2020 RCA Recap

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

2020 RCA Recap

From the RCA messages, I felt the immensity of God’s grace.  God has a time schedule for everything, but the problem is, we create a problem for ourselves when we’re not able to wait for God’s time schedule.  The reason is that we’ve been living our entire lives according to our own standards. If you truly believe in God, there is no problem, so you and I have to think together, what do we think the problem is?  To ourselves, we may think it’s a problem, but for the LORD, it is not a problem.  When I come to believe that, I won’t have any problems.

As you know, I’m not someone who has money, I don’t have any money, and I don’t have a background, either.  Then, how can I be happy?  I realized it’s possible because there really is nothing for me to look forward to.  I really enjoy this strength and the hope that I place on the Lord, because really, I have no choice but to lean on the Lord. I have a mission as well, it’s not that I’m not doing anything, but in this, God has blessed me as I’m being guided by Him. But what’s really important for us to understand is that when we have spiritual strength, there is no problem for us.

Most people try to solve their problem with physical strength, but that is the point where you’ll be trapped by Satan, so you always have to think about the opposite side.  Most people believe that if we have physical blessings, it will be all good, but that’s where you’ll get caught. We’re not saying we don’t need physical things, but when God created us, He didn’t create us to be happy with physical things.  All the things people say are problems are regarding physical things, but God is telling us to look at the other side.  Only when we see the opposite side can we truly escape.

We can have it or not; if we have it, that’s great, but if not, that’s fine.  But we’re not saying, “Do not receive your inheritance.”  Our question is, where does our true hope come from?  There are people who, the more that they have, the more they are enslaved.  There are others who have nothing and are enslaved to that. The problem isn’t about whether you have something or not; the answer is in something else, the answer is in God and you have to go into that.  Only when you come to the answer that God has everything and I entrust everything into the Lord, everything will be resolved.

No matter what circumstance I may be in, if I believe in the Triune God being with me, then spiritual strength comes to me and from that point on, Satan will run away.  Only when you enjoy that freedom and victory will we have meaning in our lives.  If you’re in fear and anxiety because of your problems, you’re already a slave, and God doesn’t want that to happen. God wants you to be sufficient and happy in the Triune God. 

It’s been about nine months since the onset of the pandemic. Honestly for me, I feel like I’m living another person’s story, and the reason I feel that way is because I’m living in a different spiritual realm.  I was thinking, “Why would I have this pandemic?” Even though I’m in this physical world, I’m in a different spiritual realm, and as a result, the pandemic has no influence over me.  So, this is a spiritual blessing, but God allows us to see it spiritually.

During this age, how can I receive this message?  Through the servant of the Lord, I’m able to receive the message. Do you think he made this message?  God is leading the evangelist and giving the message through him so I’m thankful for Pastor Ryu and our Lord.  Otherwise, this message wouldn’t come out.  The message is produced as a result of 40 years of evangelism and persecution, and inside of that are all the answers God has given to him.  Because this is the message God has given to us, I can see the path we must walk.

Up until now, we’ve had four lectures including the leader’s training.  The leader’s training message was a very important message.  The evidence, the witness of the one who can go together with everyone with the eyes of the gospel, to be able to go with everyone else is power.  As a layperson, you have that kind of blessing, but even unbelievers can do that. Because they have that kind of vessel, they’re able to lead others, but because they can’t see that with the eyes of the gospel, they fail together. 

Establishment of the Gospel / Gospelization

We constantly heard the message of goseplization and the eyes of the gospel, so we understand and have heard the gospel, and when we say the gospel, it means that the answer is Jesus Christ, and what kind of problem are we talking about? It is the problem of being separated from God, that is sin, and the problem of today is the problem of sin. Even those who have received salvation don’t concentrate on God, and Satan capitalizes on that, dragging people away from God.  That’s the main problem, Satan drags people away from God.

We understand the gospel, but what is gospelization or being established in the gospel? To know the gospel or being gospelized and having the establishment of the gospel in your life are different.  When I see myself, I must see myself with the eyes of the gospel. When you know the problems you face, you will be able to enjoy the gospel all the more, but when you cannot employ that for yourself, you’re not able to see correctly. The problem you’re having right now is a problem of your spiritual state that is unseen to your eyes, but all problems begin from this point.

