10 Content for the Young Adults

Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God

10 Content for the Young Adults

“The church content that you need to have is being able to prioritize the church has number one”

Speaker: Pastor Dusun Park | Interpreter: Tiffany Han

Independence (Isolated Independence)

So I hope that you’ll have the blessing of being able to receive the Word of God has given to you and have a blessing of fulfilling that. So here are the 10 concepts that we learned the first is the defendant in isolation. Nobody can help you, That’s normal, Because God is helping you. So they have this mentality that I will not rely on anybody. If you do it in the world you’re going to die because they don’t have God. But the more we don’t rely on other people, the more we rely on God.  That is why you guys must have this kind of content. It’s okay even if nobody helps you. Even no matter what renowned words people try to tell you, it will not help you. all of the renowned words that you read in books, it cannot help you. You should only keep the books, the words you’ve read in books as a reference. We’re completely sufficient with the Word of God, because God only works according to His Word. The Word of God is eternal. If you rely on people and you build a strong background with people it might seem like something great, but it all fades.


A lot of young adults have these very elevated thoughts but their actual position in life is at the very bottom, and so their boss was not aligning with their thoughts. Your posture needs to be starting from the ground. That is not something to be embarrassed or ashamed about. Everybody who is successful in this world began that way. There was one person among my friends who received a great inheritance from his family. He went into a company for to sell women’s lingerie he became the vice president. So then he went on business trips and he did a lot of things, and when I went to visit him, he was bragging in front of me and saying that there was a certain hotel that he goes to, and he’s sort of regular client there so that they know exactly what to feed him.

And even when I saw him I thought her thoughts were a little too in the clouds, it was too elevated for his age. He only looks at the outside exterior. And because this house was always rich, he was always living in that kind of way. Even though we have been friends ever since childhood I realized that this person was not very in tune with reality. And because he grew up with a lot of money that’s just the way that he lives. And one day he said he is going to go into a business that is similar to the industry he’s in, and he asked me about it he said I want to do some this kind of business, what do you think about or what I know about it. And the way that I thought about it on the inside is that he’s too focused on the exterior appearances and even in business. The interior is very important, but he’s only looking at the outside.

And I heard news of my friend, he invested he gave up everything that he had and even took out loans to invest in the business. And then even the inheritance that he got from his younger brother he sold that and then put invested into this business as well. All of his business endeavors failed. I went to Korea once a year and he never showed his face. I went back to Korea about three four years ago and I met up with him again. He was making a living by driving trucks. You have to see the factual things accurately.

When you’re a young adult it is a time for you to be starting from the ground level learning everything factually about the world and learning step by step from there. If you don’t do this then the world will not accept you.


And we’re also talking about this content of the opposite. In other words, this is breaking the frame. It doesn’t always have to be big because, how can you break your frame? You can only break if you go into the Word of God. Your thoughts and your emotions are trapping you like concrete and you cannot break out of it. Your thoughts will only change when you go into the Word of God, and that is the breaking of your free will.  If you’re trying to hide and be by yourself, then after time passes, you’ll be beaten down. That’s the principle of the world as well as the kingdom of God, because God is always moving things in its entirety if you say I’m going to go alone, then that is the method of the devil.


Because synergy means that you exert more energy when you’re going together with others, you’re just not as critical. And when you dig deeper to the synergy effect, you will go in the direction of saving, not only yourself but other people as well. If you’re not able to do this and first of all you’re gonna get beaten up. I’m not sure if you guys know very well but that’s what’s gonna happen. But if you are able to have a synergy and you’ll get complimented. You learned this in the church. People who are lazy in the church will be lazy in the field, and they will die in society like that. No, because you need synergy.

You need to save other people, even when you look at enterprises or conglomerations only the ones that are going toward the direction of saving other people will remain.. However, any enterprise that is run by an owner that wants money certainly will end up failing. It’s the same with political leaders as well from the US or China. It seems very difficult because it feels like there’s a lot for you to do but what’s important is that you start with this kind of content.


