The Sheep Listen to the Lord’s Voice and Follow Him (John 10:22-42)

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

The Sheep Listen to the Lord’s Voice and Follow Him (John 10:22-42)

Let us bless one another, Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. I pray that the great grace of God will come upon all of the families that are worshipping in their homes and in the church. Last week, God gave us the word entitled, “The Gate for the Sheep and the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ.” We can only go to heaven if we go through the gate of Jesus Christ, and the believers of Jesus Christ must begin every day by going through the gate of Jesus Christ and ending the day with Jesus Christ in order for you to see the Kingdom of God. The people who have received salvation but are still failing in life do not begin their day with Christ, and that is why Jesus Christ told us, “Anyone who does not come through me is a robber and a thief.” Anything you have before Jesus Christ is actually a robber who steals your life.

The most important thing for a human is their spirit, and if your spirit is stolen, that is losing yourself, so you’re just living with the outer hardware of your physical body. Today’s word we receive is, “The Sheep Listen to the Lord’s Voice and Follow Him.” First, you must listen to His voice and then you must follow Him.

  1. Those Who Listen But Don’t Believe
    There are some people who listen but don’t follow.

1) Jews
In today’s main scripture, there is a conversation between the Jewish people and Jesus, and that’s the Jewish people who asked, “Show us that You are the Christ.” Jesus responds, “If you see the work that I am doing, it is the same work that my Father is doing. Can you not see that I am the Christ? I have already told you many times that I am the Son of God, yet you have listened to Me but you don’t believe Me.”

These are people who did not believe in Jesus Christ even 2000 years ago when they saw Him and talked to Him. We have never seen Jesus Christ, but we have received the grace to believe Him. Some people said, “I wish I could see Jesus just once, then I would really believe well.” That’s a lie.

The Jewish people in today’s passage were right in front of Jesus, talking to Him, and they still didn’t believe Him. Why? They had a reason why they didn’t believe. People who are successful have a reason why they are successful. Whether they know it or they don’t, they have that reason. People who always fail, they always have the conditions for failure within them. People who don’t believe in Jesus Christ have a condition that prevents them from believing in Jesus Christ.

2) Not the Lord’s Sheep
The Lord says, “These people are not My sheep.” They don’t listen to Jesus because they are not His sheep. Even if they listen, they don’t really listen. They hear it, but even though they are hearing the words of Jesus Christ, their father is the devil, John 8:44, so they listen to the devil’s words, not Jesus’.

These Jewish people have created their own God for themselves based on their legalism. They started with the foundation of Moses’ laws and they added their own laws on top of that. There is a god they created, but that is not the God the Bible is talking about. They’re trying to believe in the god they created for themselves; no matter what Jesus Christ says, they don’t want to believe Him.

In 2 Corinthians 4:4, it says, “The god of this age has blinded the minds of nonbelievers so that they cannot see the light of the gospel.” Satan has blinded and confused the hearts of these people so they cannot receive the gospel. Then, what do you think their inner state is like?

It is the same state of sin of Adam and Eve when they sinned against God, and that inner state has been separated from God, and when we say, “Separated from God,” it didn’t happen out of nowhere. It’s because they didn’t listen to the words of God, but they only thought about their own thoughts. That was the state they were in. In other words, they were their own center of their lives, so they live their lives holding onto their own thoughts.

Everybody has thoughts, but are those thoughts coming from the Word of God? Where do those thoughts come from? Everybody thinks, but the characteristic of those who do not believe in Jesus Christ is that their own thoughts are very strong. So, even if they receive the words of God, they just kind of store them away; they don’t put their everything into them, because they’re holding onto their own thoughts more strongly.

So, if we say we cannot believe in Jesus Christ, it means you believe in your own thoughts. That’s what those people are stuck in, and the characteristic of these people is that they’re focused on the physical things they see with their eyes, like eating and surviving. Of course, we have to eat and survive and we have to live well, too. I’m not saying anything against that. The spirit is the most important thing, but these people neglect that, and they only focus on having a good, abundant, and prosperous life physically. That’s what we call “physical-centeredness.”

People are different from animals. People are created so they will live with God, worshiping God, listening to and following the Word of God, and receiving their strength from that. But for everybody who does not live their life following the Word of God, but only their own diligence and efforts for the physical things, they will meet the disaster of Genesis 6.

As soon as you wake up in the morning, you must begin with the words of Jesus Christ. You have to go through the gate of Jesus Christ every day, but instead, you’re going through the gate of, “How can I do well today?” That’s the words of the robber and thief, why? It is because you prioritize your words above the words of Jesus, and your success is prioritized above God’s plans.

