2020 RCA Young Adult Departmental Meeting

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

2020 RCA Young Adult Departmental Meeting

Session 1: LVTNPO

Speaker:  Pastor Dusun Park, General Secretary, Young Adult Department

I was requested to speak regarding the six tools, so that is what I’ve prepared.  The six tools are actually something that nonbelievers use a lot.  The “six tools” are just a manmade name, but before that, this is actually a message given to us from God. When we say that God uses us as a tool, it doesn’t really fit, so I think we’re using the word “tool” is a very easy way.

There is a background upon which God gives us this word.  Simply put, unbelievers are using these six tools and conquering the world.  These are words that we know, for example, leverage is a tool that we use.  Even unbelievers who go deep into the spiritual world will use spiritual leverage, e.g. possession. The word I want to share with you is, if we’re using these human abilities, we don’t use the word “leverage.”   We don’t use the word “tool” unless it’s an ability that goes beyond human capabilities.  The Three Organizations are possessed by evil spirits and use that as their leverage.

The second word is “vessel,” which refers to a kind of container, and unbelievers use transcendental meditation to find themselves.  It doesn’t come from their own mental ability.  They use transcendental meditation to empty themselves of themselves, being filled with some different spiritual power.  That leads to the transmission which is a different kind of spiritual strength.  They use that to create these demonic masterpieces which we call “nobody.”  They use that masterpiece in order to create a platform in the media. It is currently the age of YouTube, so if you have the content, many people will gather to your platform.  Ultimately, they have the plan of conquering through the synergy of outsourcing.  These are the six tools that even unbelievers use, as long as they’re ahead of the masses.

God has given us the covenant of world evangelization, and there are six tools He has given us as well.  The first of this is “leverage,” which is not myself, but it is Christ.  We have to solve everything through Christ, and that’s our leverage.  Simply put, every problem is not a problem. When I live by my own lacking strength, then a problem is a problem.  However, if you have the leverage of Christ, then you’ll be able to see God’s answer and plan in every problem. 

Personally, I like swimming in the ocean but there’s a limitation to our swimming.  But there are boogie boards that float on the water, and if I’m on top of a boogie board, even if I lose my own strength, I can always stay afloat on top of the boogie board.  Our own strength is limited, even if we are good swimmers.  When you’re going against the ocean, you need some kind of tool.  God has prepared our lives and has given us the instrument of Christ.  If that tool becomes our strength, then no problem will be a problem to us.


First, we need to be able to utilize that leverage very well.  You guys know about handcarts? Those things can move even heavy objects like refrigerators, but if I wanted to move a refrigerator with my own strength, I cannot.  But if I had a handcart, I would even be able to move heavy objects. As we live our lives, we’re going to face incredibly difficult and heavy burdens in our lives.  I think at the age of young adults, you’ve already had problems like that.  I’m sure there might be people who are trying to live according to their own strength and academic knowledge.  However, if you want to live until the very end, you will face some kind of limitation with that.  I hope you will utilize the leverage of Jesus Christ with your faith, that is able to turn every problem into an opportunity, blessing, and answer.


The second tool is the vessel, which is the Kingdom of God.  The opposite of this would be, if we’re trying to handle and consider things physically, we will see things narrowly.  However, if we are within the Kingdom of God and we are completely being controlled and ruled over by the Word of God, that is limitless.  The Kingdom of God where the Lord is controlling me, and the mission we’ve been given to proclaim this gospel is limitless.  If we want to do this, there is something God wants to put into us. 

The members of the Three Organizations have a different strength, but we have the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit as our transmission. If we are filled with the strength of the filling of the Holy Spirit, it is able to transcend our limitations.  In other words, the Triune God needs to become our leverage, vessel, and transmission, but the young adults are concerned about being outside of this.  When this becomes our foundation, we’ll not be concerned; our problems aren’t problems, our future isn’t a problem, and even if we face intense crises, we can see that God is guiding us through.