When you face a crisis do not run away or avoid it, you need to go into it. If the company is going through a hardship, the one who was able to go into that crisis and help them is the one that the owner of that company needs. If you keep avoiding the crisis this crisis is actually an opportunity, because there are so many people who are working with their own ulterior motives and their own calculations. Jesus Christ Himself was born in the most lowly, lowly way as a carpenter’s son, and only the people who still believed that he was the Messiah and followed despite all of those lonely beginnings were the true.

This is very difficult for our nature, especially people who are immigrating from Korea. At first it might seem like we do this but it gets difficult later on. It seems like a crisis but actually it’s an opportunity. Undoubtedly you go into the most dangerous and crisis situations and you see the opportunity to for God’s blessing in that regard. Because everybody is trying to avoid the crises if you go into the crisis, there will be no competitors there.

No Competition

That means you don’t have to keep fighting to survive with others, because everybody’s avoiding the crisis. If you go into the areas where nobody else is working, then you don’t need to compete.


That is where you are able to create the recreation that comes from only and uniqueness. This way you create everything out of nothing.

You guys need to have this kind of content, this mindset and this concept in order for you to correctly go into your business.


You’re not always going to be crawling on the ground level, you’re going to aim for the highest field. If you just want to live your life haphazardly cutting corners ,that is not aligned with God.


And then you go into the very deserted places


You will always be asking the question why don’t why do I have to do that. If you didn’t have that, you will have to create your own answers by using your brain, but because God does exist, God will give you the answer to the word and the Holy Spirit. Why do I have to go to the church that I attend? Because you don’t ask questions like that, whenever something small happens you say “I don’t want to go to church anymore.” That means that if something small happens, you’re gonna say I don’t want to go to this company. “Why do I have to do this work?” You must absolutely have an answer regarding that question why in order for you not to shake, so you always start with the very lowest place. You can’t go to the highest place you have to start from the lowest place.

You have to pass through your 20s and your 30s you have to get to my age or to start aiming for the highest place.  If someone is boasting about graduating from an Ivy League school and they think they’re above the work that they’re doing. That’s the reason why people who graduated from a great school are usually the ones that are crumbling in society. There’s a big difference between the academic that you studied and the work that you’re doing at the society.

If you studied, your study should be a source for you to utilize for the benefit of your company or your business fields. If your school was good, then it might be greatly beneficial to the company you go to. But the reason why a lot of the students who graduate from the highest universities fall down is because of their useless pride. But there are many people who succeed, even though they don’t graduate from an Ivy League, why is that because they know that they’re lacking they’re always trying to learn, and they’re always trying to learn that people will try to teach them.

You’re saying, “Oh I graduate from Harvard” and you look at your superiors and they look down on them because their education and as great as you, they’re gonna outcast this person, they’re gonna taste the bitterness of life and they’re gonna give him the hard work so that they get kicked out. It’s the same in the church. There are some young adults that have been appointed as elders. Why do you think that they get appointed the young adults the elders? So that you can do the most work. Typically another has to be a certain age or something but they appointed you as an elder so that you do the most. In other words, they give you the position so that you can devote the most money.

But if you say, “Oh, I’m an elder,” then you’re going to die and I’m telling you this situation is the same, the people who are able to live a good Walk of Faith in the church. And then even when they go into their businesses they have the same posture. For people like this. Other people will try to help them. If you become a director of some kind of big company like Samsung, you’re like a one star General, and they have a character and characteristic. When they go into the good school that was a little bit of an advantage, but then after that point, their, their school doesn’t matter, it is always about learning more and making that your own and then respecting their superiors.

I asked one of my friends what he’s doing nowadays and he says that he’s working for a big conglomerate. And whenever there’s a legal problem in overseas he would travel to America, hire lawyers and then sort out that problem legally. At that time, I knew that the two friends were going into Samsung company and one of them was a manager. The other one was a director. And we were sitting around with a group of our friends and the one who was a higher position director said, “Between the two of us there’s I don’t have anything much I was just more lucky than you.”