3) The Flow without the Covenant
The flow without the Covenant has been flowing from Genesis 3 until today. Now, when I talk about the New Age Movement in American culture, I’m talking about a culture centered on themselves, and that content moves people’s hearts a lot. “My life is mine to live, I make the decisions. You make your decisions and you don’t let anyone stop you.” It sounds so right, but that’s exactly what Satan said to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden in Genesis 3, and that devil is still leading the flow of the American culture through this New Age Movement. Life is actually not determined by you, but you’re supposed to follow after the words of Jesus.

  1. Those Who Believe
    If you look at John 10:27, the sheep of Jesus Christ listen to His voice and they follow Him, so a sheep will only listen to and follow the voice of the Shepherd.

1) The Lord’s Sheep
Jesus says, “I know My sheep.” Do you think you know yourself better, or that God or Jesus Christ knows you better? Jesus Christ says, “I know My sheep,” He knows your current state. You don’t know what’s going on inside of you, but Jesus does. He even knows your future. The Lord knows what your weaknesses as well as your talents are, so stop trying to gain something from other people, but go to the Lord who knows everything about you.

Everyone who tries to go get something from other people cannot get any answers. Jesus knows everything about me, so that means the solution to the problem is there. That’s why I need to go to Jesus Christ to finish all the problems in my life. He’s with us 24 hours a day. He knows everything about me, including my weaknesses, why? Because He’s the One who created me, and I can only receive the answer if I go to Him.

You shouldn’t come to the pastor because a pastor is a sheep; you have to go to the Shepherd to get the answer. A pastor is just someone who relays the Word that God has given him, so when you listen to the words of the pastor, you should be listening to the voice of God.

The characteristic of people who do not have a good walk of faith is that, they think the pastor speaks the pastor’s words. They’re always judging the pastor, “Hey, you don’t live like that, either,” and that’s why they don’t listen to the word. The pastor is not Jesus. Jesus is using the pastor to relay the Word of God that is right for the church. The pastor is not someone who lives a perfect life like Jesus did. The reason why people come to church but cannot live their walk of faith is because they’re always looking at people.

The reason you’re coming to church is to listen to the voice of the Lord, but you look at people; people are not Jesus. Every person is a sinner, and though they have been called righteous because of the grace of Jesus Christ, they are still sinners if you look at them. You should only be interested in the voice of God because He knows all the sheep.

2) Sheep that Listen and Follow
Also, the sheep do not just listen to the voice, they also follow the voice. Christianity is not just a religion of polishing stones. A lot of people are just trying to go through religious rituals, sharpening their knowledge of religious doctrine, but Christians, when they hear the words of Jesus Christ, they carry it out with action. Christianity is not just about meditating and increasing your own knowledge. It’s not about just sitting and trying to see a spiritual God in your life physically. It’s about having the Word of God realistically guide you, leading your life. If the Word of God gives you a direction, then you follow. I hope you will escape from your religious doctrines. This is our realistic and actual guidance in life.

People who listen and follow the Words of Jesus Christ don’t do it for no reason; they have a cause or source for why they follow. People who listen to the words of God but do not follow also have a reason why they do not follow. God has prepared all the answers for you to receive for the rest of the week, but there are some people who don’t follow that, and there are some people who follow after the answers.

What does Jesus Christ say is the characteristic of those people who follow? Matthew 16:24 says, “If anyone wants to come after Me, they must deny themselves.” If we listen to the words of Jesus Christ but we don’t follow, it is because we are holding onto our own thoughts exactly. You’re just storing the words of Jesus Christ away, you’re not following Him as the textbook of your life, so even though you’ve listened to the words for decades, you still don’t follow. The thing that still realistically moves you and that you follow is your own thoughts.

There is a reason or characteristic for why those people who live their walk of faith well have lives that work out well. “Take up My cross and follow Me,” Jesus says. Taking up your cross means you die, “I have been crucified on the cross.” It is not Jesus’ cross, but it is my cross. Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins, and I take up my own cross and follow after Jesus. It means I’m dead, it means you deny yourself. Only then can you follow after Jesus Christ. May this be the time when the frames you have will be broken down.

“Oh, I work so diligently, why is nothing happening?” It’s because you have something that prevents you from following Jesus. These are the people who come to church and only listen to the words they want to here. There are people who are only interested in listening to the words that will solve their own problems. The Word of God is not just answering your one problem, but your entire life must follow after Jesus’ Words, so don’t just keep the words of Jesus Christ in mind, but I pray you will have the blessing of following Him with everything, the blessing where you receive the Word God gives you on Sunday and you follow after that the rest of the week.