Nobody, Platform

The fourth is “nobody.”  The life where I’m creating a masterpiece that nobody can do, in a place nobody can go.  We’re going to hear about the ten things later on, however the specialty of the young adult is one that makes a masterpiece in a place where nobody can help you.  It’s impossible to do this with our own ability or strength; however, if the Triune God becomes our strength, anything is possible, and that is the reason why God has called us.  That is why we make a platform in whatever field, church, or job we’re working in. 

If the content you’re creating is receiving answers from God, you will influence many people, and that needs to become the masterpiece that comes to us an answer from God.  If you have more than 100,000 followers on YouTube, you can make money off of that.  If you create a masterpiece with great content, then many people will be able to be influenced by it.  I realize now that everybody is running their businesses through media; that is the age we have entered into.  In other words, if you have a good masterpiece and content, then finances as well as people will gather towards you, and don’t you think that will become even more intense in the fourth industrial revolution?

What the young adults must really understand correctly is that it’s impossible with your own ability; you need to quickly let go of those thoughts.  You need to make the six tools that God has given us into your tools.  If a person really plants into their heart that they cannot do it, they will return to the six tools.  If you know this properly, you will return to the Word. 


As you know, outsourcing is turning everything into a way to save all the nations of the world.  So, raise people up like yourselves wherever you go, and influence them.  This is the message the evangelist has given to us.  He has also given us the six tools from the perspective of the economy of light.  In other words, we are given the word that, when we partake in our financial activities and give that finance as an offering, how is that offering being used?  This is not something I do individually; it is about my offering being used as a tool for saving many people.


Session 2: CVDIP

Speaker: Pastor Taesung Kim, Planning Executive, Young Adult Department

I would like to share the CVDIP of the Young Adults and the covenantal journey. In all living beings in the world, there is a start and there is also an end, and if some plant starts as a seed, it will eventually bear fruit. Likewise, there is a cause and effect.  The start of all things is the Creator God, and there is an end for all things, and God the Judge has calculated that.  Mankind was created but committed sin. They took the seed of sin and ended up bearing the fruit of sin.  We call this fruit of sin as judgment. 

However, God loves us so much that even though we have the seed of sin, he made us exempt from that judgment.  That is a very thankful and joyful news to us; that is the gospel.  The method that He used to make us exempt is that He sent Jesus to receive our judgment in our place, and this is a blessing that the children of God must enjoy.  We must be thankful that we don’t have to go to hell, but we also must be thankful for the blessings we have on this earth by enjoying the power of the gospel. Before going to heaven, we will enjoy the power of the gospel, and we call this the covenantal journey.

When a seed falls to the ground, it will take root, and once the root grows into the ground, it will have a sprout appearing on the surface. It will have branches, become a tree, and bear fruit.  Those trees will form a forest, and this is the lifestyle of the saints. This is the blessing of the forest that we young adults must enjoy, and this is the covenantal journey that we must have.  I believe that CVDIP is basically the forest we must enjoy as we take on this covenant journey.  Let’s take a look at the CVDIP, but prior to that, let me give an example to aid our understanding.

There is the sun.  You can call it the source of light, because it gives strong energy.  In the solar system, it is a unique celestial object.  The sun can emit light, and the reason why we can call the object the “sun” is because we see the light being emitted from it.  Solar light can make living things grow and bless them, and that is the light given from the sun.  Light will give us brightness, and we receive help and direction.  We can head towards the bright way.  This is the pivotal point today.

In general, living beings would gather in bright spots. Healthy people seek to be in bright areas, and in that bright spot, there are many things happening in life.  We all know the life of our nature, and because it is so natural, it’s so simple that we all know this.  It’s the same as CVDIP, it’s the life of the walk of faith that everyone knows.  It is very natural and easy and simple. This is how I would compare this, as it fits so well.