Five days a week, you go to work, and you have lunch time. For two days of the week he would eat lunch with the people above him, and for three days of the week he would have lunch with the people below him, so he was very good at communicating, If you want to go to research, then you can work by yourself alone. However, if you want to go to an organization that synergy effect is very important. People don’t get hired and promoted for no reason. Your superiors have to look at you and say, “Oh this is someone that I have to elevate.”

So he said that he was able to meet his superiors very well. It’s important for you to meet the correct people however it is also more important for the people above you to think this person is someone that I really want to raise up and take on. He’s working as a international ambassador for a great company, even though he has no family background. It’s because the societies don’t really care about your background; they care about your posture and your content.

When I was your age I there was something that I was another misconception about. You need to know your own position well. I don’t know how you did in your school but when you go into your company, you’re at the elementary level. It’s the same when you run a business. If you’re trying to kill your opponent in order to try to gain for yourself and your opponent already knows, you will be destroyed. However, if you genuinely have a heart of, “Let us survive together,” then the person you’re speaking to will work with you.

Success is not something that you can gain by killing everybody else. Success is something that you naturally take. How do you do that instead of killing your other people, you have to save. That will ultimately become your strength and it will become helpful and whatever path that you take. I hope that you will begin training this in the church.

People who have not been able to learn this from their families, you need to learn this and train in the church and put that into practice in your company as well. You can have your own skill but you also need to have other people helping you. If you have an incorrect understanding of people then you’ll never be able to find the top. That is one of synergy of saving other people.

When you look at American football they have their organization. And same with volleyball. Just by being a good player, it doesn’t work out well because you can only score a goal or a point if the many different roles are coming together. And the more you’ve experienced things like that the more you are quick to pick up on this. The body of the church is the body of Christ, and Emmanuel means that God is with us not just me but us together.

You might have been able to stand by yourself, well and get scholarships however the organizational logic is different. So, in that situation, you have to be able to go together and create the synergy effect on people who are not able to do that when they know about themselves. Most think about themselves, thinking that there is a benefit, But that’s actually the thoughts that are seized by the devil, they’re not able to see the greater things. These are not just words but these are the 10 concepts that you have to have inside of you.

If you see your present reality centered on yourself as physical things you’re gonna see that it’s very difficult. However, there is a different present reality that God is leading along.

This is not just words you have to understand but you have to go realistically into the words of God’s covenant in order for you to see them.

Tonight, how will you fulfill this simply but you have to go into the covenant that God gave you of 138

Why do you think Reverend you talked about the 10 concepts before he talks about 138,because you need to have this 10 concepts. you can only go into the crisis when you believe that Jesus Christ has finished all of your problems on the cross. That’s the only way you’ll be able to see the answer within the problems, do you think If this was pumped into your heart deeply even just one time That’s what you call an imprint humbled. If you only heard of these words that has never once hit your heart very strongly then you have not been invented yet. You know what, as far as right if someone says something to you and it hits your heart really hard. You reach out. If that word doesn’t hit me very hard then it doesn’t make them a scar. But at least that’s something that really hit me in the gut, and that’s something that really gets stuck and that’s a scar. you’ve heard of the words of Jesus Christ a lot but it needs to be really stuck into your heart. the words that Jesus Christ has finished everything on the Cross has to penetrate into your heart as truth. That gospel must be imprinted. God gives you on Sundays and become rooted deeper and deeper wanting to know and become nature and praying for only the Holy Spirit, in order to move toward him. It would have been good if Reverend had talked about this first. The Word of God that he needed to get to the business people is the 10 concepts. people in America are so reliant on other people they’re reliant on the government they’re reliant on other strong people that’s why it’s not working out. No matter how much they talk about Jesus first and only rely on other things and other people never rely on God. And religiously speaking they’re complete opposites, to each other.

But if they tried to rely on physical foundations around them then they would be beaten to death.