You take the Word that God gives you in the Sunday message and you take it into your homes, into your life, and you follow exactly in your lifestyle. That is the field worship, that is your field church. That’s worship. Deny yourself and follow the Words of Jesus Christ in your life and in your homes exactly, then you will see the many things that God has prepared.

“God has prepared my life.” Why does your life fall into despair? Because the life you’ve drawn for yourself is obvious, it’s physically centered, so it’s obvious. “Oh, my ability is only to this level, so I know what my future is going to be.” That’s a person who is trapped in his own self-centeredness. They make their judgments based on their physical outer appearances and their physical abilities. However, the people who listen to and follow after the words of Jesus Christ are excited, “I wonder what Word God is going to give me today,” that’s why you stake your life on worship because you know He will guide you according to His Word.

The people who listen to and follow after the words of Jesus Christ are excited, “I wonder what Word God is going to give me today,” that’s why you stake your life on worship because you know that God will guide you according to His Word.

But the people who don’t stake their lives on worship store [the Word] away. It’s the same as any idol worshipper who goes to any random temple and plops a candle there and prays to any god to solve their problem. Are any of you perhaps understanding Jesus that way? Do you think of Jesus Christ as someone you can put your hand out to whenever you need help? You are misunderstanding Jesus, and that’s the beginning of all your life’s problems.

Jesus is our Shepherd, Jesus is our Guide we must follow with everything in our life. For the people who do not have a walk of faith that is working out, there is a reason why it is not working out. What is success for you? Meeting Jesus is success. What else would be success? Even if someone meets the President of the United States, they will advertise all around saying, “I met the President!” But if meeting Jesus Christ is not success for you, are you embarrassed by it? How do you meet Jesus?

It’s only possible to meet God when Jesus comes upon you. You can only meet Jesus Christ when the work of God comes upon your life, don’t you think that’s true success? If you have met Him, then true success is living with Him. True success is remaining in the line where you are testifying of Him, and that’s the success that God is calling us to, throughout the entire Bible.

But people who are so bound by their physical-centeredness only think they are successful if they have more prosperity and abundance than other people. That person is living, trapped in their own thoughts. They don’t know who Jesus is. They might have heard of Jesus Christ, but they just think of Him as some kind of God you keep in storage. That life has already failed.

The beginning of your life determines whether you succeed or fail. Jesus Christ is our everything, and David staked his life on that. David did not stake his life on the physical things and success of becoming the next king. He staked his life on following Jesus Christ, His Shepherd, and David’s true desire was to dwell in the house of the LORD forever. That’s the greatest thing.

I become great because the Greatest Being is within me. The One raises me to success is always with me, and that is the reason why I’m in the seat of success. I’m not talking about any kind of physical success, but first when you meet Jesus, you should be happy. Once you meet Jesus Christ, you should be able to make the confession that your life is finished now, but if you’re still thirsty and you feel like you’re lacking something, wandering around, looking for it, then you won’t know.

Once I met the Jesus Christ I know, my life was finished and complete, and I felt like I was truly living. I made the confession that, “Even if I die now, I will have no regrets,” but if someone has met that Jesus Christ and is still lacking and thirsty, I’m not so sure. He is with us 24 hours a day, and the fact that He is with me means that I am living my life centered on Him.

If He is with me, how come He seems so far? It doesn’t seem like you’re with Him because you live your life centered on yourself. If there are two people who get married and live together in the same house but they’re always in conflict, fighting with each other, they’re not actually enjoying a life of being with each other. They keep on fighting and bumping into each other because they’re living a life centered on themselves.

So, even though you’re living with Jesus Christ, you’re centered on yourself, so you’re always creating these conflicts. Living with God, enjoying Immanuel, means that you lay down everything of yourself, and you follow entirely after Him. We have to do this very well. That’s how you can save yourself. You have to be specialized in that, because you have to be specialized in something in order for something to happen.

Someone who makes food for a living must be specialized in making food, and successful musicians are those who specialize in music. People who believe in Jesus should be specialists in following Jesus, so that means you need to have the specialty that allows you to save yourself. That is, being centered on only Jesus Christ, and in order to do that, you need to let go of everything of yourself. The person who does that as their specialty is a real Christian. Anybody who can’t do that will always be in conflict, confused, and wandering a different path.