The first is the covenant.  The covenant is similar to how the sun works, because it is the start of the light. The covenant possesses powerful strength, and He is Jesus Christ.  He is the unique One.  The next is vision, it’s like the light that Christ shines upon us.  We call this “vision” because we envision world evangelization.  Within this system of the covenant, all the blessings are hidden inside here.  When that vision resides within you, that becomes our own dream.  You’ll be able to have the dream where you’re able to live the life of an evangelist.  When you have this dream of becoming an evangelist, you will start praying to God in concentration, and that’s why envisioning this is so important.  We will gather things through this power of prayer, and that is “image,” and we will make “practice” in order to receive answers when we pray.  Once these big and small things gather, God’s covenant will be fulfilled naturally through your life.  Therefore, I would like to say this again, the covenant journey is not complex or difficult; it is very simple, easy, and natural.

When I used to work as a young adult, I realized the love of God, and once I held onto that, I started holding onto that as my covenant.  I’m very thankful. It came to me as a vision when I meditated on Matthew 16, and I’m told to evangelize to the entire world.  Because I didn’t have the capabilities to go out into the world and evangelize, my goal at that moment was to evangelize to the people at my work.  At that time, I was wondering how to evangelize, and there happened to be an office in a basement, and it was an office where people could have meetings.  I started praying in there and received guidance.  Then, we were able to gather. 

We would start handing out evangelism materials and have Bible studies.  So, we started to gather, there would be bankers and medical professionals who gathered together because we shared the same heart, and we started to grow and ended up going to overseas missions.  Continuing to receive guidance, God brought me here to America, and I’m here today. 

CVDIP is about hearing the voice of God.  It is not a doctrine to memorize or learn; it is something that naturally takes place in your life, then how should we apply this?  When you wake up, the first thing in the morning, you may be yawning and tired, but when you open your mouth, confess Christ Who is the Covenant.  When you start stretching, shout out your God-given vision.  “Today, 24 hours, I am in this journey towards world evangelization.” When you brush your teeth, you recite your dream of being an evangelist.  Then after Sunday service, you tend to drink coffee, so during that time, write down your prayer topic from the Sunday pulpit message.  Holding onto the message, whether it’s from headquarters or your church, write down your prayer topics. Then during the week, from Monday through Saturday, go through the small things and big things and put things into practice.  God will make you go through the CVDIP journey without you even noticing.  May you have great blessings and grace.  I would like to pray.


Dear God, thank You for giving the heart of realization and the faith to put things into practice.  You’ve given them faith where they can fulfill the covenant journey of CVDIP.  May they discover and uncover this covenant journey, this most simple, and comfortable thing to do.  Therefore, may these covenantal young adults save the field, recreate the culture.  I believe that you will bless all the things that will come after this. I pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ amen.


Session 3: 10 Platforms for Success

Speaker:  Pastor Young Kyu Joo

This message has already been given, but my issue becomes how I can apply this to my field of conflicts as young adults.  I’m not sure if you’re familiar with the Incheon Landing Operation of the Korean War.  This was when Korea was about to be completely taken over by communism, and what completely overturned that was this Incheon Landing Operation.  So this region of Incheon became the field where they had the landing.  If you know anything about Incheon, it’s the worst harbor in all of Korea, so the enemies never imagined even for a day that Incheon would be the site of attack. 

What I’m trying to get to is, even if you have failed until now, in order to completely overturn your life, you need some sort of coordinate like that to make it into your platform for success. What do we mean by platform? We’re talking about Christ.  All the answers are within the messages of Christ and Rev. Ryu.  I’m not sitting here to give you a message, but what I’m trying to get across is, with these 10 platforms, we must stand and not be deceived.

If no one helps you, you don’t have to be deceived that no one is around you.  There are people in the world who continually live their lives pretending they have everything; we just have to not be deceived by that. We just have to not fall into that pretense.  There may be things that don’t necessarily work out, we just have to not be deceived by that.  We must not be deceived by thinking that we are the best, that we know everything. We must not be deceived by crises and problems, either.  Our young adults, when you head into the world, you’re going into a world of infinite competition, and you just need to not be deceived by that.  You don’t need to do something grand or big; don’t be deceived by that, either. 

If you continue to look for a new condition or excuse, that will deceive you; if you just make Christ your platform, you will not be deceived.  Even if you are in a desolate state like a desert, as long as you stand unshaken and not deceived, you will prevail.  Our young adults are still thirsty for the know-how of the world, and those are important, but don’t be deceived by that, but find why God has permitted this problem to come upon you. 