But if you begin to rely on the nations around you like Babylon, that’s when you become dragged off as politics of Babylon and war. That’s why you need to be careful about superpower nations. There is a physical strength that isn’t a superpower. And when I look at it, there’s a lot of things for you to rely on. If you do that, it’s going be difficult, because it’s all an illusion. You have to think of actuals, it’s okay even if nobody helps me. That’s normal. How can people help you. Often it’s okay even if nobody else is all I need is the word of God. That is where you need to begin with. In order for you to start there, you have to be inverted rooted in nature and 138. This follows into the 60 to light points to do. the empty places the thing that people don’t like and the incorrect flows I’m just going to talk to you about the content itself. He told you to have the prayer content. In other words, you do not have a content regarding prayer, how often do you need to have a conscience of prayer that God desires.

Because that is the only way you can overcome the nephalem of the three organizations. So, there is no clear content that the Holy Spirit works upon.

That’s how you can win.

Because the Holy Spirit can overcome that.

You cannot overcome the organization’s only the  Holy Spirit can overcome. And that’s why you need a prayer content. Holy Spirit works upon us. For people who don’t have to say you have to create this, you have to think biblically about that.

Next is the field content.

the field currently there is a champion of transcendental meditation going on. We need to have the content regarding a holy meditation. If you don’t know what holy meditation is then you will not be able to overcome those who are doing trapped with mental meditation

9 Flows

You do this noiselessly. If you make a noise then you’re gonna fight. If you’re saying oh can’t you do that already saying that you cannot change the flow. Whenever we get some kind of information or knowledge, it was always with the height, the width, the depth. That is how you need a make into a habit while you’re young.  Don’t just study the things that you’re studying at surface value but look at the people around you, as well as look at the great things people say what depth in your area as well as the things that are saying people are seeing it the greatest height. If you’re not able to do this and even if you go into a business you’re going to fail in everything. Even if you’re starting a business or a restaurant you have to research the area, research the data, how many other restaurants similar to mine are doing it.  But people don’t have this at all.

That’s what people just listen to rumors of one person saying oh I heard this as well. There’s, it’s already too late. Even with Korea’s if there’s a rumor going around that this kind of business is doing well and everybody flocks to create that business, but already the person who began the trend has already made their money. They will sell their business more expensively and then they go and move on and do something else. If you just hear rumors that something works well. Why is it worthwhile and so they all flock to one side. And they just follow after hearing the rumor that it works well. That’s why it’s not working taking place. I’d have no choice but to keep failing. How do you think you’re gonna change the flow of your specialty there, so that you learn.

Past, Present, Future

Whenever you see anything you have to be able to see how is it in the past, how is it now and how will it be in the future, or God to tell you that. Even when you work in a company you need to be able to see how this company operated in the past, how is operating now and how it will be in the future.

Above, Below, Beside

For the people above you, you have to respect them like you serve God. You know, when you look at your superiors you might think that they’re lacking greatly However, those are just your standard there are greater than you. Do not judge them according to their level of skill but just respect them because of the fact that they are above you and they’re the ones that can mentor you and guide you up. When the kids are living at home with their parents they have to be able to respect their parents. Of course they your parents don’t want you to stay the same level as the parent wants the kids to be better than them. So from the first from the parents perspective they want their kids to become better than they were. This means that you might be better than your parents, but that’s irrelevant.

Who are your parents? If your parents don’t exist, you don’t exist. You need something that allows you to honor and obey your parents. People were not able to do this when they go into social living it’s gonna be difficult for them. go to a company and you look down on your superiors with that same standard then you’re going to be beaten down. you have to have the mindset of going able to being able to go together with them. No human being can be perfect, so going together with the joy of giving and receiving from each other.

And the people below, people who are not able to do this for people below them, they’ll step on the target. And that is how they express their own existence and position, because they will reveal their own authority by oppressing the people below them, even parents who do this will destroy their kids. These are the three flows of human relationships. If you don’t do this and you just charge and race to the society the way you were studying let us be very difficult you don’t know why people act in the way they are and why they’re treating you so badly even though you’re saying words that are correct. if your words are so correct, you should be the presidential and you move on. But you’re not, then you must always be in the posture of learning.