3) Sheep that Listen but Don’t Follow
If you look at the people who do not follow after Jesus Christ, it says in Ephesians 4:22, “They only follow after the physical things, based on their own desires.” Their greed. You have to let go of your greed, how do you let go of your greed? When you say you’ll only follow Jesus Christ, that is not your greedy desire, but you are following Him. Yet, instead of doing that, you follow the temptations that make you desire. People who get conned and swindled are those who have greed. Even people who do drugs have a physical greed, we have greed for that temptation.

Everything is tempting us, and Satan lies to us so we try to fill our own greed, and even though we do that thing, we do it and regret it. That is the rotten, old former self that must be put off. Matthew 16:25 says that people like this are living for themselves. “For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for My sake will find it.” What do these words of Jesus mean? If you’re trying to save your own life, you’ll end up losing your own life.

What does that mean? When you follow after the greed of your success, thinking that that’s the way to live, then you will die. However, if you throw all of that away for the Lord, then instead, you will find life. The Kingdom of God is actually the opposite of everything that the kingdom of the world says. That’s why it’s so confusing for people who are so used to the kingdom of the world when they come to the church. Even when you go into the military, they will tell you, “If you try to save your life, you will die, but if you lose your life, then you will live.” You can tell in their later lives and in their next generation, that’s not true success.

What is true success? Truly successful people are those who are able to follow after the One Who is controlling their entire life. That’s not something you can do with the power of the world, it is only possible for those who deny themselves and take up their cross.

What is transcendental meditation? It is emptying yourself. Everybody is living their lives holding onto scars, and they let go of them, so it looks like they receive healing at first. The method of throwing away their selves is to empty their mind of everything. Their thoughts are always so complicated with their own confusing thoughts, so when they empty their brains, it becomes peaceful and healing. However, when you go too deeply into that, you’ll be filled with seven more demons.

You can only deny yourself if there’s some object of your faith into which you put your faith. If you have no object of faith, that is, Christ, but you try to let go of your greed yourself, then you’re going to be filled with seven times more deadly demons, more wicked than the first. That’s Matthew 12:43-45. When you deny yourself, it means you are denying yourself for Christ.

You can only be filled with the Holy Spirit when you empty yourself of yourself because the filling of the Holy Spirit is the state where you are completely filled with the Triune God. No matter how much you pray for the filling of the Holy Spirit, as long as you are holding onto the things of yourself, you cannot be filled.

When you deny yourself, it means you are denying yourself for Christ. The filling of the Holy Spirit is the state where you are completely filled with the Triune God.

Let’s say there’s half a cup of Coca Cola in this cup, and if you think, “I want to be filled with the pure water of life,” then you cannot fill this cup like that. You can only fill this cup with living water when you empty the coke that’s inside. If you want to be filled with God, the you have to let go of yourself. It’s not about throwing all that away, because you exist; it is about denying that. Then, anybody can be filled with the power, the wisdom, and the authority of God. That’s the characteristic of a successful person.

  1. Those Who Are in the Flow of the Covenant
    So, Jesus Christ in John 10 is talking about His voice, and we need to follow His voice that leads to the cross. In John 19:30, Jesus Christ said, “It is finished,” and that’s what we need to listen to and follow. What is finished? All problems in our lives are finished.

There are some people who, when you give them they gospel, they say, “I don’t have any problems.” That’s a lie, but they are lying because they are seized by the devil, who is the father of lies. There are some people who are actually trying to live their walk of faith, but they say, “I don’t have that many big problems, so I can just live a life of half-faith.” Even if they’re living a walk of faith, that’s someone who does not know the problems of life.

The problems we’re talking about is not a problem you can see with your eyes; they are an invisible problem. The problem is that my spiritual state is trying to leave God. Where do I go instead? I go towards the spirit of the devil, and that is a problem that humans cannot solve on their own. No matter how many great things I do, I cannot restore my spiritual state. Only Jesus Christ Himself can restore our spiritual state, and that’s why He said it is finished, and that’s why He said all the problems of mankind are finished.

The problems of mankind do not include the lack of money. The problem is that you don’t know God, and you’re trying to live your life on your own. That’s the problem you cannot solve. All problems have been nailed to the cross, and then He resurrected in three days. He was victorious over the authority of death and Satan, and His life has now entered into me. When we believe, we are also victorious, we can also overcome death and we can also overcome Satan. That’s how we overcome the authority of hell. Begin with that victory, then work and study. If you don’t have that victory, you will fail in everything. That’s the mission God has given to us.