If you’re able to ask the right questions, you won’t be deceived by the 10 biggest problems. Rather, you’ll be able to overturn that and see the true reason behind them.  Please refer to the powerpoint slide**

Gospel Young Adult

The word that excites me the most is the word, “Gospel Young Adult.”  I’m thankful and grateful, first and foremost, for the gospel. When I think about the gospel, I can’t easily go to sleep. The second thing I like the most is “church.” The church is so significant to me and my heart beats faster when I hear about the church.  The third most favorite term is “Young Adult” and it also causes me to not be able to sleep. 

“Gospel Young Adult.”  This word “young adult” is tricky in English. Think about it, you’re not completely young, and you’re not a full adult either.  You’re not treated as a young child, nor are you treated as a full adult. It’s at this time when you’re most prone to losing hold of all the messages you’ve heard until now, but if these young adults like you were to hold onto the gospel and stand and arise, then the gospel would be revived and the Mark’s Upper Room evangelism movement would gain much power through you.  Young adults, if you think about your lives, this is the final opportunity.

Final Opportunity, Time Schedule by Grace

It is the final opportunity; it is the time schedule given by God’s grace.  Think about it, if it is our final opportunity, it means that if we lose this opportunity, there will be no more ahead of us. Who is the most foolish person of all?  One who has the opportunity right in front of them and still misses that chance.  There’s no answer for such a person. If a farmer were to farm and misses the opportunity to harvest, there wouldn’t be an opportunity to harvest those crops, so this is the final opportunity.  Young Adults, stake your lives upon the gospel during your young adult years. 

I want to encourage you, just invest three years of your young adult years and concentrate.  Focus all you have into this and invest it, then you will be able to prepare everything for the rest of your life. We all try very hard to be normal, but this is what I see. I think no one on earth is normal, so during this time, what it means to be truly normal is to be crazy about something. If you went crazy about something and returned to normalcy, that’s what it truly means to be normal. 

Worldview => Bible-Focused

If young adults must go crazy about something, they must go crazy about Jesus, then you will be able to pursue a normal walk of faith. What is the first thing our young adults must know?  The covenant journey, the covenant instruments, and the covenant life, we must first have the correct worldview.  We live by worldviews formed without us even realizing.  People look at the world and have a worldview based on what they learned from school, their teachers, and their peers.  What they experienced out in the world will form their worldview.  It doesn’t matter how crappy your worldview may be; you have a worldview. 

When I urge you to be crazy about Jesus, this is what I mean: You have to unconditionally live your life focused on the Bible. Think about everything based on the Word of God.  I’m not asking you to do that during your 50s and 60s; I’m asking you to do this, strictly speaking, in your 20s and 30s. I want you to establish this life during your young adult years.  Only the Bible specifies the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of Satan. 

Lifeview => Gospel-Focused

Secondly, your life view must be very certain. People of the world emphasize diligence, and even though we know that’s not the way to live, we pursue our lives in that way.  Parents who go to church, even our DRB parents, they don’t talk about this but they want our children to succeed and to go to great colleges.  Do you know what the greatest life asset is in your life?  No matter what the case, if you can come to the conclusion in the gospel and Christ, you will succeed no matter what.  I really ask what kind of lifeview we live by.  You need to ascertain this lifeview during your young adult years. 

View of Success => Church Focused

Third, you need to prepare your view of success. What is success?  Being the head of a conglomerate?  Is it based on the worldly success, becoming a prosecutor, judge, senator, or even a representative in the House?  You need to be grounded on Christ. What does the Bible say?  Our Lord says, “I will build my church upon this rock,” so our lives must be built upon the church. Before even talking about success and evangelism and missions, we have to find the correct ground in Christ; we have to be grounded in Christ. 

Thereby, we will be grounded in the church. If we do not ground ourselves in church, we will ultimately fail. Even if we work hard for evangelism and missions, if we are not grounded in the church, we will ultimately fail.  We are working very hard for the remnant movement; some even stake our lives for the remnant movement, but if we don’t stake our lives for the church, we will completely tumble. 