This is what we mean by being gospelized. When I see others as well, I see them from the eyes of the gospel and I give them the answer, and that’s evangelism: giving them the answer to their problem. But you can’t do that because you don’t see it; you see their actions and the answer to that is legalism, so evangelism doesn’t take place, meaning that you yourself are not personally being gospelized.  Because you lead your life with a different answer, life is so hard. 

So when I hear this message, I think to myself, “I really can’t do this, I have to be in 24 hour prayer otherwise it’s not going to work out.”  Before, I would hear the message and come up with a to-do list, and I was treating the Word of God as an ideology, but you cannot just understand the gospel that way. That’s the only way to transcend common sense; is it really possible for David to forgive Saul, for Joseph to forgive his brothers who sold him into slavery?  We understand the story, but it’s impossible for ourselves, and that’s why he talks about the spiritual summit.  With God, it is possible.

Without the answer of the spiritual summit, I have to answer with characteristics, you’re making incorrect interpretations, “That’s his personality,” but if it’s God, you forgive because Jesus Himself forgives, but we never can forgive.  Even if it’s not a benefit to us, even if we’re going to be attacked, we try to block it and defend ourselves.  So you have to know yourselves. If you misunderstand yourself, you will misunderstand the Word of God. We have to goseplize ourselves, meaning we need to save ourselves with the gospel, but how? It is not by encouraging myself.

My problem is that I’m constantly being deceived by Satan, being dragged away from God, so it’s only possible by Christ. When I look at someone, it’s always that problem; there is no other problem, and that’s why it’s the gospel. So, it’s about setting people free from that problem, but we have legalism.  When we see others, we automatically say, “That is correct,” or “That is incorrect.” We see their actions, we don’t see them with the eyes of the gospel, so you’re not seeing the person spiritually; you see that person and ask, “Why are they acting that way?” They have no choice but to be that way, so you say, “You’re doing that? Why are you like that?” and you cannot save that person.

When I look at a person, I see their spiritual state, “It has no choice but to be that way,” so I either wait and pray, or I share the gospel, and this is evangelism. You’re not taught this, but when I’m gospelized, I see others with the eyes of the gospel.  That’s why people leave the church.  The answer is to give them this answer and raise them.  It’s the same for ourselves, we move according to our spiritual states, so that is why the Gospel of Christ is the answer.

When you constantly apply this in your life, you’ll eventually see it.  So, when you’re constantly looking at other people with your standards instead of God’s standard, ultimately you’ll use the Word of God and ask, “Why can’t you do this correctly?” Why is it like that? We know Jesus, but why is it Jesus? We’re talking about that. “Why is it Christ?”  If you don’t have the assured answer to that, then you have no choice but to be lost.  To eat Jesus, to wear Jesus, to live with Jesus, it’s all for yourself, but Jesus came as the solution to our spiritual problems, as the answer to our spiritual state. That’s how I become gospelized.  That’s how I save others, through prayer and gospelization.   

As you get older, you’re more rooted in other things, so it’s really hard for you.  The only way to recover from this is the filling of the Holy Spirit.  For myself too, I have to constantly do this with the filling of the Holy Spirit.  As time goes on, my old state comes out, and it may be correct, but it cannot save.  Ultimately, your words are correct, God’s words are true. It’s not that we’re going against the law, but when I really understand myself, I’m able to understand others and understand the gospel. 

This will determine how much you’re able to embrace other people. But if you don’t know the gospel, you’re not able to save others.  I’m saying correct words, but the person I’m speaking with will not change.  Then I go to the point where I’m correct; there’s no way I’m wrong, but the person opposing you will not come to life.  So if you’re like this in your businesses and fields and families, people around you will make you unhappy, because you really have to be charismatic for people to come to you.

