high level. People who have a scar will not be able to recognize their scar, but they think they’re at a higher level, but the darkness will only flee when Jesus Christ becomes the owner of that scar.

2) Speaks Only What He Hears
The Holy Spirit comes upon us and works upon us, but He doesn’t speak however He wants; He speaks the Word He heard from Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ speaks the Word given to Him by the Father God. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that the scripture is God-breathed, inspired by God, so therefore, without the working of the Holy Spirit, it’s impossible to understand the Word of God. If something is written by the knowledge of man, you’ll be able to understand it with your own knowledge; however, the Bible was written inspired by the Holy Spirit, God-breathed, so if you’re not inspired by the Holy Spirit, you cannot understand the Word of God no matter how much you study the Bible.

The leaders of the Jews dug so deeply into the Bible, but why is it that they faced so many curses and disasters? People live their entire lives going to church, thinking about the Word of God, but why is it that their lives are not centered on Christ? It’s because they received something else; they heard about prosperity faith because they’re centered on themselves; they heard about legalism based on human behavior because they’re centered on themselves; they think about mysticism because they want to experience God, centered on themselves. The Bible is speaking centered on Jesus Christ, but because you’re centered on yourself, you’re looking at everything from a different direction.

That’s why it’s impossible for you to receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit, so I hope that every single person without fail will receive the words of Truth that the Holy Spirit puts into your hearts so deeply.

3) Tells What Is Yet to Come
The Holy Spirit will also tell of what is to come. There will be many things happening in the future, and God told Joseph through a vision, “In the future, you will reveal the glory of Christ to Egypt and the rest of the world.” In 1 Samuel 16:13, the Holy Spirit comes upon David as he was anointed as king, and he would be the future king who would do the temple construction movement.

In Matthew 24:14, when does the world end? People say they receive the guidance of the Holy Spirit and say “It’s going to happen today,” or, “It will happen in a few years.” But it’s all in the Bible, and these people read the Bible as well, but they’re not able to see it because they haven’t received the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Digging into the Bible with your mind and knowledge, you will go in the wrong direction. You need to be moved by the Holy Spirit for the Words of Truth to come into you. When the gospel of heaven has been preached to all nations, then the end will come. But there are still many churches emphasizing 666 and signs, and people ask me, “What is this?” Because they’re not centered on Christ, not being inspired by the Holy Spirit, they are interpreting things outside of Christ. They talk about getting microchips implanted.

I don’t think about that, do you think that’s the reason why God gave us Revelation? But because they haven’t received Christ, they interpret the Bible in a very strange way. Some people talk about the war of Armageddon as if it’s the war between the Soviet Union and the US, but inside, I’m laughing because the Bible tells us that that’s not the end. The end times will have signs like that, but what is the core of the Word? Regardless of that, the gospel of Christ must be proclaimed. The book of Revelation is revealing Christ.

John wrote both Revelation and the gospel of John, and John 5:39 says that people study the scriptures so diligently, thinking that in them is eternal life, but those scriptures testify about Jesus Christ. Therefore, if you’re not centered on Christ, then working and inspiration of the Holy Spirit will be difficult.

In the future, more pandemics will arise. In Europe, there will be a virus, a mutated version of this that will be 100 times worse, and the person who shakes and trembles before those disasters and the people who tremble and shake at the thought of having microchips installed have the same level of faith. We haven’t even been able to solve the common cold… we have to live with these viruses, but what does the Bible tell us?

It doesn’t matter if these things come; it’s okay, but just be centered on Jesus Christ, and yet you waste your life being centered on other things, and if you’re outside of Christ, Satan will attack you and dig deeper into you with these worries and grief. May you enjoy this blessing.

In the end times, 2 Timothy 3:1-5 says that there will be terrible times; the end times will have terrible suffering through disasters, wars, and biological diseases. These disasters will continuously happen. Books that aren’t the Bible say that there will be a time of paradise an euphoria following the end times, but this is what human beings want.