Why is being church-focused = true success?  What is success?  If you as the church of God succeeded so much that God could use you whenever He wanted for evangelism and missions for the gospel, then that is true success.  Even in my 20s and 30s, I centered myself upon the church. I can really say this from the bottom of my heart, I really dedicated my 20s and 30s to my church, and I said, “I must save this church.”  The pastor, the evangelist, I became their right and left arms.  I wasn’t perfect at being that, but that was the purpose for my life, and that’s what you  must have.

Values => Missions focused (evangelism, mission)

When is your life most valuable? You think your life has some kind of value if you package your life with success, but it is when you and I go into missions and evangelism. That is when we can say our lives have the greatest value.  I think one time Rev. Ryu mentioned, “We must not live our lives as rubbish generators.”  So, what he meant by that is that we shouldn’t just empty-handedly go into the field and deliver evangelism tracts.  The point is that our young adults must have the value of life, thinking they are missionaries in their jobs.  When you go to your job, think that you are reporting as a missionary in that place.

Secondly, as young adults who have jobs and are on the way of success, always believe that you are the missionaries for finances and the economy.  I’ve tried to live like that in my life after my 20s and 30s, and I can’t say that I’ve completely succeeded in that, and maybe it’s because I struggled that way that I’ve never had to worry about my money or accounts or anything like that.  This is how much God blessed my life, so you need to have the sure values. 

Priority => Grace-Focused

Next, you need to focus on grace, stake your life on worship.  Word, prayer, worship, praise, offering, through your young adult years, put your all in.  Everything you see is an outcome, what you’ve accumulated until now, but this is what I see when I look upon my past.  Since I turned 19, and I’m now 62, I’ve never once exercised, and I’ve received the correct grace of God when I was 19.  So, I’ve never worked out a day in my life since I turned 19, and I think it’s because God gave me correct grace so that I could center my life on the church, so I’ve never had to work out. If there’s any workout I’ve ever done, I think I’ve exercised the missions movement, gospel movement, and evangelization movement. 

I don’t mean to come off as cocky or arrogant, but even though I’ve never worked out, I think I’m the healthiest person at my church.  In my teenage years, I worked out six hours every day. I might be exaggerating, but when I had free time, I would work out 8-10 hours. I don’t mean going to the gym, but I would go up the mountains and run around my neighborhood, sometimes I would just go on top of someone’s roof or jump over walls and fences, that would be my workout.  I think that became the foundation of my health, and I think the health that accumulated to protect me in my 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s.  If you have a disease, it is likewise the result of something accumulating in your body as well. This is what I want to say.

The reason why I gave this elaborate example is because I want to talk about what has accumulated in your life.  If you have accumulated a lot of grace in your 20s and 30s, that will build up in your life.  I think most young adults have conflicts in their young adult years.  Up to the college department years, people know and grow up believing they are remnants, but once they enter into their young adult years and go into the real world and proclaim Christ, people mock them and ask if they’ve come from Mars.  Up to their college years, youth kids and college students believe that the gospel is everything.  But entering into the young adult years, they misunderstand the gospel as insufficient when they look at their job, marriage, and family.  If that continues to pile up inside them, they misunderstand; they rationalize and justify themselves into holding something else that isn’t the gospel. That’s the start of acquiring pretense. 

That is the message that is underneath the message of saving the young adults.  When we talk about the young adults, we must be thankful for them, but most young adults haven’t quickly caught onto this.  So, why don’t you go all in, just invest three years of your life for worship and the church, and go all in into that?  Then you can stand as change-makers who can change all things.

View of Faith => Coram Deo

Lastly, this is my view of faith. I urge you, young adults, completely dedicate your life to whatever I’m about to tell you. Rev. Ryu talked about the 10 platforms of success, and I want to give you this word, “Coram Deo.”  Anyone could use this word if they pleased, but it means, no matter what, if you can raise yourself to stand in the Word of God, you will become powerful in your field.  The LORD said no one will be able to overtake you. I’m not saying to throw around this term, “Coram Deo” no matter where you go, but I am telling you to stand before God no matter what.