What is charisma?  It means everyone has a problem, but you don’t have that problem because you see something else.  Then, now you go into the path where you’re really helping others, and then you really see the problems they experience.  Now, without this taking place, if you try to do something, it’s not bad but you’re really going to be waddling around because you see the physical problems instead of the spiritual problems, so they come to you and ultimately they will run away.  A person must be charismatic to run their business.  Your products must be good, not just something people would throw onto the streets, but it has to have something.  When people talk to you, they must sense that you have something.

Establishment of God’s Throne

Secondly, establishment of God’s Throne, we’re talking about God’s Throne.  That must come into my life. What does it mean to see God’s Throne properly? I must be gospelized, I really have to see with the eyes of the gospel and become gospelized. The Throne of God is from heaven, but it must come to me on earth.  The Triune God must be completely established on this earth, right? God being with me must be established; enjoying that is prayer.

You must not misunderstand prayer.  If you misunderstand prayer, you will misunderstand God’s Word. If you see the problems outside of the gospel, you’ll be taken in by something else. When the nation begins to move, everything else will follow it, right?  If the king begins to move, then all the things you see will begin to follow as well.  Let’s say for example, Trump comes to LA, then once he’s here, everyone will come, the mayor and the politicians will gather and prepare everything. If God is coming, then you must have the preparations; otherwise, you’re a slave to physical blessings.

You must not just look at yourself, but when you know the Triune God is within you, you have the authority and power revealed.  Never forget this, it is the establishment of God’s throne, 24 hours.  Wherever I go, the Kingdom of God is established. It’s not me, but it’s the throne of heaven being established on me, that wherever I go, the Kingdom of God is established. It’s an amazing blessing and authority that God has given to me.

Without knowing this, darkness will come and blind us from our own blessings.  No matter what people say, you only believe and follow your God-given Word.  Wherever you go, the Kingdom of God is established and the forces of darkness are broken down, and then if God is true, then all these things will arise.  When the Kingdom of God is established, all these things will follow. The One Who is on the Throne of Heaven. It’s not about whether I should touch this or not.  Saul was not able to harm him because Saul was apart from God, lacking the covenant. But David held onto the covenant of the Triune God and held onto that. Even if someone badmouthed him, he let them go because it had nothing to do with his life. 

“I am the one who has the Throne of Heaven and I am establishing it.” When you’re not enjoying that, then when people try to kill you, you cannot stay still. We don’t have seven lives, so once you’re caught, you crumble. How will you win without fighting?  When I am established in the Throne of heaven, I don’t have to fight.  Some people live their lives and then die, but as I believe in the Word of God, it becomes the standard for my life.  If you live your life being deceived by Satan so many times, but you have the gospel, then there’s no reason to be deceived again.

Establishment of the Historic Summit

You have to be spiritually mature; you shouldn’t be at the level of a preschooler.  You cannot buy this with money. God has promised this blessing for us, then how are we going to concentrate on this?  In 24 hours, may I enjoy this concentration, so we must concentrate on the other side.  Other people are slaving away for their work, but you are on the opposite side. We’re talking about that.  When you’re playing Chinese Chess, people who cannot see will do whatever they can to win.  Those focused on diligence or effort or money cannot see this.  The opposite side, the spiritual summit, world evangelization, I’m there and God works according to His covenant, so I’m not afraid.

If you didn’t know this, you would have no choice but to fight in the church.  If this is not a basic thing, you cannot stand still, but how can you stay still even if it’s of no benefit to you?  Things have no choice but to come when you hold to the covenant.  Specifically, when we hold to the things of God, God moves through me.  So, simply put, the Word is coming out so we will really root down into Acts 1:1, 3, 8.  Because we just know it, we can’t enjoy it; we have to realistically enjoy this.


So he constantly talked about these three things and the ten platforms.  Independence, of course, when God is with me, I can be independent.  When God is with me, no one needs to help me. When God really works upon my life, it’s obvious, but without knowing this, we constantly rely on people, so we lose hold of who God is in my life. Earlier I spoke with the young adults, and what were they saying?  One young pastor at ICSC looked at our young adults and is envious, and I asked him why.  “Because they are very different, and when they come together, you can see it right away.”  Because he’s from Korea, he can see everything. “They’re distinguished and very bright,” so they talked about that.  It’s not bad.