The Bible tells us the reason for human suffering, and it’s because you love yourself more than you love God, more than you love Jesus Christ. You suffer because your thoughts are stronger than those of Jesus Christ, because you love money more than Jesus Christ. You suffer because you love pleasure more than the joy and happiness that comes from Jesus Christ, and that’s why we proclaim the gospel to minimize the suffering in this world.

  1. Reveal the Glory of Christ
    John 16:14, the Holy Spirit will glorify Jesus Christ. The work of the Holy Spirit is to reveal Christ.

1) Christ’s Duties (1 Peter 2:9)
We have been called as the royal priesthood to declare the praises of Him who has called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. “Christ” means “anointed one,” meaning He was anointed with oil. In the Old Testament, only the prophets, priests, and kings were anointed with oil, and God worked through these people. In the New Testament, we receive the anointing of oil and the filling of the Holy Spirit to do the three roles of Christ.

God will do the work of the priest through me, where we’re able to solve the problems of sin, curses, and disasters. God will reveal through me the authority of the king to cast out Satan who is the ruler of the kingdom of the air. The Holy Spirit does the work of the prophet through me, revealing the words of the Bible.

What is my occupation? I’m a pastor. But if you think like that, your life isn’t solved. What kind of pastor am I? That’s the problem. I must be a pastor who reveals the glory and work of Christ to have the Holy Spirit work through me. “I’m a businessperson.” That’s incorrect. “I’m a businessperson to reveal the work of Jesus Christ.” That is how I will be led by the Spirit of Truth, and the works of breaking down the forces of Satan, solving the curses and disasters from sin, and relaying the words of Jesus Christ will be revealed in my life.

How shall I run my business? You run your business where you hold onto the roles of Christ and do your business towards that. Remove all the hot air. How should you study? It doesn’t matter if you’re good at studying or not, but take out all the hot air. Start from the very bottom and establish the role of Christ in your studies, then the Holy Spirit will work.

If your business and studies aren’t working out, you need to go to the bottom. You need to ask yourself, “What’s the reason I’m studying and working? I’m a child of God, and my business and studies are used to reveal the three roles of Christ,” so you’re racing towards the highest field. There’s no doubt about it, there’s no “Good” or “Bad” at doing something. If you’re bad at something, just start at the bottom.

2) Filling of the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8)
When the Holy Spirit comes to us, what happens when we’re filled with the Holy Spirit? I told you this last week, you know what happens when you get drunk on alcohol? Then even if you’re outside and naked in the winter, by being drunk on alcohol, you’re not cold. Once you snap out of your alcoholic stupor, you’ll feel super cold, but because you’re so seized by the alcohol at that moment, you feel good about yourself. Even if someone hits you, it won’t hurt because you’re drunk on alcohol.

What happens if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit? You have a problem, but it’s not a problem for you. People talk about what will happen in the future, but it’s not a problem for you, why? Because when you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit, you’ll receive power to overcome yourself. Now, the problems you have will no longer be problems.

If someone really falls in love with someone else, they can overcome anything, right? I’m just using that as an example to explain the filling of the Holy Spirit. There are some people who are really attached to a material object, and no matter what, they’ll even steal to get it because they’re attached to it. When the Holy Spirit seizes my thoughts and mind, then I can overcome this world. That’s how you overcome Satan.

You have this, but you don’t seek this at all; you keep trying to live with your own mental strength. What are you going to do when you run out of mental strength? That’s why you have mental problems and that will reveal itself as worries and grief. But once the filling of the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will become witnesses until the ends of the Earth, you’ll receive the evidence that is able to overcome yourself. If you look at the world, you may be afraid of your past or future, but that goes away as you receive the evidence that Satan is destroyed.

In Acts 1:14, this is what they devoted their prayers for. Who is the stupidest person? It is the one who lives by their own diligence and hard work even though Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God is within them. Even though they receive the Holy Spirit, they live such lazy lives. If you work diligently, you might get money; if you live a lazy life, you will become poor, but that’s the same.

3) Working of the Holy Spirit
If you receive the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit, then even if you haven’t started your day yet, you’ll have the same effect as one who has had victory. The Holy Spirit works upon all my future meetings, studies, and everything that will happen that day. The Holy Spirit is victorious in advance; I’m going into the field to confirm the working of the Holy Spirit. You don’t have to worry about how you will live today; but the Holy Spirit has already worked in advance. You’re going there to simply confirm it.