“Coram Deo” is a word anyone can use, and everyone is entitled to use this word, but not everyone can enjoy this word.  With what are you going to succeed in your life and prevail in difficulties?  In the book of Proverbs, it says that if you fear men, you will be ensnared by them, but if you rely and depend on God, you are safe and secure. People of the world constantly rely on other people, those who have more power or wealth, to try to benefit from them, but that’s not our life. All of our determination and life’s resolution come from the Lord.  If you can stand in the presence of God and raise yourself in the presence of God, no one can overtake your life. 

Our Immanuel God is with us, yesterday, today, and forever, all the same. God has no problem, Immanuel remains steadfast, then what is the issue?  Do you have the mystery, the method that you can enjoy Immanuel?  People think there is no one to help them, they think they can’t sustain their life by putting up a pretense, and people drown themselves in the failure and mistakes they’ve made. People misunderstand that somehow a profit will benefit their lives, and when there is a crisis, they completely self-destruct.  The mystery by which we can prevail by not putting up a fight is Coram Deo, standing in the presence of God.

There’s no need for you to deal with a lot of things. The mystery by which you can sustain your life is Coram Deo.  What does it mean to stand before God?  Why can’t people enjoy Immanuel?  They don’t know the mystery by which they can raise themselves in the presence of God. 

The last thing I want to urge you, and I can’t overcome my limitations as a pastor that I stand here and preach to you, but when people share their testimonials, they talk about their success, why? Because the conclusion has to be very certain, but in reality, there are a lot of conflicts and problems we must overcome.  But what I am confidently able to say and am thankful for is that I was grounded in the gospel, the Word, and the church.  I did have my set of unbelief, and many young adults want to ask about know-how and how to sustain their life. I had the same conflicts myself, and no one taught me this, and I couldn’t figure it out on my own.  Not even the pastor preaching the message could give me that answer, but the important answer I came to was that I was reminded of the messages I heard during worship. 

Perhaps it’s all the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but I was able to memorize the Word completely and I was able to recall the Word from my worship.  So in the midst of my complete and absolute impossibility, God turned everything into an absolute possibility.  So, I can’t say that I was free of unbelief.  Even though I lived in such unbelief, God turned me and made me focus on the church, the gospel, evangelism, missions, and worship. 

Now, I want to close my words with this last thing. I know that you may have certain conflicts in your life; do not worry about that too much. If you have unbelief, I want you to have total and complete unbelief.  Don’t pretend like you have faith.  What I want to say is that even though you may lack faith at times, you need to completely focus your eyes, mind, and thoughts on the messages you hear through your pastor, your church, or Rev. Ryu. 

I, too, know what it means to have the Word of God come to me.  I know sometimes the Word of God seems distant from my field and my life, and what I mean is, when we listen to Rev. Ryu, there are so many messages that it feels like a flood and waterfall, but I feel there is a distance between the Word and my life, but up to your college years, you still have to absorb the messages.  When you become a young adult and get married, you’ll face so many conflicts and you might succumb to them as you lose hold of the messages you’ve learned until now, or you might grow tired of the message, but I want to urge you to always hold onto the Word of God.

One day, the day will come when God works upon the Word you’re holding onto, and that Word will truly manifest in your life. What I want to urge you is, do not give up, do not be deceived.  Young adults, don’t do anything else or look for know-how and methods. Think about it, what is the greatest knowledge of all? Jesus is the Christ. So, in terms of our know-how, know Jesus Christ, and how?  Jesus Christ is our greatest method.  Everything that isn’t working out in your life will turn into evidence and testimonials and forum that you can share with the next generation. So, I urge the Gospel Young Adults to stand up with their hands and play a pivotal role in this evangelism movement. I pray that our young adults may be the platform that can raise the church, save the field. 


God, may You bless the Gospel Young Adults.  May they stand as the Young Adults who will stand as the firm foundation and platform for the church.  May they stand as the hidden workers supporting the pastors they serve.  We pray all this in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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