Now, we need to relay that mission. That’s the frame of a successful person. Like I told you, all the successful people have a frame and a reason why they are successful. To these people, God promised that the power of the Holy Spirit would come upon them. It means we cannot do it with our own power. The reason I’m okay even when I’m weak is because I need to receive the power of the Holy Spirit for it to always work out.

Someone bound by their own thoughts will say, “I can’t do this, how is this possible?” It’s because they’re bound. When God promises to give us the power of the Holy Spirit, it means that the power of the Triune God will be upon us, that means that the One who has all authority on heaven and on earth will be upon you in power.

No matter how lacking I may be in physical power, if the President of the United States gives me a direct mandate, I can do that. If the President of the United States says, “You need to quit your job now and come work for me in the White House,” then that’s what I do. However, no matter how skillful or powerful someone may be, if the President overlooks them, then they don’t get an opportunity. But God, Who is controlling the entire universe, when He comes upon me in power, then that’s it; everything is finished.

1) Disciples
That’s why the believers of the Early Church, even though they were physically so weak, they gathered together in one heart and prayed, and that’s when the throne of heaven and the Kingdom of God came upon the Early Church. Even if a person is so lacking or unqualified, if God works, he will be guided according to God’s power and that person becomes the main figure of the Kingdom of God.

That is a blessing that God has given to us, and He is telling us to follow that blessing to relay it to others, but there are some people who listen and don’t follow. That’s their walk of faith not taking place. There are also some people who listen to that and follow. That person will continuously receive biblical answers, and David’s confession will be that person’s confession, Joseph’s confession will become that person’s confession.

However, the people who listen to the words of God but do not follow, even they have been listening for many years, there is a reason why their faith is not working. If someone listens but they don’t follow, it means they just put the Word away in storage. Your life ends if you put God’s Word in storage. I hope that every single one of you who is listening to this will, without fail, will listen to the Words of Jesus and stake your life upon that. Don’t stake your life upon a swindler’s words, don’t stake your life on people whom you think understand you. If you don’t stake your life after listening to the Words of God, how can you succeed in life? The people who listen to the words of temptations and lies are the ones who will fail in life.

2) Businesspeople (Romans 16)
How should we run our businesses? Everyone tries to do their job well, and if you want to do your job well, you have to work hard, and if you want to work hard, you have to do your best. That’s someone bound in the logic of man. You must remain within the flow of God’s covenant, that means you need to finish all the problems of your life.

If the problems of your life haven’t been finished with Christ, it means that the problems of your life will always remain. You need to begin your work in a state where your problems have already been finished. Then, your job must remain within the mission of relaying that blessing to other people, because that’s the reason why God promised to give you the filling of the Holy Spirit. If it is by the power of the Holy Spirit that you cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. Without that, the demons that always make you fail will never leave you.

Demons won’t flee because you go to church. King Saul went to church but he was possessed by demons, and that’s the reason he had mental problems and strange behaviors. It wasn’t that he didn’t go to church; he went to church diligently, but that’s what happens when you don’t believe in Jesus Christ properly. David had no abilities, he was only a young adult, but how was he able to do the greatest thing? Only by being filled with the power of God.

Whatever work or studies you are doing must be used as an instrument to save other people with the gospel. The business or work or studies you are doing should never be used as an instrument to elevate yourself because you are already a child of God and the Lord is already with you. God gives us our business as well as our talents for the sake of elevating God.

However, if you’re trying to use the things of God to elevate yourself, that’s cheating. When God gives us anything, He gives it so that we can utilize it for His will, but when we utilize it for our own purposes, that’s cheating and foul play, and that’s the way to be deceived by Satan, but everybody is living their lives as cheaters, and Satan is the one who creates that foul play, he’s the liar and deceiver, so your life is ending in deceit. There is no crown there. You have to go by the law, you have to go by the principle of the Word of God. The work you have been given is an instrument to do God’s Work.

Then with what concept that you need to begin your work or job? The end product will be made according to the concept you have in the beginning. If someone has depression, it is because they have a concept that is very depressing, and if someone is a failure, it is because they have a concept that fails. For people who are always fighting, there is a concept that is always in conflict. You need to begin your work with the concept that God has given you.

What is the concept of God? God’s concept is that everything you do will be related to saving people of all nations. If you don’t understand that, you will always be failing, and the more you assert your own stubborn thoughts, the more you will fail in your stubbornness. That’s why if you have heard the words of God, you should follow them, put them into practice. That’s why it’s not simply listening and elevating your own thoughts and remaining still. It’s about following.