Even C4’s Sam Kim was envious because after the Young Adult Evangelism School, the young adults gather together and have forum, and he’s envious of the Young Adult Group at Antioch Mission Church.  This doesn’t happen because someone makes it this way.  Honestly, I’ve heard this many times.  How could Antioch Mission Church have so many multiethnic people?  Gustavo, the Chinese UCLA student Jeff, and Tim, and I’m sure there’s many reasons, but if God is there, things will change.

If someone is bright but lacks the things of God, it will turn into darkness, but if you constantly enjoy it, you’re being freed, but of course, when I hear it from the outside, it’s great, and I thought to myself, “I’m thankful.” … It really doesn’t matter because God is my background, and if I die, I will die, but until then, I’m going to enjoy the gospel and save lives.  In the past, I was trying to succeed, so I was completely enslaved by success. I was captivated by hallucinations and was being dragged by that.

I look at my family, and our stomachs are small, so we are sensitive people.  Being born this way, how could we survive? It’s not even that, but of course, we’re very diligent people, too, but when it comes to enjoying the Triune God, everything else follows.  Before, I had to scream at the top of my lungs, and even my family is the same way. As I’m receiving the gospel and answers, my family goes together.  God changes us.

Not my wife and my kid, but myself.  As a result, I’m able to compliment my family and encourage them, and if there’s something going down, I go away.  If I see my wife and kids fighting, I step away. Before I would participate and try to solve the problem, but it gets worse.  There’s a time schedule for everything, “I guess that’s what’s happening,” but if I just leave them be, God makes the masterpiece.  If I’m constantly getting involved, it’s only up to my standard and level, the level of my father, and because if I come out from that, God is going to work.  Then, when I say one thing, that is actually more beneficial to them.  As time goes on, during these nine months of the pandemic, God is constantly giving me these blessings.

There’s something I do even today, the moment I wake up in the morning, I pray.  I don’t miss it because I know that without that, I have nothing.  So, I make a system early in the morning, and that is my lifestyle. Without that, what am I doing? I minister to people? Without that, I’m nothing, but because I have that, I pray for people.  This is the spiritual world.  When I do ministry, I relay the message God gives to me.  What else should a pastor be doing?

Pastors enjoy this 24 hours.  If it’s not working, I challenge and it works because God is the One who is working and it’s so simple for me.  So, I was confirming the message and I was challenged, “Do not be thinking hastily, just follow the time schedule.”  The other side of the spiritual realm, when we continuously do this, there will be miracles and powers revealed through you. This isn’t just one time, but for the ones who calculate, God knows they have a hidden motive. 

Evangelism isn’t just one time; if it’s just one shot, then all churches should do that. If it’s working and then it’s not working, well, now my eyes are opened. It’s the same with the establishment of the Throne. When you enjoy this every day and it’s always on your mind, you’ll be flooded with blessings.

I’m also thankful at church because they all hear the message and pray together.  You might think, “I’m here to receive grace,” but what the future generations experience and see are different, because in that, they are raised.  I’m here trying to receive grace, but realize that God is working through you to make a masterpiece to raise the future generations.  May you enjoy that kind of blessing where you’re constantly enjoying the answer of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Throne and throughout the weekend, may you be constantly in prayer.

When I’m enjoying the Kingdom of God, even the pandemic is enjoyable.  Because I have this spiritual blessing where nothing else matters, I enjoy that answer.  Our remnants at a very young age, as they continue to hear this message, one day they will be able to hear. I believe you are in that blessing.


Father God, we thank You.  Allow us to truly see the three blessings as well as the ten platforms.  Allow us to enjoy 24 hours with the Triune God, to truly see our fields and our families with the eyes of the gospel.  Grant us the strength of the spiritual summit to be able to lead others.  I truly believe you will work upon our laypeople here at this time.  Although we have no strength, we believe the amazing, powerful, Triune God is with us, guiding us. We believe you will work according to Your covenant and time schedule. In Jesus Christ’s name we pray, amen.


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