This is your devotion, you change the flow through your noiseless devotion. That is the flow to save, because ultimately you’re going into a company to save lives. It’s the same in the church, nothing much to say. You just have to devote quietly. If there’s a flow of laziness in your church then you change that flow. when you young adults get together with other people that are lazy and create a family, then you will your family will crumble, relatively sooner than others. Because the reason you married the other person in the beginning to begin with is to benefit yourself and so as time passes, you will collapse and you will start not liking each other, relatively more quickly.

You only think that you’re correct. You only think about your own life. You don’t really think about what the other person is thinking. You’re only saying your own words. No matter how good your marriage life should be, if you have the content that only makes you fight with other people, don’t you think your marriage life would be hellish?

he most important thing is for you to have the proper content. Yes, it’s important to have a good job but you need to go into that with the correct content, but you don’t do it.


So in conclusion, it is talking about the actual content that you have to create them. The first is yourself what are the things that you can do.

The second is your field content, it is making your job into the greatest value. This is very important. If the job that you are doing is only if you only do the work that you’re doing because you want to survive. That’s the only value it’ll provide. However, if you want to make your job valuable so that you can save lives and save your company the measure the value that it will take on.

The church content that you need to have is being able to prioritize the church has number one. “The world is the first priority; How can the church be the first priority?” You only say that because you know, God wants you to prioritize the church first, if you think it you just have to succeed in the world and the churches is a place that you go back and forth to receive grace and your life will be difficult. Because your priority is already in the world, you’ll never be able to serve the church. The church has become the first priority inside of your inner core in order for you to receive the grace of the strength of God to have to be able to save the world.

Then what do I do about the world.? Now you have your positions at your church. You also have your position. There is the talk that you’re doing what you have to go all in. You don’t just do an adequate job you; go all in. But you’re not able to do these things and that’s why you’re only motivated towards the world. You need to have something that has some substance that allows you to succeed, but instead of doing it, you’re holding on to this illusion or fantasy of success.

And also the offering content. If you want to go hang out with friends and you want to spend a lot of money on your friends and you want to buy them round things then that’s not wasteful but you’re wasteful and you think offering is wasteful it means that your concept of finances are all centered around yourself. And no matter how much money you make it will be completely irrelevant to the kingdom of God. That is why the economy of light and the economy used to save people, so your offering is used to save people.

No matter how much you succeed on the world, it doesn’t have anything to do with the church. You may be successful, but you’re using it all to say to find the economy of darkness of the world that has nothing to do with saving people in the church. The church is not a place that you just go to brag about your success. The church is a place where you’re pouring all of your money in your life in order to devote to save the world and the next generation.

The one who has this correct and change priority needs to be the one that goes into the business. It is very important to have the correct content according to the Word of God is giving you when you are a young adult, These are the kinds of content that you need to fill yourself up with at this time. But if you neglect all of these contents and you only revere the simple content of the world, where they tell you to just simply work hard and be the best and try your hardest. That’s the way to fail. God has not called you for that God has called for modernization. That is why I hope to prepare all these very important concepts. I hope that you’re holding onto the covenant of God along with 138, and because you’ve lived your entire life, or in a way that doesn’t allow you to do this you have to always be holding on to these content, because these are things that you are realistically running into in life. You go into the covenants of one through eight you’ll be able to confirm these concepts and become stuck in them.

I don’t know how many months we’ve been having evangelism school, but this is my desire.  I will be completely satisfied with just one young adult would arise to fulfill the will of God, not a petty young adult that only things only for my church because that is a small individual. Of course they should be centered on the church, The church has become your center and then you must prepare the content. So even if you go into your job and you’re only going into that company to save people. So this is what I pray for even one young adult regardless of the church will arise like this. And I hope that you guys will become the young mothers that are standing as models.

It would be great if the church officers were able to do this but they don’t have the ability. Well, you need to have the ability in order to do something but they don’t have that.

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