So, when you begin with work, you shouldn’t begin with hot air, but you have to begin realistically. If students begin their studies with a bunch of hot air and fake foam, then they will fail. If something isn’t working out, begin realistically at the bottom point where nothing is working out. It’s the same with everything you do, then ask, “Is this the will of God?”

You have to strip yourself naked and then begin, because God gives us His Word and leads us according to it. “Pastor, how do I do that?” I told you earlier, let go of your thoughts, and when you try to follow the Words of Jesus, you’ll hear His voice. “I try but I don’t hear it,” you hear your own thoughts, you hear the things you’re holding onto firmly, and there’s a reason for everything.

If things are not working out, then there is a reason it’s not working out. If it begins to work out, there is a reason it begins to work out; it doesn’t matter what’s going on. But people try to hold onto their own pride saying, “I can’t live like that,” it means they will fail. Our job has to be used as an instrument for God, but they are saying, “Do you know who I am? How would I live like that?” That person will live their entire lives bound like this and then they will crumble. You need to begin with the small things God has given you to save all the nations of the world, and then you aim for the greatest thing.

Then you aim for the empty places, the things nobody else will do. Even though you may have the same job as everyone else, you need to go into the places where nobody else cares to go. If you’re going to try to compete, doing what everyone else is doing, you’re going to fail. It may look like the same job, but there is an empty place where nobody else is going.

That’s how the students should study as well. Everyone is studying, yes, but there is no competition with that. Even if you work diligently, you can’t win because everyone is working diligently. There may be a few select people above everyone else, and everyone may have the same major but you’re doing what nobody else can do, and in order to do that, you have to know in advance, and God will reveal that to you in advance. The reason why God revealed that to you is because He needs to reveal the mission of God to you.

All of the financial activities that you do to make money are all prepared for you for the sake of saving the church, the future generations, all nations, and the temple. There is a separate finance that God has already prepared for His work, and God’s work is saving the church. We pay taxes to the government and that’s why the government exists, but if you just bring your body back and forth from church, then you will die. People only come to church to increase their own theological knowledge while spending all their money in the world, and that’s why they fail. The economy of light is the economy used to save lives. The young children must have this concept of finances in order to see the finances that God provides.

3) Missionary Who Saves the Field
Christians are also missionaries. What does “missionary” mean? First, you must be specialized in saving yourself. You need to have the specialty to be able to revive yourself no matter where you are. The characteristic of being able to save yourself is following after God’s voice, it means living your life centered on only God. That’s what it means for God to be with me. If the center of being with God is still being centered on yourself, that’s not being with God; you’re going by yourself.


  1. The Sheep Listen to the Words of Jesus and Follow Him
    You should become the specialist who can save yourself. Then when you meet other people, you need to be the specialist to save them. If you’re trying to rip someone off of their own money to fulfill your own desires, that is the way to kill them. That’s a finance that is not related to God, and no matter how diligently that person will work, they will never meet with God.
  2. The Sheep Follow the Mission Given by Jesus
    God has a plan to save everyone you meet, so you have to be well-established in thinking, “How will I save everyone I meet?” The knowledge that the world specializes in tells you that you have to protect yourself and win over other people, but that knowledge is incorrectly used to kill people, but God has given us knowledge to save people.

    If you meet someone and you want to save them, what do you have to do? If you’re trying to fulfill your own advantage, you can’t save them. You should save them with your words, material possessions, and your spirit. That is when the works of God are filled. Save your studies, your business, your field.
  1. The Sheep Live for Christ
    Soldiers think of methods of combat 24 hours a day, thinking, “How can I fight against my opponent?” Christians must always think, “How can I save these people?” But you’re trying to live your life without having that kind of thought, and that kind of life is not aligned with God.

What is a church? A church is the place that saves the region, but a church that doesn’t have that kind of concept does not last long. So, even if you read the Bible, you’re not aligned with it. You’re in America, so we save America. That’s God’s plan. America has hundreds of different nationalities in it, and that’s why we save the hundreds of nationalities. Where does that begin? It begins first by denying yourself: you follow the words of Jesus Christ, and you’ll be able to save yourself as well as other people. Your business must remain within that as well, and your studies must remain within that. Then, the answers that David and Joseph had will come upon you as well.

I hope you and I will be victorious this week. If you guys listen properly, then God has given you a personal word, and that Word of God must become your prayer topic the entire week as your song of praise, as your meditation, and you take that into your field so can have worship in your home and school and workplace. Let us pray together holding onto the Word.

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