Therefore, the time of prayer is a time for the filling of the Holy Spirit and it’s time for the Holy Spirit to work in advance. God works in advance ahead of you, and you simply follow it to confirm. If you’re not able to pray, you will suffer so much. If God exists but you’re suffering, then you will suffer needlessly.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, “How will I run my business today? How am I going to make my daughter study?” Why? Because that’s the limit of your ability. What happens if you receive the filling of the Holy Spirit? Because God is working in advance, you simply live your day, and everything becomes an answer: an answer in your studies, your job, and in everyone you meet. Therefore, nobody can block the one who prays with the covenant of Christ.

The working of the Holy Spirit is like fire and wind. There isn’t a single thing that can block the forces of Mother Nature. If there is a forest fire, we’re not able to block it, that’s why America is suffering. If there’s a tornado, that tornado can wipe out Japan all at once. Why does the Bible compare the working of the Holy Spirit to fire and wind? It means nobody can block the one who is praying.

Not praying to demons, but when the Holy Spirit of Truth works, nothing can block that. The one who prays is the strong one, why? Because the Holy Spirit reveals itself. Then, the thing that will come to you is the blessing of meeting. If you live your life centered on money, you’ll have meetings with people being centered on money, and the commonality between this and that person is that they’re centered on money. The reason why people betray each other and backstab each other is because they have meetings centered on money.

If someone is praying with a center of success, they’ll have meetings with people who are looking to succeed. However, if you’re praying with a central focus on the gospel and evangelism, then God will reveal these hidden blessings of meeting. That’s why the works that arise are for the salvation of souls.

For students who are studying, God will use your studies to open these doors. For people who are working, God will use your job to open these doors. For people who are playing around, unemployed, then God will use the time of unemployment to open these doors, so even if you’re playing, you should play very well. You need to play following the working of the Holy Spirit, centered on evangelism and missions.

But some people retire and become nothing. You’re not nothing, but you have these strange meetings; however, if you’re centered on the gospel, then even if you’re retired, then you will have these precious meetings that arise by the filling of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2:44-45, God has hidden a different kind of finance for the world. For people who live their lives centered on money, because they face financial difficulties from the pandemic, they say life is hard.

However, people who are focused on the gospel and evangelism and follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God will reveal this hidden finances to them. The members of the Early Church had nothing, but God revealed these hidden finances to them. We have the money but we simply can’t use it. When God works upon us and opens our eyes to see, everything becomes money. But using your own brain and calculating, that’s why you have all these cursed meetings.

They devoted themselves to worship and prayer, whether they were in the temple courts or at home, so if you’re at home or at school or in the temple or at your job, you must worship because it is a worship to God that is centered on Christ. Every time that happens, God will continue to reveal the Word to you.

The way that God reveals Himself is not visible to our eyes; it is through God’s Word. Many people are under the misconception that the pastor is teaching something, but these people are not people who stand before God. You are listening to the Word of God through the pastor who speaks the Word of God to you. If you’re learning this with your knowledge, you will absolutely crumble.

You need to stand before God, receiving His Word, and that becomes the Word of life to you. That person’s spirit will be revived, and they will be able to see the Word that God spoke to them. In Acts 13:1-4, Acts 16:18, and Acts 19-27, the doors to missions will continuously open. Your job and school will continuously be used by God to open these doors of evangelism and missions. Let’s conclude the word.

  1. Prove the Nature of Sin, the World, and the Devil in Me to be Wrong
    When the Spirit of Truth comes, He will reveal to you about what sin, righteousness, and judgment are.
  2. Guide with the Word
    In any aspect of our life, God will guide us with the Word. He will show us the future and reveal it.
  3. Evangelism, Missions that Reveals the Glory of Christ
    By the power of the Holy Spirit, He will continuously bless us in all our fields and open the doors for the finances and meetings for evangelism to save lives.
    I hope that this grace and blessing will be overflowing in all the people as we go into 2021. Let us pray together holding onto the Word God has given us today.

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